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DRPI-CGAN: Detection and Restoration of Photoshopped Images using Convolutional GAN

Mingxuan Teng, Jiakai Shi, Jiaming Yang

This code provides the DRPI-CGAN model for solving problems of facial image manipulation detection and recovery.


Install packages

  • This code supports Python 3.7+.
  • Install PyTorch (
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • The correlation layer in PWC-Net is implemented in CUDA using CuPy, which is why CuPy is a required dependency. It can be installed using pip install cupy or alternatively using one of the provided binary packages as outlined in the CuPy repository.

Download model weights

  • Download pretrained weights files from here.
  • Upzip weights file. You should see discriminator.pth and generator.pth. These are pretrained weights files for discriminator and generator respectively.

Download DRN-C-26 pretrained weights

  • This code supports running local flow detection by using pretrained weights of DRN-C-26.
  • Run bash drn/weights/ from the root directory of this repository.
  • You should see global.pth and local.pth, where local.pth is the pretrained weights for local flow detection.

How to run?

Note: Our models are trained on faces cropped by the dlib CNN face detector. Although in both scripts we included the --no_crop option to run the models without face crops, it is used for images with already cropped faces. Please make sure your images have the size of 400 * 400 if you choose no crop.


To overfit the DRPI-CGAN model to a single pair of modified image and original image, run the following command from the root directory of this repository:

python overfit --basepath=<path_to_your_dataset> --outputpath=<path_to_your_outputs>

This command will write loss values in losses.csv to <your_path_to_outputs>.


To train the DRPI-CGAN model on the training dataset, run the following command from the root directory of this repository:

python train --basepath=<path_to_your_dataset> --outputpath=<path_to_your_outputs> --gen_checkpoint=<path_to_pretrained_generator_weights> --dis_checkpoint=<path_to_pretrained_discriminator_weights> 

This command will write loss values in losses.csv, generator/discriminator checkpoints and visualizations to <your_path_to_outputs>.


To train the DRPI-CGAN model on the validation dataset, run the following command from the root directory of this repository:

python evaluate --basepath=<path_to_your_dataset> --outputpath=<path_to_your_outputs>

This command will write 4 evaluation result csv files and visualizations to <your_path_to_outputs>.

Local Flow Detection By Using Pretrained DRN-C-26

This code supports to run the local flow detection in FALDetector for performance comparison with DRPI-CGAN.

To run the pretrained DRN-C-26 model on the validation dataset, run the following command from the root directory of this repository:

python pretrain --basepath=<path_to_your_dataset> --outputpath=<path_to_your_outputs>

This command will write 4 evaluation result csv files and visualizations to <your_path_to_outputs>.

Testing DRN-C-26 and PWC-Net

This code also supports to test the usability of DRN-C-26 and PWC-Net for generating optical flow.

To test the pretrained DRN-C-26 model and PWC-Net model on a single image pair, run the following command from the root directory of this repository:

python --modify=<path_to_your_modified_image> --origin=<path_to_your_original_image> --model="./drn/weights/local.pth" --output_dir=<path_to_your_outputs>


A validation set consisting of 500 original and 500 modified images each from Flickr-Faces-HQ Dataset (FFHQ) on Kaggle can be downloaded here.

After unzipping the file, you should see two folder modified and reference, where reference contains 500 original images and modified contains 500 modified images.


This repository borrows partially from the DCGAN Pytorch Tutorial, pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix, FALDetector, drn, pwc-net and the PyTorch torchvision models repositories.