Notes written by Brian Zhao November - December 2020
- to whoever may view these notes.
- these are more in-depth notes about some key aspects of the project
- it might be best to start with an overview of the project before diving straight in
- see advisors and drive and presentation.
- familiarize yourself with public key infrastructure
- also known as PKI, public key cryptography, public key encryption
- note that public address and public key are not the same thing
- also familiarize yourself with the concept of hashing (one way)
- we are employing end-to-end encryption for letter contents
- the only time when files are not encrypted is at viewing and briefly at sending
- (after decrypting with writer's private key and before encrypting with recipient's keys)
- at upload, we encrypt with the writer's public key and store it as a buffer in the letters table (letter_contents)
- at sending, we decrypt the letter with the writer's private key and encrypt it with the recipient's public key
- this gets stored in the sent_letters table (letter_contents)
- note this is all using the salsa key
- the only time when files are not encrypted is at viewing and briefly at sending
- how do we get the user's public key
- there are two different public keys that we interact with
- public key used by metamask in relation to the "x25519-xsalsa20-poly1305" curve (think the 'salsa') curve
- public key in hex that we get from ecrecover (verifysignature method in the auth module, backend)
- there are two different public keys that we interact with
- in Cryptservice, we use "eth_getEncryptionPublicKey" to get the salsa public key that we use to encrypt and decrypt letters
- note that the user must have specified account to access the public key
- this prompts the user with metamask to get the key
- we get the publicAddress from window.ethereum
- see accounts in App.tsx
this.ethereum.request({ method: "eth_getEncryptionPublicKey", params: [publicAddress], // you must have access to the specified account })
- we use eth-sig-utils to encrypt
- note that as long as we have the public-key (stored) we don't need to prompt metamask to get the key
- this can be done without the user having to click encrypt
import * as SigUtil from "eth-sig-util";
{ data: JSON.stringify(fileData) },
- the following is the method to decrypt through metamask
- note that these metamask calls are wrappers built on top of eth-sig-utils
this.ethereum.request({ method: "eth_decrypt", params: [file, publicAddress],})
- the second public key is a hex key that we get retrieve from ec recover
- we will expand on this more in the next section (see signing and verification)
- the publicAddress of a wallet / metamask account is derived from this publicKey
- the key is 128 characters long (hex) + 2 characters (0x)
- the key is therefore 64 bytes long (2 characters to a byte)
- the address is 40 characters long or 20 bytes
- how do we get from publicKey to publicAddress??
- also do research on elliptical curve cryptography (ECC) and ECDSA
- as seen in point #2 above, how do we get from publicKey to publicAddress?
- we derive the publicAddress from the public key by first hashing it (ethereum uses keccak256)
- the publicKey (64 bytes) becomes 32 bytes
- then we take the last 20 bytes which make up the publicAddress
- this is a crucial part of signature verification as ecrecover will allow us to recover the hex public key
- we can then derive the publicAddress to see if it matches with our stored publicAddress
- so what is this ecrecover? (see AuthModule in backend)
- let's first look at the process of signing
import * as EthUtil from "ethereumjs-util"; EthUtil.keccak256() // hashing algo used by ethereum
- we use web3/metamask to sign the transaction
- not that web3.eth.personal.sign is different from web3.eth.sign which is deprecated
- this posed initial issues with verification that have subsequently been resolved
- we must use EthUtil.hashPersonalMessage() to have the right prefix for verfication
- the thing we sign is called the message
- the thing that is the output of signing is called the signature
- the signature is 132 characters long in hex.
- without the 0x prefix it is 130 characters long or 65 bytes.
- the first 64 bytes make up what we call the 'r' and 's' part (32 bytes each)
- the last byte is used to derive the v part of the signature, which is this extra piece of data that allows ethereum to recover the publicKey
- without it verification would not be possible
- the signature is 132 characters long in hex.
- we use the message, signature, and publicAddress to perform verification as we will see in a little bit
.sign(letter, publicAddress, "", (err, signedLetter) => {
if (err) {
console.log("error when signing");
return reject(err);
console.log("message signed");
return resolve(signedLetter);
- we talked a little about the signature above and how in verification we need these r, s, and v parts
- r and s make up 64 bytes, each taking up 32 bytes or 64 chars each
- v is derived from the final byte
- for example 1c (in hex) would be 28 in decimal
- as seen in the following code we can derive this manually or just use ethereumjs to do so with EthUtil.fromRpcSig(signature)
// const sig = signature.slice(2, signature.length);
// const offset = 2;
// const r = signature.slice(0 + offset, 64 + offset);
// const s = signature.slice(64 + offset, 128 + offset);
// const v = parseInt(signature[128 + offset], 16) * 16 + parseInt(signature[129 + offset], 16);
const sg = EthUtil.fromRpcSig(signature); // YES
- these r, s, v parts are passed in to ecrecover along with the hash of the message (using keccak256) to recover the publicKey, which then we derive the publicAddress
- the public key is 64 byte which hashed (keccak256) becomes 32 bytes
- the last 20 bytes or 40 characters of the hash is the publicAddress
- we compare this 'recovered' publicAddress with the one stored in the db or found in the metamask account
- here is the code:
// from AuthModule -> verifySignature
const sg = EthUtil.fromRpcSig(signature);
const messageHash = EthUtil.hashPersonalMessage(Buffer.from(message));
const hash = messageHash.toString("hex");
const publicKey = EthUtil.ecrecover(
Buffer.from(hash, "hex"),
const pubAddress = EthUtil.bufferToHex(EthUtil.pubToAddress(publicKey));
return EthUtil.toChecksumAddress(pubAddress) ===
- when do we use this?
- we use it to authenticate / login
- in this case the message is nonce that we want the user to sign to verify identity
- we use uuid() to generate a random string (a nonce) to have the user sign
- by signing and then verifying the signature we can prove that the user has this public/private key pair
- we don't have to rely on less secure salt + passwords
- remember that this public key and the salsa public key are different things
- separation of concerns between signing and verifying and encrypting/decrypting (we have no choice but to follow)
- allows for flexibility to adapt, if something changes on one end it doesn't affect the other
- separation of concerns between signing and verifying and encrypting/decrypting (we have no choice but to follow)
- for letter sending
- we sign the letter after its been encrypted
- therefore, we store the letterContents (encrypted) and the letterSignature (signature of the encrypted letter)
- verification is currently done upon update of the letterContents (at send)
- it should also be done at retrieving of the sent letter contents by the recipient but this would require an extra query for the writer's publicAddress to verify (Not Implemented)
- there's a lot more to be said but these are the basics
- some food for thought, not comprehensive but a general overview of considerations
- with the limited time of 2 semesters, what is the best plan forward to get tangible deliverables while also learning a lot
- making something with complexity in a short period of time
- we decided for MVP to focus on public key infrastructure + metamask and getting the core functionality of our app
- instead of making a custodian wallet or writing smart contracts to put
- for our mvp, the burden remained on the writer to take action to send to recipients
- want to make it more decentralized
- also want to make the experience as simple, convenient, and intuitive as possible
- adding tooltips and pointers to help guide users
- adding tutorials and FAQ and home page
- adding quality of life changes to improve UX
- students in our use case (grad schools) are required to waive their ferpa rights which gives access to view education resources including letters of recommendation
- we assume this in making sure that students cannot view the letter of recommendation
- our MVP comprises step 1, implementing public key infrastructure
- step #1 is public key infrastructure; step #2 is verification of identity
- for our MVP, we did
- ideas explored for tackling the verification fo identity include
- third-party oracles
- reputation staking
- legal issues
- since you're now dealing with money and legal disputes
- managing other's smart wallet
- managing public private key pairs
- who pays for the transactions
- there is a new technology where you can pay gas fees on another entities behalf
- instead of REST API
- Typescript recommended
- react-scripts
- using hooks?
- stop using too many modals
- use more intuitive user design (unlike our MVP)
- didn't use but should consider
- functional instead of using components
- if using components
- leverage the idea of components
- does this component need state?
- you want more stateless components that just display things
React Bootstrap
The Typeahead for React Bootstrap
Metamask Other RPC Methods (encryption/decryption)
1-click metamask Flow (our login flow)
Express JS
HackMD (for Notes)
SQL fiddle (SQL playground)
PostgreSQL Documentation
Typescript Documentation
Web3JS Documentation
MermaidJS (for diagrams)
OpenZepplin (smart contract library, updating smart contracts)
Testnet, Slither, Mythril, Consensys/Mythx (smart contract auditing)
EIP ERC-725 ethereum/EIPs#725
Storj Labs (storage, like AWS but decentralized, ancient-server)
ETC Signatory
ETC Pristine (open source best practices)
Remix (IDE)
PlayStudio (IDE)
Solc (solidity compiler) https://
Solidity (smart contracts)
Formatic (similar to oauth)
- browser extension that serves as wallet to connect to networks
- manages a public private key pair
- unique public address
- see links for documentation
- should be called letterData
- letterUrl is the base64 string that you can pass into an embed, for example, to display the file
- letterUrl is read using FileReader on File (see Web API for JS)
- gets encrypted with jsonstringify (see CryptService.ts)
- schema letterTitle: string; letterType: string; letterUrl: string;
- letterDetails + contents field
- see letterDetails
- schema letterId: string; contents: string; letterRequestor: User; letterWriter: User; requestedAt: Date uploadedAt: Date | null;
- interface used to populate list for requestor and writer
- takes the necessary fields from the letters table
- two timestamps: requestedAt and uploadedAt - uploadedAt can be null (if null then not uploaded) - the above information is useful for determining what to display
- note that letterRequestor and letterWriter are the result of joins with the user table - see backend queries - joined on publicAddress (the primary key for an user - after the join, the queried data is passed through a constructor to create the User objects - frontend User interface and backend User dbmodel are the same
- schema letterId: string; letterRequestor: User; letterWriter: User; requestedAt: Date uploadedAt: Date | null;
- think of it as a join between letters and sent_letters in backend
- letterDetails + letterRecipient (User) and sentAt (Date | null)
- sentAt is useful information for determining whether or not the letterHistory has been sent to the user - writer is not allowed to re-upload a letter already sent to one or more recipients - history button for displaying all the recipients sent to
- see letterDetails
- schema letterId: string; letterRequestor: User; letterWriter: User; requestedAt: Date uploadedAt: Date | null; letterRecipient: User; sentAt: Date | null;
- basic user information (publicAddress, name)
- used for other interfaces and keeping track of basic user info in lists
- schema publicAddress: string; name: string;
- basic user info + jwtToken
- used for authentication (after signing and verification of nonce)
- userAuth in the backend is similar except jwtToken is nonce (random string generated with UUID) - see verification of signature
- ecrecover, eth-sig-utils
- backend passes back a jwtToken - expiration set tentatively for an hour - see [backend documentation
- schema publicAddress: string; name: string; jwtToken: string;
- schema backend userAuth publicAddress: string; name: string; nonce: string;
- basic user info + publicKey
- note this is the key for salsa curve* - see encryption, decryption, and signing
- publicKey is used for decryption and encryption - for letter upload (encryption with writer's own public key) - for letter sending (encryption with each recipient's public key) - note this public key is not the same public key (hex) that you get from verifySignature in the backend - separation of concerns
- schema publicAddress: string; name: string; publicKey: string;
currently only a few fields
intended to be whatever publicly displayed information on the userProfile page
not properly implemented / used
createdAt is when the user joined (created their account)
schema publicAddress: string; name: string; profile_image: Buffer | null;
createdAt: Date
- (unused) for the format of the post requests
- should be refactored to use this
- format of the response
create table users (
public_address varchar(42) not null,
name varchar(32) not null,
email varchar(64) not null,
profile_image bytea,
created_at timestamp not null,
nonce varchar(64) not null,
primary key (public_address)
create table letters (
letter_id varchar(36) not null,
letter_contents varchar(380),
letter_writer varchar(42) not null references users(public_address),
letter_requestor varchar(42) not null references users(public_address),
requested_at timestamp not null,
uploaded_at timestamp,
primary key (letter_id)
create table sent_letters (
letter_recipient varchar(42) not null references users(public_address),
letter_id varchar(36) not null references letters(letter_id),
sent_at timestamp,
letter_contents bytea,
letter_signature varchar(132),
primary key (letter_recipient, letter_id)
- how the backend was initially written and its limitations
- kind of bulky and can be re-written
- the idea behind the backend interfaces is we have these models that we construct from our queries and pass them in responses
- gives us typing and structure
- we have a model to pass only info that we need back as a model
- for example, if we only need basic user info (publicAddress, name), we can use the User model
- this does give some overhead as for each combination of attributes, you need to create a new model
- without a model it becomes tricky to use dbservice.ts
- after a query it takes the results for res.rows and calls dbRowToDbModel which invokes the constructor of a model to create the object
- the method takes in a dbRow: any; the result passed from the query is an any[] which is weird and funky -> the method works out, which is all that matters
- after a query it takes the results for res.rows and calls dbRowToDbModel which invokes the constructor of a model to create the object
- right now, each dbmodel corresponds with a db service
- how dbservice works is its method that makes a parametized query takes a generic model type which it uses to convert dbrows into db models
- familiarize yourself with parameterized queries and node-postgres
- the problem with this generic way that the backend was written is that it becomes difficult to get a specific attribute
- you could create an dbmodels specifically for it; that would be easy, but then you end up with a million different dbmodels
- it becomes bulky when you have so many dbmodels and dbservices for each combination
- consideration: you can have a model that gets all the rows and has helpers and getters for a specific attribute
// an example of dbRowtoDbModel
static dbRowToDbModel(dbRow: any) {
const newUser = new UserProfile(
return newUser;
- contents for writer's page
- dbmodel letterContents: string | null;
- equivalent to LetterDetails on the frontend
- used for reuqestor and writer pages
- dbmodel letterId: string; letterRequestor: User; letterWriter: User; requestedAt: Date; uploadedAt: Date;
- used for letter history and also the recipient page
- basically a letter + letterRecipient (User) + sentAt (Date | null)
- think of it as a join between the letters and sent_letters tables
- dbmodel letterId: string; letterRequestor: User; letterWriter: User; requestedAt: Date; uploadedAt: Date | null; letterRecipient: User; sentAt: Date | null;
- similar to LetterContents (backend) but with signature for verification
- dbmodel letterContents: string | null; letterSignature: string | null;
- used sparingly but the table is super important
- dbmodel letterRecipient: string; letterId: string; sentAt: Date | null; letterContents: string; letterSignature: string;
- basic user information
- equivalent as User on frontend
- dbmodel publicAddress: string; name: string;
- similar to UserAuth on frontend except jwtToken -> nonce
- we get the nonce from the db to be signed
- the nonce should be reset after a verification (may or may not be implemented)
- dbmodel publicAddress: string; name: string; nonce: string;
- get the publicKey for encryption (letter sending)
- equivalent to UserKey on frontend
- dbmodel publicAddress: string; name: string; publicKey: string;
- equivalent to UserProfile on frontend
- intended to be all public information on a profile
- dbmodel publicAddress: string; name: string; profileImage: Buffer | null; createdAt: Date;
- instead of taking time to document this, they are pretty clear as indicated by the express routes
- important to note is that many of the controller implementations are not that consistent in what they return on error
- some return an empty array, some return an emtpy object, some wrap the variable being returned in an object
- overall its consistency with the frontend that matters and more important deliverables came first
- note also that major refactoring can produce bugs,and you don't want to be breaking code a crucial moments (c'est un learning process')
- we use a jwttoken, perhaps incorrectly, really a session?
- the way we abstracted dbservice in the backend may not be best
- the backend should likely be redesigned to not be so bulky
- each new model required a new model and dbservice to be created
- dbservice is the abstract class that each dbservice extends
- we use node-postgres to connect to our heroku postgres database
- the reason the large majority of routes are POSTS is we wanted to circumvent the issue of no headers for CORS testing
- this may not be the best decision but it was an easy fix for local testing
- the reason is that we needed to pass the jwttoken in the body
- there are certain environmental variables required before running the backend (also the frontend) for both testing locally and deployed
// powershell
// bash
export REACT_APP_BACKEND_URL="http://localhost:8080"
npm start
npm build-ts; npm start;