Initial version
Removed Dropwizard Metrics, because its a too heavy dependency for such a lightweight library.
Changed the way exceptions can be handled. You have to provide a Predicate now instead of a list of exceptions to ignore.
The CircuitBreaker is based on a Ring Bit Buffer and a failure rate now.
CircuitBreakerRegistry has a new method which takes a Supplier of a CircuitBreakerConfig so that the CircuitBreakerConfig is only created when needed.
CircuitBreaker has a new method
which allows to retrieve the CircuitBreakerConfig of the CircuitBreaker. -
Renamed the state HALF_CLOSED to HALF_OPEN to match the pattern description of Martin Fowler.
Updated javaslang from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2
Fixed issue #6: The CB changes to OPEN state when the failure rate is above (>) the threshold, but it should be above or equal (>=).
Added rxjava 2.0.1 as a dependency
Issue #13: CircuitBreaker should publish events as an event stream and clients should be able to subscribe
Issue #10: Reorder arguments in decorator methods
PR #19: Add a backoff function feature, to modify the waiting interval between failures
Renamed root package from javaslang to io.github.resilience4j, because the project had to leave the Javaslang GitHub organisation
Changed Event stream return type from Observable to Flowable
Events contain a create time
Added getThrowable method to CircuitBreakerOnErrorEvent which was missing
Added CircuitBreakerOnIgnoredErrorEvent to signal exceptions which have been ignored because of a custom predicate
Added getMaxNumberOfBufferedCalls and getNumberOfSuccessfulCalls methods to Metrics interface
Added the SingleOperator interface to CircuitBreakerOperator
Issue #12: Added a new RateLimiter decorator
Added a new Cache decorator
Removed CacheEventConsumer and CircuitBreakerEventConsumer and created a generic CircularEventConsumer
Added a StopWatch which is used to measure the elapsed time of decorated calls. CircuitBreakerEvents also contain the elapsed duration of a call now.
Issue #33: Added the ability to 'force' state transitions manually
Issue #38: A CircuitBreaker records not permitted calls when the state is OPEN and emits a event for each attempt. The metric "numberOfNotPermittedCalls" can be access via CircuitBreaker.Metrics
Issue #39: A CircuitBreaker should copy the previous RingBitSet values during state transition from HALF_OPEN to CLOSED
Updated javaslang from 2.0.4 to 2.0.5
Updated rxjava from 2.0.1 to 2.0.3
Issue #41: Added a method to the CircuitBreakerRegistry which returns a list of all managed CircuitBreaker instances
Issue #42: Added a new EventConsumerRegistry which can be used to create and manage instances of EventConsumers.
Issue #43: Added a new higher-order function to decorate a method which returns a CompletableFuture.
Issue #49: Added execute methods to CircuitBreaker interface and Decorators builder. This makes it easier to decorate and call a function at once.
Updated rxjava from 2.0.3 to 2.0.6
Updated slf4j-api from 1.7.12 to 1.7.24