pathogen.register_pathogen("pathogenia", {
description = "An example disease",
symptoms = 12,
latent_period = 240,
infection_period = 740,
on_infect = function( infection )
minetest.sound_play( "pathogen_cough", { pos = pos, gain = 0.3 } )
on_symptom = function( infection )
minetest.sound_play( "pathogen_cough", { pos = pos, gain = 0.3 } )
on_death = function( infection )
key |
type |
description |
symptom |
number |
the amount of times symptoms are shown |
latent_period |
number |
seconds before the symptoms start showing |
infection_period |
number |
seconds from infection till last symptom |
on_infect( infection ) |
function |
actions to perform when infected ( this happens as soon as the infection takes place ) |
on_symptom( infection ) |
function |
happens as many times as the defined symptom amount |
on_death( infection ) |
function |
called when the player dies while having the pathogen |
All function in the pathogen definition give an infection table as callback.
The infection table includes.
key |
type |
description |
symptom |
number |
an integer that represents the index of current symptom |
player |
string |
the name of the player |
immune |
bool |
when true the infection has stopped. For now it does not mean that the player cant be reinfected |
pathogen |
string |
the name of the pathogen |
pathogen.register_pathogen = function( pathogen_name, definition )
--checks if pathogen is registererd and registers if not
pathogen.get_pathogen = function( pathogen_name )
--get the table of a particular pathogen
pathogen.get_pathogens = function()
--gives all the pathogens that are registered
pathogen.spawn_fluid = function( name, pos, pathogen_name )
--spawn the infectious juices
pathogen.register_fluid = function( name )
--registering a fluid(juice). This assumes that all fluids are flat on the
pathogen.contaminate = function( pos, pathogen_name )
--contaminates a node which when dug infects the player that dug the node
pathogen.decontaminate = function( pos )
--remove the contamination from the node
pathogen.get_contaminant = function( pos )
--used to check if the node is infected and to get the name of the pathogen
--with which it is infected
pathogen.infect = function( _pathogen, player_name )
--infects the player with a pathogen. If not able returns false
--return false if pathogen does not exist or player is immune
--consider making an is_immune function
--The table containing all the data that a infection cinsists out of. See
--the for a more extensive explanation
--store the infection in a table for later use. This table is also saved and
--loaded if the persistent option is set
--check if on_infect has been registered in pathogen
--perform the on_infect command that is defined in the regsiter function
--this is not the same as the on_symptoms. It is called only once at the
--beginning of the infection
--latent perios is the time till the first symptom shows
--show the first symptom
pathogen.perform_symptom = function( infection, symptom )
--An infection can also be initiated without having to perform the on_infect.
--you can can cut straight to a particular symptom by using this function
--notice the symptom_n argument. This is a number that determines the state of
--the infection.
--only keep showing symptoms if there is no immunity against the pathogen
--only show symptoms if not all symptoms have occured.
--set the time till the next symptom and then perfrom it again
--survives and is now immunized, immunization lasts till the server is
pathogen.immunize = function( infection )
--immunize a player so the next symptom won't show. It also disables the
--abilty to reinfect the player. Use pathogen.disinfect to also remove
--the immunization It will also trigger the on_cured when the next symptom
--would have triggered.
--do not immunize if alread y immunized, return false
--else immunize the player and return true
pathogen.disinfect = function( infection )
--removes the immunization and the infection all together
--only is the is infected does it do this, return true
-- else it will only return false
pathogen.get_infection = function( player_name, pathogen_name )
--get an infection of a certain player
--only if the infection is registered
--otherwise return nil
pathogen.get_infections = function( )
--gives all the infections of all the players. If not infections are defined
--it returns an empty table. That's it.
pathogen.get_player_infections = function( player_name )
--helper function for getting the infections of a certain player
--gets and loops through the infections
--and adds the infection to the output of matches the player_name
------------- = function( )
--TODO save the infections so it won"t get lost between server reloads
pathogen.load = function( )
--TODO reinfect the players when they rejoin the server. it remembers the
--infection fase thus the infection continues and does not get reset.
pathogen.get_players_in_radius = function( pos, radius )
--helper to get players within the radius.
--loops threw all objects in within a radius
--and check if the object is a player
pathogen.on_dieplayer = function( player )
--when dying while having a pathogen it will trigger the on_death of the
--pathogen and it will remove all player infections
--loops through the player infections
--checks if it is a valid and still registered pathogen
--it then triggers the on_death if the on_death is defined
pathogen.on_dignode = function( pos, digger )
--infects players that dig a node that is infected with a pathogen