- Fix yaml frontmatter issue when ending with a empty line (#170)
- Fix changelog link from nuget package
- Add changelog.md
- Fix bug when a thematic break is inside a fenced code block inside a pending list (#164)
- Add support for GFM autolinks (#165, #169)
- Better handle YAML frontmatter in case the opening
is never actually closed (#160) - Fix link conflict between a link to an image definition and heading auto-identifiers (#159)
- Make EmojiExtension.EnableSmiley public
- Fix issue with emphasis preceded/followed by an HTML entity (#157)
- Add support for link reference definitions for Normalize renderer (#155)
- Add option to disable smiley parsing in EmojiAndSmiley extension
- Fix crash in Markdown.Normalize to handle HtmlBlock correctly
- Add better handling of bullet character for lists in Markdown.Normalize
- Add Markdown.ToPlainText, Add option HtmlRenderer.EnableHtmlForBlock.
- Add Markdown.Normalize, to allow to normalize a markdown document. Add NormalizeRenderer, to render a MarkdownDocument back to markdown.
- Add support for single table header row without a table body rows (#141)
- ADd support for
- Add support for Pandoc YAML frontmatter (#138)
- Add support for UAP10.0 (#137)
- Fix indenting issue after a double digit list block using a tab (#134)
- Update to latest CommonMark specs 0.28
- Fix issue with HTML blocks for heading h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 that were not correctly identified as HTML blocks as per CommonMark spec
- Fix issue with generic attributes used just before a pipe table (issue #121)
- Fix issue with media links extension when a URL to video is used, an unexpected closing
was inserted (issue #119)
- Add new extension JiraLink support (thanks to @clarkd)
- Fix issue in html attributes not parsing correctly properties (thanks to @meziantou)
- Fix issues detected by an automatic static code analysis tool
- Fix issue with math extension and $$ block parsing not handling correctly beginning of a $$ as a inline math instead (issue #107)
- Fix issue with custom attributes for emphasis
- Add support for new special custom arrows emoji (
- Fix issue when an url ends by a dot
- Fix emphasis with HTML entities
- Several minor fixes
- Fix issue with autolinks
- Normalize number of columns for tables
- Fix issue with pipetables shifting a cell to a new column (issue #73)
- Fix exception when trying to urlize an url with an unicode character outside the supported range by NormD (issue #75)
- Update to latest CommonMark specs
- Fix source span for LinkReferenceDefinition
- Breaking change of the IMarkdownExtension to allow to receive the MarkdownPipeline for the renderers setup
- Fix regression bug with conflicts between autolink extension and html inline/regular links
- Add new Autolink extension
- Allow to force table column alignment to left
- Fix issue when calculating the span of an indented code block within a list. Make sure to include first whitespace on the line
- fix NullReferenceException with Gridtables extension when a single
is entered on a line
- fix potential cast exception with Abreviation extension and empty literals
- new extension to disable URI escaping for non-US-ASCII characters to workaround a bug in Edge/IE
- Fix an issue with abbreviations with left/right multiple non-punctuation/space characters
- Update to latest CommonMark specs
- Fix empty literal
- Add YAML frontmatter extension
- several bug fixes (pipe tables, disable HTML, special attributes, inline maths, abbreviations...)
- add support for rowspan in grid tables
- Fix bug with strong emphasis starting at the beginning of a line
- Fix threading issue with pipeline
- Fix rendering of table colspan with non english locale
- Fix grid table colspan parsing
- Add nofollow extension for links
- Fix issue in smarty pants which could lead to an InvalidCastException
- Update parsers to latest CommonMark specs
- Update to latest NETStandard.Library 1.6.0
- Fix issue with digits in auto-identifier extension
- Fix incorrect start of span calculated for code indented blocks
- Handle latest CommonMark specs for corner cases for emphasis (See https://talk.commonmark.org/t/emphasis-strong-emphasis-corner-cases/2123/1 )
- Fix issue with autoidentifier extension overriding manual HTML attributes id on headings
- Fix conflicts between PipeTables and SmartyPants extensions
- Add SelfPipeline extension