Hello to our task maneger app : So to start our app run "npm start" and "npm run dev:react" in separet terminal User story : [] as a user i want to have two buttons one to take me to user login and one for the company login [] as a user if i want to sign up i want to have the chance picking wether im normal user or company [] as a user i want to have a login page and if i dont have acount i want to have a sign up page [] if im sign in and choose a normal user i need to put my company key with my name and my password and my picture [] if i'm sign up as company i need to declare my key that my employee will use if they want to sign in and the company name and the password for the admin [] as a user if i go to Tasks i need to find my company requests and tasks [] as a company instaid of having a Tasks page i want to have a tasks page that i can send from it tasks to all my employees [] as a user i want to have 3 main pages HOME Tasks and CHAT that i can navigate between them only if i already loged in [] as a user in Tasks also i can as a user send Taskss to my colleges [] as a user if i go to CHAT i can do an open conversation with all my teamates [] as a company i need if i sign in i will have one main pages tasks [] as a user if i open TODO i need to see my to do that i can add to them delete and modefie [] as a company i can authorize employe to see the tasks from the company [] as a company i can dismiss employe if i want by just writing the name of him [] as a user i can change my company by just changing the key of the old company by a new one