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Example application to query Tenable Cloud for security vulnerabilities and create alerts in Nectar Cloud

⚠️ This is just an example application and not-yet ready for production use


Initialise the Python virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Change configurations in the app/ file, including:

  • TARGET_CIDR: Since Tenable can have a lot of findings, we can limit results to a specific CIDR range
  • SECURITY_RISK_TYPE_TARGET: Select a specific risk type, based on the defined risk types already in Nectar Cloud (e.g., "password-ssh")

Set environment variables. Ensure you have the following credentials set in your environment variables. We use the openstack-bash-creds-helper tool.

  • Nectar Application Credentials:
  • Tenable Cloud Credentials:

Run the main program:

cd app

Varroa CLI Client Notes

Get History of IP Ownership

Find who owned which ip at a specific time.

Old method of matching IP to cloud resource:

openstack port list --fixed-ip ip-address=
openstack port show -c device_id a2226cec2-c778-448c6-b872-bd3222296d7d


  • Can only get current assignment
  • No history :(

New method:

openstack ip history <IPADDRESS>

Create Security Risk Types

  • Used for storing information about generic security issues
  • These are like templates
  • For example:
    • SSH is exposed to the Internet and has password authentication enabled
    • SQL database is exposed to the Internet
openstack security risk type list
openstack security risk type show
openstack security risk type set 
openstack security risk type create
openstack security risk type delete

Example of a security risk type:

openstack security risk type show <PLACEHOLDER>
| Field        | Value                                                 |
| description  | Internet-accessible SSH using password authentication |
| display_name | None                                                  |
| help_url     | None                                                  |
| id           | 00232s3b-ej8k-sshj-9e7e-ea8ce6hgbsbb                  |
| name         | password-ssh                                          |

Create Security Risk

  • Used to create a new security issue to send to a researcher
  • They are attached to a Nectar instance
  • Basic premise is create an instance of the Security Risk Type
openstack security risk list
openstack security risk show
openstack security risk create
openstack security risk delete

Example of listing all security risks:

openstack security risk list --all-projects
| id                                   | project_id                       | type           | time                      | ipaddress       | port | status    |
| 0023203b-e2d3-1ghj-9e7e-ea8ce56677bb | 764778cagbd1405d909a2699ff5dcc6a | password-ssh   | 2024-10-28 23:05:12+13:00 | <REDACTED> | 3389 | PROCESSED |
| 0054dbeb-ad0c-4c27-9765-f6fc566c1ca2 | 0a430575d09a4123235f383caa1f833e | password-ssh   | 2024-10-29 06:08:37+13:00 | <REDACTED> | 5432 | PROCESSED |
| 005ba17e-d535-11fy-8722-841d351460a6 | 14c67f6978b548d81bhd102edfd7e5cc | password-ssh   | 2024-10-29 08:37:59+13:00 | <REDACTED> |   22 | PROCESSED |
| 01be8c5b-3395-12f3-b84a-3bfd38ddfea8 | f23b47a93b50441c84444a7be878b09c | password-ssh   | 2024-10-29 00:06:22+13:00 | <REDACTED> |   22 | PROCESSED |
| 0277cb10-9ec3-234g-affb-7aa5944f89d2 | 043efa8b4a14216a6987de236e916420 | password-ssh   | 2024-10-29 06:04:01+13:00 | <REDACTED> |   22 | PROCESSED | 

Create a security risk for SSH with password authentication enabled:

openstack security risk create --time 2024-12-16T12:00:00+0000 --expires 2024-12-23T12:00:00+0000 -p 22 -i c59f20bd-cd38-4fd4-be8f-ae2ea88b0460
| Field         | Value                                |
| expires       | 2024-12-24 01:00:00+13:00            |
| id            | dgg8122f-74a9-4c6f-9172-6333e581062f |
| ipaddress     | <REDACTED>                           |
| port          | 22                                   |
| project_id    | None                                 |
| resource_id   | None                                 |
| resource_type | None                                 |
| status        | NEW                                  |
| time          | 2024-12-17 01:00:00+13:00            |
| type          | password-ssh                         |

Bash helper for creating timestamps:

time=$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")
expires=$(date -d "+7 days" +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")
