feat(indent): automatic indent configuration based on the buffer content
feat(indent): automatic indent configuration based on the buffer content
feat(plugins): install todo-comments
feat(plugins): install todo-comments
feat: remove cmp signature help since noice already does it better
feat: remove cmp signature help since noice already does it better
fix: lsp_lines not loading immediately
fix: lsp_lines not loading immediately
feat(nvim-ufo): remove foldcolumn and show the number of folded lines
feat(nvim-ufo): remove foldcolumn and show the number of folded lines
feat(plugins): install stay-in-place
feat(plugins): install stay-in-place
feat(plugins): install oil, mkdir and rooter
feat(plugins): install oil, mkdir and rooter
feat(telescope): retire fzf-lua in favor of telescope
feat(telescope): retire fzf-lua in favor of telescope
fix(noice): disable hover and messages for real(using notifier)
fix(noice): disable hover and messages for real(using notifier)
feat(cmdline): bring back noice for commandline ui
feat(cmdline): bring back noice for commandline ui
feat(config): set norelativenumber in inactive splits
feat(config): set norelativenumber in inactive splits
feat(colorscheme): install tokyonight
feat(colorscheme): install tokyonight
feat(diagnostics): install lsp_lines and uninstall diagflow
feat(diagnostics): install lsp_lines and uninstall diagflow
feat(lsp): border in hover lsp info window
feat(lsp): border in hover lsp info window
feat(completion): add signature help and change completion menu
feat(completion): add signature help and change completion menu
delete(treesitter): don't install a yaml parser
delete(treesitter): don't install a yaml parser
feat(plugins): install nvim-scrollbar
feat(plugins): install nvim-scrollbar
feat(config): setup save keymapping and set noshowcmd
feat(config): setup save keymapping and set noshowcmd