All lists must either be paginated according to the Relay spec or explicitly marked as not needing pagination because they're guaranteed to be small.
Use the @tinylist
directive to mark a list as small and not in need of pagination.
Examples of incorrect code for this rule:
type T1 {
val: [T2]
Examples of correct code for this rule:
Edges on connections can be lists
type UserConnection {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [UserEdge!]! # this is ok to be a list, since it's an edge on a connection
totalCount: Int!
type PageInfo {
endCursor: String
hasNextPage: Boolean!
hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
startCursor: String
type UserEdge {
cursor: String!
node: User!
type User {
Fields can be whitelisted to be lists
type T1 {
val: [T2] @tinylist