diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 43e58d3dc..86a7ef6f4 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -1477,7 +1477,6 @@ interface AudioContext : BaseAudioContext {
readonly attribute double baseLatency;
readonly attribute double outputLatency;
[SecureContext] readonly attribute (DOMString or AudioSinkInfo) sinkId;
- [SecureContext] readonly attribute AudioRenderCapacity renderCapacity;
attribute EventHandler onsinkchange;
attribute EventHandler onerror;
AudioTimestamp getOutputTimestamp ();
@@ -1725,11 +1724,6 @@ Attributes
useful to query this value frequently when accurate
synchronization is required.
- : renderCapacity
- ::
- Returns an {{AudioRenderCapacity}} instance associated with
- an {{AudioContext}}.
: sinkId
Returns the value of {{AudioContext/[[sink ID]]}} internal slot. This
@@ -2396,132 +2390,6 @@ Dictionary {{AudioTimestamp}} Members
-interface AudioRenderCapacity : EventTarget {
- undefined start(optional AudioRenderCapacityOptions options = {});
- undefined stop();
- attribute EventHandler onupdate;
-This interface provides rendering performance metrics of an
-{{AudioContext}}. In order to calculate them, the renderer collects a
-load value per system-level audio callback.
- : onupdate
- ::
- The event type of this event handler is update. Events
- dispatched to the event handler will use the
- {{AudioRenderCapacityEvent}} interface.
- : start(options)
- ::
- Starts metric collection and analysis. This will repeatedly [=fire an event=] named
- {{AudioRenderCapacity/update}} at the {{AudioRenderCapacity}}, using
- {{AudioRenderCapacityEvent}}, with the given update interval in
- {{AudioRenderCapacityOptions}}.
- : stop()
- ::
- Stops metric collection and analysis. It also stops dispatching
- {{AudioRenderCapacity/update}} events.
-The {{AudioRenderCapacityOptions}} dictionary can be used to provide user
-options for an {{AudioRenderCapacity}}.
-dictionary AudioRenderCapacityOptions {
- double updateInterval = 1;
-Dictionary {{AudioRenderCapacityOptions}} Members
- : updateInterval
- ::
- An update interval (in second) for dispaching
- {{AudioRenderCapacityEvent}}s. A load value is calculated
- per system-level audio callback, and multiple load values will
- be collected over the specified interval period. For example, if
- the renderer runs at a 48Khz sample rate and the system-level
- audio callback's buffer size is 192 frames, 250 load values
- will be collected over 1 second interval.
- If the given value is smaller than the duration of
- the system-level audio callback, {{NotSupportedError}} is
- thrown.
-interface AudioRenderCapacityEvent : Event {
- constructor (DOMString type, optional AudioRenderCapacityEventInit eventInitDict = {});
- readonly attribute double timestamp;
- readonly attribute double averageLoad;
- readonly attribute double peakLoad;
- readonly attribute double underrunRatio;
-dictionary AudioRenderCapacityEventInit : EventInit {
- double timestamp = 0;
- double averageLoad = 0;
- double peakLoad = 0;
- double underrunRatio = 0;
- : timestamp
- ::
- The start time of the data collection period in terms of the
- associated {{AudioContext}}'s {{BaseAudioContext/currentTime}}.
- : averageLoad
- ::
- An average of collected load values over the given update
- interval. The precision is limited to 1/100th.
- : peakLoad
- ::
- A maximum value from collected load values over the given update
- interval. The precision is also limited to 1/100th.
- : underrunRatio
- ::
- A ratio between the number of buffer underruns (when a
- load value is greater than 1.0) and the total number of
- system-level audio callbacks over the given update interval.
- Where \(u\) is the number of buffer underruns and \(N\) is the
- number of system-level audio callbacks over the given update
- interval, the buffer underrun ratio is:
- - 0.0 if \(u\) = 0.
- - Otherwise, compute \(u/N\) and take a ceiling value of the
- nearest 100th.