This Python script collects and stores charging sessions from a BMW Wallbox Connect Charger.
As BMW only provides an app to collect the charges of the last 30 days this script creates a local database and stores
the charges as long as you run the script on a daily basis. It then converts the local database to a csv file which you can then
easily import in XLS.
The script output will contain the following fields: ID,SESSIONSTARTDATE,SESSIONENDDATE,ENERGYUSED,TOKEN.
ID: Unique ID only used in the DB, so not really relevant
SESSIONSTARTDATE: start date of the charging session
SESSIONENDDATE: end date of the charging session
ENERGYUSED: energy used during the charging session in Wh
TOKEN: Which token was used during the charging, a BMW Wallbox Connect comes with 4 RFID cards for 4 different users
This script was developed for Python3.6
Python modules used:requests, zipfile, time, csv, sqlite3, configparser
I'm not a professional coder by any means, I'm just providing this script as the 30 days limitation on the app was really annoying.
Step 1:
Change the name of the Charges.config.example to Charges.config and adjust the content to reflect your situation. It should be self-explanatory
Step 2:
Rename the file to charges.db
Step 3:
Set up a cron job to run daily, the DB in the Wallbox only stores a small amount of charges, so it's best to run the script once a day to make sure you collect all charges.
From Ubuntu run crontab -e and put in the below crontab configuration
00 14 * * * python3 /home/user/Charging/