- MDN JavaScript Guide
- ECMA Script 6
- You Don't Know JS
- Super Hero JS
- JavaScript Algorithms & DataStructure
- JS Tips
- Flexbox Froggy - A game for learning CSS flexbox
- CSSCursor - List of Available Cursor
- Bootstrap
- Foundation
- Material Design Lite
- MaterializeCSS
- Angular Material
- Angular Material 2
- PrimeNG
---These libraries doesn't/less interact with the DOM.
- Lodash - Utility Library
- is.js - Check Types, RegExps, Presence, Time and More...
- D3 - Visualization Library
- VisJS - Visualization Library
- ClipBoardJS - Copying to Clipboard
- Push.js - Desktop Push Notification
- Tesseract - Extract Text from Image (OCR)
- ColorTheif - Extract Colors from Image
- PaperJS - Vector Graphics Scripting
--- These libraries manipulate or modifies the UI and its behavior.
- React - View Rendering
- jQuery - Dom Manupulation and Lot Other Stuff
- NodeList - Dom Manupulation
- RetinaJS - Retina Graphics Management
- onScreen - Scrolling Helper
- WayPoints - Scrolling Helper
- Perfect Scrollbar - Custom Scrollbar
- Skrollr - Parallax Scrolling
- DropzoneJS - Drag & Drop File Upload
- SortableJS - Drag & Drop Sorting
- CropperJS - Cropping Tool
- MixItUp - Animated Filtering, Sorting and More...
- intro.js - Step by Step Site Introduction
- Echo - Image Lazy Loading
- ckEditor - WYSIWYG Editor
- Tether - Advanced Position
- MapKit - Map Builder
- Leaflet - Interactive Maps
- SoundManager2 - Audio Player
- WaveSurfer - Audio Waveform Visualization
- Cycle2 - Image Slider
- RangeSlider.JS - Range Slider
- jQuery Easing - Easing Plugin
- ng2-dnd - Drag & Drop
- ng2-retina - Retina Graphics Management
- ngx-charts - D3 Visualization Framework
- Angular Resizable - Resizable Component
--- These libraries provide awesome animations & effects.
- WOW.js - Reveal Animations When Scroll
- Odometer - Smooth Number Transitioning
- FreezeFrame - Pauses Animated .gif
- AniJS - Animation Library
- BounceJS - Animation Builder
- Animatic - Efficient Animator
- MatterJS - Physics Based Animations
- DynamicsJS - Physics Based Animations
- Turn.js - Flip Book Effect
- DynCSS - Dynamic CSS Rules
- Typed.js - A JavaScript Typing Animation Library
- animation.css - Collection of CSS Animations
- CSS Animation - Collection of CSS Animations
- Magic Animations - Collection of CSS Animations
- CSS Shake - Collection of Shaking Animation
- CSS Loaders - Collection of Loaders/Spinners for Loading Screen
- SpinKit - Collection of Loaders/Spinners for Loading Screen
- Gulp - Worlflow Automation
- Grunt - Worlflow Automation
- Webpack - Module Bundler
- RollupJS - Module Bundler
- Angular CLI - CLI tool for Angular
- JSON Server - Mocking Backend with JSON
- TinyPNG - Image Optimizing Tool
- Juntoo - Feedback Manager
- Crowdin - Localization Management Platform
- JSPerf - JavaScript Performance Playground
- Mockaroo - Realistic Data Generator
- Tridiv - CSS 3D Editor
- Real Favicon Generator - Favicon Generator
- App Manifest Generator - App Manifest Generator for PWA