diff --git a/pages/onboarding/asd_watcloud_dev.mdx b/pages/onboarding/asd_watcloud_dev.mdx
index a967476..75b75d6 100644
--- a/pages/onboarding/asd_watcloud_dev.mdx
+++ b/pages/onboarding/asd_watcloud_dev.mdx
@@ -96,13 +96,19 @@ To do this, download the `Remote - SSH` VScode Extension. After that, you should
 Agent forwarding lets us carry our identity onto other machines that we connect to. What this means is, you can use git commands on other machines without having to create an SSH key on each machine you connect to.
-Setup agent forwarding with our helper script. Follow the prompts whenever you get them.
+**Linux/Mac**: Setup agent forwarding with our helper script. Follow the prompts whenever you get them.
 cd wato_asd_tooling
 bash ssh_helpers/configure_agent_forwarding.sh
+**Windows**: Open Powershell (as adminstrator) and run the following command,
+Set-Service -Name ssh-agent -StartupType Automatic; Start-Service ssh-agent
 ### [Host Machine] Confirm Agent Forwarding Works
 You should now be able to use git on all the WATcloud machines you connect to. Confirm by running the following **inside a WATcloud machine you connected to**.