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CBNet: A Composite Backbone Network Architecture for Object Detection


By Tingting Liang*, Xiaojie Chu*, Yudong Liu*, Yongtao Wang, Zhi Tang, Wei Chu, Jingdong Chen, Haibin Ling.

This repo is the official implementation of CBNetV2. It is based on mmdetection and Swin Transformer for Object Detection.

Contact us with [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].


CBNetV2 achieves strong single-model performance on COCO object detection (60.1 box AP and 52.3 mask AP on test-dev) without extra training data.


Partial Results and Models

More results and models can be found in model zoo

Faster R-CNN

Backbone Lr Schd box mAP (minival) #params FLOPs config log model
DB-ResNet50 1x 40.8 69M 284G config github github

Mask R-CNN

Backbone Lr Schd box mAP (minival) mask mAP (minival) #params FLOPs config log model
DB-Swin-T 3x 50.2 44.5 76M 357G config github github

Cascade Mask R-CNN (1600x1400)

Backbone Lr Schd box mAP (minival/test-dev) mask mAP (minival/test-dev) #params FLOPs config model
DB-Swin-S 3x 56.3/56.9 48.6/49.1 156M 1016G config github

Improved HTC (1600x1400)

We use ImageNet-22k pretrained checkpoints of Swin-B and Swin-L. Compared to regular HTC, our HTC uses 4conv1fc in bbox head.

Backbone Lr Schd box mAP (minival/test-dev) mask mAP (minival/test-dev) #params FLOPs config model
DB-Swin-B 20e 58.4/58.7 50.7/51.1 235M 1348G config github
DB-Swin-L 1x 59.1/59.4 51.0/51.6 453M 2162G config (test only) github
DB-Swin-L (TTA) 1x 59.6/60.1 51.8/52.3 453M - config (test only) github

TTA denotes test time augmentation.

EVA02 (1536x1536)

Backbone Lr Schd mask mAP (test-dev) #params config model
DB-EVA02-L 1x 56.1 674M config HF




Please refer to for installation and dataset preparation.


# single-gpu testing (w/o segm result)
python tools/ <CONFIG_FILE> <DET_CHECKPOINT_FILE> --eval bbox 

# multi-gpu testing (w/ segm result)
tools/ <CONFIG_FILE> <DET_CHECKPOINT_FILE> <GPU_NUM> --eval bbox segm


To train a detector with pre-trained models, run:

# multi-gpu training

For example, to train a Faster R-CNN model with a Duel-ResNet50 backbone and 8 gpus, run:

# path of pre-training model (resnet50) is already in config
tools/ configs/cbnet/ 8 

Another example, to train a Mask R-CNN model with a Duel-Swin-T backbone and 8 gpus, run:

tools/ configs/cbnet/ 8 --cfg-options model.pretrained=<PRETRAIN_MODEL> 

Apex (optional):

Following Swin Transformer for Object Detection, we use apex for mixed precision training by default. To install apex, run:

git clone
cd apex
pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./

Documents and Tutorials

We list some documents and tutorials from MMDetection, which may be helpful to you.


If you use our code/model, please consider to cite our paper CBNet: A Composite Backbone Network Architecture for Object Detection.

  author={Liang, Tingting and Chu, Xiaojie and Liu, Yudong and Wang, Yongtao and Tang, Zhi and Chu, Wei and Chen, Jingdong and Ling, Haibin},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Image Processing}, 
  title={CBNet: A Composite Backbone Network Architecture for Object Detection}, 


The project is only free for academic research purposes, but needs authorization for commerce. For commerce permission, please contact [email protected].

Other Links

Original CBNet: See CBNet: A Novel Composite Backbone Network Architecture for Object Detection.