diff --git a/src/foundation-core/binary-relations.lagda.md b/src/foundation-core/binary-relations.lagda.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a9f319735f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foundation-core/binary-relations.lagda.md
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+# Binary relations
+module foundation-core.binary-relations where
+open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.iterated-dependent-product-types
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+open import foundation-core.identity-types
+open import foundation-core.negation
+open import foundation-core.propositions
+## Idea
+A {{#concept "binary relation" Agda=Relation}} on a type `A` is a family of types `R x y` depending on
+two variables `x y : A`. In the special case where each `R x y` is a
+[proposition](foundation-core.propositions.md), we say that the relation is
+valued in propositions. Thus, we take a general relation to mean a
+_proof-relevant_ relation.
+## Definition
+### Relations valued in types
+Relation : {l1 : Level} (l : Level) (A : UU l1) → UU (l1 ⊔ lsuc l)
+Relation l A = A → A → UU l
+total-space-Relation :
+ {l1 l : Level} {A : UU l1} → Relation l A → UU (l1 ⊔ l)
+total-space-Relation {A = A} R = Σ (A × A) λ (a , a') → R a a'
+### Relations valued in propositions
+Relation-Prop :
+ (l : Level) {l1 : Level} (A : UU l1) → UU (lsuc l ⊔ l1)
+Relation-Prop l A = A → A → Prop l
+type-Relation-Prop :
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} → Relation-Prop l2 A → Relation l2 A
+type-Relation-Prop R x y = pr1 (R x y)
+is-prop-type-Relation-Prop :
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation-Prop l2 A) →
+ (x y : A) → is-prop (type-Relation-Prop R x y)
+is-prop-type-Relation-Prop R x y = pr2 (R x y)
+total-space-Relation-Prop :
+ {l : Level} {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1} → Relation-Prop l A → UU (l ⊔ l1)
+total-space-Relation-Prop {A = A} R =
+ Σ (A × A) λ (a , a') → type-Relation-Prop R a a'
+### The predicate of being a reflexive relation
+A relation `R` on a type `A` is said to be **reflexive** if it comes equipped
+with a function `(x : A) → R x x`.
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation l2 A)
+ where
+ is-reflexive : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
+ is-reflexive = (x : A) → R x x
+### The predicate of being a reflexive relation valued in propositions
+A relation `R` on a type `A` valued in propositions is said to be **reflexive**
+if its underlying relation is reflexive
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation-Prop l2 A)
+ where
+ is-reflexive-Relation-Prop : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
+ is-reflexive-Relation-Prop = is-reflexive (type-Relation-Prop R)
+ is-prop-is-reflexive-Relation-Prop : is-prop is-reflexive-Relation-Prop
+ is-prop-is-reflexive-Relation-Prop =
+ is-prop-Π (λ x → is-prop-type-Relation-Prop R x x)
+### The predicate of being a symmetric relation
+A relation `R` on a type `A` is said to be **symmetric** if it comes equipped
+with a function `(x y : A) → R x y → R y x`.
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation l2 A)
+ where
+ is-symmetric : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
+ is-symmetric = (x y : A) → R x y → R y x
+### The predicate of being a symmetric relation valued in propositions
+A relation `R` on a type `A` valued in propositions is said to be **symmetric**
+if its underlying relation is symmetric.
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation-Prop l2 A)
+ where
+ is-symmetric-Relation-Prop : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
+ is-symmetric-Relation-Prop = is-symmetric (type-Relation-Prop R)
+ is-prop-is-symmetric-Relation-Prop : is-prop is-symmetric-Relation-Prop
+ is-prop-is-symmetric-Relation-Prop =
+ is-prop-iterated-Π 3
+ ( λ x y r → is-prop-type-Relation-Prop R y x)
+### The predicate of being a transitive relation
+A relation `R` on a type `A` is said to be **transitive** if it comes equipped
+with a function `(x y z : A) → R y z → R x y → R x z`.
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation l2 A)
+ where
+ is-transitive : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
+ is-transitive = (x y z : A) → R y z → R x y → R x z
+### The predicate of being a transitive relation valued in propositions
+A relation `R` on a type `A` valued in propositions is said to be **transitive**
+if its underlying relation is transitive.
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation-Prop l2 A)
+ where
+ is-transitive-Relation-Prop : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
+ is-transitive-Relation-Prop = is-transitive (type-Relation-Prop R)
+ is-prop-is-transitive-Relation-Prop : is-prop is-transitive-Relation-Prop
+ is-prop-is-transitive-Relation-Prop =
+ is-prop-iterated-Π 3
+ ( λ x y z →
+ is-prop-function-type
+ ( is-prop-function-type (is-prop-type-Relation-Prop R x z)))
+### The predicate of being an irreflexive relation
+A relation `R` on a type `A` is said to be **irreflexive** if it comes equipped
+with a function `(x : A) → ¬ (R x y)`.
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation l2 A)
+ where
+ is-irreflexive : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
+ is-irreflexive = (x : A) → ¬ (R x x)
+### The predicate of being an asymmetric relation
+A relation `R` on a type `A` is said to be **asymmetric** if it comes equipped
+with a function `(x y : A) → R x y → ¬ (R y x)`.
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation l2 A)
+ where
+ is-asymmetric : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
+ is-asymmetric = (x y : A) → R x y → ¬ (R y x)
+### The predicate of being an antisymmetric relation
+A relation `R` on a type `A` is said to be **antisymmetric** if it comes
+equipped with a function `(x y : A) → R x y → R y x → x = y`.
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation l2 A)
+ where
+ is-antisymmetric : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
+ is-antisymmetric = (x y : A) → R x y → R y x → x = y
+### The predicate of being an antisymmetric relation valued in propositions
+A relation `R` on a type `A` valued in propositions is said to be
+**antisymmetric** if its underlying relation is antisymmetric.
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation-Prop l2 A)
+ where
+ is-antisymmetric-Relation-Prop : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
+ is-antisymmetric-Relation-Prop = is-antisymmetric (type-Relation-Prop R)
diff --git a/src/foundation-core/commuting-squares-of-homotopies.lagda.md b/src/foundation-core/commuting-squares-of-homotopies.lagda.md
index 6ae7b583b4..17213f26df 100644
--- a/src/foundation-core/commuting-squares-of-homotopies.lagda.md
+++ b/src/foundation-core/commuting-squares-of-homotopies.lagda.md
@@ -840,12 +840,12 @@ module _
( coh x)
( H x)
- right-unwhisker-cohernece-square-homotopies :
+ right-unwhisker-concat-coherence-square-homotopies :
{u : (x : A) → B x} (H : i ~ u) →
coherence-square-homotopies top left (right ∙h H) (bottom ∙h H) →
coherence-square-homotopies top left right bottom
- right-unwhisker-cohernece-square-homotopies H coh x =
- right-unwhisker-cohernece-square-identifications
+ right-unwhisker-concat-coherence-square-homotopies H coh x =
+ right-unwhisker-concat-coherence-square-identifications
( top x)
( left x)
( right x)
diff --git a/src/foundation-core/commuting-squares-of-identifications.lagda.md b/src/foundation-core/commuting-squares-of-identifications.lagda.md
index 3c4058de82..f6924903a6 100644
--- a/src/foundation-core/commuting-squares-of-identifications.lagda.md
+++ b/src/foundation-core/commuting-squares-of-identifications.lagda.md
@@ -788,11 +788,11 @@ module _
( inv right-unit)
( s))
- right-unwhisker-cohernece-square-identifications :
+ right-unwhisker-concat-coherence-square-identifications :
{u : A} (p : w = u) →
coherence-square-identifications top left (right ∙ p) (bottom ∙ p) →
coherence-square-identifications top left right bottom
- right-unwhisker-cohernece-square-identifications refl =
+ right-unwhisker-concat-coherence-square-identifications refl =
( inv-concat-right-identification-coherence-square-identifications
( top)
( left)
diff --git a/src/foundation-core/mere-equality.lagda.md b/src/foundation-core/mere-equality.lagda.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6cda68fc0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foundation-core/mere-equality.lagda.md
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# Mere equality
+module foundation-core.mere-equality where
+open import foundation-core.binary-relations
+open import foundation.functoriality-propositional-truncation
+open import foundation.propositional-truncations
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+open import foundation-core.identity-types
+open import foundation-core.propositions
+## Idea
+Two elements in a type are said to be {{#concept "merely equal" Agda=mere-eq}} if there is an element of the
+[propositionally truncated](foundation.propositional-truncations.md) [identity type](foundation-core.identity-types.md) between them.
+## Definitions
+### Mere equality
+module _
+ {l : Level} {A : UU l}
+ where
+ mere-eq-Prop : A → A → Prop l
+ mere-eq-Prop x y = trunc-Prop (x = y)
+ mere-eq : A → A → UU l
+ mere-eq x y = type-Prop (mere-eq-Prop x y)
+ is-prop-mere-eq : (x y : A) → is-prop (mere-eq x y)
+ is-prop-mere-eq x y = is-prop-type-trunc-Prop
+## Properties
+### Reflexivity
+refl-mere-eq :
+ {l : Level} {A : UU l} → is-reflexive (mere-eq {l} {A})
+refl-mere-eq _ = unit-trunc-Prop refl
+### Symmetry
+ symmetric-mere-eq :
+ {l : Level} {A : UU l} → is-symmetric (mere-eq {l} {A})
+ symmetric-mere-eq _ _ = map-trunc-Prop inv
+### Transitivity
+ transitive-mere-eq :
+ {l : Level} {A : UU l} → is-transitive (mere-eq {l} {A})
+ transitive-mere-eq x y z p q =
+ apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop q
+ ( mere-eq-Prop x z)
+ ( λ p' → map-trunc-Prop (p' ∙_) p)
diff --git a/src/foundation.lagda.md b/src/foundation.lagda.md
index 760a6dda04..f107768667 100644
--- a/src/foundation.lagda.md
+++ b/src/foundation.lagda.md
@@ -257,6 +257,8 @@ open import foundation.mere-embeddings public
open import foundation.mere-equality public
open import foundation.mere-equivalences public
open import foundation.mere-functions public
+open import foundation.mere-homotopies public
+open import foundation.mere-identity-endomorphisms public
open import foundation.mere-logical-equivalences public
open import foundation.mere-path-cosplit-maps public
open import foundation.monomorphisms public
diff --git a/src/foundation/0-connected-types.lagda.md b/src/foundation/0-connected-types.lagda.md
index d2bdc9203d..71c3cbfde8 100644
--- a/src/foundation/0-connected-types.lagda.md
+++ b/src/foundation/0-connected-types.lagda.md
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ open import foundation.mere-equality
open import foundation.propositional-truncations
open import foundation.set-truncations
open import foundation.sets
+open import foundation.subtypes
open import foundation.surjective-maps
open import foundation.unit-type
open import foundation.universal-property-contractible-types
@@ -41,19 +42,83 @@ open import foundation-core.truncation-levels
## Idea
-A type is said to be connected if its type of connected components, i.e., its
-set truncation, is contractible.
+A type is said to be {{#concept "0-connected" Agda=is-0-connected}} if its type
+of connected components, i.e., its
+[set truncation](foundation.set-truncations.md), is
+[contractible](foundation-core.contractible-types.md). Sometimes we simply say
+that a type is connected instead of saying that it is 0-connected.
+## Definitions
+### The predicate of being a `0`-connected type
+module _
+ {l : Level} (A : UU l)
+ where
+ is-0-connected-Prop : Prop l
+ is-0-connected-Prop = is-contr-Prop (type-trunc-Set A)
+ is-0-connected : UU l
+ is-0-connected = type-Prop is-0-connected-Prop
+ is-prop-is-0-connected : is-prop is-0-connected
+ is-prop-is-0-connected = is-prop-type-Prop is-0-connected-Prop
+### The dependent universal property of pointed `0`-connected types
+{{#concept "dependent universal property of `0`-connected types" Agda=dependent-universal-property-0-connected-type}}
+asserts that for any element `a` in a type `A` and any
+[subtype](foundation.subtypes.md) `P` of `A`, the evaluation map
+ ((x : A) → P x) → P a
+is an equivalence. In other words, a type `A` with a given element `a` is
+`0`-connected precisely when any subtype contains all elements if and only if it
+contains the given element `a`.
+module _
+ {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1} (a : A)
+ where
+ ev-point-subtype :
+ {l2 : Level} (P : subtype l2 A) →
+ ((x : A) → is-in-subtype P x) → is-in-subtype P a
+ ev-point-subtype P f = f a
+ dependent-universal-property-0-connected-type : UUω
+ dependent-universal-property-0-connected-type =
+ {l : Level} (P : subtype l A) → is-equiv (ev-point-subtype P)
+### The universal property of `0`-connected types
+{{#concept "universal property of `0`-connected types" Agda=universal-property-0-connected-type}}
+asserts that maps from a type `A` equipped with a given element `a : A` into a
+[set](foundation-core.sets.md) `S` are uniquely determined by an element of `S`.
-is-0-connected-Prop : {l : Level} → UU l → Prop l
-is-0-connected-Prop A = is-contr-Prop (type-trunc-Set A)
+module _
+ {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1} (a : A)
+ where
+ universal-property-0-connected-type : UUω
+ universal-property-0-connected-type =
+ {l : Level} (S : Set l) → is-equiv (ev-point' a {type-Set S})
-is-0-connected : {l : Level} → UU l → UU l
-is-0-connected A = type-Prop (is-0-connected-Prop A)
+## Properties
-is-prop-is-0-connected : {l : Level} (A : UU l) → is-prop (is-0-connected A)
-is-prop-is-0-connected A = is-prop-type-Prop (is-0-connected-Prop A)
+### `0`-connected types are inhabited
is-inhabited-is-0-connected :
{l : Level} {A : UU l} → is-0-connected A → is-inhabited A
@@ -62,24 +127,36 @@ abstract
( center C)
( set-Prop (trunc-Prop A))
( unit-trunc-Prop)
+### Any two elements in a `0`-connected type are merely equal
mere-eq-is-0-connected :
{l : Level} {A : UU l} → is-0-connected A → (x y : A) → mere-eq x y
mere-eq-is-0-connected {A = A} H x y =
apply-effectiveness-unit-trunc-Set (eq-is-contr H)
+### A pointed type in which every element is merely equal to the base point is `0`-connected
is-0-connected-mere-eq :
{l : Level} {A : UU l} (a : A) →
((x : A) → mere-eq a x) → is-0-connected A
- is-0-connected-mere-eq {l} {A} a e =
- pair
- ( unit-trunc-Set a)
- ( apply-dependent-universal-property-trunc-Set'
- ( λ x → set-Prop (Id-Prop (trunc-Set A) (unit-trunc-Set a) x))
- ( λ x → apply-effectiveness-unit-trunc-Set' (e x)))
+ pr1 (is-0-connected-mere-eq {l} {A} a e) =
+ unit-trunc-Set a
+ pr2 (is-0-connected-mere-eq {l} {A} a e) =
+ apply-dependent-universal-property-trunc-Set'
+ ( λ x → set-Prop (Id-Prop (trunc-Set A) (unit-trunc-Set a) x))
+ ( λ x → apply-effectiveness-unit-trunc-Set' (e x))
+### An inhabited type in which any two elements are merely equal is `0`-connected
is-0-connected-mere-eq-is-inhabited :
{l : Level} {A : UU l} →
@@ -88,17 +165,22 @@ abstract
apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop H
( is-0-connected-Prop _)
( λ a → is-0-connected-mere-eq a (K a))
+### The point inclusion of a given element of a type is surjective if and only if the type is `0`-connected
-is-0-connected-is-surjective-point :
- {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1} (a : A) →
- is-surjective (point a) → is-0-connected A
-is-0-connected-is-surjective-point a H =
- is-0-connected-mere-eq a
- ( λ x →
- apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop
- ( H x)
- ( mere-eq-Prop a x)
- ( λ u → unit-trunc-Prop (pr2 u)))
+ is-0-connected-is-surjective-point :
+ {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1} (a : A) →
+ is-surjective (point a) → is-0-connected A
+ is-0-connected-is-surjective-point a H =
+ is-0-connected-mere-eq a
+ ( λ x →
+ apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop
+ ( H x)
+ ( mere-eq-Prop a x)
+ ( λ u → unit-trunc-Prop (pr2 u)))
is-surjective-point-is-0-connected :
@@ -109,38 +191,75 @@ abstract
( mere-eq-is-0-connected H a x)
( trunc-Prop (fiber (point a) x))
( λ where refl → unit-trunc-Prop (star , refl))
-is-trunc-map-ev-point-is-connected :
- {l1 l2 : Level} (k : 𝕋) {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} (a : A) →
- is-0-connected A → is-trunc (succ-𝕋 k) B →
- is-trunc-map k (ev-point' a {B})
-is-trunc-map-ev-point-is-connected k {A} {B} a H K =
- is-trunc-map-comp k
- ( ev-point' star {B})
- ( precomp (point a) B)
- ( is-trunc-map-is-equiv k
- ( universal-property-contr-is-contr star is-contr-unit B))
- ( is-trunc-map-precomp-Π-is-surjective k
+### A pointed connected type `A` is `k + 1`-truncated if and only if the base point inclusion is `k`-truncated
+ is-trunc-map-ev-point-is-connected :
+ {l1 l2 : Level} (k : 𝕋) {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} (a : A) →
+ is-0-connected A → is-trunc (succ-𝕋 k) B →
+ is-trunc-map k (ev-point' a {B})
+ is-trunc-map-ev-point-is-connected k {A} {B} a H K =
+ is-trunc-map-comp k
+ ( ev-point' star {B})
+ ( precomp (point a) B)
+ ( is-trunc-map-is-equiv k
+ ( universal-property-contr-is-contr star is-contr-unit B))
+ ( is-trunc-map-precomp-Π-is-surjective k
+ ( is-surjective-point-is-0-connected a H)
+ ( λ _ → (B , K)))
+### The dependent universal property of `0`-connected types
+module _
+ {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1} (a : A)
+ where
+ abstract
+ is-0-connected-dependent-universal-property-0-connected-type :
+ dependent-universal-property-0-connected-type a →
+ is-0-connected A
+ is-0-connected-dependent-universal-property-0-connected-type H =
+ is-0-connected-mere-eq a
+ ( map-inv-is-equiv (H (mere-eq-Prop a)) (refl-mere-eq a))
+ abstract
+ dependent-universal-property-0-connected-type-is-0-connected :
+ is-0-connected A → dependent-universal-property-0-connected-type a
+ dependent-universal-property-0-connected-type-is-0-connected H P =
+ is-equiv-comp _ _
+ ( dependent-universal-property-surjection-is-surjective
+ ( point a)
+ ( is-surjective-point-is-0-connected a H)
+ ( P))
+ ( universal-property-unit (type-Prop (P a)))
+ equiv-dependent-universal-property-0-connected-type :
+ is-0-connected A →
+ ( {l : Level} (P : subtype l A) →
+ ((x : A) → is-in-subtype P x) ≃ is-in-subtype P a)
+ equiv-dependent-universal-property-0-connected-type H P =
+ ( equiv-universal-property-unit (type-Prop (P a))) ∘e
+ ( equiv-dependent-universal-property-surjection-is-surjective
+ ( point a)
( is-surjective-point-is-0-connected a H)
- ( λ _ → (B , K)))
-equiv-dependent-universal-property-is-0-connected :
- {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1} (a : A) → is-0-connected A →
- ( {l : Level} (P : A → Prop l) →
- ((x : A) → type-Prop (P x)) ≃ type-Prop (P a))
-equiv-dependent-universal-property-is-0-connected a H P =
- ( equiv-universal-property-unit (type-Prop (P a))) ∘e
- ( equiv-dependent-universal-property-surjection-is-surjective
- ( point a)
- ( is-surjective-point-is-0-connected a H)
- ( P))
-apply-dependent-universal-property-is-0-connected :
- {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1} (a : A) → is-0-connected A →
- {l : Level} (P : A → Prop l) → type-Prop (P a) → (x : A) → type-Prop (P x)
-apply-dependent-universal-property-is-0-connected a H P =
- map-inv-equiv (equiv-dependent-universal-property-is-0-connected a H P)
+ ( P))
+ abstract
+ apply-dependent-universal-property-0-connected-type :
+ {l2 : Level} → is-0-connected A → (P : subtype l2 A) →
+ is-in-subtype P a → (x : A) → is-in-subtype P x
+ apply-dependent-universal-property-0-connected-type H P =
+ map-inv-equiv (equiv-dependent-universal-property-0-connected-type H P)
+### A pointed type is connected if and only if the fiber inclusion is surjective for any type family over it
is-surjective-fiber-inclusion :
{l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A → UU l2} →
@@ -169,16 +288,22 @@ abstract
is-0-connected A
is-0-connected-is-surjective-fiber-inclusion a H =
is-0-connected-mere-eq a (mere-eq-is-surjective-fiber-inclusion a H)
-is-0-connected-equiv :
- {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} →
- (A ≃ B) → is-0-connected B → is-0-connected A
-is-0-connected-equiv e = is-contr-equiv _ (equiv-trunc-Set e)
+### `0`-connected types are closed under equivalences
-is-0-connected-equiv' :
- {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} →
- (A ≃ B) → is-0-connected A → is-0-connected B
-is-0-connected-equiv' e = is-0-connected-equiv (inv-equiv e)
+ is-0-connected-equiv :
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} →
+ (A ≃ B) → is-0-connected B → is-0-connected A
+ is-0-connected-equiv e = is-contr-equiv _ (equiv-trunc-Set e)
+ is-0-connected-equiv' :
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} →
+ (A ≃ B) → is-0-connected A → is-0-connected B
+ is-0-connected-equiv' e = is-0-connected-equiv (inv-equiv e)
### `0`-connected types are closed under cartesian products
@@ -209,11 +334,14 @@ abstract
### A contractible type is `0`-connected
-is-0-connected-is-contr :
- {l : Level} (X : UU l) →
- is-contr X → is-0-connected X
-is-0-connected-is-contr X p =
- is-contr-equiv X (inv-equiv (equiv-unit-trunc-Set (X , is-set-is-contr p))) p
+ is-0-connected-is-contr :
+ {l : Level} (X : UU l) →
+ is-contr X → is-0-connected X
+ is-0-connected-is-contr X p =
+ is-contr-equiv X
+ ( inv-equiv (equiv-unit-trunc-Set (X , is-set-is-contr p)))
+ ( p)
### The image of a function with a `0`-connected domain is `0`-connected
diff --git a/src/foundation/binary-relations.lagda.md b/src/foundation/binary-relations.lagda.md
index 0fc607dc0b..f61d9977e5 100644
--- a/src/foundation/binary-relations.lagda.md
+++ b/src/foundation/binary-relations.lagda.md
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
module foundation.binary-relations where
+open import foundation-core.binary-relations public
@@ -28,203 +30,12 @@ open import foundation-core.torsorial-type-families
## Idea
-A **binary relation** on a type `A` is a family of types `R x y` depending on
+A {{#concept "binary relation" Agda=Relation}} on a type `A` is a family of types `R x y` depending on
two variables `x y : A`. In the special case where each `R x y` is a
[proposition](foundation-core.propositions.md), we say that the relation is
valued in propositions. Thus, we take a general relation to mean a
_proof-relevant_ relation.
-## Definition
-### Relations valued in types
-Relation : {l1 : Level} (l : Level) (A : UU l1) → UU (l1 ⊔ lsuc l)
-Relation l A = A → A → UU l
-total-space-Relation :
- {l1 l : Level} {A : UU l1} → Relation l A → UU (l1 ⊔ l)
-total-space-Relation {A = A} R = Σ (A × A) λ (a , a') → R a a'
-### Relations valued in propositions
-Relation-Prop :
- (l : Level) {l1 : Level} (A : UU l1) → UU (lsuc l ⊔ l1)
-Relation-Prop l A = A → A → Prop l
-type-Relation-Prop :
- {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} → Relation-Prop l2 A → Relation l2 A
-type-Relation-Prop R x y = pr1 (R x y)
-is-prop-type-Relation-Prop :
- {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation-Prop l2 A) →
- (x y : A) → is-prop (type-Relation-Prop R x y)
-is-prop-type-Relation-Prop R x y = pr2 (R x y)
-total-space-Relation-Prop :
- {l : Level} {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1} → Relation-Prop l A → UU (l ⊔ l1)
-total-space-Relation-Prop {A = A} R =
- Σ (A × A) λ (a , a') → type-Relation-Prop R a a'
-### The predicate of being a reflexive relation
-A relation `R` on a type `A` is said to be **reflexive** if it comes equipped
-with a function `(x : A) → R x x`.
-module _
- {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation l2 A)
- where
- is-reflexive : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
- is-reflexive = (x : A) → R x x
-### The predicate of being a reflexive relation valued in propositions
-A relation `R` on a type `A` valued in propositions is said to be **reflexive**
-if its underlying relation is reflexive
-module _
- {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation-Prop l2 A)
- where
- is-reflexive-Relation-Prop : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
- is-reflexive-Relation-Prop = is-reflexive (type-Relation-Prop R)
- is-prop-is-reflexive-Relation-Prop : is-prop is-reflexive-Relation-Prop
- is-prop-is-reflexive-Relation-Prop =
- is-prop-Π (λ x → is-prop-type-Relation-Prop R x x)
-### The predicate of being a symmetric relation
-A relation `R` on a type `A` is said to be **symmetric** if it comes equipped
-with a function `(x y : A) → R x y → R y x`.
-module _
- {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation l2 A)
- where
- is-symmetric : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
- is-symmetric = (x y : A) → R x y → R y x
-### The predicate of being a symmetric relation valued in propositions
-A relation `R` on a type `A` valued in propositions is said to be **symmetric**
-if its underlying relation is symmetric.
-module _
- {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation-Prop l2 A)
- where
- is-symmetric-Relation-Prop : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
- is-symmetric-Relation-Prop = is-symmetric (type-Relation-Prop R)
- is-prop-is-symmetric-Relation-Prop : is-prop is-symmetric-Relation-Prop
- is-prop-is-symmetric-Relation-Prop =
- is-prop-iterated-Π 3
- ( λ x y r → is-prop-type-Relation-Prop R y x)
-### The predicate of being a transitive relation
-A relation `R` on a type `A` is said to be **transitive** if it comes equipped
-with a function `(x y z : A) → R y z → R x y → R x z`.
-module _
- {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation l2 A)
- where
- is-transitive : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
- is-transitive = (x y z : A) → R y z → R x y → R x z
-### The predicate of being a transitive relation valued in propositions
-A relation `R` on a type `A` valued in propositions is said to be **transitive**
-if its underlying relation is transitive.
-module _
- {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation-Prop l2 A)
- where
- is-transitive-Relation-Prop : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
- is-transitive-Relation-Prop = is-transitive (type-Relation-Prop R)
- is-prop-is-transitive-Relation-Prop : is-prop is-transitive-Relation-Prop
- is-prop-is-transitive-Relation-Prop =
- is-prop-iterated-Π 3
- ( λ x y z →
- is-prop-function-type
- ( is-prop-function-type (is-prop-type-Relation-Prop R x z)))
-### The predicate of being an irreflexive relation
-A relation `R` on a type `A` is said to be **irreflexive** if it comes equipped
-with a function `(x : A) → ¬ (R x y)`.
-module _
- {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation l2 A)
- where
- is-irreflexive : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
- is-irreflexive = (x : A) → ¬ (R x x)
-### The predicate of being an asymmetric relation
-A relation `R` on a type `A` is said to be **asymmetric** if it comes equipped
-with a function `(x y : A) → R x y → ¬ (R y x)`.
-module _
- {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation l2 A)
- where
- is-asymmetric : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
- is-asymmetric = (x y : A) → R x y → ¬ (R y x)
-### The predicate of being an antisymmetric relation
-A relation `R` on a type `A` is said to be **antisymmetric** if it comes
-equipped with a function `(x y : A) → R x y → R y x → x = y`.
-module _
- {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation l2 A)
- where
- is-antisymmetric : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
- is-antisymmetric = (x y : A) → R x y → R y x → x = y
-### The predicate of being an antisymmetric relation valued in propositions
-A relation `R` on a type `A` valued in propositions is said to be
-**antisymmetric** if its underlying relation is antisymmetric.
-module _
- {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation-Prop l2 A)
- where
- is-antisymmetric-Relation-Prop : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
- is-antisymmetric-Relation-Prop = is-antisymmetric (type-Relation-Prop R)
## Properties
### Characterization of equality of binary relations
diff --git a/src/foundation/connected-components.lagda.md b/src/foundation/connected-components.lagda.md
index c719f53bf2..d99aa4ae94 100644
--- a/src/foundation/connected-components.lagda.md
+++ b/src/foundation/connected-components.lagda.md
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module foundation.connected-components where
open import foundation.0-connected-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.logical-equivalences
+open import foundation-core.mere-equality
open import foundation.propositional-truncations
open import foundation.propositions
open import foundation.universe-levels
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ module _
connected-component : UU l
connected-component =
- Σ A (λ x → type-trunc-Prop (x = a))
+ Σ A (mere-eq a)
point-connected-component : connected-component
pr1 point-connected-component = a
@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ module _
mere-equality-connected-component :
(X : connected-component) →
- type-trunc-Prop (value-connected-component X = a)
+ mere-eq a (value-connected-component X)
mere-equality-connected-component X = pr2 X
@@ -96,11 +97,11 @@ abstract
( λ (x , p) →
( p)
- ( trunc-Prop ((a , unit-trunc-Prop refl) = (x , p)))
+ ( mere-eq-Prop (a , unit-trunc-Prop refl) (x , p))
( λ p' →
( eq-pair-Σ
- ( inv p')
+ ( p')
( all-elements-equal-type-trunc-Prop _ p))))
connected-component-∞-Group :
diff --git a/src/foundation/endomorphisms.lagda.md b/src/foundation/endomorphisms.lagda.md
index 178d2f3786..e3ed8337db 100644
--- a/src/foundation/endomorphisms.lagda.md
+++ b/src/foundation/endomorphisms.lagda.md
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ open import foundation-core.sets
open import group-theory.monoids
open import group-theory.semigroups
+open import structured-types.h-spaces
open import structured-types.wild-monoids
@@ -27,11 +28,32 @@ open import structured-types.wild-monoids
## Idea
-An **endomorphism** on a type `A` is a map `A → A`.
+An {{#concept "endomorphism"}} on a type `A` is a function `A → A`. The type of
+endomorphisms on `A` is an [H-space](structured-types.h-spaces.md). Note that the
+unit laws for function composition hold judgmentally, so
+[function extensionality](foundation.function-extensionality.md) is not required
+to establish the H-space structure on the type of endomorphisms `A → A`.
+Furthermore, since function composition is strictly associative, the type of
+endomorphisms `A → A` is also a [wild monoid](structured-types.wild-monoids.md).
## Properties
-### Endomorphisms form a monoid
+### The type of endomorphisms on any type is an H-space
+module _
+ {l : Level} (A : UU l)
+ where
+ endo-H-Space : H-Space l
+ pr1 endo-H-Space = endo-Pointed-Type A
+ pr1 (pr2 endo-H-Space) g f = g ∘ f
+ pr1 (pr2 (pr2 endo-H-Space)) f = refl
+ pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 endo-H-Space))) f = refl
+ pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 endo-H-Space))) = refl
+### The type of endomorphisms form a wild monoid
endo-Wild-Monoid : {l : Level} → UU l → Wild-Monoid l
@@ -45,12 +67,20 @@ pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (endo-Wild-Monoid A))) g f = refl
pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (endo-Wild-Monoid A)))) g f = refl
pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (endo-Wild-Monoid A))))) g f = refl
pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (endo-Wild-Monoid A))))) = star
+### The type of endomorphisms on a set form a semigroup
endo-Semigroup : {l : Level} → Set l → Semigroup l
pr1 (endo-Semigroup A) = endo-Set A
pr1 (pr2 (endo-Semigroup A)) g f = g ∘ f
pr2 (pr2 (endo-Semigroup A)) h g f = refl
+### The type of endomorphisms on a set form a monoid
endo-Monoid : {l : Level} → Set l → Monoid l
pr1 (endo-Monoid A) = endo-Semigroup A
pr1 (pr2 (endo-Monoid A)) = id
@@ -62,3 +92,4 @@ pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (endo-Monoid A))) f = refl
- For endomorphisms in a category see
+- [Mere identity endomorphisms](foundation.mere-identity-endomorphisms.md)
diff --git a/src/foundation/mere-equality.lagda.md b/src/foundation/mere-equality.lagda.md
index c36b3c92e0..8af884dd22 100644
--- a/src/foundation/mere-equality.lagda.md
+++ b/src/foundation/mere-equality.lagda.md
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
module foundation.mere-equality where
+open import foundation-core.mere-equality public
@@ -17,7 +19,6 @@ open import foundation.universe-levels
open import foundation-core.equivalence-relations
open import foundation-core.identity-types
-open import foundation-core.propositions
open import foundation-core.sets
@@ -25,58 +26,11 @@ open import foundation-core.sets
## Idea
-Two elements in a type are said to be merely equal if there is an element of the
-propositionally truncated identity type between them.
-## Definition
-module _
- {l : Level} {A : UU l}
- where
- mere-eq-Prop : A → A → Prop l
- mere-eq-Prop x y = trunc-Prop (x = y)
- mere-eq : A → A → UU l
- mere-eq x y = type-Prop (mere-eq-Prop x y)
- is-prop-mere-eq : (x y : A) → is-prop (mere-eq x y)
- is-prop-mere-eq x y = is-prop-type-trunc-Prop
+Two elements in a type are said to be {{#concept "merely equal" Agda=mere-eq}} if there is an element of the
+[propositionally truncated](foundation.propositional-truncations.md) [identity type](foundation-core.identity-types.md) between them.
## Properties
-### Reflexivity
- refl-mere-eq :
- {l : Level} {A : UU l} → is-reflexive (mere-eq {l} {A})
- refl-mere-eq _ = unit-trunc-Prop refl
-### Symmetry
- symmetric-mere-eq :
- {l : Level} {A : UU l} → is-symmetric (mere-eq {l} {A})
- symmetric-mere-eq _ _ = map-trunc-Prop inv
-### Transitivity
- transitive-mere-eq :
- {l : Level} {A : UU l} → is-transitive (mere-eq {l} {A})
- transitive-mere-eq x y z p q =
- apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop q
- ( mere-eq-Prop x z)
- ( λ p' → map-trunc-Prop (p' ∙_) p)
### Mere equality is an equivalence relation
@@ -109,15 +63,3 @@ module _
pr1 reflecting-map-mere-eq = f
pr2 reflecting-map-mere-eq = reflects-mere-eq
-### If mere equality maps into the identity type of `A`, then `A` is a set
-is-set-mere-eq-in-id :
- {l : Level} {A : UU l} → ((x y : A) → mere-eq x y → x = y) → is-set A
-is-set-mere-eq-in-id =
- is-set-prop-in-id
- ( mere-eq)
- ( is-prop-mere-eq)
- ( refl-mere-eq)
diff --git a/src/foundation/mere-equivalences.lagda.md b/src/foundation/mere-equivalences.lagda.md
index 663c8f4d24..d9d317631b 100644
--- a/src/foundation/mere-equivalences.lagda.md
+++ b/src/foundation/mere-equivalences.lagda.md
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module foundation.mere-equivalences where
open import foundation.binary-relations
open import foundation.decidable-equality
open import foundation.functoriality-propositional-truncation
-open import foundation.mere-equality
+open import foundation-core.mere-equality
open import foundation.propositional-truncations
open import foundation.univalence
open import foundation.universe-levels
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c338b98e82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foundation/mere-homotopies.lagda.md
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+# Mere homotopies
+module foundation.mere-homotopies where
+open import foundation.0-connected-types
+open import foundation.binary-relations
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.equivalence-relations
+open import foundation.equivalences
+open import foundation.function-extensionality
+open import foundation.functoriality-propositional-truncation
+open import foundation.homotopies
+open import foundation-core.mere-equality
+open import foundation.propositional-truncations
+open import foundation.propositions
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+## Idea
+A {{#concept "mere homotopy" Agda=mere-htpy}} between two dependent functions
+`f g : (a : A) → B a` is an element of the
+[propositional truncation](foundation.propositional-truncations.md)
+ ║ f ~ g ║₋₁
+of the type of [homotopies](foundation-core.homotopies.md) between `f` and `g`.
+## Definitions
+### Mere homotopies
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A → UU l2} (f g : (x : A) → B x)
+ where
+ mere-htpy-Prop : Prop (l1 ⊔ l2)
+ mere-htpy-Prop = trunc-Prop (f ~ g)
+ mere-htpy : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
+ mere-htpy = type-trunc-Prop (f ~ g)
+ is-prop-mere-htpy : is-prop mere-htpy
+ is-prop-mere-htpy = is-prop-type-trunc-Prop
+### The mere homotopy component of a function type
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A → UU l2} (f : (x : A) → B x)
+ where
+ mere-htpy-component : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
+ mere-htpy-component = Σ ((x : A) → B x) (mere-htpy f)
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A → UU l2} {f : (x : A) → B x}
+ (g : mere-htpy-component f)
+ where
+ map-mere-htpy-component : (x : A) → B x
+ map-mere-htpy-component = pr1 g
+ mere-htpy-base-function-mere-htpy-component :
+ mere-htpy f map-mere-htpy-component
+ mere-htpy-base-function-mere-htpy-component = pr2 g
+## Properties
+### The mere homotopy relation is an equivalence relation
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A → UU l2}
+ where
+ abstract
+ refl-mere-htpy : (f : (x : A) → B x) → mere-htpy f f
+ refl-mere-htpy f = unit-trunc-Prop refl-htpy
+ abstract
+ transitive-mere-htpy :
+ is-transitive (mere-htpy {B = B})
+ transitive-mere-htpy f g h r s =
+ apply-twice-universal-property-trunc-Prop r s
+ ( mere-htpy-Prop f h)
+ ( λ H K → unit-trunc-Prop (K ∙h H))
+ abstract
+ symmetric-mere-htpy : is-symmetric (mere-htpy {B = B})
+ symmetric-mere-htpy f g r =
+ apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop r
+ ( mere-htpy-Prop g f)
+ ( λ H → unit-trunc-Prop (inv-htpy H))
+ mere-htpy-Equivalence-Relation :
+ equivalence-relation (l1 ⊔ l2) ((x : A) → B x)
+ pr1 mere-htpy-Equivalence-Relation = mere-htpy-Prop
+ pr1 (pr2 mere-htpy-Equivalence-Relation) = refl-mere-htpy
+ pr1 (pr2 (pr2 mere-htpy-Equivalence-Relation)) = symmetric-mere-htpy
+ pr2 (pr2 (pr2 mere-htpy-Equivalence-Relation)) = transitive-mere-htpy
+### Two functions are merely homotopic if and only if they are merely equal
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A → UU l2} (f g : (x : A) → B x)
+ where
+ abstract
+ mere-eq-mere-htpy : mere-htpy f g → mere-eq f g
+ mere-eq-mere-htpy = map-trunc-Prop eq-htpy
+ abstract
+ mere-htpy-mere-eq : mere-eq f g → mere-htpy f g
+ mere-htpy-mere-eq = map-trunc-Prop htpy-eq
+ equiv-mere-htpy-mere-eq : mere-eq f g ≃ mere-htpy f g
+ equiv-mere-htpy-mere-eq = equiv-trunc-Prop equiv-funext
+### The base function of a mere homotopy component
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A → UU l2} (f : (x : A) → B x)
+ where
+ base-function-mere-htpy-component : mere-htpy-component f
+ pr1 base-function-mere-htpy-component = f
+ pr2 base-function-mere-htpy-component = refl-mere-htpy f
+### Any two elements functions in a mere homotopy component are merely homotopy
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A → UU l2} (f : (x : A) → B x)
+ where
+ abstract
+ mere-htpy-mere-htpy-component :
+ (g h : mere-htpy-component f) →
+ mere-htpy (map-mere-htpy-component g) (map-mere-htpy-component h)
+ mere-htpy-mere-htpy-component g h =
+ transitive-mere-htpy
+ ( map-mere-htpy-component g)
+ ( f)
+ ( map-mere-htpy-component h)
+ ( mere-htpy-base-function-mere-htpy-component h)
+ ( symmetric-mere-htpy f
+ ( map-mere-htpy-component g)
+ ( mere-htpy-base-function-mere-htpy-component g))
+### The mere homotopy component of any function is connected
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A → UU l2} (f : (x : A) → B x)
+ where
+ abstract
+ is-0-connected-mere-htpy-component : is-0-connected (mere-htpy-component f)
+ is-0-connected-mere-htpy-component =
+ is-0-connected-mere-eq
+ ( base-function-mere-htpy-component f)
+ ( λ (g , H) →
+ {!!})
+### The mere homotopy component of a function is an ∞-group
diff --git a/src/foundation/mere-identity-endomorphisms.lagda.md b/src/foundation/mere-identity-endomorphisms.lagda.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44fb40576a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foundation/mere-identity-endomorphisms.lagda.md
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# Mere identity endomorphisms
+module foundation.mere-identity-endomorphisms where
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.function-types
+open import foundation.mere-homotopies
+open import foundation.propositions
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+open import foundation-core.equivalences
+## Idea
+An [endomorphism](foundation-core.endomorphisms.md) `f : A → A` on a type `A` is
+said to be a
+{{#concept "mere identity endomorphism" Agda=mere-identity-endomorphism}} if it
+is [merely homotopic](foundation.mere-homotopies.md) to the
+[identity function](foundation-core.function-types.md).
+## Definitions
+### The predicate of being a mere identity endomorphism
+module _
+ {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1} (f : A → A)
+ where
+ is-mere-identity-endomorphism-Prop : Prop l1
+ is-mere-identity-endomorphism-Prop = mere-htpy-Prop id f
+ is-mere-identity-endomorphism : UU l1
+ is-mere-identity-endomorphism = mere-htpy id f
+ is-prop-is-mere-identity-endomorphism :
+ is-prop is-mere-identity-endomorphism
+ is-prop-is-mere-identity-endomorphism = is-prop-mere-htpy id f
+### Mere identity endomorphisms
+module _
+ {l1 : Level} (A : UU l1)
+ where
+ mere-identity-endomorphism : UU l1
+ mere-identity-endomorphism = Σ (A → A) is-mere-identity-endomorphism
+ module _
+ {e : mere-identity-endomorphism}
+ where
+ endomorphism-mere-identity-endomorphism : A → A
+ endomorphism-mere-identity-endomorphism = pr1 e
+ is-mere-identity-mere-identity-endomorphism :
+ is-mere-identity-endomorphism endomorphism-mere-identity-endomorphism
+ is-mere-identity-mere-identity-endomorphism = pr2 e
+### The predicate of being a mere identity automorphism
+module _
+ {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1} (e : A ≃ A)
+ where
+ is-mere-identity-automorphism-Prop : Prop l1
+ is-mere-identity-automorphism-Prop = mere-htpy-Prop id (map-equiv e)
+ is-mere-identity-automorphism : UU l1
+ is-mere-identity-automorphism = mere-htpy id (map-equiv e)
+ is-prop-is-mere-identity-automorphism :
+ is-prop is-mere-identity-automorphism
+ is-prop-is-mere-identity-automorphism = is-prop-mere-htpy id (map-equiv e)
+### Mere identity automorphisms
+module _
+ {l1 : Level} (A : UU l1)
+ where
+ mere-identity-automorphism : UU l1
+ mere-identity-automorphism = Σ (A ≃ A) is-mere-identity-automorphism
+ module _
+ {e : mere-identity-automorphism}
+ where
+ automorphism-mere-identity-automorphism : A ≃ A
+ automorphism-mere-identity-automorphism = pr1 e
+ is-mere-identity-mere-identity-automorphism :
+ is-mere-identity-automorphism automorphism-mere-identity-automorphism
+ is-mere-identity-mere-identity-automorphism = pr2 e
+## Properties
+### The type of mere identity endomorphisms is connected
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d2e06c066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/foundation/mere-identity-systems.lagda.md
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+# Mere identity systems
+module foundation.mere-identity-systems where
+open import foundation.0-connected-types
+open import foundation.binary-relations
+open import foundation.contractible-types
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.equivalences
+open import foundation.functoriality-dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.fundamental-theorem-of-identity-types
+open import foundation.identity-systems
+open import foundation-core.identity-types
+open import foundation.logical-equivalences
+open import foundation-core.mere-equality
+open import foundation.propositional-truncations
+open import foundation.propositions
+open import foundation.set-truncations
+open import foundation.subtypes
+open import foundation.torsorial-type-families
+open import foundation.universal-property-dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+## Idea
+There are two kinds of mere identity systems: unary and binary mere identity systems.
+### Unary mere identity systems
+A [subtype](foundation.subtypes.md) `P : A → Prop` containing an element `a : A` is said to be a unary {{#concept "mere identity system" Disambiguation="unary"}} if for every `Q : (x : A) → P x → Prop` the evaluation map at the witness `ρ : P a`
+ ((x : A) (p : P x) → Q x p) → Q a ρ
+is an [equivalence](foundation-core.equivalences.md). The following conditions are equivalent to being a unary mere identity system
+1. The underlying type of `P` is [`0`-connected](foundation.0-connected-types.md).
+2. The subtype `P` contains the same elements as the subtype of all elements [merely equal](foundation.mere-equality.md) to `a`.
+3. The evaluation map
+ ```text
+ ((x : A) → P x → Q x) → Q a
+ ```
+ is an equivalence for every subtype `Q : A → Prop`. In this case we say that `P` is the {{#concept "least subtype containing a given element"}} `a`.
+### Binary mere identity systems
+A reflexive [binary relation](foundation.binary-relations.md) `R : A → A → Prop` valued in [foundation-core.propositions.md) is said to be a binary {{#concept "mere identity system" Disambiguation="binary"}} if for every `S : (x y : A) → R x y → Prop` the evaluation map at the reflexivity element `ρ`
+ ((x y : A) (r : R x y) → S x y r) → S a a (ρ a)
+is an [equivalence](foundation-core.equivalences.md) for every element `a : A`. The following conditions are equivalent to being a binary mere identity system
+1. The [total space](foundation.dependent-pair-types.md) `Σ A (R a)` is [`0`-connected](foundation.0-connected-types.md) for every element `a : A`.
+2. The relation `R` relates the same elements as the [mere equality relation](foundation.mere-equality.md).
+3. The evaluation map
+ ```text
+ ((x y : A) → R x y → S x y) → S a a
+ ```
+ is an equivalence for every binary relation `S : A → A → Prop`.
+4. The subtype `R a : A → Prop` is a unary mere identitity system for every `a : A`.
+## Definitions
+### The predicate of being a unary mere identity system
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (P : subtype l2 A) {a : A} (ρ : is-in-subtype P a)
+ where
+ ev-element-subtype :
+ {l : Level} (Q : (x : A) → is-in-subtype P x → Prop l) →
+ ((x : A) (p : is-in-subtype P x) → is-in-subtype (Q x) p) →
+ is-in-subtype (Q a) ρ
+ ev-element-subtype Q f = f a ρ
+ is-mere-identity-system-subtype : UUω
+ is-mere-identity-system-subtype =
+ {l : Level} (Q : (x : A) → is-in-subtype P x → Prop l) →
+ is-equiv (ev-element-subtype Q)
+ ind-mere-identity-system-subtype :
+ is-mere-identity-system-subtype →
+ {l : Level} (Q : (x : A) → is-in-subtype P x → Prop l) →
+ type-Prop (Q a ρ) → (x : A) (p : is-in-subtype P x) → type-Prop (Q x p)
+ ind-mere-identity-system-subtype H Q =
+ map-inv-is-equiv (H Q)
+ rec-mere-identity-system-subtype :
+ is-mere-identity-system-subtype →
+ {l : Level} (Q : subtype l A) →
+ is-in-subtype Q a → (x : A) → is-in-subtype P x → is-in-subtype Q x
+ rec-mere-identity-system-subtype H Q =
+ ind-mere-identity-system-subtype H (λ x _ → Q x)
+### The predicate of being a `0`-connected subtype
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (P : subtype l2 A)
+ where
+ is-0-connected-prop-subtype : Prop (l1 ⊔ l2)
+ is-0-connected-prop-subtype = is-0-connected-Prop (type-subtype P)
+ is-0-connected-subtype : UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
+ is-0-connected-subtype = type-Prop is-0-connected-prop-subtype
+ is-prop-is-0-connected-subtype : is-prop is-0-connected-subtype
+ is-prop-is-0-connected-subtype = is-prop-type-Prop is-0-connected-prop-subtype
+### The predicate of being the least subtype containing an element
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (P : subtype l2 A) {a : A} (ρ : is-in-subtype P a)
+ where
+ is-least-subtype-containing-element : UUω
+ is-least-subtype-containing-element =
+ {l : Level} (Q : subtype l A) →
+ is-equiv (ev-element-subtype P ρ (λ x _ → Q x))
+### The predicate of being a binary mere identity system
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation-Prop l2 A)
+ (ρ : is-reflexive-Relation-Prop R)
+ where
+ ev-refl-Reflexive-Relation-Prop :
+ {l : Level} (S : (x y : A) → subtype l (type-Relation-Prop R x y)) →
+ ((x y : A) (r : type-Relation-Prop R x y) → is-in-subtype (S x y) r) →
+ (x : A) → is-in-subtype (S x x) (ρ x)
+ ev-refl-Reflexive-Relation-Prop S f x = f x x (ρ x)
+ is-mere-identity-system-Reflexive-Relation-Prop : UUω
+ is-mere-identity-system-Reflexive-Relation-Prop =
+ {l : Level} (S : (x y : A) → subtype l (type-Relation-Prop R x y)) →
+ is-equiv (ev-refl-Reflexive-Relation-Prop S)
+### The predicate of being the least reflexive relation
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation-Prop l2 A)
+ (ρ : is-reflexive-Relation-Prop R)
+ where
+ is-least-Reflexive-Relation-Prop : UUω
+ is-least-Reflexive-Relation-Prop =
+ {l : Level} (S : Relation-Prop l A) →
+ is-equiv (ev-refl-Reflexive-Relation-Prop R ρ (λ x y _ → S x y))
+## Properties
+### Any unary identity system is a `0`-connected subtype
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (P : subtype l2 A) {a : A} (ρ : is-in-subtype P a)
+ where
+ is-0-connected-is-mere-identity-system-subtype :
+ is-mere-identity-system-subtype P ρ → is-0-connected-subtype P
+ is-0-connected-is-mere-identity-system-subtype H =
+ is-0-connected-dependent-universal-property-0-connected-type
+ ( a , ρ)
+ ( λ Q → is-equiv-comp _ _ is-equiv-ev-pair (H (λ x y → Q (x , y))))
+### The extension of a unary mere identity system to the set truncation is an identity system
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (P : subtype l2 A) {a : A} (ρ : is-in-subtype P a)
+ (H : is-mere-identity-system-subtype P ρ)
+ where
+ abstract
+ is-torsorial-extension-trunc-set-subtype-is-mere-identity-system :
+ is-torsorial (is-in-extension-trunc-set-subtype P)
+ is-torsorial-extension-trunc-set-subtype-is-mere-identity-system =
+ is-contr-equiv'
+ ( type-trunc-Set (type-subtype P))
+ ( compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype P)
+ ( is-0-connected-is-mere-identity-system-subtype P ρ H)
+ abstract
+ is-identity-system-extension-trunc-set-subtype-is-mere-identity-system :
+ is-identity-system
+ ( is-in-extension-trunc-set-subtype P)
+ ( unit-trunc-Set a)
+ ( is-in-extension-trunc-set-is-in-subtype P a ρ)
+ is-identity-system-extension-trunc-set-subtype-is-mere-identity-system =
+ is-identity-system-is-torsorial
+ ( unit-trunc-Set a)
+ ( is-in-extension-trunc-set-is-in-subtype P a ρ)
+ ( is-torsorial-extension-trunc-set-subtype-is-mere-identity-system)
+### Mere equality is a mere identity system
+module _
+ {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1} (a : A)
+ where
+ abstract
+ is-mere-identity-system-mere-eq :
+ is-mere-identity-system-subtype (mere-eq-Prop a) (refl-mere-eq a)
+ is-mere-identity-system-mere-eq P =
+ is-equiv-has-converse-is-prop
+ ( is-prop-Π (λ x → is-prop-Π (is-prop-is-in-subtype (P x))))
+ ( is-prop-is-in-subtype (P a) (refl-mere-eq a))
+ ( λ p x → ind-trunc-Prop (P x) (λ where refl → p))
+ abstract
+ ind-mere-identity-system-mere-eq :
+ {l : Level} (P : (x : A) → mere-eq a x → Prop l) →
+ (p : type-Prop (P a (refl-mere-eq a))) →
+ (x : A) (r : mere-eq a x) → type-Prop (P x r)
+ ind-mere-identity-system-mere-eq =
+ ind-mere-identity-system-subtype
+ ( mere-eq-Prop a)
+ ( refl-mere-eq a)
+ ( is-mere-identity-system-mere-eq)
+ abstract
+ rec-mere-identity-system-mere-eq :
+ {l : Level} (P : subtype l A) →
+ (p : is-in-subtype P a) (x : A) (r : mere-eq a x) → is-in-subtype P x
+ rec-mere-identity-system-mere-eq =
+ rec-mere-identity-system-subtype
+ ( mere-eq-Prop a)
+ ( refl-mere-eq a)
+ ( is-mere-identity-system-mere-eq)
+### Any unary mere identity system has the same elements as the subtype of elements merely equal to the base point
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (P : subtype l2 A) {a : A} (ρ : is-in-subtype P a)
+ (H : is-mere-identity-system-subtype P ρ)
+ where
+ has-same-elements-mere-eq-is-mere-identity-system-subtype :
+ has-same-elements-subtype (mere-eq-Prop a) P
+ pr1 (has-same-elements-mere-eq-is-mere-identity-system-subtype x) =
+ rec-mere-identity-system-mere-eq a P ρ x
+ pr2 (has-same-elements-mere-eq-is-mere-identity-system-subtype x) =
+ rec-mere-identity-system-subtype P ρ H (mere-eq-Prop a) (refl-mere-eq a) x
diff --git a/src/foundation/set-truncations.lagda.md b/src/foundation/set-truncations.lagda.md
index 154cc2d2b5..59215c0e2e 100644
--- a/src/foundation/set-truncations.lagda.md
+++ b/src/foundation/set-truncations.lagda.md
@@ -9,16 +9,23 @@ module foundation.set-truncations where
+open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.effective-maps-equivalence-relations
open import foundation.equality-coproduct-types
+open import foundation.function-extensionality
open import foundation.functoriality-cartesian-product-types
open import foundation.functoriality-coproduct-types
+open import foundation.logical-equivalences
open import foundation.mere-equality
open import foundation.postcomposition-functions
+open import foundation.propositional-extensionality
open import foundation.reflecting-maps-equivalence-relations
+open import foundation.retractions
+open import foundation.sections
open import foundation.sets
open import foundation.slice
+open import foundation.subtypes
open import foundation.surjective-maps
open import foundation.truncations
open import foundation.uniqueness-set-truncations
@@ -567,3 +574,169 @@ module _
triangle-distributive-trunc-product-Set =
pr2 (center distributive-trunc-product-Set)
+### Extending subtypes to set truncations
+Any subtype `P` of `A` extends to a subtype `P̃` of the set truncation of `A`. Futhermore, the underlying type of the extension of `P` to the set truncation of `A` is the set truncation of the underlying type of `P`.
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (P : subtype l2 A)
+ where
+ extension-trunc-set-subtype : subtype l2 (type-trunc-Set A)
+ extension-trunc-set-subtype =
+ map-universal-property-trunc-Set (Prop-Set l2) P
+ is-in-extension-trunc-set-subtype : type-trunc-Set A → UU l2
+ is-in-extension-trunc-set-subtype =
+ is-in-subtype extension-trunc-set-subtype
+ abstract
+ compute-extension-trunc-set-subtype :
+ has-same-elements-subtype P (extension-trunc-set-subtype ∘ unit-trunc-Set)
+ compute-extension-trunc-set-subtype x =
+ iff-eq (inv (triangle-universal-property-trunc-Set (Prop-Set l2) P x))
+ abstract
+ is-in-extension-trunc-set-is-in-subtype :
+ P ⊆ extension-trunc-set-subtype ∘ unit-trunc-Set
+ is-in-extension-trunc-set-is-in-subtype x =
+ forward-implication (compute-extension-trunc-set-subtype x)
+ abstract
+ is-in-subtype-is-in-extension-trunc-set-subtype :
+ extension-trunc-set-subtype ∘ unit-trunc-Set ⊆ P
+ is-in-subtype-is-in-extension-trunc-set-subtype x =
+ backward-implication (compute-extension-trunc-set-subtype x)
+ map-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype :
+ type-trunc-Set (type-subtype P) → type-subtype extension-trunc-set-subtype
+ map-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype =
+ map-universal-property-trunc-Set
+ ( set-subset (trunc-Set A) extension-trunc-set-subtype)
+ ( map-Σ
+ ( is-in-extension-trunc-set-subtype)
+ ( unit-trunc-Set)
+ ( is-in-extension-trunc-set-is-in-subtype))
+ abstract
+ triangle-map-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype :
+ map-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype ∘ unit-trunc-Set ~
+ map-Σ
+ ( is-in-extension-trunc-set-subtype)
+ ( unit-trunc-Set)
+ ( is-in-extension-trunc-set-is-in-subtype)
+ triangle-map-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype =
+ triangle-universal-property-trunc-Set
+ ( set-subset (trunc-Set A) extension-trunc-set-subtype)
+ ( map-Σ
+ ( is-in-extension-trunc-set-subtype)
+ ( unit-trunc-Set)
+ ( is-in-extension-trunc-set-is-in-subtype))
+ map-inv-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype :
+ type-subtype extension-trunc-set-subtype → type-trunc-Set (type-subtype P)
+ map-inv-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype (x , p) =
+ function-dependent-universal-property-trunc-Set
+ ( λ y →
+ function-Set
+ ( is-in-extension-trunc-set-subtype y)
+ ( trunc-Set (type-subtype P)))
+ ( λ y q →
+ unit-trunc-Set
+ ( y , is-in-subtype-is-in-extension-trunc-set-subtype y q))
+ ( x)
+ ( p)
+ abstract
+ triangle-map-inv-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype :
+ ( x : A) →
+ ev-pair
+ ( map-inv-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype)
+ ( unit-trunc-Set x) ~
+ ( λ q →
+ unit-trunc-Set
+ ( x , is-in-subtype-is-in-extension-trunc-set-subtype x q))
+ triangle-map-inv-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype x =
+ htpy-eq
+ ( compute-dependent-universal-property-trunc-Set
+ ( λ y →
+ function-Set
+ ( is-in-extension-trunc-set-subtype y)
+ ( trunc-Set (type-subtype P)))
+ ( λ y q →
+ unit-trunc-Set
+ ( y , is-in-subtype-is-in-extension-trunc-set-subtype y q))
+ ( x))
+ abstract
+ is-section-map-inv-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype :
+ is-section
+ ( map-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype)
+ ( map-inv-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype)
+ is-section-map-inv-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype (x , p) =
+ function-dependent-universal-property-trunc-Set
+ ( λ y →
+ Π-Set'
+ ( is-in-extension-trunc-set-subtype y)
+ ( λ q →
+ set-Prop
+ ( Id-Prop
+ ( set-subset (trunc-Set A) extension-trunc-set-subtype)
+ ( map-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype
+ ( map-inv-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype
+ ( y , q)))
+ ( y , q))))
+ ( λ y q →
+ eq-type-subtype
+ ( extension-trunc-set-subtype)
+ ( ap
+ ( inclusion-subtype extension-trunc-set-subtype)
+ ( ( ap
+ ( map-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype)
+ ( triangle-map-inv-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype
+ y q)) ∙
+ ( triangle-map-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype
+ ( y , is-in-subtype-is-in-extension-trunc-set-subtype y q)))))
+ ( x)
+ ( p)
+ abstract
+ is-retraction-map-inv-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype :
+ is-retraction
+ ( map-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype)
+ ( map-inv-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype)
+ is-retraction-map-inv-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype =
+ apply-dependent-universal-property-trunc-Set'
+ ( λ y →
+ set-Prop
+ ( Id-Prop
+ ( trunc-Set (type-subtype P))
+ ( map-inv-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype
+ ( map-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype y))
+ ( y)))
+ ( λ (y , q) →
+ ( ap
+ ( map-inv-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype)
+ ( triangle-map-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype (y , q))) ∙
+ ( ( triangle-map-inv-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype y
+ ( is-in-extension-trunc-set-is-in-subtype y q)) ∙
+ ( ap unit-trunc-Set (eq-type-subtype P refl))))
+ abstract
+ is-equiv-map-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype :
+ is-equiv map-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype
+ is-equiv-map-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype =
+ is-equiv-is-invertible
+ ( map-inv-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype)
+ ( is-section-map-inv-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype)
+ ( is-retraction-map-inv-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype)
+ compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype :
+ type-trunc-Set (type-subtype P) ≃ type-subtype extension-trunc-set-subtype
+ pr1 compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype =
+ map-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype
+ pr2 compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype =
+ is-equiv-map-compute-type-extension-trunc-set-subtype
diff --git a/src/foundation/sets.lagda.md b/src/foundation/sets.lagda.md
index 32edfb667b..015741d33d 100644
--- a/src/foundation/sets.lagda.md
+++ b/src/foundation/sets.lagda.md
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ open import foundation-core.embeddings
open import foundation-core.equivalences
open import foundation-core.identity-types
open import foundation-core.injective-maps
+open import foundation-core.mere-equality
open import foundation-core.precomposition-functions
open import foundation-core.propositional-maps
open import foundation-core.propositions
@@ -219,6 +220,18 @@ abstract
is-set-emb = is-trunc-emb neg-one-𝕋
+### If mere equality maps into the identity type of `A`, then `A` is a set
+is-set-mere-eq-in-id :
+ {l : Level} {A : UU l} → ((x y : A) → mere-eq x y → x = y) → is-set A
+is-set-mere-eq-in-id =
+ is-set-prop-in-id
+ ( mere-eq)
+ ( is-prop-mere-eq)
+ ( refl-mere-eq)
### Any function from a proposition into a set is an embedding
diff --git a/src/foundation/subtypes.lagda.md b/src/foundation/subtypes.lagda.md
index b181a9a10d..754b54ab55 100644
--- a/src/foundation/subtypes.lagda.md
+++ b/src/foundation/subtypes.lagda.md
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ open import foundation-core.function-types
open import foundation-core.homotopies
open import foundation-core.identity-types
open import foundation-core.injective-maps
+open import foundation-core.mere-equality
open import foundation-core.propositions
open import foundation-core.sets
open import foundation-core.torsorial-type-families
diff --git a/src/group-theory/homomorphisms-concrete-group-actions.lagda.md b/src/group-theory/homomorphisms-concrete-group-actions.lagda.md
index 62057b8e87..f3e3c4d3e7 100644
--- a/src/group-theory/homomorphisms-concrete-group-actions.lagda.md
+++ b/src/group-theory/homomorphisms-concrete-group-actions.lagda.md
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ module _
(g : hom-action-Concrete-Group G X Y) →
(f = g) ≃ htpy-hom-action-Concrete-Group g
extensionality-hom-action-Concrete-Group g =
- ( equiv-dependent-universal-property-is-0-connected
+ ( equiv-dependent-universal-property-0-connected-type
( shape-Concrete-Group G)
( is-0-connected-classifying-type-Concrete-Group G)
( λ u →
diff --git a/src/group-theory/symmetric-concrete-groups.lagda.md b/src/group-theory/symmetric-concrete-groups.lagda.md
index 006ef44e03..6d6ef57b1f 100644
--- a/src/group-theory/symmetric-concrete-groups.lagda.md
+++ b/src/group-theory/symmetric-concrete-groups.lagda.md
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ module _
(X = Y) ≃ equiv-classifying-type-symmetric-Concrete-Group X Y
extensionality-classifying-type-symmetric-Concrete-Group X =
- ( λ Y → mere-eq-Prop Y A)
+ ( mere-eq-Prop A)
( pr2 X)
( id-equiv)
( extensionality-Set (pr1 X))
diff --git a/src/higher-group-theory/cartesian-products-higher-groups.lagda.md b/src/higher-group-theory/cartesian-products-higher-groups.lagda.md
index 2183bb2862..7f4ebf570e 100644
--- a/src/higher-group-theory/cartesian-products-higher-groups.lagda.md
+++ b/src/higher-group-theory/cartesian-products-higher-groups.lagda.md
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ module _
type-Prop (P shape-product-∞-Group) →
((X : classifying-type-product-∞-Group) → type-Prop (P X))
elim-prop-classifying-type-product-∞-Group =
- apply-dependent-universal-property-is-0-connected
+ apply-dependent-universal-property-0-connected-type
diff --git a/src/higher-group-theory/higher-groups.lagda.md b/src/higher-group-theory/higher-groups.lagda.md
index 6102d85536..658430400e 100644
--- a/src/higher-group-theory/higher-groups.lagda.md
+++ b/src/higher-group-theory/higher-groups.lagda.md
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ module _
type-Prop (P shape-∞-Group) →
((X : classifying-type-∞-Group) → type-Prop (P X))
elim-prop-classifying-type-∞-Group =
- apply-dependent-universal-property-is-0-connected
+ apply-dependent-universal-property-0-connected-type
diff --git a/src/higher-group-theory/iterated-cartesian-products-higher-groups.lagda.md b/src/higher-group-theory/iterated-cartesian-products-higher-groups.lagda.md
index e9a5b7aaab..53a99878eb 100644
--- a/src/higher-group-theory/iterated-cartesian-products-higher-groups.lagda.md
+++ b/src/higher-group-theory/iterated-cartesian-products-higher-groups.lagda.md
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ module _
((X : classifying-type-iterated-product-∞-Group) →
type-Prop (P X))
elim-prop-classifying-type-iterated-product-∞-Group =
- apply-dependent-universal-property-is-0-connected
+ apply-dependent-universal-property-0-connected-type
diff --git a/src/structured-types.lagda.md b/src/structured-types.lagda.md
index 6e6a4705ee..770dcb507c 100644
--- a/src/structured-types.lagda.md
+++ b/src/structured-types.lagda.md
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ open import structured-types.commuting-squares-of-pointed-homotopies public
open import structured-types.commuting-squares-of-pointed-maps public
open import structured-types.commuting-triangles-of-pointed-maps public
open import structured-types.conjugation-pointed-types public
+open import structured-types.connected-h-spaces public
open import structured-types.constant-pointed-maps public
open import structured-types.contractible-pointed-types public
open import structured-types.cyclic-types public
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ open import structured-types.magmas public
open import structured-types.maps-globular-types public
open import structured-types.maps-large-globular-types public
open import structured-types.mere-equivalences-types-equipped-with-endomorphisms public
+open import structured-types.mere-units-h-spaces public
open import structured-types.morphisms-h-spaces public
open import structured-types.morphisms-magmas public
open import structured-types.morphisms-pointed-arrows public
diff --git a/src/structured-types/central-h-spaces.lagda.md b/src/structured-types/central-h-spaces.lagda.md
index c0ea967513..eb956e8b0b 100644
--- a/src/structured-types/central-h-spaces.lagda.md
+++ b/src/structured-types/central-h-spaces.lagda.md
@@ -7,9 +7,21 @@ module structured-types.central-h-spaces where
+open import foundation.0-connected-types
+open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
+open import foundation.connected-components
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.endomorphisms
open import foundation.equivalences
+open import foundation.function-types
+open import foundation.identity-types
+open import foundation.mere-identity-endomorphisms
+open import foundation.sets
open import foundation.universe-levels
+open import structured-types.connected-h-spaces
+open import structured-types.h-spaces
+open import structured-types.pointed-maps
open import structured-types.pointed-types
@@ -22,23 +34,172 @@ type of H-space structures on a
[pointed type](structured-types.pointed-types.md) `A` is equivalently described
as the type of [pointed sections](structured-types.pointed-types.md) of the
pointed evaluation map `(A → A) →∗ A`. If the type `A` is
-[connected](foundation.connected-types.md), then the section maps to the
+[0-connected](foundation.0-connected-types.md), then the section maps to the
[connected component](foundation.connected-components.md) of `(A ≃ A)` at the
-identity [equivalence](foundation-core.equivalences.md). An **evaluative
-H-space** is a pointed type such that the map `ev_pt : (A ≃ A)_{(id)} → A` is an
+identity [equivalence](foundation-core.equivalences.md). Now the question arises
+for which H-spaces this evaluation map `(A → A) →∗ A` is an equivalence. This
+leads to the concept of _central H-space_.
-## Definition
+A {{#concept "central pointed type" agda=Central-Pointed-Type}} is a
+[pointed type](structured-types.pointed-types.md) such that the map
+`ev_pt : (A → A)_{(id)} → A` from the connected component of the identity
+function is an equivalence. Note that every type of [mere identity endomorphisms](foundation.mere-identity-endomorphisms.md) is an H-space, and therefore it follows that every central pointed type is also an H-space.
+## Definitions
+### The predicate of being a central pointed type
-is-central-h-space :
+is-central-Pointed-Type :
{l : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l) → UU l
-is-central-h-space A =
+is-central-Pointed-Type A =
- { A = type-Pointed-Type A → type-Pointed-Type A}
- ( ev-point-Pointed-Type A)
+ { A = mere-identity-endomorphism (type-Pointed-Type A)}
+ ( ev-point-Pointed-Type A ∘ pr1)
-## References
+### Central pointed types
+Central-Pointed-Type : (l : Level) → UU (lsuc l)
+Central-Pointed-Type l = Σ (Pointed-Type l) is-central-Pointed-Type
+module _
+ {l : Level} (A : Central-Pointed-Type l)
+ where
+ pointed-type-Central-Pointed-Type : Pointed-Type l
+ pointed-type-Central-Pointed-Type = pr1 A
+ type-Central-Pointed-Type : UU l
+ type-Central-Pointed-Type =
+ type-Pointed-Type pointed-type-Central-Pointed-Type
+ point-Central-Pointed-Type : type-Central-Pointed-Type
+ point-Central-Pointed-Type =
+ point-Pointed-Type pointed-type-Central-Pointed-Type
+ is-central-Central-Pointed-Type :
+ is-central-Pointed-Type pointed-type-Central-Pointed-Type
+ is-central-Central-Pointed-Type = pr2 A
+ ev-point-Central-Pointed-Type :
+ mere-identity-endomorphism type-Central-Pointed-Type →
+ type-Central-Pointed-Type
+ ev-point-Central-Pointed-Type =
+ ev-point-Pointed-Type pointed-type-Central-Pointed-Type ∘ pr1
+ ev-point-equiv-Central-Pointed-Type :
+ mere-identity-endomorphism type-Central-Pointed-Type ≃
+ type-Central-Pointed-Type
+ pr1 ev-point-equiv-Central-Pointed-Type = ev-point-Central-Pointed-Type
+ pr2 ev-point-equiv-Central-Pointed-Type = is-central-Central-Pointed-Type
+### The predicate of being a central H-space
+module _
+ {l : Level} (A : H-Space l)
+ where
+ is-central-H-Space : UU l
+ is-central-H-Space =
+ is-0-connected-H-Space A ×
+ is-set (pointed-type-H-Space A →∗ pointed-type-H-Space A)
+ is-0-connected-is-central-H-Space :
+ is-central-H-Space → is-0-connected-H-Space A
+ is-0-connected-is-central-H-Space = pr1
+ is-set-pointed-endomap-is-central-H-Space :
+ is-central-H-Space →
+ is-set (pointed-type-H-Space A →∗ pointed-type-H-Space A)
+ is-set-pointed-endomap-is-central-H-Space = pr2
+### Central H-spaces
+Central-H-Space :
+ (l : Level) → UU (lsuc l)
+Central-H-Space l = Σ (H-Space l) is-central-H-Space
+module _
+ {l : Level} (A : Central-H-Space l)
+ where
+ h-space-Central-H-Space : H-Space l
+ h-space-Central-H-Space = pr1 A
+ pointed-type-Central-H-Space : Pointed-Type l
+ pointed-type-Central-H-Space =
+ pointed-type-H-Space h-space-Central-H-Space
+ type-Central-H-Space : UU l
+ type-Central-H-Space = type-H-Space h-space-Central-H-Space
+ unit-Central-H-Space : type-Central-H-Space
+ unit-Central-H-Space = unit-H-Space h-space-Central-H-Space
+ mul-Central-H-Space :
+ (x y : type-Central-H-Space) → type-Central-H-Space
+ mul-Central-H-Space = mul-H-Space h-space-Central-H-Space
+ left-unit-law-mul-Central-H-Space :
+ (x : type-Central-H-Space) →
+ mul-Central-H-Space unit-Central-H-Space x = x
+ left-unit-law-mul-Central-H-Space =
+ left-unit-law-mul-H-Space h-space-Central-H-Space
+ right-unit-law-mul-Central-H-Space :
+ (x : type-Central-H-Space) →
+ mul-Central-H-Space x unit-Central-H-Space = x
+ right-unit-law-mul-Central-H-Space =
+ right-unit-law-mul-H-Space h-space-Central-H-Space
+ coh-unit-laws-mul-Central-H-Space :
+ left-unit-law-mul-Central-H-Space unit-Central-H-Space =
+ right-unit-law-mul-Central-H-Space unit-Central-H-Space
+ coh-unit-laws-mul-Central-H-Space =
+ coh-unit-laws-mul-H-Space h-space-Central-H-Space
+ is-central-Central-H-Space :
+ is-central-H-Space h-space-Central-H-Space
+ is-central-Central-H-Space = pr2 A
+ is-0-connected-Central-H-Space :
+ is-0-connected-H-Space h-space-Central-H-Space
+ is-0-connected-Central-H-Space =
+ is-0-connected-is-central-H-Space
+ ( h-space-Central-H-Space)
+ ( is-central-Central-H-Space)
+ is-set-pointed-endomap-Central-H-Space :
+ is-set (pointed-type-Central-H-Space →∗ pointed-type-Central-H-Space)
+ is-set-pointed-endomap-Central-H-Space =
+ is-set-pointed-endomap-is-central-H-Space
+ ( h-space-Central-H-Space)
+ ( is-central-Central-H-Space)
+## Properties
+### Central pointed types are connected
+module _
+ {l1 : Level} (A : Central-Pointed-Type l1)
+ where
+ is-0-connected-Central-Pointed-Type :
+ is-0-connected (type-Central-Pointed-Type A)
+ is-0-connected-Central-Pointed-Type =
+ is-0-connected-equiv'
+ ( ev-point-equiv-Central-Pointed-Type A)
+ ( is-0-connected-connected-component
+ ( type-Central-Pointed-Type A → type-Central-Pointed-Type A)
+ ( id))
{{#bibliography}} {{#reference BCFR23}}
diff --git a/src/structured-types/connected-h-spaces.lagda.md b/src/structured-types/connected-h-spaces.lagda.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6dc3dcd03c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/structured-types/connected-h-spaces.lagda.md
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+# Connected H-spaces
+module structured-types.connected-h-spaces where
+open import foundation.0-connected-types
+open import foundation.binary-equivalences
+open import foundation.connected-types
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.equivalences
+open import foundation.function-types
+open import foundation.identity-types
+open import foundation.propositional-truncations
+open import foundation.propositions
+open import foundation.truncation-levels
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+open import structured-types.h-spaces
+open import structured-types.pointed-types
+## Idea
+A {{#concept "connected H-space" Agda=Connected-H-Space}} is an
+[H-space](structured-types.h-spaces.md) of which the underlying type is
+[0-connected](foundation.0-connected-types.md). The binary operation
+`μ : A → A → A` of any connected H-space `A` is a
+[binary equivalence](foundation.binary-equivalences.md). This means that the
+ x ↦ μ x y : A → A and y ↦ μ x y : A → A
+are [equivalences](foundation-core.equivalences.md) for any `x` and `y` in `A`.
+Furthermore, the [connected component](foundation.connected-components.md) of
+the unit element of an H-space is always a connected H-space. We will prove this
+fact in the file about [mere units](structured-types.mere-units-h-spaces.md).
+## Definitions
+### The predicate of being a connected H-space
+module _
+ {l1 : Level} (k : 𝕋) (A : H-Space l1)
+ where
+ is-connected-prop-H-Space : Prop l1
+ is-connected-prop-H-Space = is-connected-Prop k (type-H-Space A)
+ is-connected-H-Space : UU l1
+ is-connected-H-Space = is-connected k (type-H-Space A)
+ is-prop-is-connected-H-Space : is-prop is-connected-H-Space
+ is-prop-is-connected-H-Space = is-prop-is-connected k (type-H-Space A)
+### The predicate of being a 0-connected H-space
+module _
+ {l1 : Level} (A : H-Space l1)
+ where
+ is-0-connected-prop-H-Space : Prop l1
+ is-0-connected-prop-H-Space = is-0-connected-Prop (type-H-Space A)
+ is-0-connected-H-Space : UU l1
+ is-0-connected-H-Space = is-0-connected (type-H-Space A)
+ is-prop-is-0-connected-H-Space : is-prop is-0-connected-H-Space
+ is-prop-is-0-connected-H-Space = is-prop-is-0-connected (type-H-Space A)
+### The type of connected H-spaces
+Connected-H-Space : (l : Level) (k : 𝕋) → UU (lsuc l)
+Connected-H-Space l k = Σ (H-Space l) (is-connected-H-Space k)
+module _
+ {l : Level} {k : 𝕋} (A : Connected-H-Space l k)
+ where
+ h-space-Connected-H-Space : H-Space l
+ h-space-Connected-H-Space = pr1 A
+ pointed-type-Connected-H-Space : Pointed-Type l
+ pointed-type-Connected-H-Space =
+ pointed-type-H-Space h-space-Connected-H-Space
+ type-Connected-H-Space : UU l
+ type-Connected-H-Space = type-H-Space h-space-Connected-H-Space
+ unit-Connected-H-Space : type-Connected-H-Space
+ unit-Connected-H-Space = unit-H-Space h-space-Connected-H-Space
+ mul-Connected-H-Space :
+ (x y : type-Connected-H-Space) → type-Connected-H-Space
+ mul-Connected-H-Space = mul-H-Space h-space-Connected-H-Space
+ left-unit-law-mul-Connected-H-Space :
+ (x : type-Connected-H-Space) →
+ mul-Connected-H-Space unit-Connected-H-Space x = x
+ left-unit-law-mul-Connected-H-Space =
+ left-unit-law-mul-H-Space h-space-Connected-H-Space
+ right-unit-law-mul-Connected-H-Space :
+ (x : type-Connected-H-Space) →
+ mul-Connected-H-Space x unit-Connected-H-Space = x
+ right-unit-law-mul-Connected-H-Space =
+ right-unit-law-mul-H-Space h-space-Connected-H-Space
+ coh-unit-laws-mul-Connected-H-Space :
+ left-unit-law-mul-Connected-H-Space unit-Connected-H-Space =
+ right-unit-law-mul-Connected-H-Space unit-Connected-H-Space
+ coh-unit-laws-mul-Connected-H-Space =
+ coh-unit-laws-mul-H-Space h-space-Connected-H-Space
+ is-connected-Connected-H-Space :
+ is-connected-H-Space k h-space-Connected-H-Space
+ is-connected-Connected-H-Space = pr2 A
+### The type of 0-connected H-spaces
+0-Connected-H-Space : (l : Level) → UU (lsuc l)
+0-Connected-H-Space l = Σ (H-Space l) is-0-connected-H-Space
+module _
+ {l : Level} (A : 0-Connected-H-Space l)
+ where
+ h-space-0-Connected-H-Space : H-Space l
+ h-space-0-Connected-H-Space = pr1 A
+ pointed-type-0-Connected-H-Space : Pointed-Type l
+ pointed-type-0-Connected-H-Space =
+ pointed-type-H-Space h-space-0-Connected-H-Space
+ type-0-Connected-H-Space : UU l
+ type-0-Connected-H-Space = type-H-Space h-space-0-Connected-H-Space
+ unit-0-Connected-H-Space : type-0-Connected-H-Space
+ unit-0-Connected-H-Space = unit-H-Space h-space-0-Connected-H-Space
+ mul-0-Connected-H-Space :
+ (x y : type-0-Connected-H-Space) → type-0-Connected-H-Space
+ mul-0-Connected-H-Space = mul-H-Space h-space-0-Connected-H-Space
+ left-unit-law-mul-0-Connected-H-Space :
+ (x : type-0-Connected-H-Space) →
+ mul-0-Connected-H-Space unit-0-Connected-H-Space x = x
+ left-unit-law-mul-0-Connected-H-Space =
+ left-unit-law-mul-H-Space h-space-0-Connected-H-Space
+ right-unit-law-mul-0-Connected-H-Space :
+ (x : type-0-Connected-H-Space) →
+ mul-0-Connected-H-Space x unit-0-Connected-H-Space = x
+ right-unit-law-mul-0-Connected-H-Space =
+ right-unit-law-mul-H-Space h-space-0-Connected-H-Space
+ coh-unit-laws-mul-0-Connected-H-Space :
+ left-unit-law-mul-0-Connected-H-Space unit-0-Connected-H-Space =
+ right-unit-law-mul-0-Connected-H-Space unit-0-Connected-H-Space
+ coh-unit-laws-mul-0-Connected-H-Space =
+ coh-unit-laws-mul-H-Space h-space-0-Connected-H-Space
+ is-0-connected-0-Connected-H-Space :
+ is-0-connected-H-Space h-space-0-Connected-H-Space
+ is-0-connected-0-Connected-H-Space = pr2 A
+## Properties
+### The binary operation of any 0-connected H-space is a binary equivalence
+module _
+ {l : Level} (A : 0-Connected-H-Space l)
+ where
+ abstract
+ is-equiv-left-mul-0-Connected-H-Space :
+ (x : type-0-Connected-H-Space A) →
+ is-equiv (λ y → mul-0-Connected-H-Space A x y)
+ is-equiv-left-mul-0-Connected-H-Space x =
+ apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop
+ ( mere-eq-is-0-connected
+ ( is-0-connected-0-Connected-H-Space A)
+ ( unit-0-Connected-H-Space A)
+ ( x))
+ ( is-equiv-Prop (mul-0-Connected-H-Space A x))
+ ( λ where
+ refl →
+ is-equiv-htpy id
+ ( left-unit-law-mul-0-Connected-H-Space A)
+ ( is-equiv-id))
+ abstract
+ is-equiv-right-mul-0-Connected-H-Space :
+ (y : type-0-Connected-H-Space A) →
+ is-equiv (λ x → mul-0-Connected-H-Space A x y)
+ is-equiv-right-mul-0-Connected-H-Space y =
+ apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop
+ ( mere-eq-is-0-connected
+ ( is-0-connected-0-Connected-H-Space A)
+ ( unit-0-Connected-H-Space A)
+ ( y))
+ ( is-equiv-Prop (λ x → mul-0-Connected-H-Space A x y))
+ ( λ where
+ refl →
+ is-equiv-htpy id
+ ( right-unit-law-mul-0-Connected-H-Space A)
+ ( is-equiv-id))
+ abstract
+ is-binary-equiv-mul-0-Connected-H-Space :
+ is-binary-equiv (mul-0-Connected-H-Space A)
+ pr1 is-binary-equiv-mul-0-Connected-H-Space =
+ is-equiv-right-mul-0-Connected-H-Space
+ pr2 is-binary-equiv-mul-0-Connected-H-Space =
+ is-equiv-left-mul-0-Connected-H-Space
diff --git a/src/structured-types/h-spaces.lagda.md b/src/structured-types/h-spaces.lagda.md
index be217b8539..56971caaeb 100644
--- a/src/structured-types/h-spaces.lagda.md
+++ b/src/structured-types/h-spaces.lagda.md
@@ -9,13 +9,18 @@ module structured-types.h-spaces where
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-binary-functions
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
+open import foundation.commuting-squares-of-identifications
+open import foundation.commuting-triangles-of-identifications
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.evaluation-functions
open import foundation.function-extensionality
open import foundation.function-types
open import foundation.functoriality-dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.homotopies
open import foundation.identity-types
+open import foundation.injective-maps
+open import foundation.path-algebra
open import foundation.type-arithmetic-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.unital-binary-operations
open import foundation.universe-levels
@@ -196,3 +201,120 @@ module _
equiv-tot (λ _ → inv-equiv (equiv-right-whisker-concat refl))))) ∘e
( associative-Σ _ _ _)
+### Every type equivalent to an H-space is an H-space
+module _
+ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (B : H-Space l2) (e : A ≃ type-H-Space B)
+ where
+ unit-equiv-H-Space : A
+ unit-equiv-H-Space = map-inv-equiv e (unit-H-Space B)
+ compute-unit-equiv-H-Space : map-equiv e unit-equiv-H-Space = unit-H-Space B
+ compute-unit-equiv-H-Space = is-section-map-inv-equiv e (unit-H-Space B)
+ mul-equiv-H-Space : A → A → A
+ mul-equiv-H-Space x y =
+ map-inv-equiv e (mul-H-Space B (map-equiv e x) (map-equiv e y))
+ compute-mul-equiv-H-Space :
+ (x y : A) →
+ map-equiv e (mul-equiv-H-Space x y) =
+ mul-H-Space B (map-equiv e x) (map-equiv e y)
+ compute-mul-equiv-H-Space x y =
+ is-section-map-inv-equiv e _
+ left-unit-law-mul-equiv-H-Space :
+ (x : A) → mul-equiv-H-Space unit-equiv-H-Space x = x
+ left-unit-law-mul-equiv-H-Space x =
+ map-inv-is-equiv
+ ( is-emb-equiv e _ _)
+ ( ( compute-mul-equiv-H-Space _ _) ∙
+ ( ( ap (λ t → mul-H-Space B t _) compute-unit-equiv-H-Space) ∙
+ ( left-unit-law-mul-H-Space B _)))
+ compute-left-unit-law-mul-equiv-H-Space :
+ (x : A) →
+ ap (map-equiv e) (left-unit-law-mul-equiv-H-Space x) =
+ ( ( compute-mul-equiv-H-Space unit-equiv-H-Space x) ∙
+ ( ( ap (λ t → mul-H-Space B t _) (compute-unit-equiv-H-Space)) ∙
+ ( left-unit-law-mul-H-Space B (map-equiv e x))))
+ compute-left-unit-law-mul-equiv-H-Space x =
+ is-section-map-inv-is-equiv (is-emb-equiv e _ _) _
+ right-unit-law-mul-equiv-H-Space :
+ (x : A) → mul-equiv-H-Space x unit-equiv-H-Space = x
+ right-unit-law-mul-equiv-H-Space x =
+ map-inv-is-equiv
+ ( is-emb-equiv e _ _)
+ ( ( compute-mul-equiv-H-Space _ _) ∙
+ ( ( ap (mul-H-Space B _) compute-unit-equiv-H-Space) ∙
+ ( right-unit-law-mul-H-Space B _)))
+ compute-right-unit-law-mul-equiv-H-Space :
+ (x : A) →
+ ( ap (map-equiv e) (right-unit-law-mul-equiv-H-Space x)) =
+ ( ( compute-mul-equiv-H-Space x unit-equiv-H-Space) ∙
+ ( ( ap (mul-H-Space B _) (compute-unit-equiv-H-Space)) ∙
+ ( right-unit-law-mul-H-Space B (map-equiv e x))))
+ compute-right-unit-law-mul-equiv-H-Space x =
+ is-section-map-inv-is-equiv (is-emb-equiv e _ _) _
+ coh-unit-laws-mul-equiv-H-Space :
+ left-unit-law-mul-equiv-H-Space unit-equiv-H-Space =
+ right-unit-law-mul-equiv-H-Space unit-equiv-H-Space
+ coh-unit-laws-mul-equiv-H-Space =
+ is-injective-is-equiv
+ ( is-emb-equiv e _ _)
+ ( ( compute-left-unit-law-mul-equiv-H-Space _) ∙
+ ( ( left-whisker-concat
+ ( compute-mul-equiv-H-Space _ _)
+ ( right-unwhisker-concat-coherence-square-identifications
+ ( ap (mul-H-Space B _) compute-unit-equiv-H-Space)
+ ( ap
+ ( λ t → mul-H-Space B t (map-equiv e unit-equiv-H-Space))
+ ( compute-unit-equiv-H-Space))
+ ( right-unit-law-mul-H-Space B _)
+ ( left-unit-law-mul-H-Space B _)
+ ( compute-unit-equiv-H-Space)
+ ( ( left-whisker-concat
+ ( ap (λ t → mul-H-Space B t _) compute-unit-equiv-H-Space)
+ ( nat-htpy-id
+ ( left-unit-law-mul-H-Space B)
+ ( compute-unit-equiv-H-Space))) ∙
+ ( inv
+ ( assoc
+ ( ap (λ t → mul-H-Space B t _) compute-unit-equiv-H-Space)
+ ( ap (mul-H-Space B _) compute-unit-equiv-H-Space)
+ ( left-unit-law-mul-H-Space B (unit-H-Space B)))) ∙
+ ( horizontal-concat-Id²
+ ( triangle-ap-binary'
+ ( mul-H-Space B)
+ ( is-section-map-inv-equiv e _)
+ ( is-section-map-inv-equiv e _))
+ ( coh-unit-laws-mul-H-Space B)) ∙
+ ( assoc
+ ( ap (mul-H-Space B _) compute-unit-equiv-H-Space)
+ ( ap (λ t → mul-H-Space B t _) compute-unit-equiv-H-Space)
+ ( right-unit-law-mul-H-Space B (unit-H-Space B))) ∙
+ ( inv
+ ( left-whisker-concat
+ ( ap (mul-H-Space B _) compute-unit-equiv-H-Space)
+ ( nat-htpy-id
+ ( right-unit-law-mul-H-Space B)
+ ( compute-unit-equiv-H-Space))))))) ∙
+ ( inv (compute-right-unit-law-mul-equiv-H-Space _))))
+ pointed-type-equiv-H-Space : Pointed-Type l1
+ pr1 pointed-type-equiv-H-Space = A
+ pr2 pointed-type-equiv-H-Space = unit-equiv-H-Space
+ h-space-equiv-H-Space : H-Space l1
+ pr1 h-space-equiv-H-Space = pointed-type-equiv-H-Space
+ pr1 (pr2 h-space-equiv-H-Space) = mul-equiv-H-Space
+ pr1 (pr2 (pr2 h-space-equiv-H-Space)) = left-unit-law-mul-equiv-H-Space
+ pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 h-space-equiv-H-Space))) = right-unit-law-mul-equiv-H-Space
+ pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 h-space-equiv-H-Space))) = coh-unit-laws-mul-equiv-H-Space
diff --git a/src/structured-types/mere-units-h-spaces.lagda.md b/src/structured-types/mere-units-h-spaces.lagda.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e49a1e03cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/structured-types/mere-units-h-spaces.lagda.md
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+# Mere units of H-spaces
+module structured-types.mere-units-h-spaces where
+open import foundation.0-connected-types
+open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
+open import foundation.binary-equivalences
+open import foundation.connected-components
+open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
+open import foundation.identity-types
+open import foundation.mere-equality
+open import foundation.propositional-truncations
+open import foundation.propositions
+open import foundation.subtypes
+open import foundation.universe-levels
+open import structured-types.connected-h-spaces
+open import structured-types.h-spaces
+open import structured-types.pointed-types
+## Idea
+A {{#concept "mere unit" Disambiguation="H-space"}} in an
+[H-space](structured-types.h-spaces.md) `A` is an element `x` that is
+[merely equal](foundation.mere-equality.md) to the unit element of `A`. The type
+of mere units of an H-space always forms a
+[connected H-space](structured-types.connected-h-spaces.md). In particular,
+since the multiplicative operation of a connected H-space is always a
+[binary equivalence](foundation.binary-equivalences.md), it follows that the
+binary operation restricted to the mere units of an H-space is a binary
+## Definitions
+### The predicate of being a mere unit of an H-space
+module _
+ {l1 : Level} (A : H-Space l1)
+ where
+ is-mere-unit-prop-H-Space : type-H-Space A → Prop l1
+ is-mere-unit-prop-H-Space x = mere-eq-Prop (unit-H-Space A) x
+ is-mere-unit-H-Space : type-H-Space A → UU l1
+ is-mere-unit-H-Space x = mere-eq (unit-H-Space A) x
+ is-prop-is-mere-unit-H-Space :
+ (x : type-H-Space A) → is-prop (is-mere-unit-H-Space x)
+ is-prop-is-mere-unit-H-Space x =
+ is-prop-mere-eq (unit-H-Space A) x
+### The type of mere units of an H-space
+module _
+ {l1 : Level} (A : H-Space l1)
+ where
+ mere-unit-H-Space : UU l1
+ mere-unit-H-Space = Σ (type-H-Space A) (is-mere-unit-H-Space A)
+### The connected component of the unit of an H-Space
+module _
+ {l1 : Level} (A : H-Space l1)
+ where
+ connected-component-unit-H-Space : UU l1
+ connected-component-unit-H-Space =
+ connected-component (type-H-Space A) (unit-H-Space A)
+ is-0-connected-connected-component-unit-H-Space :
+ is-0-connected connected-component-unit-H-Space
+ is-0-connected-connected-component-unit-H-Space =
+ is-0-connected-connected-component (type-H-Space A) (unit-H-Space A)
+ inclusion-connected-component-unit-H-Space :
+ connected-component-unit-H-Space → type-H-Space A
+ inclusion-connected-component-unit-H-Space = pr1
+## Properties
+### The unit of an H-space is a mere unit
+module _
+ {l1 : Level} (A : H-Space l1)
+ where
+ is-mere-unit-unit-H-Space : is-mere-unit-H-Space A (unit-H-Space A)
+ is-mere-unit-unit-H-Space = refl-mere-eq _
+### The multiplicative operation of an H-space preserves mere units
+module _
+ {l1 : Level} (A : H-Space l1)
+ where
+ abstract
+ preserves-mere-unit-mul-H-Space :
+ {x y : type-H-Space A} →
+ is-mere-unit-H-Space A x → is-mere-unit-H-Space A y →
+ is-mere-unit-H-Space A (mul-H-Space A x y)
+ preserves-mere-unit-mul-H-Space H K =
+ apply-twice-universal-property-trunc-Prop H K
+ ( is-mere-unit-prop-H-Space A _)
+ ( λ where
+ refl refl →
+ unit-trunc-Prop (inv (left-unit-law-mul-H-Space A _)))
+### The connected component of the unit of an H-space is a connected H-space
+module _
+ {l1 : Level} (A : H-Space l1)
+ where
+ unit-connected-component-unit-H-Space : connected-component-unit-H-Space A
+ pr1 unit-connected-component-unit-H-Space = unit-H-Space A
+ pr2 unit-connected-component-unit-H-Space = is-mere-unit-unit-H-Space A
+ connected-component-unit-pointed-type-H-Space : Pointed-Type l1
+ pr1 connected-component-unit-pointed-type-H-Space =
+ connected-component-unit-H-Space A
+ pr2 connected-component-unit-pointed-type-H-Space =
+ unit-connected-component-unit-H-Space
+ mul-connected-component-unit-H-Space :
+ (x y : connected-component-unit-H-Space A) →
+ connected-component-unit-H-Space A
+ pr1 (mul-connected-component-unit-H-Space x y) =
+ mul-H-Space A
+ ( inclusion-connected-component-unit-H-Space A x)
+ ( inclusion-connected-component-unit-H-Space A y)
+ pr2 (mul-connected-component-unit-H-Space x y) =
+ preserves-mere-unit-mul-H-Space A (pr2 x) (pr2 y)
+ left-unit-law-mul-connected-component-unit-H-Space :
+ (x : connected-component-unit-H-Space A) →
+ mul-connected-component-unit-H-Space
+ ( unit-connected-component-unit-H-Space)
+ ( x) =
+ x
+ left-unit-law-mul-connected-component-unit-H-Space x =
+ eq-type-subtype
+ ( is-mere-unit-prop-H-Space A)
+ ( left-unit-law-mul-H-Space A
+ ( inclusion-connected-component-unit-H-Space A x))
+ right-unit-law-mul-connected-component-unit-H-Space :
+ (x : connected-component-unit-H-Space A) →
+ mul-connected-component-unit-H-Space
+ ( x)
+ ( unit-connected-component-unit-H-Space) =
+ x
+ right-unit-law-mul-connected-component-unit-H-Space x =
+ eq-type-subtype
+ ( is-mere-unit-prop-H-Space A)
+ ( right-unit-law-mul-H-Space A
+ ( inclusion-connected-component-unit-H-Space A x))
+ coh-unit-laws-mul-connected-component-unit-H-Space :
+ left-unit-law-mul-connected-component-unit-H-Space
+ ( unit-connected-component-unit-H-Space) =
+ right-unit-law-mul-connected-component-unit-H-Space
+ ( unit-connected-component-unit-H-Space)
+ coh-unit-laws-mul-connected-component-unit-H-Space =
+ ap
+ ( eq-type-subtype (is-mere-unit-prop-H-Space A))
+ ( coh-unit-laws-mul-H-Space A)
+ connected-component-unit-h-space-H-Space : H-Space l1
+ pr1 connected-component-unit-h-space-H-Space =
+ connected-component-unit-pointed-type-H-Space
+ pr1 (pr2 connected-component-unit-h-space-H-Space) =
+ mul-connected-component-unit-H-Space
+ pr1 (pr2 (pr2 connected-component-unit-h-space-H-Space)) =
+ left-unit-law-mul-connected-component-unit-H-Space
+ pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 connected-component-unit-h-space-H-Space))) =
+ right-unit-law-mul-connected-component-unit-H-Space
+ pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 connected-component-unit-h-space-H-Space))) =
+ coh-unit-laws-mul-connected-component-unit-H-Space
+ connected-component-unit-connected-h-space-H-Space :
+ 0-Connected-H-Space l1
+ pr1 connected-component-unit-connected-h-space-H-Space =
+ connected-component-unit-h-space-H-Space
+ pr2 connected-component-unit-connected-h-space-H-Space =
+ is-0-connected-connected-component-unit-H-Space A
+ is-binary-equiv-mul-connected-component-unit-H-Space :
+ is-binary-equiv mul-connected-component-unit-H-Space
+ is-binary-equiv-mul-connected-component-unit-H-Space =
+ is-binary-equiv-mul-0-Connected-H-Space
+ ( connected-component-unit-connected-h-space-H-Space)