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Releases: WinMerge/winmerge


26 Sep 00:46
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WInMergeContextMenu.dll: Disable advanced menu due to stability issues


20 Sep 06:27
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v2.16.15 Pre-release

GitHub Releases (by Release)

WinMerge 2.16.15 Beta Release Notes

September 2021

About This Release

This is a WinMerge beta release which is meant for preview the current state of
WinMerge development. This release is not recommended for the production.

Please submit bug reports to our bug-tracker.

What Is New in 2.16.15 Beta


  • BugFix: WinMerge would crash when launched if the registry or INI file
    contained invalid values.
  • BugFix: Winmerge Crash when comparing 2 files from Windows Explorer context
    menu (#808, #908, #913)
  • BugFix: Incorrect text color for selected menu item on Windows 11
  • BugFix: 50% cpu use by winmergeu.exe after program closed (#903)
  • Digitally sign packages (#152)

File compare

  • BugFix: The mouse cursor did not change to an hourglass when the files or
    plugins were taking a long time to load.
  • BugFix: Save Middle and Save Middle As menu items were not enabled when
    comparing three files.
  • BugFix: A two-pane window was displayed even though
    New (3panes) → Table menu item was selected.
  • BugFix: The height of each pane in the Diff pane was calculated incorrectly
    when comparing three files.
  • BugFix: Unicode SMP chars misrendered after performing a find (#914)
  • BugFix: Crash when pressing Shift+F4 key
  • BugFix: Replace slow (#940)
  • BugFix: When moving in the scroll pane, the selected position is incorrect
  • BugFix: When the Diff pane was redisplayed, the scroll position of the Diff
    pane was not appropriate. ( #42862)
  • Make "Do not close this box" checkbox in search window On by default (#941)

Image compare

  • BugFix: Duplicate menu shortcut in translations (#905)
  • BugFix: Image comparison (winimerge #24)

Project file

  • Add a feature to save/restore compare options to/from a project file.(#498)
    (PR #915)

Options dialog

  • Add a feature to set items saved to or restored from the project file.
    (PR #953)


  • New unpacker plugins:
    • DecompileJVM
    • DecompileIL
    • DisassembleNative

Command line

  • Added /c column number command line option
  • Added /EnableExitCode command line option

Shell extension

  • BugFix: WinMerge's extended menu items were doubly inserted into the context
    menu of Explorer's navigation pane. ( #42702)
  • BugFix: Right click - compare - is unclear (#249)
  • Added a new DLL (WinMergeContextMenu.dll) for the Windows 11 Explorer context
    menu (currently unstable and not registered by default) (PR #954)



  • Make it clear that requirements are to build, not use the
    application (PR #942)
  • compiler-calculated maximum value for m_SourceDefs (PR #966)

Known issues

  • Crashes when comparing large files (GitHub #325)
  • Very slow to compare significantly different directories (GitHub #322)
  • Vertical scrollbar breaks after pasting text (GitHub #296)


13 Sep 12:33
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Shell Extension for Windows 11 or later (3)


13 Sep 00:02
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Fix the problem that registration/unregistration of ShellExtension fr…

…om the Options dialog does not work on ARM64 version.


18 Aug 11:33
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CreateMasterPotFile.vbs: ShellExtensionTemplate.rc → ShellExtension.rc


18 Aug 00:05
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Update Dutch.po (#921)


25 Jul 08:52
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GitHub Releases (by Release)

WinMerge 2.16.14 Release Notes

July 2021

About This Release

This is a WinMerge 2.16.14 stable release.
This release replaces earlier WinMerge stable releases as a recommended release.

Please submit bug reports to our bug-tracker.

What Is New in 2.16.14


  • Fixed an issue where the WinMerge process might not terminate even though the
    WinMerge window was closed.

File compare

  • BugFix: Fixed an infinite loop when "find what" in the substitution filters
    is empty.

Folder compare

  • BugFix: Fix an issue where a file is deselected when returning to the folder
    compare window after opening the file compare window by double-clicking
    the file in the folder compare window. (PR #857)
  • Right click context menu - Compare files or folders in a new tab (#232,#277)

Binary compare

  • BugFix: Fixed an issue where window titles may not be updated

Image compare

  • winmerge shows (differences) rotated image (winmerge/winimerge #20)
  • Added following menu items to the context menu
    • Rotate Right 90deg
    • Rotate Left 90deg
    • Flip Vertically
    • Flip Horizontally

Options dialog

  • Add preference option to clear "Don't ask this question again"
    CompareLargeFiles choice (#772, PR #859)

Select Files or Folders dialog

  • BugFix: Fix the Select Files or Folders dialog. (PR #882,#892)


  • BugFix: CompareMSExcelFiles.sct: "This picture only contains a bitmap" was
    displayed when comparing Excel files that contain shapes.
  • BugFix: CString rangestr = (argc > 0) ? argv[0] : GetColumnRangeString();
  • Improve plugin system (editor script) (PR #871)
  • New unpacker plugins:
    • PrettifyHTML
    • PrettifyYAML
    • ValidateHTML
    • QueryYAML
    • SelectColumns
    • SelectLines
    • ReverseColumns
    • ReverseLines
    • Replace
  • New editor script plugins:
    • PrettifyHTML
    • PrettifyYAML
    • SelectColumns
    • SelectLines
    • ReverseColumns
    • ReverseLines
    • Replace
  • Updated Apache Tika to version 2.0.0
  • Updated yq to version 4.11.1

Command line

  • Added /l command line option ( #41528)
  • Added /t, /table-delimiter, /new, /fileext and /inifile command line option


  • Installer integrates with TortoiseGit and TortoiseSVN despite being told not
    to (#878)



  • BugFix: WinMerge doesn't build under Visual Studio 16.10.2 (#841)
  • BugFix: x64: LINK : warning LNK4010: invalid subsystem version number 5.01;
    default subsystem version assumed (#855)
  • BugFix: Project: heksedit cl : command line warning D9002: ignoring unknown
    option '/arch:SSE' (#861)
  • BugFix:ALL.vs2019.sln cl : command line warning D9035: option 'Gm' has been
    deprecated and will be removed in a future release (#862)
  • Resolves: Add continuous code security and quality analysis (PR #844, #843)
  • Improvement: Add check and error mesage in DownloadDeps.cmd that path to
    7-zip exists (#864)

What Is New in 2.16.13 Beta


  • BugFix: Register.bat did not work properly on the Chinese version of
    Windows XP (#780)
  • Possibility to store settings in INI file (#248) (PR #750)
  • FeatureRequest - Ignoring options - lack in "button menu" (#804)

File compare

  • BugFix: Fix PHP syntax highlighting. (PR #782, PR #802)
  • BugFix: BS key did not work at the beginning of the line after splitting
    the pane or clicking the OK button in the Options dialog.
  • BugFix: The edited contents were discarded when the "Recompare As" menu item
    was selected after editing the file
  • BugFix: Incorrect comparison (#834)
    (This bug occured when enabling both the 'Ignore blank lines' option and
    the 'Completely unhighlight the ignored differences' option.)
  • Add Smarty syntax highlighting. (PR #821)
  • Thicken the caret in overwrite mode ( #42179)

Folder compare

  • BugFix: Different Files are Identical? (#768)
    (When comparing files with only BOM and no contents, the comparison result
    became unstable because it referred to the uninitialized memory.)
  • BugFix: Fix a crash when re-comparing folders ( #42219)

Binary compare

  • BugFix: The file could not be saved after creating a new one
  • Made Unpacker plugins available for image compare and binary compare

Image compare

  • BugFix: Error on try to show differences between two different gif (#784)
  • Made Unpacker plugins available for image compare and binary compare


  • Improve plugin system (PR #797)
    • Added categorized Unpacker plugin menu items to various menus
    • Made it possible to specify multiple Unpacker/Prediffer plugins by
      concatenating them with | and to specify arguments.
    • Allowed Unpacker/Prediffer plugins to be specified for multiple files at
      once in Folder Compare window. The specified plugin will be visible in
      the Unpacker and Prediffer columns
    • Add "(U)" or "(P)" to the tab title of the window opened by the
      Unpacker/Prediffer plugin.
    • Allowed the plugin settings dialog to specify default arguments that will
      be used when no plugin arguments are specified
    • Allowed plugins used by Automatic Unpacking/Prediffing to be excluded in
      the plugin settings dialog
    • New unpacker plugins:
      • ApacheTika
      • PrettifyJSON
      • PrettifyXML
      • QueryCSV
      • QueryTSV
      • QueryJSON
      • MakeUpper
      • MakeLower
      • RemoveDuplicates
      • CountDuplicates
      • SortAscending
      • SortDescending
      • ExecFilterCommand
      • Tokenize
      • Trim
      • VisualizeGraphviz
    • New editor script plugins:
      • RemoveDuplicates
      • CountDuplicates
      • Tokenize
      • Trim
      • ApacheTika
      • PrettifyJSON
      • PrettifyXML


  • BugFix: Fix an issue where a message is not translated.(PR #763)
  • Translation updates:
    • French (PR #762)
    • Japanese
    • Polish (PR #769)
    • Turkish (PR #803)
    • Russian (PR #761)


  • Update CWindowsManagerDialog (PR #811)
  • Update CWindowsManagerDialog - check some pointers for null and made safe
    casts (PR #824)

Known issues

  • Crashes when comparing large files (GitHub #325)
  • Very slow to compare significantly different directories (GitHub #322)
  • Vertical scrollbar breaks after pasting text (GitHub #296)


22 Jun 14:26
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v2.16.13 Pre-release

GitHub Releases (by Release)

WinMerge 2.16.13 Beta Release Notes

June 2021

About This Release

This is a WinMerge beta release which is meant for preview the current state of
WinMerge development. This release is not recommended for the production.

Please submit bug reports to our bug-tracker.

What Is New in 2.16.13 Beta


  • BugFix: Register.bat did not work properly on the Chinese version of
    Windows XP (#780)
  • Possibility to store settings in INI file (#248) (PR #750)
  • FeatureRequest - Ignoring options - lack in "button menu" (#804)

File compare

  • BugFix: Fix PHP syntax highlighting. (PR #782, PR #802)
  • BugFix: BS key did not work at the beginning of the line after splitting
    the pane or clicking the OK button in the Options dialog.
  • BugFix: The edited contents were discarded when the "Recompare As" menu item
    was selected after editing the file
  • BugFix: Incorrect comparison (#834)
    (This bug occured when enabling both the 'Ignore blank lines' option and
    the 'Completely unhighlight the ignored differences' option.)
  • Add Smarty syntax highlighting. (PR #821)
  • Thicken the caret in overwrite mode ( #42179)

Folder compare

  • BugFix: Different Files are Identical? (#768)
    (When comparing files with only BOM and no contents, the comparison result
    became unstable because it referred to the uninitialized memory.)
  • BugFix: Fix a crash when re-comparing folders ( #42219)

Binary compare

  • BugFix: The file could not be saved after creating a new one
  • Made Unpacker plugins available for image compare and binary compare

Image compare

  • BugFix: Error on try to show differences between two different gif (#784)
  • Made Unpacker plugins available for image compare and binary compare


  • Improve plugin system (PR #797)
    • Added categorized Unpacker plugin menu items to various menus
    • Made it possible to specify multiple Unpacker/Prediffer plugins by
      concatenating them with | and to specify arguments.
    • Allowed Unpacker/Prediffer plugins to be specified for multiple files at
      once in Folder Compare window. The specified plugin will be visible in
      the Unpacker and Prediffer columns
    • Add "(U)" or "(P)" to the tab title of the window opened by the
      Unpacker/Prediffer plugin.
    • Allowed the plugin settings dialog to specify default arguments that will
      be used when no plugin arguments are specified
    • Allowed plugins used by Automatic Unpacking/Prediffing to be excluded in
      the plugin settings dialog
    • New unpacker plugins:
      • ApacheTika
      • PrettifyJSON
      • PrettifyXML
      • QueryCSV
      • QueryTSV
      • QueryJSON
      • MakeUpper
      • MakeLower
      • RemoveDuplicates
      • CountDuplicates
      • SortAscending
      • SortDescending
      • ExecFilterCommand
      • Tokenize
      • Trim
      • VisualizeGraphviz
    • New editor script plugins:
      • RemoveDuplicates
      • CountDuplicates
      • Tokenize
      • Trim
      • ApacheTika
      • PrettifyJSON
      • PrettifyXML


  • BugFix: Fix an issue where a message is not translated.(PR #763)
  • Translation updates:
    • French (PR #762)
    • Japanese
    • Polish (PR #769)
    • Turkish (PR #803)
    • Russian (PR #761)


  • Update CWindowsManagerDialog (PR #811)
  • Update CWindowsManagerDialog - check some pointers for null and made safe
    casts (PR #824)

Known issues

  • Crashes when comparing large files (GitHub #325)
  • Very slow to compare significantly different directories (GitHub #322)
  • Vertical scrollbar breaks after pasting text (GitHub #296)


29 Apr 01:26
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GitHub Releases (by Release)

WinMerge 2.16.12 Release Notes

April 2021

About This Release

This is a WinMerge 2.16.12 stable release.
This release replaces earlier WinMerge stable releases as a recommended release.

Please submit bug reports to our bug-tracker.

What Is New in 2.16.12


  • GUI textstrings: grammatical corrections (PR #722)
  • Added ARM64 support

File compare

  • BugFix: Fix PHP syntax highlighting. (PR #751)
  • BugFix: Strings in a multi-line diff block were not be replaced correctly
    when the substitution filters' regular expression contained ^
  • BugFix: Font size restoration with Ctrl+0 key did not work properly in
    Hi-DPI environment
  • BugFix: Fixed a rare crash when enabling syntax highlight
  • BugFix: Fixed an issue where inline scripts in HTML files were not
    highlighted correctly
  • Make the width of the 'Find what' label in Find dialog a little wider
    ( #42063)
  • Fix conflicting accelerators ( #42064)
  • [Feature Request] Selection Count on Status Bar (#135)
  • Add C# 6.0 reserved words to style list (PR #719)
  • FR: Add a shortcut key go to next file (#721)
  • Update PHP syntax highlighting keyword list. (PR #724)
  • autoit.cpp - Macros >> User 1 ..... Variable >> User 2 (PR #749)
  • autoit.cpp - #CS #CE support (PR #753)
  • Interrupt a inline diff process when it takes too long
  • Make the color of characters that represent spaces and tabs lighter than
    other characters when the "View Whitespace" menu item is enabled
  • Added "Open Parent Folder" menu item to the context menu

Folder compare

  • BugFix: Copy confirmation dialog has overlapped Yes/No Button (#739)
  • BugFix: Comparison result was not updated by Swap operation in 3-way folder
    comparison ( #41901)

Binary compare

  • BugFix: Next File or Previous File button on the toolbar did not work if the
    active window was a binary compare window or an image compare window.
  • BugFix: Only one pane was zoomed in/out in Ctrl+Mouse Wheel

Image compare

  • BugFix: Next File or Previous File button on the toolbar did not work if the
    active window was a binary compare window or an image compare window.
  • BugFix: The header bar widths were not calculated properly when the
    'Split Vertically' menu item is unchecked.

Open dialog

  • Make archive files openable as binary files from the pull-down menu.

Archive support

  • BugFix: Fixed a rare crash when decompressing an archive file


  • BugFix: ATL: QIThunk - 2 LEAK in plugins e.g. DisplayBinaryFiles and
    DisplayXMLFiles (#755)


What Is New in 2.16.11 Beta


  • Make all OK strings same case (PR #593)
  • Tab bar: Added shadows to help distinguish between active and inactive tabs
  • Added drop-down menu to Open and Save icon on toolbar

File compare

  • BugFix: Basic syntax highlighter is broken ( #41440)
  • BugFix: File is corrupted while saving differences in changed file (Ctrl+S)
  • BugFix: Fix an issue where the syntax highlighting scheme is not applied to
    the split second File pane and the Diff pane when changing it.
    (PR #624)
  • BugFix: The position selected by clicking while holding down the shift key is
    incorrect. ( #2237)
  • BugFix: Fix an issue where the comment filter might not work properly if the
    file is non-UTF-8 and the comment contains non-ascii characters.
  • Add a feature to set up default highlighting by a file extension
    (PR #627)
  • Add "Copy Selected Line(s) to/from Left/Right" feature (#463)
    (PR #642)
  • If -b or -w is also specified, -B now considers lines to be empty if they
    contain only white space ( #41355)
  • Added BOM checkbox to the Codepage dialog.

Folder compare

  • BugFix: Program crash if you close a tab with the folder from where you
    opened current file (#645)
  • BugFix: The title bar path was not updated when swapping files in a Zip file.
  • BugFix: The codepage specified in the Codepage dialog did not affect the
    files to be opened.

Image compare

  • BugFix: The image on the right does not open if the file exists only on the
    right ( #41721)

Open dialog

  • Added Text, Table, Binary and Image menu items to the Compare button in the
    "Select Files or Folders" window

Archive support

  • Rar5 support (#644)

Options dialog

  • BugFix: Fix an issue where custom colors are not saved.
    (PR #648)


  • RCLocalizationHelper: Fix memory leaks (PR #596)


  • Installer issue with Polish diacritics characters (#589)


Command line

  • Single instance mode does not work when launched from Visual Studio 2019
    (Added /sw command line option)


  • BugFix: Plugins\src_VCPP\VCPPPlugins.vs2017.sln can't open projects any
    more because in revision 69455da the projects were renamed. (#598)
  • BugFix: OutputFile of plugin project DisplayXMLFiles is different that the
    other projects (#600)
  • BugFix: WinMergeScript.rgs files in Plugins\src_VCPP projects are not found.
  • BugFix: typeinfoex.h(189): warning C4701: potentially uninitialized local
    variable 'pTypeLib' used (#605)
  • BugFix: Plugins project DisplayXMLFiles.vcxproj contains
    "Unicode Release MinSize" configuration but was removed (#611)
  • Expression is always true (#612,PR #613)
  • Plugins.cpp function SearchScriptForMethodName can be improved (#690)

Known issues

  • Crashes when comparing large files (GitHub #325)
  • Very slow to compare significantly different directories (GitHub #322)
  • Vertical scrollbar breaks after pasting text (GitHub #296)


04 Apr 13:15
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Merge7z1900.5 Pre-release
Merge7z: Bump revision to 1900.5