- clean up the code
- write automated tests for the code
- write documentation for the code
- add the package to packagist
- remove
- remove
- install pint and add it to pre-commit hook
- use phpunit instead of pest
- try previous versions of laravel until laravel 6
- 11 => sqlite, mysql/mariadb(1st party supported in Laravel 11), postgres
- 10 => sqlite, mysql, postgres
- 9 => sqlite, mysql, postgres
- 8 => sqlite, mysql, postgres
- 7 => sqlite, mysql, postgres
- 6 => sqlite, mysql, postgres
- try previous versions of php until php 7.4
- 8.2
- 8.1
- 8.0
- 7.4
- add GitHub action for all supported laravel versions with each php
- add methods to include nullables, defaults, and primaryKeys
- fix issues with mariadb database
- test code for SQL server
- add GitHub action for all supported SQL databases
- use facade instead of trait
- use builder pattern
- test all the above
- use model fields instead of required model fields
- make the trait @deprecated
- use fields() then filter against it
- change the readme docs in response to that
- in next version remove trait and keep facade
- in next version change the whole namespace, github about to model fields
- then add methods along the way..
- add command to get fields like backup-tables