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Login LDAP Plugin

The Login LDAP Plugin for Grav CMS allows user authentication against an LDAP Server.


Installing the Login LDAP plugin can be done in one of two ways. The GPM (Grav Package Manager) installation method enables you to quickly and easily install the plugin with a simple terminal command, while the manual method enables you to do so via a zip file.

GPM Installation (Preferred)

The simplest way to install this plugin is via the Grav Package Manager (GPM) through your system's terminal (also called the command line). From the root of your Grav install type:

bin/gpm install login-ldap

This will install the Login LDAP plugin into your /user/plugins directory within Grav. Its files can be found under /your/site/grav/user/plugins/login-ldap.

Manual Installation

To install this plugin, just download the zip version of this repository and unzip it under /your/site/grav/user/plugins. Then, rename the folder to login-ldap. You can find these files on GitHub or via

You should now have all the plugin files under


Before configuring this plugin, you should copy the user/plugins/login-ldap/login-ldap.yaml to user/config/plugins/login-ldap.yaml and only edit that copy.

Admin Installation

If you use the admin plugin, you can install directly through the admin plugin by browsing the to Plugins in the sidebar menu and clicking on the Add button.

Configuring the Login LDAP plugin is as easy as navigating to the Plugins manager, and editing the configuration options.

Configuration Options

The default configuration and an explanation of available options:

enabled: true
port: 389
version: 3
ssl: false
start_tls: false
opt_referrals: false
user_dn: 'uid=[username],dc=company,dc=com'
group_query: '(&(cn=*)(memberUid=[username]))'
group_indentifier: cn
map_username: uid
map_fullname: givenName lastName
map_email: mail
map_dn: distinguishedName
save_grav_user: false
store_ldap_data: false
   - ldap_users
      login: true
          login: true
          super: true 
          login: true  

Server Settings

Key Description Values
enabled Enables the plugin [default: true] | false
host The DNS name or IP address of your LDAP server e.g.
port The TCP port of the host that the LDAP server runs under [default: 389]
version LDAP Version 3 is most popular (only change this if you know what you are doing) [default: 3]
ssl Enable SSL for the connection (typically for port 636 or 3269) true | [default: false]
start_tls Negotiate TLS encryption with the LDAP server (requires all traffic to be encrypted) true | [default: false]
opt_referrals Sets the value of LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS (leave it disabled for Windows 2003 and later servers) true | [default: false]

LDAP Configuration

Key Description Values
user_dn DN String used to authenticate a user, where [username] is replaced by username value entered via login [default: uid=[username],dc=company,dc=com]
search_dn DN String used to retrieve user data. If not provided, extra LDAP user data will not be stored in Grav user account file [OPTIONAL] e.g. ou=users,dc=company,dc=com
group_dn DN String used to retrieve user group data. If not provided, extra LDAP group data will not be stored in Grav user account file [OPTIONAL] e.g. ou=groups,dc=company,dc=com
group_query The query used to search Groups. Only change this if you know what you are doing [default: (&(cn=*)(memberUid=[username]))]
group_indentifier The Group identifier that will come back in the response, this is directly related to group query. [default: cn]
map_username LDAP Attribute(s) that contains the user's username [default: uid]
map_fullname LDAP Attribute(s) that contains the user's full name [default: givenName lastName]
map_email LDAP Attribute(s) that contains the user's email address [default: mail]
map_dn LDAP Attribute that contains the user's DN String [default: distinguishedName]


Active Directory with pre-Windows 2000 style logins

Key Value
user_dn YOURDOMAIN\[username]
search_dn ou=users,dc=yourdomain,dc=local
group_dn ou=groups,dc=yourdomain,dc=local
group_query (&(cn=*)(member=[dn])) or (&(cn=*)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=[dn])) for nested group support
group_indentifier cn
map_username sAMAccountName
map_fullname displayName
map_email mail
map_dn distinguishedName

Advanced Configuration

Key Description Values
save_grav_user Store the grav user account as a local YAML account true | [default: false]
store_ldap_data If storing a local Grav user, you can also store LDAP data so its available in Grav true | [default: false]
default_access_levels.groups Set a default group for all users logging in via LDAP [OPTIONAL] e.g. ldap_users Set the default site access for all users logging in via LDAP (used if no access.groups mapping applies) e.g. [login: 'true']
default_access_levels.access.groups The default access to assign to users logging in based on LDAP group membership e.g. user: [site: [login: 'true']]

Note that if you use the admin plugin, a file with your configuration will be saved in the user/config/plugins/login-ldap.yaml.


Once properly configured, the functionality of the LDAP plugin is transparent to the user. A user will be able to login via the normal login process and have access based on their account setup.

For the most basic of authentication, only the user_dn is required. This uses LDAP bind to simply map a full user DN to an entry in the LDAP directory with an associated password. If no search_dn is provided, once authenticated, the only information available about the user is the username provided during login.

LDAP User Data

In order to obtain data about the user a valid search_dn is required. This will search the LDAP directory at the level indicated in the DN and search for a userid with the username provided. the map_username field is used in this LDAP search query, so it's important that the map_username field is one that properly maps the username provided during login to the LDAP user entry.

LDAP Group Data

To be able to know the groups a user is associated with, a valid group_dn and group_query is required. Any invalid information will throw an exception stating that the search could not complete.

LDAP Group to Grav Access Mapping

The LDAP plugin provides a flexible way to map your LDAP users into Grav.

For Groups and Access mapping to work properly a valid search_dn, query_dn and group_query is required.

The default configuration for default_access_levels.access.groups looks like:

        login: true
      super: true
      login: true
    login: true

How this works is the two top-level YAML keys (admin and user) are LDAP groups that if a user is a member of, will assign the subsequent values as the Grav user access.

In order for a front-end user to be able to log into a Grav site the minimum of site: [login: true] is required. So as long as the user is a member of the LDAP group user, they will be assigned the necessary access to log in to the front of the site, and nothing more. You can of course configure this with any access settings you wish to provide.

For a user to have access to the admin, they must have at least admin: [login: true] access, and to be a full administrator with access to everything, they also need to have admin: [super: true] access. In the default configuration, users with LDAP group admin will be assigned this access. This will probably need to be modified for your directory configuration.

NOTE: See the Groups and Permissions Documentation for more information about how Grav permissions work in conjunction with access levels and groups.

Storing Grav User

By default the LDAP plugin does not store any local user information. Upon successfully authenticating against the LDAP user, a user is created and is available during the session. However, upon returning, the user must re-authenticate and the LDAP data is retrieved again.

If you want to be able to set user data (extra fields, or specific user access) for a particular user, you can enable the save_grav_user option, and this will create a local Grav user in the accounts/ folder. This is a local record of the user and attributes can be set here.

NOTE: Any attribute stored under the ldap: key in the user account file will be overwritten by the plugin during the next login. This information is always in sync with latest data in the LDAP server. The same rule goes for the mapped fields. So updating email in your LDAP directory will ensure the entry in the local Grav user is updated on next login.

Also note that the password will never be stored in the Grav user under accounts/.

Blacklist LDAP Fields

With the Blacklist Fields you have the option of ignoring fields. This is useful for skipping users sensitive data or fields that are stored as media. For example phone numbers, home addresses or images, videos, etc.


If a user is simply unable to authenticate against the LDAP server, an entry will be logged into the Grav log (logs/grav.log) file with the attempted dn. This can be used to ensure the user_dn entry is correct and can be tested against any other LDAP login system.

If either the user_dn, search_dn, group_dn or group_query are incorrect an error will be thrown during login, and a message with the error stored in the logs/grav.log file.

If you expect fullname, or email to be stored in the Grav user object, but they are not appearing, it's probably a problem with your field mappings. Double check with your LDAP administrator that these are the correct mappings.

To get a quick state of your LDAP configuration, you can simply dump out the Grav user on a temporary secure page:

title: LDAP Test
cache_enabled: false
    twig: true
    site.login: true

# Grav User

{{ vardump(grav.user) }}

For a more detailed example, you can look in the example. folder of this plugin, where you can find a page that you can use to see the data collected during LDAP authentication. It's an useful way for configuring the plugin as well as tweaking the Blacklist.