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Concrete Foreign Function Interface

This crate exposes an experimental C FFI to the concrete-core primitives. Using this FFI, any language can benefit from the FHE scheme proposed in concrete.

This FFI is currently experimental and therefore unstable in terms of naming and exposed structures/entry points.

An example

Setting-up concrete-core-ffi for use in a C program.

You can build concrete-core-ffi yourself on a Unix x86_64 machine using the following command:

RUSTFLAGS="-Ctarget-cpu=native" cargo build --all-features --release -p concrete-core-ffi

All features in the FFI crate are opt-in, but for simplicity here, we enable all of them.

You can then find the concrete-core-ffi.h header as well as the static (.a) and dynamic (.so) libconcrete_core_ffi binaries in "${REPO_ROOT}/target/release/"

Whether you build concrete-core-ffi yourself or downloaded a pre-built version you will need to set-up you build system so that your C or C++ program links against concrete-core-ffi.

Here is a minimal CMakeLists.txt allowing to do just that:


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)

set(CONCRETE_CORE_FFI_RELEASE "/path/to/concrete-core-ffi/binaries/and/header")

add_library(Concrete STATIC IMPORTED)
set_target_properties(Concrete PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${CONCRETE_CORE_FFI_RELEASE}/libconcrete_core_ffi.a)

set(EXECUTABLE_NAME my-executable)
add_executable(${EXECUTABLE_NAME} main.c)
target_link_libraries(${EXECUTABLE_NAME} LINK_PUBLIC Concrete m pthread dl)
target_compile_options(${EXECUTABLE_NAME} PRIVATE -Werror)

Homomorphic addition of two ciphertexts using concrete-core-ffi

DISCLAIMER: the parameters in the example below are insecure and for example purposes only.

Here is a small-ish example of how to call concrete-core from C through concrete-core-ffi to compute the homomorphic addition of two ciphertexts. This needs to be linked against libconcrete_core_ffi.

If you use the following code block content for the main.c file used in the CMakeLists.txt above you will be able to compile and run the homomorphic addition between 1 and 2.

#include "concrete-core-ffi.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tgmath.h>

// Precision related constants
const int MESSAGE_BITS = 4;
const int SHIFT = 64 - (MESSAGE_BITS + 1);

int main(void) {
    // DefaultEngine requires a seeder to seed random number generators for key generation and
    // encryption.
    SeederBuilder* builder = NULL;

    bool unix_seeder_available = false;
    int unix_seeder_available_ok = unix_seeder_is_available(&unix_seeder_available);
    // Here we use asserts to hard crash if something goes wrong, you will want to have a different
    // behavior in your production code for better error handling
    assert(unix_seeder_available_ok == 0);

    if (unix_seeder_available) {
        uint64_t secret_high_64 = 0;
        uint64_t secret_low_64 = 0;
        int get_builder_ok = get_unix_seeder_builder(secret_high_64, secret_low_64, &builder);
        assert(get_builder_ok == 0);
    else {
        printf("UNIX seeder unavailable on this system.\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // Pointer for the engine we will instantiate and later use
    DefaultEngine *engine = NULL;

    int default_engine_ok = new_default_engine(builder, &engine);
    assert(default_engine_ok == 0);
    double variance = 0.000000001;

    // We generate the secret key
    size_t lwe_dimension = 10;
    LweSecretKey64 *sk = NULL;
    int sk_ok = default_engine_generate_new_lwe_secret_key_u64(engine, lwe_dimension, &sk);
    assert(sk_ok == 0);

    // We allocate the ciphertext buffer
    uint64_t *input_ct_1_buffer =
        aligned_alloc(U64_ALIGNMENT, sizeof(uint64_t) * (lwe_dimension + 1));
    uint64_t *input_ct_2_buffer =
        aligned_alloc(U64_ALIGNMENT, sizeof(uint64_t) * (lwe_dimension + 1));
    uint64_t *output_ct_buffer = aligned_alloc(U64_ALIGNMENT, sizeof(uint64_t) * (lwe_dimension + 1));
    uint64_t plaintext_1 = {((uint64_t)1) << SHIFT};
    uint64_t plaintext_2 = {((uint64_t)2) << SHIFT};

    // We encrypt the plaintext
    int enc_ct_1_ok = default_engine_discard_encrypt_lwe_ciphertext_u64_raw_ptr_buffers(
        engine, sk, input_ct_1_buffer, plaintext_1, variance);
    assert(enc_ct_1_ok == 0);
    int enc_ct_2_ok = default_engine_discard_encrypt_lwe_ciphertext_u64_raw_ptr_buffers(
        engine, sk, input_ct_2_buffer, plaintext_2, variance);
    assert(enc_ct_2_ok == 0);

    // Perform the addition
    int add_ok = default_engine_discard_add_lwe_ciphertext_u64_raw_ptr_buffers(
        engine, output_ct_buffer, input_ct_1_buffer, input_ct_2_buffer, lwe_dimension);
    assert(add_ok == 0);

    // We decrypt the plaintext
    uint64_t output = -1;
    int decrypt_ok = default_engine_decrypt_lwe_ciphertext_u64_raw_ptr_buffers(
        engine, sk, output_ct_buffer, &output);
    assert(decrypt_ok == 0);

    // We check that the output are the same
    double expected = ((double)plaintext_2 + (double)plaintext_1) / pow(2, SHIFT);
    double obtained = (double)output / pow(2, SHIFT);
    printf("Comparing output. Expected %f, Obtained %f\n", expected, obtained);
    double abs_diff = abs(obtained - expected);
    double rel_error = abs_diff / fmax(expected, obtained);
    assert(rel_error < 0.002);

    // We deallocate the objects
    default_engine_destroy_lwe_secret_key_u64(engine, sk);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;



This software is distributed under the BSD-3-Clause-Clear license. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].