Required for variable write access
After updating you MAY need to restart your Admin Console
- switch
- dimmer
- generic
- temperature ... Farenheit units
- temperaturec ... Celcius units
- temperaturecr ... raw no-units
- garage
Three options for configuration. They can be mixed & matched
Key can be any positive unique integer, duplicate Keys will create ghost nodes
Key (var ID) Value (device type)
78 switch
79 dimmer
80 generic
82 temperature
85 temperaturec
100 temperaturecr
id is optional in the JSON string
Key (var ID) Value (device type)
78 {"id": "10", "type": "switch", "name": "switch 10"}
79 {"type": "dimmer", "name": "main dimmer"}
80 {"type": "generic", "name": "raw device"}
82 {"type": "temperature", "name": "lake temperature"}
85 {"id": "85", "type": "temperaturec", "name": "garden temp"}
100 {"type": "temperaturecr", "name": "raw temp"}
200 {"type": "garage", "name": "garage door", "ratgdo": True}
File name without path is within the node directory. Careful this file is deleted with the node. Better to use path and store within admin home directory. Make sure file permissions are available to node.
Key (var ID) Value (device type)
devFile exampleConfigFile.yaml
devFile /home/admin/virtualdevice.yaml
- Raw Celsius data
- F to C (TempC node convert Raw data before F to C)
- C to F
- Single precision conversion from Raw
- Discover button will add or remove nodes not in one of the configuration methods.
temperature devices have selection of variables available in the IoX node display
garage device have selection in the configuration (JSON or YAML)
note: may add this feature to temperature devices if demand is there
YAML example below from the exampleConfigFile.yaml in package directory
- id: 10
type: "switch"
name: "TestSwitch"
- id: 20
type: "temperature"
name: "TestTemp"
- id: 30
type: "dimmer"
name: "TestDimmer 92"
- id: 40
type: "garage"
name: "Ratgdo"
ratgdo: True # will find the Ratgdo device (slower startup)
# ratgdo: False # no Ratgdo device
# ratgdo: # IP address (faster startup)
# below are optional & only individually used if defined
# each name refers to feature
# type {1: state var, 2:state init, 3:integer var, 4:integer init}
# Id number of variable
# if ratgdo is True, or IP defined then only writes to these
# if ratgdo is False then reads and writes to these
lightT: 1
lightId: 3
doorT: 1
doorId: 61
commandT: 1
commandId: 129
motionT: 1
motionId: 130
lockT: 1
lockId: 133
obstructT: 1
obstructId: 131