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We are excited to invite you to the highly interactive WOLVERINE 2022: “Workshop on Open Problems in Learning and Verification of Neural Networks”, which will be held on Thursday, August 11, during FLoC 2022{:target="_blank"}.
The goal of WOLVERINE is to foster networking and active discussions with a hope to spark new interdisciplinary collaborations. WOLVERINE welcomes researchers in formal methods, machine learning, and their intersection.
First hour: keynote talk by Ann Nowé{:target="_blank"} (abstract).
Second hour: short invited talks. We will host three short invited talks (15-20 minutes each). Each speaker will present their area of expertise in the intersection between formal methods and AI.
Third hour: round tables. Each speaker from the previous session will host a table and moderate a discussion on challenges and open problems in the field and on novel approaches to tackle them.
Fourth hour: poster session. Participants are invited to present their work (published or ongoing).
Ann Nowé{:target="_blank"} (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium): Keynote speaker.
Suguman Bansal{:target="_blank"} (University of Pennsylvania, USA): Safe Reinforcement Learning.
Hana Chockler{:target="_blank"} (causaLens and King's College London, UK): Explainable AI.
Dana Drachsler{:target="_blank"} Cohen (Technion, Israel): Robustness of Neural Networks.
Registration cost: $80/$100 (early registration), $100/$120 (regular registration), $120/$140 (on-site registration)
Registration: conference webpage{:target="_blank"}