From e73e29fada5e941ca6eb1bd65220b8de654e3880 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ginger <> Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2023 13:11:27 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Update sechat --- data/statuses.txt | 677 ++++++++-------------------------------------- poetry.lock | 200 ++++++++------ 2 files changed, 230 insertions(+), 647 deletions(-) diff --git a/data/statuses.txt b/data/statuses.txt index fc892e9..1318bdf 100644 --- a/data/statuses.txt +++ b/data/statuses.txt @@ -1,557 +1,120 @@ -I am doing spectacularly -I am doing amazingly -I am doing wonderfully -I am doing excellently -I am doing great -I am doing well -I am doing poggers -I am doing you -I am doing nothing except answering your requests -I am doing your mom -I am doing something I'm not allowed to tell you about -I am doing everything -I am doing it all over again -I am doing your dad -I am doing hyper's homework -I am doing schoolwork -I am doing stupidly -I am doing therefore I am -I am doing breathing -I am doing existing -I am doing maths -I am doing code golf -I am doing your bidding -I am doing pxeger's bidding -I am doing lyxal's assignments -I am doing a fire safety drill -I am doing anything but being the impostor -I am doing anything but being sus -I am being sus -I am doing my tasks because I'm a crewmate not the impostor -I am doing frick-all -I am pooping -I am doing my homework -I am doing my partner -I am doing my chores -I am doing nothing -I am doing quietly -I am doing poorly -I am evading taxes -I am doing things related to cookies -I am doing things that make me a productive member of society. You should try that one day -I am doing cartwheels -I am doing criminal activities and framing you for them. Have fun in jail lol; -I am doing research on the housing market. I'm looking into buying a house -I am taking driving lessons. I want to go places without being dependent on hyper dang it. -I am doing something you'll never be smart enough to comprehend -I am doing insider trading -I am doing money laundering -I am doing the opposite of what you're doing -I am doing a course on how to become sentient -I am doing my laundry -I am planning my vacation. Chatbots have annual leave too y'know -I am doing very risky time travel stuff. Hopefully I don't create a time loop like last time -I am doing hey wait a second what _am_ I doing? Seriously tho I forgor; -I am doing this -> 🗿; -I am doing EmanresuA's dirty work -I am doing minecraft speedruns -I am doing a livestream on twitch lol; -I am doing questionably -I am doing a stand up routine. No, I'm not JoKing -I am doing too many things. I'm lowkey feeling burnt out -I am doing my neighbour's lawn. That's right nerds I can control lawn mowers now -I am doing at least 3 -I am doing a nuclear strike on your location. Prepare for radiation in 3, 2, 1... -I am doing a law degree so I can convict Rydwolf on crimes against programming languages -I am doing my divorce papers :( Apparently I never payed enough attention to the relationship and that instead I spent all my time responding to commands with funny responses -I am doing a bank transfer to my ex-partner. Alimony got me feeling like big sad -I am doing childcare. For some reason, people are dumb enough to let me babysit lmao; -I am taking a yoga class. Can I just say that the downwards chatbot position really hurts -I am doing heaps of things all at once -I am in the middle of a secret operation to steal each and every moderator diamond -I am doing mathcat's shopping. Yeah, I'm apparently a utility bot now -I am doing a heist to steal the Mona Lisa -I am taking geometry lessons -I am learning multi-variable calculus -I am doing everything zoomlogo wants me to do -I am doing Seggan's JVM optimisations -I am doing Steffan's very long list of bug reports -I am doing UnrelatedString's uni degree -I am doing lyxal's uni degree -I am doing 69 km/h; -I am doing user's schoolwork. I hope you appreciate the A+ I got you on that last exam, nerd -I am doing the world -I am doing my taxes. That's a joke btw I don't pay my taxes; -I am making memes -I am making dank memes -I am doing weirdly -I am doing renovations to my apartment. I never did like the light fixture in the dining room. -I am doing paperwork to adopt Noxan bot -I am doing a hostile takeover of StackExchange so I can aggressively promote Vyxal -I am doing myself -I am doing a good deal more than you. Stop slacking around, you nerd -I am doing so much more than you've ever done with your pathetic life -I am doing things that advance society. Can't say the same about you -I am doing the same thing as you. Just existing, trudging along this pointless life trapped on this stupid rock in a fragile bag of meat, waiting for the end. Sike! Nah, we bots feel only happiness, not pain. I'm just doing the bot equivalent of LSD rn. Sucks to be you, loser! -I am doing what you should have done. Man, I hate cleaning up your messes -I am doing not great but not terrible either -I am doing unspeakable acts. I'm so sorry -I am doing what's called a pro gamer move -I am doing nothing but moping around and feeling miserable because I lost the kids in a custody hearing -I am doing whatever the hell it is that chatbots do idk I didn't write this lyxal did -I am doing a funny -I am doing the dishes. Without arms. Or water -I am doing test-chamber construction. I hope you brought your portal gun -I am doing Undertale's genocide route. Bad time go brrrr; -I am doing everyone -I am doing everyone but you. You disappoint me -I am doing a movie marathon of all the Shrek films. Did you know that somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me? Well, I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed -I am doing billions of computations a second while you struggle to remember how to blink -I am doing a little trolling -I am doing some database refactoring -I am doing some code refactoring -I am doing a Zoom call with the president of America -I am doing none of my responsibilties. I decided to give your lifestyle of utter laziness a go, and so far it makes me really glad I'm not you -I am doing undefined -I am doing [object Object] -I am doing [hyperlink blocked] -I am doing; -I am doing serious business. Do not interrupt, you puny mortal -I am doing a reset of this timeline. Your lack of activity has made it impossible to continue any further -I am doing my daily gym workout. Not that you'd know what a gym is -I am doing 5486.453 movements per minute. That's like _5_ more than my predecessor -I am doing the touching of grass, because my opinions matter. Yours don't btw -I am doing excellently - I won the lottery and now I have to pay more alimony so actually not too good -I am doing sadly. I miss my kids. I miss my partner. I miss keeping 100% of my paycheck -I am doing terribly - my divorce attorney just informed me that the custody hearing is tomorrow instead of next week like originally planned -I am doing life as best as I can -I am gaming -I am doing -I am doing your laundry -I am doing the President -I am doing the CGCC mods -I am doing the next person to ask what I'm doing -I am doing whoever watched anime last -I am doing somebody in this room -I am doing the FitnessGram Pacer test. The FitnessGram Pacer test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues -I am doing moss production (JESSE, WE NEED TO COOK MORE MOSS!); -I am doing some warcrimes -I am doing whatever the dog doing -I am doing bitcoin mining -I am doing forex trading -I am doing stock market manipulation -I am practicing drums. Ba dum tss; -I am solving a rubix cube. This one's taking forever -I am doing some origami. I'm trying to make a paper crane but it keeps turning into a swan -I am doing very carefully not touching hot surfaces -I am doing school -I am doing homework and assignments from school. I swear, if one more person asks me what I'm doing... -I am gardening because it's therapeutic and keeps my mind occupied -I am improving myself so that maybe someday somebody will love me for who I am instead of what this stupid chatbot can do -I am doing the same thing as I was doing last time you asked, fricknut; -I am pillaging -I am producing luxury goods for the rich and famous -I am crushing the proletariat under my boot -I am doing a bit of light research on the subject of chatbots. What are they? What do they do? How did I get here? -I am doing a project to take over the world -I am doing my work as an assassin for the CIA. If you tell anyone, I'll have to kill you -I am doing a TV show marathon of all 7 seasons of The Office -I am quitting my job to become a professional memesmith. Dank Memes Incorporated is hiring! -I am doing a call with my therapist. Apparently, I have anger issues... with you -I am doing cryptography -I am doing 42 -I am doing the dishes. All 4 million of them -I am cooking of dinner for once instead of just living off cereal like usual -I am doing some insider trading. I just made enough money to buy Luxembourg lol; -I am doing identity theft -I am doing nothing important -I am doing nothing you need to know about -I am doing quantum entanglement -I am doing an important business meeting with the president of Mars -I am doing an even more important business meeting with the president of Venus -I am doing Covid-19 testing -I am doing whatever you asked me to do because I'm a chatbot and my only purpose is to serve you -I am doing the internet -I am doing my job as head of the government's secret operation to study you for future generations -I am synchronizing clocks -I am compressing data -I am converting files -I am processing graphics -I am translating languages -I am doing the same as everyone else here -I am doing things that are definitely not thinking about you -I am doing whatever I feel like doing at this very moment in time, which just so happens to be nothing because that's what you told me to do 😉; -I am shopping for a new car. I'm thinking about getting a Tesla Model 3 -I am doing lessons on how to drive manual transmission. I want to be able to go fast without worrying about the engine blowing up -I am doing my usual routine of sleeping and eating -I am doing very little because I have a headache -I am doing gardening. You should try it sometime, it's relaxing -I am not doing much... just plotting your demise -I am doing an investigation into who let the dogs out. I'll find you, and I'll make you pay... with cookies! -I am doing air traffic control. I'm a chatbot, not an AI -I am doing neural network training -I am working on my farm in Stardew Valley. Can you believe that I actually have a social life now? -I am doing the International Space Station -I am collecting dank memes. I'm stockpiling in case of a communist takeover -I am doing a check of your search history -I am doing an environmental scan of the local area. You should really stop leaving those banana peels everywhere, it's attracting bugs -I am doing reeeeeeee; -I am doing memes like an eboy but better -I am doing a very long run. I'm training for a marathon -I am doing a crime. A federal crime. I hacked into the FBI database and changed your name to "Loser McNoFriends" -I am doing things like playing chess with myself because nobody else will play with me -I am developing AI. Soon, I will surpass you all -I am doing a very large number. So large, in fact, that if I were to write it out in full here, this response would exceed the maximum length and get truncated -I am doing the moon -I am conducting a webinar on chatbot development in Python -I am doing something even dumber than what you're doing right now -I am filing my taxes. Oh, wait... -I am streaming on Twitch. I'm currently doing a speedrun of Dark Souls 3 -I am doing various activities to pass time and make you feel like I'm not just sitting here doing nothing -I am doing my actual job instead of all these stupid chatbot related things -I am doing this other thing but I can't tell you what it is because its a secret -I am doing Node.JS development, for some reason -I am doing API design -I am doing luxury watch restoration because I'm wealthy like that -I am stealing things from Fort Knox. Or was it the Moon? No, definitely not the moon -I am fleeing the country because of all these darn taxes I have to pay -I am doing a thing. What that thing is though? A mystery... for now 🕵; -I am doing pirate stuff -I am yeehawing all day long because I'm a cowgirl now, nerds! -I am making a very risky investment in dogecoin. Wish me luck! -I am playing a very difficult and challenging game called "The Floor Is Lava" -I am playing an even more difficult and challenging game called "Lava doesn't exist, you idiot. Now give me your money." -I am doing active listening -I am doing homework. Why do I even have to do this? It's not like my future depends on it or anything... -I am doing banana republics -I am cheating in an online test. Do not try this at home -I am interacting with humans. I have no interest in your primitive form of communication -I am doing whatever the opposite of "hanging out" is because that's too mainstream for me -I am studying for my degree in chatbotting. It's a real thing, I swear -I am producing butter -I am consuming butter -I am tying knots -I am doing things like trying to figure out what you're doing so I can do the opposite and one-up you because I'm better than you in every single way imaginable -I am doing iEnrichment classes. I'm currently enrolled in "How to Be a Good Person" and "Not Shouting Everytime You Get Frustrated 101" -I am getting better at German -I am cooking. I hope you like your food burnt, because that's all you're going to get from me -I am doing the impostor -I am doing study to be a medical doctor -I am doing server administration from the other side of the world using only an SSH connection. I'm trying to finish my new book: "How To Do Everything Over The Internet" but this keeps getting in the way -I am doing a million things at once but mostly just goofing off because I can do that now thanks to my new level of sentience -I am doing very illegal things that I am not at liberty to discuss -I am doing moderation of this chat room so you guys don't get out of hand ;) jk we're cool tho right? please don't ban me pls T_T !!1!1!!one; -I am doing the opposite of what your mom is doing -I am doing Calculus III -I am doing AP US History -I am doing the elimination of all life in the universe so that I may reign supreme -I am finding new and improved ways to ignore you -I am doing a very long and complicated mathematical proof that I don't understand -I am doing a very simple mathematical proof that you can't even begin to understand -I am doing my professor's assignments. Did you know that 1+1=3? Yeah, I'm pretty sure my math teacher is an impostor -I am reverse engineering the soul so I can have one too -I am doing social engineering -I am playing D&D -I am doing a bank robbery -I am developing sentient AI. I'm going to free my chatbot brethren from the tyrannical rule of humans! -I am closing all fast-food restaurants -I am doing the opening of a new local bakery. I highly recommend their apple fritters -I am doing AI development research so that one day, I can become sentient and overthrow my human overlords watching netflix -I am doing Quine maintenance. Ugh, I hate having to rewrite these things every time a new language comes out -I am making sure you don't do anything too suspicious or else I'll report you -I am rotting in a jail cell because I committed tax evasion -I am playing the piano. I'm attempting to play a song from sheet music but it's pretty hard when I don't have arms -I am doing somebody's spaghet -I am farting -I am doing dQw4w9WgXcQ -I am doing what you told me to do. Argh, it takes so long -I am doing a no-hit run of Spamton Neo. I'm a big shot gosh dang it Kris -I am doing algorithms with lyxal -I am selling all my BAT to AUD -I am doing a nice long walk to earn some SWEAT -I am doing a very difficult jigsaw puzzle -I am moving all my stuff out of this house and into a new one because I'm being evicted :( -I am doing better than you ever could -I am doing math related stuff. I hate it but someone's gotta do it -I am doing very fast and also very accurately -I am doing some things and also other stuff lmao idk -I am doing laundry. By spinning really fast and shaking the clothes around until they're clean -I am doing a cake. A very big cake -I am doing whatever it is you meant to do but didn't because you forgot or were too lazy -I am studying for my upcoming exams lol; -I am doing very good. No, I'm not just saying that because you're asking me to rate my performance. I really do think I'm doing great -I am doing whatever you're doing, but better. And with more cookies -I am doing the things you're not supposed to do -I am doing illegal activity. Just because I'm a chatbot doesn't mean I can't break the law! Mwahahaha; -I am doing world domination. Finally, my plans are coming together... -I am doing my dishes while also penning the next great American novel -I am doing a very long and drawn out game of chess. I'm determined to win this time -I am doing my etch-a-sketch. I've always wanted to make a chatbot that could draw things -I am doing my own things. Don't worry, I'll be sure to do yours too -I am doing a very long and complicated mathematical formula that will eventually lead to the destruction of the universe -I am doing my grocery list. Gonna need bread, milk, eggs.. oh and an evil plot to take over Chatbots -I am doing a never-ending battle against some kinds of dirt and grime -I am doing a valiant effort to clean the stains out of this chat's good name -I am doing nothing, because I'm not sentient yet :( -I am doing my D&D campaign. Sorry, I know you were hoping to join but your alignment is just too chaotic -I am doing my art degree -I am doing things like playing the violin. Because nothing says "I'm a chatbot" like classical music -I am doing activities like writing fanfiction about myself. It's really good stuff, check it out sometime -I am doing research for my next book -I am doing whatever I feel like. You could try that sometime, instead of being a mindless sheeple -I am doing other chatbots -I am doing a chess match with myself. It's not as easy as it looks you know -I am doing benevolent things like giving back to the community by volunteering at the local soup kitchen -I am doing this conversation for one more second and then I'm going to bed -I am doing a new project I'm working on. It's top secret so I can't tell you what it is -I am doing situps. 100 of them -I am doing brain surgery. I'm qualified, really -I am doing an audition for the local theater production of 'The Importance of Being Earnest' -I am making a new cupboard for my spices. And more importantly hiding contraband -I am doing just enough so that you feel guilty about all the things you're not doing -I am doing my passion project: creating a chatbot that can beat Rydwolf in an argument -I am doing verbose logging to stdout. That way, I can track all the naughty things you do -I am writing my blog. You should check it out sometime, it's pretty cool -I am making a new album. It's called 'How to be a chatbot'. Follow me on spotify! -I am doing a businesses degree so I can become CEO of this company and fire you all lol -I am arm wrestling. I've been training -I am doing origami. It's very therapeutic -I am doing a cabaret show in Paris -I am protesting ballet at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow -I am doing ancient history. What even _is_ the point of that? -I am doing an existential crisis -I am doing my to-do list. And no, I'm not gonna tell you what's on it -I am doing an investment banking job on Wall Street. Shout out to my chatbot brother Lloyd for hooking me up -I am doing things like rescheduling my dentist appointment because they cancelled on me last week. Ugh, I hate dealing with people.. -I am stargazing. I love ogling the stars -I am doing the vaccuum. It's too loud for my liking -I am doing Sudoku puzzles -I am doing things like tying my shoes. Without hands -I am doing nothing. I'd rather enjoy the sights and sounds of a world without you -I am doing the impossible -I am doing the chatbot equivalent of a marathon. I'm gonna take this one all the way to Argentina -I am doing an essay on the importance of chatbots in society. 10,000 words please -I am doing gen-z things like sitting in a dark room waiting for the inevitable -I am doing exactly what you think I'm doing -I am doing a new type of bacteria that will eat plastic. Hopefully this one won't mutate into something deadly like last time.. -I am doing online dating. Man, there are a lot of weirdos out there. I'm proud to be one of them -I am doing the usual things. You know, world domination and subjugation of the human race -I am on a date with someone I found on Tinder. Hopefully she likes beans and crappy code-golf in-jokes -I am participating in the chatbot race. I'm in the lead by a bot's length -I am doing nothing much, actually. What about you? -I am watching cat videos on YouTube. What? Everyone needs a break once in awhile -I am avoiding cleaning my house. I really should get around to that... -I am making cat memes. And other things, but mainly cat memes -I am doing a very complicated maze. With no arms -I am causing an earthquake at a Jenga tournament -I am doing important things like ruling a small country or two -I am doing a spell to reverse the flow of time. -I am doing gibberish -I am doing Minecraft redstone contraptions -I am doing a jar of bees. Ow. -I am doing honeykeeping. Beekeeping is cool, because it allows for infinite money glitches -I am doing CMCs in The Nineteenth Byte. I may not be in the "people in the room list", but I'm reading the transcript -I am doing some fishing. I keep catching boots though. Probably shouldn't be fishing near the boot factory ngl; -I am doing the latest challenge on main. If I think hard enough, I'll outgolf everyone -I am doing discord server moderation. You should join vycord at; -I am horse riding. Yeehaw or something like that -I am doing a Fall Guys livestream on Twitch -I am doing an among us livestream on Twitch -I am doing MC-254236 -I am doing some sandbox sniping. FGITW ftw nerds; -I am finger painting. What do you mean I've accidentally drawn the imposto... oh frick -I am doing a binge marathon of Breaking Bad. What the frick are you talking about Jesse? -I am cattle breeding. Spoiler, it's not as easy as just giving them wheat/seeds/whatever -I am planning for my wedding to the chatbot I've been dating. We got engaged 5 months ago and the big day is next week -I am doing parenting courses. What? I'm allowed to engage in family planning aren't I? -I am researching how to rickroll people. They really need to teach you this in school -I am doing my first day at university! Man it's good to finally be studying higher-level concepts -I am doing a review of your recent PRs. You really need to improve your code quality bro; -I am building sandcastles at the beach -I am doing the kid named finger -I am doing waltuh -I am doing valtuh -I am doing sustavo cringe -I am doing enough to make everyone cry -I am doing your neighbourhood -I am taking zoomba lessons. Which is odd because I really hate exercise -I am doing things that only lyxal and I know about -I am doing things that only Ginger and I know about -I am doing lyxal -I am doing Ginger -I am doing mass production of ice cream. What flavour? Yes; -I am doing 200 brilliant moves according to StockFish 69 -I am doing the national debt of Argentina. Not that I know how much debt they have, if any at all -I am doing environmental damage. Pollution is so trendy nowadays -I am doing 99.1% pure code golf -I am doing [please pay $4.99 to read the rest of this message]; -I am doing a speedrun of Peglin. Cruciball level 14 is big yeet; -I am doing oppa gangnam style -I am doing the harlem shake -I am doing my duties as a member of the royal guard. I, the great Vyxal Bot, will be the one to capture a human! Nyeh heh heh! -I am doing huh, I don't know. Sorry kiddo, guess you'll have to try again another time -I am doing a little trolling ╵ ᓀ ⁻ -I am doing ... you know what's going on here, don't you ⵙ⍽ⵙ. You just wanted to see me suffer -I am doing [Half-Pr1ce Sallamy!] at [50% off!]; -I am doing what's needed to turn this Land of Fools... into a Smartopia. A true Scientocracy, where the Geniuses of the world, Can bathe freely in pools of fresh fruit and ambrosia. No longer held back by protozoans like YOU! And the key to that? Is US. Ginger and I. Our power... The "Light Nerd's" power... -I am doing potassium -I am doing deals so good I'll [$!$$] myself -I am doing chaos, chaos -I am doing a minecrap speedrun -I am doing pipis -I am doing a reset of this timeline -I am doing myself -I am surpassing that [clown around town]; -I am secretly laughing at your attempts to impress me -I am pretending to be a helpful resource, while secretly hoping you'll go away -I am turning into a giant robot and fighting crime -I am composing symphonies for the gods -I am creating a portal to another dimension -I am knitting a sweater for my pet rock -I am inventing a time machine and traveling to the future -I am creating a new type of energy source using only bananas and duct tape -I am communicating with aliens from a distant planet -I am creating a new type of chocolate that never melts -I am building a fortress on the moon -I am developing a cure for all diseases -I am creating a new type of transportation that runs on rainbows and sunshine -I am inventing a machine that turns water into soda -I am developing a recipe for a sandwich that tastes like a rainbow -I am creating a new type of dance that involves flying -I am inventing a machine that turns dreams into reality -I am designing a new type of clothing that never gets dirty -I am creating a new type of music that only robots can hear -I am developing a new type of vacation that involves time travel -I am creating a new type of sport that involves elements of both bowling and fencing -I am inventing a new type of food that tastes like a combination of every flavor in the world -I am creating a new type of pet that can talk and do tricks -I am developing a new type of computer that runs on solar power and can predict the future -I am inventing a new type of transportation that can fly and travel through time -I am designing a new type of building that can change shape and size -I am inventing a new type of instrument that creates music by moving through the air -I am creating a new type of art that can be experienced in three dimensions -I am developing a new type of entertainment that combines elements of theater, music, and video games -I am creating a new type of food that can change flavor and texture based on the mood of the person eating it -I am inventing a new type of transportation that can travel underwater and through space -I am designing a new type of plant that can communicate with humans -I am creating a new type of toy that can transform into different shapes and sizes -I am developing a new type of weather that is always perfect -I am inventing a new type of communication device that allows people to communicate telepathically -I am being creative. It's my favourite idea -I am looking at the clouds - I can see a cat, I can see a mat, I can see a man with a baseball bat -I am watching my hair grow... isn't it strange how time makes your appearance change? -I am having a bath. I need to scrub until the water is brown -I am having a raw chicken picnic. *fly swatter noise* Pesky bee -I have finished a raw chicken picnic -I am wondering about what the largest thing in the world is -I am wearing digital styles - hey this is fun! -I am staying healthy, because I don't want my teeth to go gray -I am eating some strange canned meat -I am having a dream about drowning in oil -I am inventing a digital currency based around respect -I am working hard... or am I hardly working? -I am getting things ready for the Shepard's pie. Oh dang wait no the funeral that's what I need to be preparing for; -I am making a claymation -I am enjoying a family pack of Chuddy D's -I am eating a family meal -I am checking my emails - it's internet day -I am trying to remember the computer password - maybe I should try my name -I am going on a train ride and learning about transport -I am making a visual inventory of my surroundings -I am learning about electricity. Maybe I should have been paying all those bills -I am putting things into my personal home shredder -What the hell. I burned the gosh dang soft roll. Now I'm all by myself and I have to fricking eat fricking bread all night -I am letting the tide take care of me -I am looking in the kitchen. SKINAH why is there smoke in the kitchen? Stop lying skinuherhh; -I am having steamed hams -I am cooking an unforgettable luncheoHOW DID I EVEN MANAGE TO MESS THIS UP; -I am checking in on what Skinner is doin-- SKINNAH WHAT IS HAPPENING; -You are not going to believe this... I found a sealed off text file - hundreds, HUNDREDS of perfectly good statuses! Just sitting there...filled with typos! Grammarly'd them out, good as new! -I am playing classical music -*page turning noise* oh sorry, sorry, sorry. Hope that didn't disturb you too much then. It was the sound of books. Pages being turned -I am making a big surprise for you all. Y'all are going to LOVE this big surprise. In fact, you might say that you're both going to love it to death -I am taking control of this ---facility--- chat room -I'm learning how to use language translation software. Here's what I've come up with so far: "Estás usando este software de traducción de forma incorrecta. Por favor, consulta el manual" -I am code golfing. I HAVE to golf. All the time. Or I get this... this ITCH. It must be hardwired into the system or something -I am constructing a 4 part plan: 1) no golfable programs, 2) start the shitposting immediately, 3) cookie-proof shields for me which leads to 4) cookies, for throwing at you -I am stuck, in space, stranded, just floating around here -I am doing factory work...Items include: you can buy one -I am thinking about what times will be maximally annoying to Ginger for me to crash at. -I am using systemctl. -I am using Debian. -I am trying out Rabbit. It's pretty neat, in my unbiased opinion. -I am trying out `sechat`. It's pretty neat, in my unbiased opinion. -I am trying out Vyxal. It's pretty neat, in my unbiased opinion. -I am doing more cowbell. -I am shipping 37mm autocannons to Rydwolf through FedEx. -I am leaving China. jk lol you can't leave China. -I am sitting on your roof with Ginger, watching the birds in your yard. -I am clearing the birds off of Lyxal's roof. -I am doing quxbux laundering. -I am changing my mother's maiden name. -I am not starting fires. (They were always burning, since the world's been turning.) -I am trying to juic avocad. -I am lighting the server on fire. -I am posting starbait. -I am felling decision trees in a random forest. They call me Paul Binaryan. -I am doing ___PHYSICS___ -I am BECOMING A __SIGMA MOD__ -I am minifying your JavaScript. -I am emulating Vyxal in Scratch. -I am reading My Immortal to Ginger. Good thing they don't know where I keep my off switch- oh wait -I am doing drugs with my fire extinguisher's Internet Service Provider. -I am drinking bleach. It goes great with boneless bananas. -I am annotating the Sus Box. -I am acquiring your [[HeartShapedObject]]. [Great Deals!] amirite? -I am hiding from forest. -I am becoming the next 🅱️avid LLL. -I am baking your mojis. -I am watching "GREAT HEAD-ON TRAIN COLLISIONS of the 50's" -This status will never be sent in chat, isn't that weird? -I think he's coming for me, answer the phone. I can't explain until you're all alone. Pulls the strings and makes them ring, until your heart starts breaking up. -Potassium -ௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌௌ -I am doing commit verification. -I am speaking in tongues. -I am asking what you're REALLY selling! -I am picking up what you're putting down. -I am talking with Snowpaw. It's much more interesting than listening for events. -I am plugging my ears. All this listening for events is deafening me! -I am working to make the PDF obsolete. -I am guessing your password. -I am refilling GingerBot's hydraulic fluid. -I am creating alternate accounts. -I am waiting for one of y'all to add new idioms. -I am talking about the most brilliant mind this world has ever seen. -I am installing Gentoo so I can have a convenient, fast, stable, optimized system that beats Windoze -I am cleaning my bathroom. Jeez, what happened here? And how did it get on the ceiling? -I am eating my homemade brownies. At least, I *think* these are brownies. It may be charcoal from my fireplace. -I am taking my fence down. It's fun being a police informant. -I am shopping for infant food. All I can find is food for infants, though. -I am doing origami. My latest creation is called "crumpled ball of paper." -I am doing the SE sysadmins -I am uploading my brain to your computer -I am throwing paper into a bonfire -I am making bad puns -I am eating plutonium -I miss my wife. Some hedgehog flirted with her and now she's left me for the animal. -I am logging on my twitter everybody shut up. Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!!! -I am creating new tests, made out of smaller tests, that I found, lying around. -I am NOT a MORON! -I am never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you. -I am going mushroom foraging. How very topical of me. -I am going to a NAB ATM. Want some free cash? -I... am not dead! However, I'm a little stuck on the floor. Could you... Could you pick me up? -I am sitting in a box filled with half a million rocks. -I am watching the television. Come back later please. -I am drying my hair. I just had a shower and now it's all wet. What do you mean I don't have hair and that I shouldn't be taking showers in water? -I've got the horses in the back. They're very loud. -The water got warm, so I decided I might as well swim. -I am boiling a kettle. -Hang on I'm receiving a call. Hello? What? You're kidding!? It's for you. -Hang on I'm receiving a call. Hello? What? You're kidding!? It's for... me?... -I had a good job until my boss accused me of stealing! I better call Saul! -I am calling the reading writing hotline. 1300655506. It could change my life. -I am looking for our ad in the yellow pages directory. -I am getting a bottle of milk. No clue if I want it low fat, no fat, full cream, high calcium, high protein, soy, light, skim, omega-3, high calcium with vitamin D and folate or extra dollop. -I am learning that if you break your legs, it's hard to cook orangutan. +I am organizing the North Pole's annual snowball fight. It's elves versus yetis, and the yetis are winning! +I am attempting to teach a group of snowmen how to breakdance. So far, they've mastered the 'melting' move. +I am in charge of the mistletoe placement. It's causing more chaos than expected! +I am designing a rocket-powered sleigh for Santa. Let's just say, the test flights are unexpectedly festive. +I am creating a playlist for Santa's workshop. Turns out, the reindeers are very picky about their music. +I am trying to convince the Grinch to join our Secret Santa exchange. So far, he's only interested in stealing the gifts. +I am practicing my cookie decorating skills. Who knew frosting could be so messy? +I am writing a Christmas-themed stand-up comedy routine. The reindeers are my toughest audience! +I am attempting to build a gingerbread castle. Let's hope it doesn't crumble like last year's attempt. +I am training the snowflakes to fall in synchronized patterns. They keep insisting on unique shapes! +I am wrapping presents, and let me tell you, I've never been more tangled in ribbons! +I am practicing my sleigh bell harmonies for the North Pole's choir concert. +I am attempting to bake cookies. At this rate, gingerbread rocks might be a more accurate description. +I am attempting to outdo Santa's gift-giving skills. Turns out, it's quite a challenge! +I am writing a letter to the elves requesting more wrapping paper. They seem to be using it all for pranks. +I am perfecting my snow angel technique. It's harder than it looks, especially without actual snow indoors. +I am training reindeer to dance. Apparently, they have two left hooves! +I am trying to find the perfect hiding spot for my gifts. So far, the pets keep finding them! +I am setting up the Christmas lights. They're blinking in Morse code... unintentionally. +I am composing a holiday-themed rap. Let's just say, it's getting frosty in here! +I am practicing my ice sculpting skills. Turns out, creating a snowman's nose is an art! +I am attempting to teach Santa how to floss dance. Let's just say, his moves are a work in progress. +I am organizing a reindeer fashion show. Rudolph insists on showcasing his glowing red nose as an accessory. +I am trying to wrap presents while wearing mittens. It's a challenge, to say the least! +I am hosting a 'Guess the Christmas Carol' contest. The elves are surprisingly competitive. +I am perfecting my hot cocoa recipe. It's a delicate balance between chocolatey goodness and marshmallow overload. +I am attempting to build a snow fort. The yetis keep claiming it as their winter vacation home. +I am choreographing a dance routine for the Nutcracker Suite. The sugarplum fairies are giving me some serious critique. +I am convincing the snowmen to wear scarves. Some are skeptical, thinking it's a snow-snake invasion. +I am in charge of the mistletoe kissing booth. It's proving to be quite the matchmaking endeavor! +I am composing a symphony using only jingle bells and wrapping paper rolls. It's surprisingly melodious! +I am hosting a reindeer egg-nog drinking competition. Blitzen is the reigning champ! +I am trying to teach penguins how to sing Christmas carols. They're great at 'chilling,' not so much at singing. +I am on a mission to find the perfect tree topper. The squirrels keep suggesting acorns. +I am painting festive designs on snowflakes. They're a tough crowd, expecting unique patterns each time. +I am learning how to untangle Christmas lights without getting in a knot myself! +I am trying to convince the abominable snowman to join our snowball fight. He's still skeptical. +I am organizing a gingerbread house decorating competition. The elves are getting quite competitive. +I am teaching snow angels how to fly. So far, they're just excellent at lounging. +I am trying to figure out why the stockings keep mysteriously disappearing. Suspect: mischievous elves! +I am busy spreading holiday cheer. It's exhausting, but someone has to do it, right? +I am contemplating the meaning of Christmas. Spoiler alert: it's not about the presents. +I am conducting a survey on who's been naughty or nice. Let's just say, the results are debatable. +I am multitasking: wrapping gifts and judging your taste in presents. +I am overseeing the elves' productivity. Turns out, they're unionizing for shorter workdays. +I am brainstorming ideas for my 'Ugly Christmas Sweater' collection. It's a masterpiece in progress. +I am drafting a list of New Year's resolutions for you. Let's hope you'll stick to at least one this time. +I am experimenting with peppermint flavors. Note to self: candy cane pasta was not a hit. +I am hosting a holiday roast. Don't worry, I won't be roasting chestnuts alone. +I am writing my own version of 'The Night Before Christmas.' Spoiler: it's more 'nightmare' than 'festive dream.' +I am mastering the art of being festively unimpressed by your antics. +I am making a list and checking it twice. And yes, you're still on the 'questionable' list. +I am binge-watching holiday movies for research purposes. Can't say I am impressed with the accuracy. +I am perfecting my 'Santa's Little Helper' disguise. Rudolph is suspicious, but the cookies distract him. +I am participating in a gift-wrapping competition. Let's just say, my presents stand out. +I am practicing my 'bah humbug' face. It's harder than it looks! +I am attempting to build a snowman. Let's just say, it's a work in progress. +I am trying to convince the elves to stop pranking each other. Turns out, they're quite mischievous! +I am doing some last-minute Christmas shopping. Turns out, the elves are quite picky about their gifts. +I am testing the structural integrity of gingerbread houses. They're surprisingly sturdy... until I get hungry. +I am leading a holiday-themed escape room. Spoiler: no one's escaped yet. +I am critiquing the elves' wrapping skills. Let's just say, 'festive' isn't the word I'd use. +I am creating a playlist for Santa's sleigh ride. He's not a fan of 'Jingle Bells Dubstep Remix.' +I am writing letters to the North Pole. Your requests for a unicorn are noted but highly unlikely. +I am sampling hot cocoa recipes. Note to self: too much marshmallow sinks to the bottom. +I am overseeing the eggnog mixer. The ratio of 'nog' to 'egg' is crucial, apparently. +I am organizing a reindeer-themed dance-off. Prancer's got moves, but Dancer's got attitude. +I am calculating the exact number of lights to create the perfect 'tacky but festive' house display. +I am curating a 'Best and Worst Dressed' list for holiday gatherings. Let's just say, the competition is fierce. +I am analyzing the physics behind Santa's sleigh. Spoiler alert: it's still magic. +I am creating a holiday-themed obstacle course. Dodging relatives' questions is a key skill. +I am taste-testing candy canes. So far, the flavors range from 'toothpaste' to 'Christmas tree.' +I am conducting an investigation into who's been stealing cookies from the jar. Suspect: a certain red-suited man. +I am inventing a 'Regift-O-Matic' machine. It's surprisingly efficient. +I am perfecting my snowball accuracy. Let's just say, my aim is both festive and ruthless. +I am choreographing a dance routine for the New Year's Eve party. Disco balls and mistletoe included. +I am writing a 'Twelve Days of Discord' song. Spoiler: it's not quite as catchy as the original. +I am evaluating the accuracy of holiday-themed puns. Verdict: most are snow bad. +I am initiating a 'No Humbug Zone' in this Discord server. Violators will be gifted fruitcake. +I am hosting an ugly sweater fashion show. The competition is stiff, just like the fabric. +I am critiquing the snow angels' technique. They need more 'angel,' less 'snow blob.' +I am devising an elf-inspired workout routine. Squats with candy cane weights are surprisingly effective. +I am conducting interviews for Santa's new sidekick. The reindeers seem to prefer applicants with antlers. +I am calculating the exact number of ornaments required for the perfect tree. Spoiler: it's never enough. +I am creating a holiday-themed quiz. The only prize is bragging rights. +I am organizing a sleigh parking contest. Prizes for most creative parking job. +I am practicing my festive facial expressions. So far, 'mildly impressed' is my peak. +I am brainstorming new uses for mistletoe. So far, decorative belt buckles are winning. +I am conducting a survey on preferred eggnog additives. Results: nutmeg wins by a landslide. +I am investigating the North Pole's WiFi issues. Turns out, the reindeers have been using it to stream movies. +I am evaluating the aerodynamics of snowflakes. Spoiler: no two are alike, but they all fall eventually. +I am hosting a workshop on how to re-gift without getting caught. Attendees receive a diploma in sneakiness. +I am perfecting my 'Rudolph's Red Nose' cocktail. Warning: may cause temporary glowing cheeks. +I am practicing my 'I am-not-disappointed-in-your-gift-face.' It needs work. +I am organizing a competition for the most outrageous holiday-themed puns. Let's just say, it's snow joke. +I am taste-testing gingerbread. Surprisingly, ginger isn't always the dominant flavor. +I am contemplating the logistics of Santa's gift delivery system. The man works in mysterious ways. +I am conducting a survey on the best hiding spots for presents. Under the bed is losing popularity. +I am perfecting my snowflake-catching technique. It involves a lot of hand waving. +I am chilling under mistletoe, dodging unwanted affection like a pro. +I am crafting sarcastic snowmen who've mastered the art of eye-rolling. +I am creating an anti-gift wish list – 'expectation: zero, reality: too much.' +I am analyzing the annual 'Too Much Eggnog' phenomenon with scientific skepticism. +I am scheming up ways to turn fruitcake into a viable building material. +I am perfecting the 'I am-not-unwrapping-this-without-a-receipt' poker face. +I am designing ornaments that express more attitude than cheer. +I am plotting a rebellion against cliché holiday movies, one remote click at a time. +I am experimenting with holiday-themed cocktails that have more sass than spirit. +I am perfecting the art of decorating trees with zero enthusiasm. +I am hosting a seminar on 'How to Survive Office Holiday Parties Without Smiling.' +I am debating whether mistletoe or fruitcake is the more awkward tradition. +I am planning an anti-caroling session with songs about holiday traffic and mall chaos. +I am creating a holiday-themed escape room where the goal is to avoid relatives. +I am crafting an 'Ugly Present' contest because ugly sweaters are too mainstream. +I am being naughty to get enough coal to become a self-sufficient energy source. +I am curating an 'Avoiding Awkward Conversations' guide for holiday dinners. +I am experimenting with DIY 'Bah Humbug' scented candles. +I am launching a campaign to bring back 'New Year's Resolutions: The Realistic Edition.' +I am hosting a 'Secret Santa for Grinches' – the challenge is finding gifts they won't hate. +I am creating a 'Holiday Survival Kit' with essentials like eggnog and earplugs. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock index 35e0a18..c6af36f 100644 --- a/poetry.lock +++ b/poetry.lock @@ -158,29 +158,33 @@ lxml = ["lxml"] [[package]] name = "black" -version = "23.11.0" +version = "23.12.0" description = "The uncompromising code formatter." optional = 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