editor recap (block types placed etc) - gather stats
custom action (node graph) on click (use pick mode + click blocking)
can set editor flag for placeable or not (around 0x600)
find -> apply node graph
super delete mode: e.g., for connected finishes
gizmo: skins
macroblock: skins
block history on RHS? (clickable & draggable onto map)
nudging skins
macroblock skins
grid / units for nudging stuff
grid "toolbar" -- multipurpose (gizmo, placement, nudging)
blender keybinds for nudging / axes
plane dragging in addition to axes dragging (little square between axes to drag)
test better key blocking (if it's implemented)
hide back of cube option
use dot for block midpoint
lines manager for using custom selection lines
fill toolbar
- Toolbar class
shaded_geoms in S2M
free block: show which blocks can connect to which other blocks and in which rotation which end works of the free block
filter inventory
check item placed when selecting in manip mesh
ensure item saved before editing properties
recently selected blocks and items history
where is EditorHelpers color set?
3d move/rotate handle draggable things https://discord.com/channels/276076890714800129/1103713844288819311/1103935116188844083
copy placement params from 1 item to another -
script to do item manipulation
investigate placing items on freeblocks when a normally placed block is close
scenery spray
- mouse button to apply scenery (maybe blocks, maybe items)
- trees but randomize each click
media tracker
- auto label text stuff
- custom playback speed (clip player, 0x33c)
- clip browser?
farlands items
fill items
block & item lists
cursor grid when in inf precision mode
inf precision yaw
item-rotator tool / UI (like blender sphere rotators)
save last in-stadium camera position for farlands camera rescue
add offzone dependency as optional so it takes precedence
Map Together
- free block placement
- regular block placement
- custom item / block sync
- item placement
- exact variants
// To get clip from EditorMediaTracker // offsets: 0x228, 0x80, 0x0
CPlugSurface 0xA0 (160) large
0x18: Buffer 0x28: Buffer 0x38: GmSurf 0x40: Skel
0x68-0x78: uncleared??
0x88: FID -> CustomConcrete_X2.dds
GmSurf: 0x90 (144) large
0x0c: surf type 0x10: ?? 0x14: vec3 gameplay dir
0x20: buffer (len: 839) 0x30: buffer<struct 0x10> (len: 1456) -> u32, u32, u32, [PhysicsId, GameplayId, ??, 0x0] 0x40: null/buffer (len: 1456) 0x50: null/buffer or nod pool? (len: 2294) 0x68: 0x2 0x6c: vec3? 0x78: vec3? 0x84: ffff / 0 0x88: unk? uncleared?
copy array elements not working properly water buf