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Expressive is a multi-platform expression parsing and evaluation framework.

Design and Implementation

There are 3 main stages of the parsing/evaluation of an Expression.

  1. Tokenising - this deals with walking through the characters in the expression and matching the items against the known set of Operators, Functions and Values.
  2. Compiling - once the Expression has been tokenised the set of tokens is then used to build a tree of internal IExpression nodes.
  3. Evaluation - each individual IExpression node is then evaluated to determine it's result and eventually the overall result of the top level Expression.

Error handling

The Expression will terminate early in the following situations:

  1. Any part of the tokenising process fails (i.e. unrecognised tokens).
  2. If any of the Functions are supplied with an incorrect number of parameters.

Aggregate operator

Operators can now handle aggregates (i.e. a variable passed in as an array of values will each be enumerated).

var expression = new Expression("[array] + 2");
var result = expression.Evaluate(new Dictionary<string, object> { ["variable"] = new [] { 2, 3, 4, 5});
// result == 16

Lazy Parameter evaluation

Each individual parameter will only be evaluated at the point of being used within its IExpression node. This will prevent parts of an expression being evaluated should the result already be determined (e.g. when the left hand side of an && (logical AND) operator being false).

The supported languages are:

Usage Examples


Simple Evaluation

var expression = new Expression("1+2");
var result = expression.Evaluate();

Custom options

public enum ExpressiveOptions
    /// <summary>
    /// Specifies that no options are set.
    /// </summary>
    None = 1,
    /// <summary>
    /// Specifies case-insensitive matching.
    /// </summary>
    IgnoreCase = 2,
    /// <summary>
    /// No-cache mode. Ignores any pre-compiled expression in the cache.
    /// </summary>
    NoCache = 4,
    /// <summary>
    /// When using Round(), if a number is halfway between two others, it is rounded toward the nearest number that is away from zero.
    /// </summary>
    RoundAwayFromZero = 8,
    /// <summary>
    /// All options are used.
    /// </summary>
    All = IgnoreCase | NoCache | RoundAwayFromZero,

// Use in any combination.
var expression = new Expression("1+2", ExpressiveOptions.IgnoreCase | ExpressiveOptions.NoCache);
var result = expression.Evaluate();


var expression = new Expression("1 * [variable]");
var result = expression.Evaluate(new Dictionary<string, object> { ["variable"] = 2);

Built-in Functions

Expressive provides a standard set of functions (see Functions).

var expression = new Expression("sum(1,2,3,4)");
var result = expression.Evaluate();

Custom Functions

Custom functions allow you to register your own set of funcitonality in order to extend the current set. There are 2 methods of registering a custom function:

  • IFunction implementation.
internal class AbsFunction : IFunction
    #region IFunction Members

    public IDictionary<string, object> Variables { get; set; }

    public string Name { get { return "Asin"; } }

    public object Evaluate(IExpression[] parameters)
        return Math.Asin(Convert.ToDouble(parameters[0].Evaluate(Variables)));


var expression = new Expression("Abs(1)");
expression.RegisterFunction(new AbsFunction());
var result = expression.Evaluate();
  • Lambda callback.
var expression = new Expression("myfunc(1)");
expression.RegisterFunction("myfunc", (p, v) =>
    // p = parameters
    // v = variables
    return p[0].Evaluate(v);
var result = expression.Evaluate();

Retrieve referenced variables

Compiles the expression and returns an array of the variable names contained within the expression.

var expression = new Expression("[abc] + [def] * [ghi]");
var variables = expression.ReferencedVariables;

Asynchronous evaluation

Useful for when an evaluation might take a long time (i.e. a function that deals with a long running background tasks such as loading from the database).

var expression = new Expression("1+2");
expression.EvaluateAsync((r) =>
    var result = r;

General functionality


Name Operator Usage
Add + 1 + 2
Unary plus + +2
Subtract - 1 - 2
Unary minus - -2
Multiply * 2 * 2
Divide / 2 / 2
Modulus % 6 % 2
Equals =, == 1 == 1
Not equals !=, <> 1 <> 2
Greater than > 2 > 1
Greater than or equal >= 2 >= 2
Less than < 1 < 2
Less than or equal <= 2 <= 2
Boolean AND &&, AND true && false
Boolean OR ||, OR true || false
Bitwise AND & 2 & 2
Bitwise OR | 2 | 2
Bitwise XOR ^ 2 ^ 2
Bitwise NOT ~ 2 ~ 2
Left shift << 2 << 2
Right shift >> 2 >> 2
Null Coalesce ?? null ?? 0



Function AddDays
Usage AddDays(#2017-01-30#, 2)
Description Returns the supplied date with the specified number of days added.
Remarks Expects exactly 2 parameters.
Function AddHours
Usage AddHours(#2017-01-30 00:00:00#, 2)
Description Returns the supplied date with the specified number of hours added.
Remarks Expects exactly 2 parameters.
Function AddMilliseconds
Usage AddMilliseconds(#2017-01-30 00:00:00.000#, 2)
Description Returns the supplied date with the specified number of milliseconds added.
Remarks Expects exactly 2 parameters.
Function AddMinutes
Usage AddMinutes(#2017-01-30 00:00:00#, 2)
Description Returns the supplied date with the specified number of minutes added.
Remarks Expects exactly 2 parameters.
Function AddMonths
Usage AddMonths(#2017-01-30#, 2)
Description Returns the supplied date with the specified number of months added.
Remarks Expects exactly 2 parameters.
Function AddSeconds
Usage AddSeconds(#2017-01-30 00:00:00#, 2)
Description Returns the supplied date with the specified number of seconds added.
Remarks Expects exactly 2 parameters.
Function AddYears
Usage AddMonths(#2017-01-30#, 2)
Description Returns the supplied date with the specified number of months added.
Remarks Expects exactly 2 parameters.

Function DayOf
Usage DayOf(#2017-01-30#)
Description Returns the day component of the supplied date.
Remarks Expects exactly 1 parameter.
Function HourOf
Usage DayOf(#2017-01-30 00:00:00#)
Description Returns the hour component of the supplied date.
Remarks Expects exactly 1 parameter.
Function MillisecondOf
Usage MillisecondOf(#2017-01-30 00:00:00.000#)
Description Returns the millisecond component of the supplied date.
Remarks Expects exactly 1 parameter.
Function MinuteOf
Usage MinuteOf(#2017-01-30 00:00:00#)
Description Returns the minute component of the supplied date.
Remarks Expects exactly 1 parameter.
Function MonthOf
Usage MonthOf(#2017-01-30 00:00:00#)
Description Returns the month component of the supplied date.
Remarks Expects exactly 1 parameter.
Function SecondOf
Usage SecondOf(#2017-01-30 00:00:00#)
Description Returns the second component of the supplied date.
Remarks Expects exactly 1 parameter.
Function YearOf
Usage YearOf(#2017-01-30 00:00:00#)
Description Returns the year component of the supplied date.
Remarks Expects exactly 1 parameter.

Function DaysBetween
Usage DaysBetween(#2017-01-01#, #2017-01-30#)
Description Returns the number of days between the specified 2 dates.
Remarks Expects exactly 2 parameters.
Function HoursBetween
Usage HoursBetween(#2017-01-01 00:00:00#, #2017-01-30 00:00:00#)
Description Returns the number of hours between the specified 2 dates.
Remarks Expects exactly 2 parameters.
Function MillisecondsBetween
Usage MillisecondsBetween(#2017-01-01 00:00:00#, #2017-01-30 00:00:00#)
Description Returns the number of milliseconds between the specified 2 dates.
Remarks Expects exactly 2 parameters.
Function MinutesBetween
Usage MinutesBetween(#2017-01-01#, #2017-01-30#)
Description Returns the number of minutes between the specified 2 dates.
Remarks Expects exactly 2 parameters.

** MonthsBetween - not yet implemented due to the inprecise duration of a month **

Function SecondsBetween
Usage SecondsBetween(#2017-01-01#, #2017-01-30#)
Description Returns the number of seconds between the specified 2 dates.
Remarks Expects exactly 2 parameters.

** YearsBetween - not yet implemented due to the inprecise duration of a year **


Function Abs
Usage Abs(-1)
Description Returns the absolute value of a number.
Remarks Expects exactly 1 parameter.
Function Acos
Usage Acos(1)
Description Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified number.
Remarks Expects exactly 1 parameter.
Function Asin
Usage Asin(0)
Description Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number.
Remarks Expects exactly 1 parameter.
Function Atan
Usage Atan(0)
Description Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number.
Remarks Expects exactly 1 parameter.
Function Average
Usage Average(1,2,3,4,5,6)
Description Returns the mean average out of the supplied numbers.
Remarks Expects at least 1 parameter.
Function Ceiling
Usage Ceiling(1.5)
Description Returns the smallest integral value that is greater than or equal to the specified number.
Remarks Expects exactly 1 parameter.

** Still to be converted**

Function Usage Parameters
Cos Cos(0) Expects exactly 1 parameter.
EndsWith EndsWith('end') Expects exactly 1 parameter.
Exp Exp(0) Expects exactly 1 parameter.
Floor Floor(1.5) Expects exactly 1 parameter.
IEEERemainder IEEERemainder(3, 2) Expects exactly 2 parameters.
If If(1 == 1, 'true', 'false') Expects exactly 3 parameters.
In In(1, 1, 2, 3, 4) Expects at least 2 parameters.
Log Log(1, 10) Expects exactly 2 parameters.
Log10 Log10(1) Expects exactly 1 parameter.
Max Max(1, 2) Expects at least 1 parameter.
Mean Mean(1, 2) Expects exactly 2 parameters.
Median Median(1, 2) Expects exactly 2 parameters.
Min Min(1, 2) Expects at least 1 parameter.
Mode Mode(1, 2) Expects exactly 2 parameters.
PadLeft PadLeft([number], 3, '0') Expects exactly 3 parameters.
PadRight PadRight([number], 3, '0') Expects exactly 3 parameters.
Pow Pow(3, 2) Expects exactly 2 parameters.
Random Random() Expects no parameters.
Round Round(4.5234, 2) Expects exactly 2 parameters.
Sign Sign(-10) Expects exactly 1 parameter.
Sin Sin(0) Expects exactly 1 parameter.
Sqrt Sqrt(4) Expects exactly 1 parameter.
StartsWith StartsWith('start') Expects exactly 1 parameter.
Sum Sum(0, 2, 3, 4) Expects at least 1 parameter.
Tan Tan(0) Expects exactly 1 parameter.
Truncate Truncate(1.7) Expects exactly 1 parameter.


Name Usage
Variable [parametername]
String "abc", 'abc'
DateTime #2015/12/25#, #Today#, #Now#
Integer 123
Boolean true, false
Floating point 123.456
null null