diff --git a/templates/abp-vnext-pro-nuget-all/vben28/src/services/ServiceProxies.ts b/templates/abp-vnext-pro-nuget-all/vben28/src/services/ServiceProxies.ts
index 2e96fad3..8b35851d 100644
--- a/templates/abp-vnext-pro-nuget-all/vben28/src/services/ServiceProxies.ts
+++ b/templates/abp-vnext-pro-nuget-all/vben28/src/services/ServiceProxies.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
/* eslint-disable */
-// Generated using the NSwag toolchain v13.19.0.0 (NJsonSchema v10.9.0.0 (Newtonsoft.Json v13.0.0.0)) (http://NSwag.org)
+// Generated using the NSwag toolchain v13.20.0.0 (NJsonSchema v10.9.0.0 (Newtonsoft.Json v13.0.0.0)) (http://NSwag.org)
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
@@ -1471,6 +1471,119 @@ export class DataDictionaryServiceProxy extends ServiceProxyBase {
+export class IdentitySecurityLogsServiceProxy extends ServiceProxyBase {
+ private instance: AxiosInstance;
+ private baseUrl: string;
+ protected jsonParseReviver: ((key: string, value: any) => any) | undefined = undefined;
+ constructor(baseUrl?: string, instance?: AxiosInstance) {
+ super();
+ this.instance = instance ? instance : axios.create();
+ this.baseUrl = baseUrl !== undefined && baseUrl !== null ? baseUrl : "";
+ }
+ /**
+ * 分页获取登录日志信息
+ * @param body (optional)
+ * @return Success
+ */
+ page(body: PagingIdentitySecurityLogInput | undefined , cancelToken?: CancelToken | undefined): Promise {
+ let url_ = this.baseUrl + "/IdentitySecurityLogs/page";
+ url_ = url_.replace(/[?&]$/, "");
+ const content_ = JSON.stringify(body);
+ let options_ = {
+ data: content_,
+ method: "POST",
+ url: url_,
+ headers: {
+ "Content-Type": "application/json",
+ "Accept": "text/plain"
+ },
+ cancelToken
+ };
+ return this.transformOptions(options_).then(transformedOptions_ => {
+ return this.instance.request(transformedOptions_);
+ }).catch((_error: any) => {
+ if (isAxiosError(_error) && _error.response) {
+ return _error.response;
+ } else {
+ throw _error;
+ }
+ }).then((_response: AxiosResponse) => {
+ return this.transformResult(url_, _response, (_response: AxiosResponse) => this.processPage(_response));
+ });
+ }
+ protected processPage(response: AxiosResponse): Promise {
+ const status = response.status;
+ let _headers: any = {};
+ if (response.headers && typeof response.headers === "object") {
+ for (let k in response.headers) {
+ if (response.headers.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
+ _headers[k] = response.headers[k];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (status === 200) {
+ const _responseText = response.data;
+ let result200: any = null;
+ let resultData200 = _responseText;
+ result200 = PagingIdentitySecurityLogOutputPagedResultDto.fromJS(resultData200);
+ return Promise.resolve(result200);
+ } else if (status === 403) {
+ const _responseText = response.data;
+ let result403: any = null;
+ let resultData403 = _responseText;
+ result403 = RemoteServiceErrorResponse.fromJS(resultData403);
+ return throwException("Forbidden", status, _responseText, _headers, result403);
+ } else if (status === 401) {
+ const _responseText = response.data;
+ let result401: any = null;
+ let resultData401 = _responseText;
+ result401 = RemoteServiceErrorResponse.fromJS(resultData401);
+ return throwException("Unauthorized", status, _responseText, _headers, result401);
+ } else if (status === 400) {
+ const _responseText = response.data;
+ let result400: any = null;
+ let resultData400 = _responseText;
+ result400 = RemoteServiceErrorResponse.fromJS(resultData400);
+ return throwException("Bad Request", status, _responseText, _headers, result400);
+ } else if (status === 404) {
+ const _responseText = response.data;
+ let result404: any = null;
+ let resultData404 = _responseText;
+ result404 = RemoteServiceErrorResponse.fromJS(resultData404);
+ return throwException("Not Found", status, _responseText, _headers, result404);
+ } else if (status === 501) {
+ const _responseText = response.data;
+ let result501: any = null;
+ let resultData501 = _responseText;
+ result501 = RemoteServiceErrorResponse.fromJS(resultData501);
+ return throwException("Server Error", status, _responseText, _headers, result501);
+ } else if (status === 500) {
+ const _responseText = response.data;
+ let result500: any = null;
+ let resultData500 = _responseText;
+ result500 = RemoteServiceErrorResponse.fromJS(resultData500);
+ return throwException("Server Error", status, _responseText, _headers, result500);
+ } else if (status !== 200 && status !== 204) {
+ const _responseText = response.data;
+ return throwException("An unexpected server error occurred.", status, _responseText, _headers);
+ }
+ return Promise.resolve(null as any);
+ }
export class LanguagesServiceProxy extends ServiceProxyBase {
private instance: AxiosInstance;
private baseUrl: string;
@@ -13822,6 +13935,246 @@ export interface IPagingEntityPropertyChangeOutput {
propertyTypeFullName: string | undefined;
+export class PagingIdentitySecurityLogInput implements IPagingIdentitySecurityLogInput {
+ /** 当前页面.默认从1开始 */
+ pageIndex!: number;
+ /** 每页多少条.每页显示多少记录 */
+ pageSize!: number;
+ /** 跳过多少条 */
+ readonly skipCount!: number;
+ /** 排序 */
+ sorting!: string | undefined;
+ /** 开始时间 */
+ startTime!: dayjs.Dayjs | undefined;
+ /** 结束时间 */
+ endTime!: dayjs.Dayjs | undefined;
+ identity!: string | undefined;
+ /** 请求地址 */
+ action!: string | undefined;
+ /** 用户Id */
+ userId!: string | undefined;
+ /** 用户名 */
+ userName!: string | undefined;
+ /** 应用程序名称 */
+ applicationName!: string | undefined;
+ /** RequestId */
+ correlationId!: string | undefined;
+ /** ClientId */
+ clientId!: string | undefined;
+ constructor(data?: IPagingIdentitySecurityLogInput) {
+ if (data) {
+ for (var property in data) {
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty(property))
+ (this)[property] = (data)[property];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ init(_data?: any) {
+ if (_data) {
+ this.pageIndex = _data["pageIndex"];
+ this.pageSize = _data["pageSize"];
+ (this).skipCount = _data["skipCount"];
+ this.sorting = _data["sorting"];
+ this.startTime = _data["startTime"] ? dayjs(_data["startTime"].toString()) : undefined;
+ this.endTime = _data["endTime"] ? dayjs(_data["endTime"].toString()) : undefined;
+ this.identity = _data["identity"];
+ this.action = _data["action"];
+ this.userId = _data["userId"];
+ this.userName = _data["userName"];
+ this.applicationName = _data["applicationName"];
+ this.correlationId = _data["correlationId"];
+ this.clientId = _data["clientId"];
+ }
+ }
+ static fromJS(data: any): PagingIdentitySecurityLogInput {
+ data = typeof data === 'object' ? data : {};
+ let result = new PagingIdentitySecurityLogInput();
+ result.init(data);
+ return result;
+ }
+ toJSON(data?: any) {
+ data = typeof data === 'object' ? data : {};
+ data["pageIndex"] = this.pageIndex;
+ data["pageSize"] = this.pageSize;
+ data["skipCount"] = this.skipCount;
+ data["sorting"] = this.sorting;
+ data["startTime"] = this.startTime ? this.startTime.toLocaleString() : undefined;
+ data["endTime"] = this.endTime ? this.endTime.toLocaleString() : undefined;
+ data["identity"] = this.identity;
+ data["action"] = this.action;
+ data["userId"] = this.userId;
+ data["userName"] = this.userName;
+ data["applicationName"] = this.applicationName;
+ data["correlationId"] = this.correlationId;
+ data["clientId"] = this.clientId;
+ return data;
+ }
+export interface IPagingIdentitySecurityLogInput {
+ /** 当前页面.默认从1开始 */
+ pageIndex: number;
+ /** 每页多少条.每页显示多少记录 */
+ pageSize: number;
+ /** 跳过多少条 */
+ skipCount: number;
+ /** 排序 */
+ sorting: string | undefined;
+ /** 开始时间 */
+ startTime: dayjs.Dayjs | undefined;
+ /** 结束时间 */
+ endTime: dayjs.Dayjs | undefined;
+ identity: string | undefined;
+ /** 请求地址 */
+ action: string | undefined;
+ /** 用户Id */
+ userId: string | undefined;
+ /** 用户名 */
+ userName: string | undefined;
+ /** 应用程序名称 */
+ applicationName: string | undefined;
+ /** RequestId */
+ correlationId: string | undefined;
+ /** ClientId */
+ clientId: string | undefined;
+export class PagingIdentitySecurityLogOutput implements IPagingIdentitySecurityLogOutput {
+ id!: string;
+ tenantId!: string | undefined;
+ applicationName!: string | undefined;
+ identity!: string | undefined;
+ action!: string | undefined;
+ userId!: string | undefined;
+ userName!: string | undefined;
+ tenantName!: string | undefined;
+ clientId!: string | undefined;
+ correlationId!: string | undefined;
+ clientIpAddress!: string | undefined;
+ browserInfo!: string | undefined;
+ creationTime!: dayjs.Dayjs;
+ constructor(data?: IPagingIdentitySecurityLogOutput) {
+ if (data) {
+ for (var property in data) {
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty(property))
+ (this)[property] = (data)[property];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ init(_data?: any) {
+ if (_data) {
+ this.id = _data["id"];
+ this.tenantId = _data["tenantId"];
+ this.applicationName = _data["applicationName"];
+ this.identity = _data["identity"];
+ this.action = _data["action"];
+ this.userId = _data["userId"];
+ this.userName = _data["userName"];
+ this.tenantName = _data["tenantName"];
+ this.clientId = _data["clientId"];
+ this.correlationId = _data["correlationId"];
+ this.clientIpAddress = _data["clientIpAddress"];
+ this.browserInfo = _data["browserInfo"];
+ this.creationTime = _data["creationTime"] ? dayjs(_data["creationTime"].toString()) : undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ static fromJS(data: any): PagingIdentitySecurityLogOutput {
+ data = typeof data === 'object' ? data : {};
+ let result = new PagingIdentitySecurityLogOutput();
+ result.init(data);
+ return result;
+ }
+ toJSON(data?: any) {
+ data = typeof data === 'object' ? data : {};
+ data["id"] = this.id;
+ data["tenantId"] = this.tenantId;
+ data["applicationName"] = this.applicationName;
+ data["identity"] = this.identity;
+ data["action"] = this.action;
+ data["userId"] = this.userId;
+ data["userName"] = this.userName;
+ data["tenantName"] = this.tenantName;
+ data["clientId"] = this.clientId;
+ data["correlationId"] = this.correlationId;
+ data["clientIpAddress"] = this.clientIpAddress;
+ data["browserInfo"] = this.browserInfo;
+ data["creationTime"] = this.creationTime ? this.creationTime.toLocaleString() : undefined;
+ return data;
+ }
+export interface IPagingIdentitySecurityLogOutput {
+ id: string;
+ tenantId: string | undefined;
+ applicationName: string | undefined;
+ identity: string | undefined;
+ action: string | undefined;
+ userId: string | undefined;
+ userName: string | undefined;
+ tenantName: string | undefined;
+ clientId: string | undefined;
+ correlationId: string | undefined;
+ clientIpAddress: string | undefined;
+ browserInfo: string | undefined;
+ creationTime: dayjs.Dayjs;
+export class PagingIdentitySecurityLogOutputPagedResultDto implements IPagingIdentitySecurityLogOutputPagedResultDto {
+ items!: PagingIdentitySecurityLogOutput[] | undefined;
+ totalCount!: number;
+ constructor(data?: IPagingIdentitySecurityLogOutputPagedResultDto) {
+ if (data) {
+ for (var property in data) {
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty(property))
+ (this)[property] = (data)[property];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ init(_data?: any) {
+ if (_data) {
+ if (Array.isArray(_data["items"])) {
+ this.items = [] as any;
+ for (let item of _data["items"])
+ this.items!.push(PagingIdentitySecurityLogOutput.fromJS(item));
+ }
+ this.totalCount = _data["totalCount"];
+ }
+ }
+ static fromJS(data: any): PagingIdentitySecurityLogOutputPagedResultDto {
+ data = typeof data === 'object' ? data : {};
+ let result = new PagingIdentitySecurityLogOutputPagedResultDto();
+ result.init(data);
+ return result;
+ }
+ toJSON(data?: any) {
+ data = typeof data === 'object' ? data : {};
+ if (Array.isArray(this.items)) {
+ data["items"] = [];
+ for (let item of this.items)
+ data["items"].push(item.toJSON());
+ }
+ data["totalCount"] = this.totalCount;
+ return data;
+ }
+export interface IPagingIdentitySecurityLogOutputPagedResultDto {
+ items: PagingIdentitySecurityLogOutput[] | undefined;
+ totalCount: number;
export class PagingNotificationListInput implements IPagingNotificationListInput {
/** 当前页面.默认从1开始 */
pageIndex!: number;
diff --git a/templates/abp-vnext-pro-nuget-simplify/vben28/src/services/ServiceProxies.ts b/templates/abp-vnext-pro-nuget-simplify/vben28/src/services/ServiceProxies.ts
index 2e96fad3..8b35851d 100644
--- a/templates/abp-vnext-pro-nuget-simplify/vben28/src/services/ServiceProxies.ts
+++ b/templates/abp-vnext-pro-nuget-simplify/vben28/src/services/ServiceProxies.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
/* eslint-disable */
-// Generated using the NSwag toolchain v13.19.0.0 (NJsonSchema v10.9.0.0 (Newtonsoft.Json v13.0.0.0)) (http://NSwag.org)
+// Generated using the NSwag toolchain v13.20.0.0 (NJsonSchema v10.9.0.0 (Newtonsoft.Json v13.0.0.0)) (http://NSwag.org)
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
@@ -1471,6 +1471,119 @@ export class DataDictionaryServiceProxy extends ServiceProxyBase {
+export class IdentitySecurityLogsServiceProxy extends ServiceProxyBase {
+ private instance: AxiosInstance;
+ private baseUrl: string;
+ protected jsonParseReviver: ((key: string, value: any) => any) | undefined = undefined;
+ constructor(baseUrl?: string, instance?: AxiosInstance) {
+ super();
+ this.instance = instance ? instance : axios.create();
+ this.baseUrl = baseUrl !== undefined && baseUrl !== null ? baseUrl : "";
+ }
+ /**
+ * 分页获取登录日志信息
+ * @param body (optional)
+ * @return Success
+ */
+ page(body: PagingIdentitySecurityLogInput | undefined , cancelToken?: CancelToken | undefined): Promise {
+ let url_ = this.baseUrl + "/IdentitySecurityLogs/page";
+ url_ = url_.replace(/[?&]$/, "");
+ const content_ = JSON.stringify(body);
+ let options_ = {
+ data: content_,
+ method: "POST",
+ url: url_,
+ headers: {
+ "Content-Type": "application/json",
+ "Accept": "text/plain"
+ },
+ cancelToken
+ };
+ return this.transformOptions(options_).then(transformedOptions_ => {
+ return this.instance.request(transformedOptions_);
+ }).catch((_error: any) => {
+ if (isAxiosError(_error) && _error.response) {
+ return _error.response;
+ } else {
+ throw _error;
+ }
+ }).then((_response: AxiosResponse) => {
+ return this.transformResult(url_, _response, (_response: AxiosResponse) => this.processPage(_response));
+ });
+ }
+ protected processPage(response: AxiosResponse): Promise {
+ const status = response.status;
+ let _headers: any = {};
+ if (response.headers && typeof response.headers === "object") {
+ for (let k in response.headers) {
+ if (response.headers.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
+ _headers[k] = response.headers[k];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (status === 200) {
+ const _responseText = response.data;
+ let result200: any = null;
+ let resultData200 = _responseText;
+ result200 = PagingIdentitySecurityLogOutputPagedResultDto.fromJS(resultData200);
+ return Promise.resolve(result200);
+ } else if (status === 403) {
+ const _responseText = response.data;
+ let result403: any = null;
+ let resultData403 = _responseText;
+ result403 = RemoteServiceErrorResponse.fromJS(resultData403);
+ return throwException("Forbidden", status, _responseText, _headers, result403);
+ } else if (status === 401) {
+ const _responseText = response.data;
+ let result401: any = null;
+ let resultData401 = _responseText;
+ result401 = RemoteServiceErrorResponse.fromJS(resultData401);
+ return throwException("Unauthorized", status, _responseText, _headers, result401);
+ } else if (status === 400) {
+ const _responseText = response.data;
+ let result400: any = null;
+ let resultData400 = _responseText;
+ result400 = RemoteServiceErrorResponse.fromJS(resultData400);
+ return throwException("Bad Request", status, _responseText, _headers, result400);
+ } else if (status === 404) {
+ const _responseText = response.data;
+ let result404: any = null;
+ let resultData404 = _responseText;
+ result404 = RemoteServiceErrorResponse.fromJS(resultData404);
+ return throwException("Not Found", status, _responseText, _headers, result404);
+ } else if (status === 501) {
+ const _responseText = response.data;
+ let result501: any = null;
+ let resultData501 = _responseText;
+ result501 = RemoteServiceErrorResponse.fromJS(resultData501);
+ return throwException("Server Error", status, _responseText, _headers, result501);
+ } else if (status === 500) {
+ const _responseText = response.data;
+ let result500: any = null;
+ let resultData500 = _responseText;
+ result500 = RemoteServiceErrorResponse.fromJS(resultData500);
+ return throwException("Server Error", status, _responseText, _headers, result500);
+ } else if (status !== 200 && status !== 204) {
+ const _responseText = response.data;
+ return throwException("An unexpected server error occurred.", status, _responseText, _headers);
+ }
+ return Promise.resolve(null as any);
+ }
export class LanguagesServiceProxy extends ServiceProxyBase {
private instance: AxiosInstance;
private baseUrl: string;
@@ -13822,6 +13935,246 @@ export interface IPagingEntityPropertyChangeOutput {
propertyTypeFullName: string | undefined;
+export class PagingIdentitySecurityLogInput implements IPagingIdentitySecurityLogInput {
+ /** 当前页面.默认从1开始 */
+ pageIndex!: number;
+ /** 每页多少条.每页显示多少记录 */
+ pageSize!: number;
+ /** 跳过多少条 */
+ readonly skipCount!: number;
+ /** 排序 */
+ sorting!: string | undefined;
+ /** 开始时间 */
+ startTime!: dayjs.Dayjs | undefined;
+ /** 结束时间 */
+ endTime!: dayjs.Dayjs | undefined;
+ identity!: string | undefined;
+ /** 请求地址 */
+ action!: string | undefined;
+ /** 用户Id */
+ userId!: string | undefined;
+ /** 用户名 */
+ userName!: string | undefined;
+ /** 应用程序名称 */
+ applicationName!: string | undefined;
+ /** RequestId */
+ correlationId!: string | undefined;
+ /** ClientId */
+ clientId!: string | undefined;
+ constructor(data?: IPagingIdentitySecurityLogInput) {
+ if (data) {
+ for (var property in data) {
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty(property))
+ (this)[property] = (data)[property];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ init(_data?: any) {
+ if (_data) {
+ this.pageIndex = _data["pageIndex"];
+ this.pageSize = _data["pageSize"];
+ (this).skipCount = _data["skipCount"];
+ this.sorting = _data["sorting"];
+ this.startTime = _data["startTime"] ? dayjs(_data["startTime"].toString()) : undefined;
+ this.endTime = _data["endTime"] ? dayjs(_data["endTime"].toString()) : undefined;
+ this.identity = _data["identity"];
+ this.action = _data["action"];
+ this.userId = _data["userId"];
+ this.userName = _data["userName"];
+ this.applicationName = _data["applicationName"];
+ this.correlationId = _data["correlationId"];
+ this.clientId = _data["clientId"];
+ }
+ }
+ static fromJS(data: any): PagingIdentitySecurityLogInput {
+ data = typeof data === 'object' ? data : {};
+ let result = new PagingIdentitySecurityLogInput();
+ result.init(data);
+ return result;
+ }
+ toJSON(data?: any) {
+ data = typeof data === 'object' ? data : {};
+ data["pageIndex"] = this.pageIndex;
+ data["pageSize"] = this.pageSize;
+ data["skipCount"] = this.skipCount;
+ data["sorting"] = this.sorting;
+ data["startTime"] = this.startTime ? this.startTime.toLocaleString() : undefined;
+ data["endTime"] = this.endTime ? this.endTime.toLocaleString() : undefined;
+ data["identity"] = this.identity;
+ data["action"] = this.action;
+ data["userId"] = this.userId;
+ data["userName"] = this.userName;
+ data["applicationName"] = this.applicationName;
+ data["correlationId"] = this.correlationId;
+ data["clientId"] = this.clientId;
+ return data;
+ }
+export interface IPagingIdentitySecurityLogInput {
+ /** 当前页面.默认从1开始 */
+ pageIndex: number;
+ /** 每页多少条.每页显示多少记录 */
+ pageSize: number;
+ /** 跳过多少条 */
+ skipCount: number;
+ /** 排序 */
+ sorting: string | undefined;
+ /** 开始时间 */
+ startTime: dayjs.Dayjs | undefined;
+ /** 结束时间 */
+ endTime: dayjs.Dayjs | undefined;
+ identity: string | undefined;
+ /** 请求地址 */
+ action: string | undefined;
+ /** 用户Id */
+ userId: string | undefined;
+ /** 用户名 */
+ userName: string | undefined;
+ /** 应用程序名称 */
+ applicationName: string | undefined;
+ /** RequestId */
+ correlationId: string | undefined;
+ /** ClientId */
+ clientId: string | undefined;
+export class PagingIdentitySecurityLogOutput implements IPagingIdentitySecurityLogOutput {
+ id!: string;
+ tenantId!: string | undefined;
+ applicationName!: string | undefined;
+ identity!: string | undefined;
+ action!: string | undefined;
+ userId!: string | undefined;
+ userName!: string | undefined;
+ tenantName!: string | undefined;
+ clientId!: string | undefined;
+ correlationId!: string | undefined;
+ clientIpAddress!: string | undefined;
+ browserInfo!: string | undefined;
+ creationTime!: dayjs.Dayjs;
+ constructor(data?: IPagingIdentitySecurityLogOutput) {
+ if (data) {
+ for (var property in data) {
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty(property))
+ (this)[property] = (data)[property];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ init(_data?: any) {
+ if (_data) {
+ this.id = _data["id"];
+ this.tenantId = _data["tenantId"];
+ this.applicationName = _data["applicationName"];
+ this.identity = _data["identity"];
+ this.action = _data["action"];
+ this.userId = _data["userId"];
+ this.userName = _data["userName"];
+ this.tenantName = _data["tenantName"];
+ this.clientId = _data["clientId"];
+ this.correlationId = _data["correlationId"];
+ this.clientIpAddress = _data["clientIpAddress"];
+ this.browserInfo = _data["browserInfo"];
+ this.creationTime = _data["creationTime"] ? dayjs(_data["creationTime"].toString()) : undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ static fromJS(data: any): PagingIdentitySecurityLogOutput {
+ data = typeof data === 'object' ? data : {};
+ let result = new PagingIdentitySecurityLogOutput();
+ result.init(data);
+ return result;
+ }
+ toJSON(data?: any) {
+ data = typeof data === 'object' ? data : {};
+ data["id"] = this.id;
+ data["tenantId"] = this.tenantId;
+ data["applicationName"] = this.applicationName;
+ data["identity"] = this.identity;
+ data["action"] = this.action;
+ data["userId"] = this.userId;
+ data["userName"] = this.userName;
+ data["tenantName"] = this.tenantName;
+ data["clientId"] = this.clientId;
+ data["correlationId"] = this.correlationId;
+ data["clientIpAddress"] = this.clientIpAddress;
+ data["browserInfo"] = this.browserInfo;
+ data["creationTime"] = this.creationTime ? this.creationTime.toLocaleString() : undefined;
+ return data;
+ }
+export interface IPagingIdentitySecurityLogOutput {
+ id: string;
+ tenantId: string | undefined;
+ applicationName: string | undefined;
+ identity: string | undefined;
+ action: string | undefined;
+ userId: string | undefined;
+ userName: string | undefined;
+ tenantName: string | undefined;
+ clientId: string | undefined;
+ correlationId: string | undefined;
+ clientIpAddress: string | undefined;
+ browserInfo: string | undefined;
+ creationTime: dayjs.Dayjs;
+export class PagingIdentitySecurityLogOutputPagedResultDto implements IPagingIdentitySecurityLogOutputPagedResultDto {
+ items!: PagingIdentitySecurityLogOutput[] | undefined;
+ totalCount!: number;
+ constructor(data?: IPagingIdentitySecurityLogOutputPagedResultDto) {
+ if (data) {
+ for (var property in data) {
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty(property))
+ (this)[property] = (data)[property];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ init(_data?: any) {
+ if (_data) {
+ if (Array.isArray(_data["items"])) {
+ this.items = [] as any;
+ for (let item of _data["items"])
+ this.items!.push(PagingIdentitySecurityLogOutput.fromJS(item));
+ }
+ this.totalCount = _data["totalCount"];
+ }
+ }
+ static fromJS(data: any): PagingIdentitySecurityLogOutputPagedResultDto {
+ data = typeof data === 'object' ? data : {};
+ let result = new PagingIdentitySecurityLogOutputPagedResultDto();
+ result.init(data);
+ return result;
+ }
+ toJSON(data?: any) {
+ data = typeof data === 'object' ? data : {};
+ if (Array.isArray(this.items)) {
+ data["items"] = [];
+ for (let item of this.items)
+ data["items"].push(item.toJSON());
+ }
+ data["totalCount"] = this.totalCount;
+ return data;
+ }
+export interface IPagingIdentitySecurityLogOutputPagedResultDto {
+ items: PagingIdentitySecurityLogOutput[] | undefined;
+ totalCount: number;
export class PagingNotificationListInput implements IPagingNotificationListInput {
/** 当前页面.默认从1开始 */
pageIndex!: number;