This Flask application provides a comprehensive backend for managing users, circles, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and their associated values.
The application is designed with a focus on security and error handling, using Flask-JWT-Extended for secure token-based authentication and Flask-CORS for managing Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. It utilizes environment variables for sensitive information, loaded securely from a .env file.
The application also includes a token blocklist feature to revoke JWTs when a user logs out, enhancing the security of user sessions.
The endpoints provided allow for robust operations such as user login, user details retrieval, user logout, circle creation, circle retrieval, KPI creation, KPI update, KPI retrieval, and KPI value operations. Furthermore, it includes the functionality to fetch change logs for KPI values and to get the most recent change log entries for a particular KPI value.
The application uses Flask's application context for managing the database connection and creating the database tables upon startup. It leverages SQLAlchemy's relationship function to define the relationships between different models.
Client: Typescript, React
Server: Python, Flask
Note: Please see requirements.txt for the list of all dependencies
We are using PostgreSQL as Database. If you don't have it locally, please install it from
In your Terminal
$ cd backend
Navigates to the Backend Directory
$ python3 -m venv venv
Sets Up your Virtual Environment
$ source venv/bin/activate
Activates your Virtual Environment
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Installs dependencies
$ psql < seed.sql
Sets Up and Seeds your Database
$ python3
Runs the server
POST /login
JSON | Type | Description | Response |
email Required |
string |
User's Email Address | User details as Dictionary and jwt token |
POST /logout
JSON | Type | Description | Response |
- | - | Revokes jwt token. | Success message |
GET /users/<int:user_id>
Parameter | Type | Description | Response |
id Required |
int |
Id of user | Details about the user as a dictionary |
GET /users
Parameter | Type | Description | Response |
- | - | Get all users | List of all users. |
GET /circles/<int:circle_id>
Parameter | Type | Description | Response |
id |
int |
Fetches details about a specific circle | Details about a circle as a dictionary |
POST /circles
JSON | Type | Description | Response |
name Required |
string |
Name | Success message |
GET /circles
JSON | Type | Description | Response |
- | - | Get a list of all circles | A list of all circles as dictionary |
POST /kpis/add
JSON | Type | Description | Response |
name Required |
string |
Name | Success Message |
circle_id Required |
int |
circle ID | |
periodicity Required |
enum |
yearly, quarterly, monthly | |
unit Required |
enum |
chf, percentage, amount, score | |
initial_value Required |
float |
Starting Value | |
target_value Required |
float |
Value to Reach | |
active |
bool | true or false |
PUT /kpis/<int:kpi_id>/edit
JSON | Type | Description | Response |
name Required |
string |
Name | Success message |
circle_id Required |
int |
circle ID - Parameter | |
periodicity Required |
enum |
yearly, quarterly, monthly | |
unit Required |
enum |
chf, percentage, amount, score | |
initial_value Required |
float |
Starting Value | |
target_value Required |
float |
Value to Reach | |
active |
bool |
True or False |
GET /kpis/<int:kpi_id>
Parameter | Type | Description | Response |
id |
int |
Get Kpi details | Return KPI as a dictionary |
GET /kpis
Parameter | Type | Description | Response |
- | - | Get details about a KPI | List of all Kpis as dictionary |
Post /kpi_values/add
JSON | Type | Description | Response |
user_id |
int |
Retrieved from jwt token | Success message |
kpi _id Required |
int |
kpi_id | |
period_year Required |
int |
Year when the kpi value applies | |
period_month Required |
int |
id. Month when the kpi value applies |
PUT /kpi_values/<int:kpi_value_id>/edit
JSON | Type | Description | Response |
user_id Required |
int |
Id - Retrieved from jwt token | Success message |
value Required |
float |
Updates KPI value |
GET /kpi_values
Parameter | Type | Description | Response |
- | - | Get KPI Values - Supports Filtering Period and Circle Id | A list of all KPI values as dictionary |
GET /kpi_values/change_log
Parameter | Type | Description | Response |
circle_id Required |
int |
Circle id | Kpi_Values.value,, User.display_name, Change_Log.activity, Change_Log.registered_at |
from_year Required |
string |
Filtering "from year" | |
from_month Required |
string |
Filtering "from month" | |
to_year Required |
string |
Filtering "to year" | |
to_month Required |
string |
Filtering "to month" |
Note: This endpoint supports filtering by "circle_id" and "period"
GET /kpi_values/<int:kpi_values_id>/change_log
Parameter | Type | Description | Response |
kpi_values_id Required |
int |
Fetches recent 3 change log rows | Recent 3 rows as a dictionary |
To run tests, run the following command
In your Terminal
$ cd backend
$ python -m pytest tests/
comment this line: app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = f'postgresql://{USERNAME}:{PASSWORD}{USERNAME}'
uncomment this line: app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///:memory:'
$ cd backend
$ python -m unittest -v tests/