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File metadata and controls

49 lines (44 loc) · 5.01 KB



Name Type Description Notes
ContactID string Xero identifier [optional]
ContactNumber string This can be updated via the API only i.e. This field is read only on the Xero contact screen, used to identify contacts in external systems (max length = 50). If the Contact Number is used, this is displayed as Contact Code in the Contacts UI in Xero. [optional]
AccountNumber string A user defined account number. This can be updated via the API and the Xero UI (max length = 50) [optional]
ContactStatus string Current status of a contact – see contact status types [optional]
Name string Full name of contact/organisation (max length = 255) [optional]
FirstName string First name of contact person (max length = 255) [optional]
LastName string Last name of contact person (max length = 255) [optional]
EmailAddress string Email address of contact person (umlauts not supported) (max length = 255) [optional]
SkypeUserName string Skype user name of contact [optional]
ContactPersons []ContactPerson See contact persons [optional]
BankAccountDetails string Bank account number of contact [optional]
TaxNumber string Tax number of contact – this is also known as the ABN (Australia), GST Number (New Zealand), VAT Number (UK) or Tax ID Number (US and global) in the Xero UI depending on which regionalized version of Xero you are using (max length = 50) [optional]
AccountsReceivableTaxType string The tax type from TaxRates [optional]
AccountsPayableTaxType string The tax type from TaxRates [optional]
Addresses []Address Store certain address types for a contact – see address types [optional]
Phones []Phone Store certain phone types for a contact – see phone types [optional]
IsSupplier bool true or false – Boolean that describes if a contact that has any AP invoices entered against them. Cannot be set via PUT or POST – it is automatically set when an accounts payable invoice is generated against this contact. [optional]
IsCustomer bool true or false – Boolean that describes if a contact has any AR invoices entered against them. Cannot be set via PUT or POST – it is automatically set when an accounts receivable invoice is generated against this contact. [optional]
DefaultCurrency CurrencyCode [optional]
XeroNetworkKey string Store XeroNetworkKey for contacts. [optional]
SalesDefaultAccountCode string The default sales account code for contacts [optional]
PurchasesDefaultAccountCode string The default purchases account code for contacts [optional]
SalesTrackingCategories []SalesTrackingCategory The default sales tracking categories for contacts [optional]
PurchasesTrackingCategories []SalesTrackingCategory The default purchases tracking categories for contacts [optional]
TrackingCategoryName string The name of the Tracking Category assigned to the contact under SalesTrackingCategories and PurchasesTrackingCategories [optional]
TrackingCategoryOption string The name of the Tracking Option assigned to the contact under SalesTrackingCategories and PurchasesTrackingCategories [optional]
PaymentTerms PaymentTerm [optional]
UpdatedDateUTC time.Time UTC timestamp of last update to contact [optional] [readonly]
ContactGroups []ContactGroup Displays which contact groups a contact is included in [optional]
Website string Website address for contact (read only) [optional] [readonly]
BrandingTheme BrandingTheme [optional]
BatchPayments BatchPaymentDetails [optional]
Discount float64 The default discount rate for the contact (read only) [optional] [readonly]
Balances Balances [optional]
Attachments []Attachment Displays array of attachments from the API [optional]
HasAttachments bool A boolean to indicate if a contact has an attachment [optional] [default to false]
ValidationErrors []ValidationError Displays validation errors returned from the API [optional]
HasValidationErrors bool A boolean to indicate if a contact has an validation errors [optional] [default to false]
StatusAttributeString string Status of object [optional]

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