a - all mechanisms in PKCS11
h - mechanism can be used with C_DigestInit
s - mechanism can be used with C_SignInit
v - mechanism can be used with C_VerifyInit
e - mechanism can be used with C_EncryptInit
d - mechanism can be used with C_DecryptInit
w - mechanism can be used with C_WrapKey
u - mechanism can be used with C_UnwrapKey
g - mechanism can be used with C_GenerateKey or C_GenerateKeyPair
D - mechanism can be used with C_DeriveKey
Module info
Library: /usr/local/lib/softhsm/libsofthsm2.so Name: SoftHSM2 Cryptoki version: 2.30
Session is started
slot algs -s 0
Algorithm name | h | s | v | e | d | w | u | g | D |
MD5 | x | ||||||||
SHA_1 | x | ||||||||
SHA224 | x | ||||||||
SHA256 | x | ||||||||
SHA384 | x | ||||||||
SHA512 | x | ||||||||
MD5_HMAC | x | x | |||||||
SHA_1_HMAC | x | x | |||||||
SHA224_HMAC | x | x | |||||||
SHA256_HMAC | x | x | |||||||
SHA384_HMAC | x | x | |||||||
SHA512_HMAC | x | x | |||||||
RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN | x | ||||||||
RSA_PKCS | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||
RSA_X_509 | x | x | x | x | |||||
MD5_RSA_PKCS | x | x | |||||||
SHA1_RSA_PKCS | x | x | |||||||
RSA_PKCS_OAEP | x | x | x | x | |||||
SHA224_RSA_PKCS | x | x | |||||||
SHA256_RSA_PKCS | x | x | |||||||
SHA384_RSA_PKCS | x | x | |||||||
SHA512_RSA_PKCS | x | x | |||||||
SHA1_RSA_PKCS_PSS | x | x | |||||||
SHA224_RSA_PKCS_PSS | x | x | |||||||
SHA256_RSA_PKCS_PSS | x | x | |||||||
SHA384_RSA_PKCS_PSS | x | x | |||||||
SHA512_RSA_PKCS_PSS | x | x | |||||||
DES_KEY_GEN | x | ||||||||
DES2_KEY_GEN | x | ||||||||
DES3_KEY_GEN | x | ||||||||
DES_ECB | x | x | |||||||
DES_CBC | x | x | |||||||
DES_CBC_PAD | x | x | |||||||
DES_ECB_ENCRYPT_DATA | x | ||||||||
DES_CBC_ENCRYPT_DATA | x | ||||||||
DES3_ECB | x | x | |||||||
DES3_CBC | x | x | |||||||
DES3_CBC_PAD | x | x | |||||||
DES3_ECB_ENCRYPT_DATA | x | ||||||||
DES3_CBC_ENCRYPT_DATA | x | ||||||||
AES_KEY_GEN | x | ||||||||
AES_ECB | x | x | |||||||
AES_CBC | x | x | |||||||
AES_CBC_PAD | x | x | |||||||
unknown | x | x | |||||||
AES_ECB_ENCRYPT_DATA | x | ||||||||
AES_CBC_ENCRYPT_DATA | x | ||||||||
DSA_PARAMETER_GEN | x | ||||||||
DSA_KEY_PAIR_GEN | x | ||||||||
DSA | x | x | |||||||
DSA_SHA1 | x | x | |||||||
DSA_SHA224 | x | x | |||||||
DSA_SHA256 | x | x | |||||||
DSA_SHA384 | x | x | |||||||
DSA_SHA512 | x | x | |||||||
DH_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN | x | ||||||||
DH_PKCS_PARAMETER_GEN | x | ||||||||
DH_PKCS_DERIVE | x | ||||||||
EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN | x | ||||||||
ECDSA | x | x | |||||||
ECDH1_DERIVE | x | ||||||||
GOSTR3411 | x | ||||||||
GOSTR3411_HMAC | x | x | |||||||
GOSTR3410_KEY_PAIR_GEN | x | ||||||||
GOSTR3410 | x | x | |||||||
GOSTR3410_WITH_GOSTR3411 | x | x |
66 algorithm(s) in list
test enc -it 200 -a all
Algorithm | Encrypt | Decrypt | Encrypt/s | Decrypt/s |
AES-CBC128 | 0.095ms | 0.08ms | 10526.316 | 12500 |
AES-CBC192 | 0.04ms | 0.035ms | 25000 | 28571.429 |
AES-CBC256 | 0.045ms | 0.025ms | 22222.222 | 40000 |
test sign -it 200 -a all
Algorithm | Sign | Verify | Sign/s | Verify/s |
RSA-1024 | 0.615ms | 0.05ms | 1626.016 | 20000 |
RSA-2048 | 1.96ms | 0.06ms | 510.204 | 16666.667 |
RSA-4096 | 10.4ms | 0.12ms | 96.154 | 8333.333 |
test gen -it 5 -a all
Algorithm | Generate | Generate/s |
RSA-1024 | 35ms | 28.571 |
RSA-2048 | 141.8ms | 7.052 |
RSA-4096 | 1358.8ms | 0.736 |
ECDSA-SECP192R1 | 0.6ms | 1666.667 |
ECDSA-SECP256R1 | 0.8ms | 1250 |
ECDSA-SECP384R1 | 1.2ms | 833.333 |
ECDSA-SECP256K1 | 0.6ms | 1666.667 |
ECDSA-BRAINPOOLP192R1 | 0.8ms | 1250 |
ECDSA-BRAINPOOLP224R1 | 0.8ms | 1250 |
ECDSA-BRAINPOOLP256R1 | 1ms | 1000 |
ECDSA-BRAINPOOLP320R1 | 1ms | 1000 |
AES-128 | 0.4ms | 2500 |
AES-192 | 0.2ms | 5000 |
AES-256 | 0.4ms | 2500 |