Provide container structure ExtendableGrid
with type stable content access and lazy content creation holding data for discretization
grids for finite element and finite volume methods.
Used by VoronoiFVM and ExtendableFEM,
a package for novel, gradient robust finite element methods.
- Tools to create tensor product grids
- Tools for grid modification
- Gmsh.jl extension. Please be aware about the fact that, while this package and Gmsh.jl are MIT licensed, the underlying binary code of Gmsh is distributed under the GPLv2 license.
- Visualization of these grids and of functions on them is available in GridVisualize.jl.
- SimplexGridFactory contains an API which allows to
objects with Triangulate.jl which wraps the Triangle mesh generator by J. Shewchuk and TetGen.jl which wraps the TetGen mesh generator by H. Si. - Triangulate.jl and TetGen.jl extensions
- Metis.jl extension and partitioning for multithreading (under development)
- Please look up the list of recent changes