diff --git a/spec.bs b/spec.bs
index 40f426a..c774b98 100644
--- a/spec.bs
+++ b/spec.bs
@@ -2521,6 +2521,8 @@ CORP violation report=] algorithm, as leaving it unfenced may cause a privacy le
To get the automatic beacon data mapping to use given a {{Document}} |sourceDocument|:
+ 1. [=Assert=] these steps are running on |sourceDocument|'s [=event loop=].
1. Let |automatic beacon data map| be a new empty [=Document/automatic beacon data map=].
1. Let |current navigable| be |sourceDocument|'s [=node navigable=].
@@ -2540,6 +2542,11 @@ CORP violation report=] algorithm, as leaving it unfenced may cause a privacy le
1. Set |current navigable| to |current navigable|'s [=navigable/parent=].
1. Return |automatic beacon data map|.
+ Note: The returned map is meant to hold references to the original {{Document}}'s
+ [=Document/automatic beacon data map=]s that were used to build |automatic beacon data map|. These
+ are later modified in [=attempt to send an automatic beacon=] to clear out any beacon data with
+ [=automatic beacon data/once=] set to true.