Releases: VocaDB/VocaDB-App
Releases · VocaDB/VocaDB-App
Notice: Not production ready
Notice2: Android only
This version I had rebuild its from scratch with React Native. My point of this version is to test out if its can run smoothly and correctly for (almost) everyone, So don't surprise if many button is not working right now.
Anyway let me know if you found any error or need to give me some feedback.
Current few available basic feature
- List of recent songs and albums
- View detail of song, artist, album, event and tags (with few information for now)
- Able to use share button
- Search entry
New upgrade and bug fixed
- Refactor code and project structure
- Add lyrics if available on song info page. Currently support Japanese, Romanji and English
- Update ionic framework to v1.0.1
- Update cordova framework to v5.1.1
- A bit change of user interface on some page.
- More info on "about" page.
- Fix infinite scroll when got empty result
- Barcode scan must be match with album's barcode in database instead of normal query field.
- Fix some broken image. Use default image if can not be loaded (such as empty image)
- For iOS. Now you can Favorited song, artist or album. As like android version. This will save as temporary and didn’t related to account. If you delete data or uninstall app it might disappear.