This document explains why certain conflicts were added to composer.json
references related issues.
lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle: ^2.18
After bumping to this version ApiBundle starts failing due to requesting a non-existing
service. As we are not using this service across the ApiBundle we added this conflict to unlock the builds, until we investigate the problem. -
This version introduced a bug, causing validation constraints to not work. References: symfony/symfony#50780
This version introduced configuring the metadata cache for the extensions, what breaks the
behaviour. This package is not exactly the root of the problem, but it started using a bugged feature of thegedmo/doctrine-extensions
:This version introduced class aliases, which lead to a fatal error:
The autoloader expected class "ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\DependencyInjection\ApiPlatformExtension" to be defined in file ".../vendor/api-platform/core/src/Core/Bridge/Symfony/Bundle/DependencyInjection/ApiPlatformExtension.php". The file was found but the class was not in it, the class name or namespace probably has a typo.
:This version has a bug, which lead to a fatal error:
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Warning: Undefined variable $blocks").
:This version has a bug, which on Symfony 6.4 leads to a fatal error:
[Semantical Error] The annotation "@note" in property Gedmo\Loggable\Entity\MappedSuperclass\AbstractLogEntry::$data was never imported.