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Toolchain Migration to Redocly

Amarantha Kulkarni edited this page Oct 3, 2023 · 10 revisions

The XRP Ledger documentation and developer resources are available on

The source for is available in the xrpl-dev-portal repository. While anyone can contribute to the xrpl-dev-portal repository, members of the Editors team in GitHub are maintainers of the xrpl-dev-portal repository.

At a high level, the current process of publishing documentation can be summarized by the following diagram:


There are a few challenges to the current toolchain that make it unsustainable in the long run, such as the risk of a single point of failure, and lack of continuous integration and deployment.

This proposal to migrate the toolchain to Redocly aims to alleviate these challenges and thus help XRPL community contributors focus on creating more useful and relevant content to build on the XRPL.

Why Redocly?

  • OOTB support for most developer docs features
  • Best-in-class support for API docs
  • Interactive code samples
  • Extensible and customizable through React components
  • Automation/DocsOps
  • Supports Markdown, familiar to developers & tech writers