🌻 Attempt to create an NPM package to fetch quotes based on the various categories , explained in 'Bhagawad Gita' : Holy scripture which includes dialogues between Arjuna and Lord Krishna.
$ npm i --save epic-quotes
Note: All parameters are 'case in-sensitive'
Type | Parameters (categories) | |
1. | string | wisdom |
2. | string | truth |
3. | string | love |
4. | string | peaceHappiness |
5. | string | death |
6. | string | lifeDecisions |
Methods | |
1. | getQuote( 'category' ) |
// including the package
const gita = require('epic-quotes');
const getMessage = async() => {
// storing fetched data
var messageFetched = await gita.getQuote('wisdom');