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276 lines (242 loc) · 15.2 KB

File metadata and controls

276 lines (242 loc) · 15.2 KB


  • added its-tools docker
  • Unite base image now uses a configurable git tag instead of the latest master commit



    • toolCommand -> noToolCommand
    • compile -> noCompilation
    • boolean parameter definitions
    • null values for input parameters
  • added a way to force default values to not be used

  • changed the semantics of input parameters

    • null values (parameter without value) are now allowed and are used to force the default value of the parameter to not be used (if one is defined)
    • parameter definition value types for tool command line parameters now have meaning
      • string - Value of the parameter will be used as part of the string to execute (this was the only behavior so far)
      • bool - Only accept true/false values and have new semantics. The value itself will not be used as part of the string to execute, only the value prefix will. This allows parameters such as "--help" to have a default value of "true" and then be disabled if requested by setting the value to "false". This was previously impossible because such parameters used empty values, and when the empty value was set as the default there was no way to unset it during requests. Boolean value type now has a check for valid values.
  • analysis sub-adapter

    • added basic validation for automation plan definition files
    • common parameter definitions now do not have default values
    • renamed toolCommand parameter to noToolCommand and reversed its values
      • Setting noToolCommand to true now also removes "toolSpecificArgs" from the tool .properties file as they make no sense without the tool command.
    • dummy tool default values changed
    • added a parameter "commandlineParametersOnly" to GET automation plan capabilities to hide common parameter definitions (only shows the ones with a command line position and the SUT parameter)
    • Parameters launchSUT and SUTbuildCommand are now bool value types
  • compilation sub-adapter

    • renamed compile parameter to noCompilation and reversed its values
  • updated all automation plans in dockers to match the new boolean semantics

  • added cbmc docker

  • added symbiotic docker

  • changed the unite-base docker file to clean apt-get cache to make it smaller


  • added first version of AHT framework service registration
  • All Contribution values (e.g. file contents inlined as part of a contribution) are now stripped of any potential ANSI escape sequences limited only to XML 1.0 legal characters. Any illegal characters are removed when loading the contribution's file contents. The original unchanged file can be accessed by downloading the contribution directly or by defining a custom output filter (at your own risk of encoding issues).
  • Some configuration file properties are now optional (i.e. they can be missing in the conf file entirely) and not required for successful loading of configuration and subsequent successful start of Unite. These include any properties which are related to a "enabled" property (e.g. if enable_authentication is false, then username and password does not need to be in the conf file at all). All boolean properties are assumed to be false if missing.
  • Configuration was added to enable/disable inProgress outputs by default (so far the default was enabled). The default can be overridden using the usual "enableInProgressOutputs" HTTP request parameter when GETing an Automation Result.
  • The compilation adapter now also can show inProgress stdout and stderr of the compilation process
  • Dockers now use main as the default branch. Compose files now use image names.
  • Added docker images for Perun, Grep, and Frama-c


  • run_all log now prints URL's of the started services
  • unite-only docker rename to unite-base
  • unite-base docker now uses the docker-base Git tag as its code base


  • Added configuration of host/port through environment variables. Env variables override conf files. Available env variables are:
  • Added dedicated to analysis and compilation


  • Added docker files for Theta and Valgrind


  • Added docker files for Unite and Unite+Infer
  • conf directory now contains the whole dir structure (empty) in git


  • Analysis tool launch commands now do not have automatic quotes to give more control to users.
  • fixed plugin filter dependencies (OslcValues moved from "shared")


  • Split the java shared and domain modules to allow the domain to be reused elsewhere without dependencies
  • Modified the dummy tool to make the analysis test suite faster
  • The relevant log tailing terminal now stays open when its corresponding components fails to startup
    • There was a bug which caused all the log tailing terminals to close in case of startup failure


  • GET requests for inProgress Automation Result now recognize a HTTP query string parameter called "enableInProgressOutputs"
    • possible values are true/false
    • default is currently true
  • fixed some built-in output filters not being listed
  • added more tests for built-in output filters


  • It is now possible to choose between Powershell and CMD on Windows

    • Use the configuration files (, to choose which shell to use by changing the "config_win_shell" property (values "windows_ps1" or "windows_bat").
  • now checks whether mvn and curl are available

  • check whether mvn is available


  • Contents of stdout and stderr of executed analysis can now be polled by clients while the analysis is in progress
  • run & test scripts will now not wait forever when one of Unite's components fails to start
    • all scripts now poll the URL (as before) and also check whether the components process is still running (to return an error instead of waiting forever)
  • Automation Result updates changed to update Contribution resources explicitly one by one instead of as part of the whole A.Result. Otherwise the update would be incorrect and cause the Contributions to have duplicate values for their updated properties. This is likely a bug in (or me not understanding SPARQL properly).
  • now deletes old logs -- only the 5 most recent will stay
  • "get-date" instead of "date" in run_all script
  • bug fix - oneinstanceonly typo
    • the loaded property was matched as OneInstanceOnly instead of oneInstanceOnly (capital first letter)


  • renamed to Unite
  • now should work in folders with spaces (linux and windows) (bug #1)
  • a bit of colored output on linux
  • fixed bug #2
  • better way of unziping files in the analysis adapter
  • added -NoProfile to powershell execution to avoid user profiles messing with the execution (e.g. directory change)


  • readme and wiki updates for thesis submission
  • NO functional changes


  • valuePrefix for command line parameters
    • allows non-positional command line parameters to be defined for analysis tools
    • e.g. prefix "--arg=" and parameter value "val" will result in the command line string containing "--arg=val"
  • confFile supports multiple instances (using the parameter multiple times to create multiple conf files)
  • confDir parameter
    • similar to confFile except its used to create a whole configuration directory in the SUT directory before analysis
    • the directory is transferred as a base64 encoded zip file
    • value format is "path/to/unzip/to\nbase64encodedZip"
  • reworked launchSUT and SUTbuildCommand analysis parameters
    • now use fit:commandlinePosition to define the place to put the command
    • and the value is a boolean which says whether to place the command or not
  • better automation plan examples
    • complete anaconda interface and tests
    • mostly complete valgrind interface and tests
    • mostly complete infer interface and tests
  • outputFileRegex improvements
    • now reports an error if an invalid regex is supplied
    • file matching is now performed on the file path and not just the file name (to enable directory control)
  • jSEM dependency changed to Maven
  • added envVariable input parameter to the Analysis adapter
    • allows environment variables to be set for execution
    • can be used multiple times to set multiple variables
    • expected value is "variable_name\nvariable_value"
  • base64 value check before execution to return an error immediately
  • tutorials folder
    • includes a version of the Wiki, conf_example, and Postman tutorial collection


  • implemented resource delete
    • delete capabilities for A.Requests, A.Results, Contributions (analysis only), SUT (compilation only)
    • Requests, Results, and SUTs recognize a "cascade" parameter which when set to "true" makes it so that deleting any one of the three will result in all three getting deleted
    • deleting a resource that is connected to a directory or a file will also delete the file/directory (SUT, contribution, A.Result)
    • deleting an Automation Request that is not yet finished results in the request getting canceled first (using desiredState update), unfinished Automation Results can not be deleted
  • implemented resource update
    • update capabilities for A.Requests, A.Results, Contributions (analysis only), SUT (compilation only)
    • not all properties can be updated
    • properties can not be changed before execution finishes, except for the desiredState property of AutomationRequests
  • implemented execution cancel
    • cancel Automation Request execution by updating the A.Request's desiredState property to "canceled"
    • canceling only works on requests that are still state "inProgress"
  • reworked resource ID generators
    • now use long instead of int
    • initialization is based on a special bookmarkID resource instead of walking the whole triplestore
  • keep_last_n
    • added a configuration option that tells the adapter to automatically delete old AutomationRequests and their associated Results and all other artifacts (SUTs, Contributions, ...)
    • configured in using "keep_last_n_enabled" (bool) and "keep_last_n" (>0)
    • added a test suite for keep_last_n (separate test suite due to requiring different adapter conf)
  • added a confFile input parameter to the Analysis adapter
    • a file that gets created before the analysis is executed
    • usecase: a tool that accepts a "--conf=path/to/file" parameter (like anaconda)
    • value format is "filename\nfilecontents"
  • added a link to the cratedSUT resource as a Contribution as well in the Compilation adapter for standard compliance
  • better plugin filter example
  • added a beforeCommand and an afterCommand to Analysis adapter
    • commands that can be set to run right before or right after executing analysis
    • if the beforeCommand fails, analysis is not executed, and neither is the afterCommand
    • if analysis fails, the afterCommand is not executed
  • added an option to override default values of predefined ParameterDefinitions in the Analysis adapter
    • when defining an analysis tool automation plan, define a ParameterDefinition with the same name as one of the predefined parameters (e.g. timeout, zipOutputs, ...; except the SUT parameter) and your default value will be used instead


  • fixed high cpu usage on Windows
    • run_all.ps1 had a active wait loop that was causing Powershell to use a lot of CPU
    • fixed by adding sleep into the loop


  • added a ./conf directory and a ./conf_example directory
    • the ./conf directory is where users place all their custom configuration files
    • both the build script and the run script will then load the configuration from the ./conf directory and copy it into appropriate places
    • see the ./conf_example to learn what configuration files to place in the ./conf dir
  • reworked scripts to used shared resources
  • moved the jetty distribution into the ./lib directory and then use jetty base in ./sparql_triplestore
  • changed built in tool loading to be loaded the same way as custom tools
  • changed powershell exec in the analysis adapter to print exceptions properly
  • changed linux exec so that the script contains a /bin/bash -c "$1" and the string to execute gets passed as the $1 to the script


  • added a new common input parameter "outputFilter" to the analysis adapter
    • features allowedValue properties that list all available parsers
    • parsers can be defined as plugins with configuration located in analysis/PluginParserConfiguration and plugin source files placed in src/main/java/pluginParsers
    • each plugin parser has to implement the IParser interface and the IExtension interface
    • there is a few predefined parsers including an example template parser
  • added jSEM as a .jar file to get plugin output parsers/filters (potentially a temporary solution)
  • added URIs to Contribution resources
    • fit:fileURI renamed to fit:filePath and no longer serves as a copy paste method of downloading files. Instead, octet-stream GETs or PUTs should be directed at the URI of the contribution itself
    • added a query capability for Contribution resources
  • the root directory is now an Eclipse project for hierarchical view


  • All adapter outputs are now in their own directory ".adapter" to not get in the way of analysis tool outputs.
  • Changed rdf:value type to String from XMLLiteral to avoid invalid XMLLiteral warnings for contribution values.
  • Added a new parameter to the test script (-l to not launch the adapter)
  • renamed maven project model to lyo_designer_model
  • typos, refactor, ...
  • added a "compile" command to the compilation adapter that controls whether to perform compilation or not
  • added a boolean fit:compiled property to SUT resources


powershell modifications

  • The previous way of executing powershell commands had issues with quotes.
  • Command execution was changed from directly running a command using java .exec() to writing the command into a script file and then executing that script. The command to execute has to be a single line (probably), and the script then exits with the commands return code. Powershell commands can also throw exceptions which the script catches and returns a non-zero exit code.



  • Moved triplestore conf out of the repository
  • build script now creates conf files


  • The adapter now uses powershell.exe to execute commands on windows (instead of cmd /c)
  • created replaced .bat scripts with .ps1 scripts


New contributions

  • executionTime - Duration of execution in milliseconds
  • returnCode - return code of the execution
  • statusMessage - status messages from the adapter (replaced messages prefixed with # in the previous versions)

Contribution changes

  • renamed "Analysis stdout/stderr" and "Compilation stdout/sdterr" to just "stdout/stderr"
  • stdout/stderr is now saved to a file (will be in the zip and in the SUT)

Run script additions

  • now has a -t option to launch terminals with "tail -f log_files"

test suite changes

  • does not use sleep for synchronization anymore (waiting for automation to finish), uses get requests in a cycle instead


  • version now shows on startup


Build script and shared module


Hotfit for loy store properties


Migrated to Lyo 4.0.0


Old prototype