The parameter file is written in YAML If the program can't read your's, try using an online YAML validator, like this one
frequency_bands: [[5, 30]]
window_lengths: [20]
distri_secs: 5
offsets: [-10, 10]
end_cutoff: 0.9
max_candidates: 5
noise_window: 2.
signal_window: 1.
quality_thresholds: [1.5, 2.5, 4, 6]
threshold_parameter: -3.
calculate_window: 1.
analyze_window: 1.
cluster_window_otime: 1.
otime_vp_vs: 1.70
cluster_window_P: 3.
cluster_window_S: 5.
cluster_window_otime: 1.
P: 'Z'
S: 'ZNE'
frequency_band: [3, 30]
window: 20
frequency_bands: [[3, 15], [8, 30]]
window_lengths: [0.3, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8]
extrema_smoothings: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
use_polarity: true
P: 'Z'
S: 'ZNE'
frequency_band: [3, 30]
window: 20
frequency_bands: [[3, 15], [8, 30]]
window_lengths: [0.3, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8]
extrema_smoothings: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
use_polarity: true
MO*: {parameters: 'SPOBS', resp_file: 'SPOBS2_response.txt'}
IF*: {parameters: 'SPOBS', resp_file: 'micrOBS_G1_response.txt'}
KNKL: {parameters: 'BBLAND', resp_file: 'KNKL_BBOBS1_1.response.txt'}
The values provided on some lines are defaults. If you don't want to change them, you don't have to include them in your parameter file.
global_window: # Parameters affecting the initial selection of a global pick window across all stations using the distribution of kurtosis extrema)
kurtosis: # Kurtosis calculation parameters
frequency_bands: # list of frequency bands [low, high] to use
window_lengths: # list of sliding window lengths to use
extrema_smoothings: [40] # list of number of samples to smooth extrema by when looking for pick
distri_secs: # size of window in seconds in which to look for the maximum # of picks
offsets: # final window offset in seconds [left, right] from peak distribution
end_cutoff: 0.9 # don't look for extrema beyond this fraction of the overall time
max_candidates: 5 # maxium number of pick candidates for each trace
SNR: # Parameters affecting the signal-to-noise level calculation and use
noise_window: # seconds to use for noise window
signal_window: # seconds to use for signal_window
quality_thresholds: # [4-list] of SNR levels associated with quality levels '3', '2', '1' and '0'
threshold_parameter: 0.2 # Controls the SNR_threshold for SNR-based quality evaluation
# if between 0 and 1: SNR_threshold = max(max(SNR)*threshold_parameter, quality_thresholds[0])
# if < 0: SNR_threshold = -threshold_parameter
max_threshold_crossings: 5 # Maximum allowed crossings of SNR threshold within global window
channel_parameters: # Parameters affecting the choice of channels to pick on and save to
component_orientation_codes: # Component names to map to Z, N, E and H
Z: 'Z3'
N: 'N1Y'
E: 'E2X'
H: 'HF'
write_components_phases: # Channel to write to ('Z', 'N', 'E' or 'H', mapped as above)
# and phase name to give for picks
S: ['N', 'Sg'] # S-wave picks
S: ['Z', 'Pg'] # P-wave picks
band_order: 'GFDCEHSBMLV' # If multiple traces have the same component, chose the one with the earliest listed band code
# 'GFDCEHSBMLV' prioritizes high sampling rates over low, and short period over broadband
polarity: # polarity analyses parameters (mostly related to dip_rect, or DR, see Baillard et al 2014)
DR_threshold_P: 0.4 # minimum DR to assign 'P'
DR_threshold_S: -0.4 # maximum DR to assign 'S'
DR_smooth_length: 1. # smoothing window to apply to dip and rectilinearity when calculating DR
calculate_window: 2. # number of seconds after a pick over which to calculate dip_rect
analyze_window: 4. # number of seconds around a calc point to calculate polarity
association: # Parameters affecting the association between different stations
method: 'origin_time' # Preferred association method: ['origin_time', 'arrival_time']
cluster_window_otime: # Window length in seconds for cluster-based rejection of origin times
otime_vp_vs: 1.75 # Vp/Vs value to use for origin time calculations
cluster_window_P: # Window length in seconds for cluster-based rejection of P arrivals
cluster_window_S: # Window length in seconds for cluster-based rejection of S arrivals
distri_min_values: 4 # minimum number of values (P picks, S picks, or PS-times) needed for distribution-based rejection
distri_nstd_picks: 3.2 # reject picks outside of this number of standard deviations
distri_nstd_delays: 4 # reject delays outside of this number of standard deviations
response_file_type: '' # 'GSE', 'SACPZ', 'JSON_PZ', 'STATIONXML' or '': the latter means Baillard PoleZero format
station_parameters: # List of objects with key = station_type
- station_type1
picking_components: # components to use for picks (selected from 'ZNEH')
P: 'Z' # P-picks
S: 'ZNE' # S-picks
frequency_band: # frequency band [low, high] for SNR and energy calculations
window: # only look at data from t-nrg_win to t when evaluating energy, where t is the time of the peak waveform energy.
# If == 0, don't use energy criteria.
kurtosis: # Kurtosis calculation parameters
frequency_bands: # list of frequency bands [low, high] to use
window_lengths: # list of sliding window lengths to use
extrema_smoothings: # list of number of samples to smooth extrema by when looking for pick
kurt_frequency bands: # Kurtosis list of frequency bands over which to run Kurtosis, e.g.[[3, 15], [8, 30]]
kurt_window_lengths: # Kurtosis list of window lengths in seconds, e.g. [0.3, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8]
kurt_extrema_smoothings: # Kurtosis list of smoothing sequences in samples, e.g. [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
use_polarity: # Use polarities (dip_rect thresholds) to assign P and S picks
max_candidates: 5 # number of candidates to pick (a big number allows alternate candidates)
- station2_name
- station3_name
stations: # List of stations with their station_parameters and responsefiles
# If no direct match to station name, will try station names containing UNIX wildcards
station1_name: {parameters: "station_typeN", response: "responsefilename"}
station2_name: {parameters: "station_typeM", response: "responsefilename"}
station2_name: {parameters: "station_typeM", response: "responsefilename"}
Response files are needed to calculate local amplitudes. They can be provided
in 'SACPZ', 'GSE2', "Baillard" or 'JSON' format (the latter is just a cleaner
version of the "Baillard' format). The code either reads an absolute gain
or calculates it from a "passband" gain provided at a reference frequency.
The "A0" normalization constant, needed to calculate the absolute gain from the
passband gain, is directly calculated from the poles and zeros such that A0 times
the pole-zero formula equals 1.0 at the reference frequency. The
parameters used for each format are:
format | gain | passband gain @ ref_freq | poles | zeros | input units |
SAC PZ | CONSTANT | POLES | ZEROS | meters | |
GSE2 | 1/sensitivity at f_ref (values from CAL2 line) | poles | zeros | nm | |
Baillard | 1/sensitivity (line 1) at f_req(line 2) | poles | zeros | nm | |
JSON | 1/sensitivity at f_ref | poles | zeros | nm |