This project was made in order to training with plenty of concepts of computings, and some tools.
This project used :
- Transaction
- Security (with login)
- WebServices with REST
- Localization i18n
Hibernate Validation
JPA and Hibernate (with Criteria)
Docker & docker Compose
- Dockerfile, dind, ...
Maven & organization with modules
- Maven configuration with rapports
- CheckStyle
Concepts of DAO, DTO, Services, Mappers, Paginator
Logs (LogBack)
JSPs, JSTL, and Tags
jQuery lib (jquery, jQuery UI, jQuery Validation)
Units Testing & Integration testing with Selenium
Continuous delivery (Jenkins)
Old concepts (in previous commits)
- Servlets
- ThreadLocal
- Singleton enum Pattern
- Connection Pool (today managed by Spring Datasource)
- Spring Security (authentication with Digest)
First at all, be into the root folder of the project
To launch the test server :
docker-compose -f dockers/docker-compose-envtest.yml up test_server
To launch Unit tests :
docker-compose -f dockers/docker-compose-envtest.yml up unit_test
To launch Integration testing :
docker-compose -f dockers/docker-compose-envtest.yml up selenium_test
To launch Production Server : (if the docker is not build, you need to generate the war of the front-webapp project)
docker-compose -f dockers/docker-compose-envtest.yml up tomcat_webapp
To launch stress tests : TODO
The Glazer Container Agent is a simple webapp that allow us to manage Docker containers.
Create a Docker container with a Glazer Container Agent. This container will be your staging server. Like the Jenkins container, this container must be able to start containers (Docker in Docker).
Create two Docker images: one for the computer database webapp and one for the mysql. Once again use docker-compose to describe your services. Push them to DockerHub.
Add another job in your Jenkins that updates the computer-database-webapp image with the latest successful war and pushes it to DockerHub. Then ask your Glazer Container Agent container to create a new container from the latest image. This job must be triggered only if the UT tests pass.
Jenkins + DinD: Which service actually starts the containers ? How to share directories between containers ?
Glazer Container Agent + DinD: How to handle container port mapping ? (2 solutions)
DockerHub: Automated builds limitations ?