Track the implementation status of the AOM in various browsers.
Last updated: April 15, 2022
Chrome | Safari | Firefox | |
Phase 1: Reflect simple ARIA attributes on DOM nodes. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Phase 2: Reflect element references for IDREF attributes | No | No | No |
Phase 2: Synthesized keyboard events aka User action events from Assistive Technology | No | Yes | No |
Phase 2: Custom element semantics on ElementInternals |
Yes | No | No |
Phase 2: New accessibilty-specific InputEvent types | Abandoned | Abandoned | Abandoned |
Phase 3: Build virtual accessible nodes. | Blocked | Blocked | Blocked |
Phase 4: Query computed accessibility tree/properties. | Partial | Partial | Partial |
- Safari/WebKit (supported)
- Chrome/Chromium (supported)
- Firefox/Gecko (supported) (Shipping in 119 but some remaining WPT test failures in 120)
element.role = "button";
element.ariaLabel = "Click Me";
*Not yet implemented. Primarily intended to support Accessibilty refs across shadow root boundaries. *
element.ariaActiveDescendantElement = otherElement;
element.ariaLabelledByElements = [ anotherElement, someOtherElement ];
UAs synthesize logical keyboard equivalents for related AT actions.
Examples: AT increment/decrement on a slider will send synthesized up/down arrows. Dismiss on a dialog will send synthesized Escape key.
More detail:
- Safari/WebKit (supported)
- Chrome/Chromium (unsupported)
- Firefox/Gecko (unsupported)
customSlider.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
switch (event.code) {
case "ArrowUp":
customSlider.value += 1;
case "ArrowDown":
customSlider.value -= 1;
(Abandoned path. No near-term planned support for Accessibilty-specific events.)
Currently being implemented in Chrome:
class CustomTab extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this._internals = customElements.createInternals(this);
this._internals.role = "tab";
// Observe the custom "active" attribute.
static get observedAttributes() { return ["active"]; }
connectedCallback() {
this._tablist = this.parentElement;
setTabPanel(tabpanel) {
if (tabpanel.localName !== "custom-tabpanel" || === "")
return; // fail silently
this._tabpanel = tabpanel;
this._internals.ariaControls = tabPanel; // does not reflect
// ... setters/getters for custom properties which reflect to attributes
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
switch(name) {
case "active":
let active = (newValue != null);
this._tabpanel.shown = active;
// When the custom "active" attribute changes,
// keep the accessible "selected" state in sync.
this._internals.ariaSelected = (newValue !== null);
if (selected)
this._tablist.setSelectedTab(this); // ensure no other tab has "active" set
Blocked by w3ctag/design-principles#293
Partial testing context in WebDriver (computedRole
) is already shipping in all implementations.
Investigation into additional follow-on WebDriver interfaces for accessibilty.
Interop investigation into test-only interface for Accessibilty Tree Dump API
Chrome (speculative syntax, pass --enable-blink-features=AccessibilityObjectModel
var c = await window.getComputedAccessibleNode(element);
Firefox (out of date syntax, about:config accessibility.AOM.enabled = true