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Vitis™ In-Depth Tutorials

Versal Custom Thin Platform Extensible System

Version: Vitis 2024.1

This tutorial describes an AMD Versal™ VCK190/VEK280(+es1) System Example Design based on a thin custom platform (minimal clocks and AXI exposed to PL) including HLS/RTL kernels and an AI Engine kernel using a full Makefile build-flow for Vivado™/Petalinux/Yocto/Vitis 2024.1.

Getting Started


The Versal VCK190/VEK280/VEK280(+es1) System Example Design full Makefile build-flow builds the whole project in the following order:

  1.  version_check:   Checks if the Vivado, Petalinux and Vitis tools are setup and if the versions are 2024.1
  2.  vivado_platform: Building the thin platform xsa (only pre-synth) or using the pre-builds
  3.  vitis_platform:  Building the Vitis Platform or using the pre-builds
  4.  linux:           Building linux and sysroot (with Petalinux or Yocto) or using the pre-builds
  5.  dtg:             Building the device-tree when xsa and xpfm is build and using the linux pre-builds
  6.  bif:             Some necessary Copying of linux image-files to the vitis platform for a correct Vitis packaging
  7.  vitis_ip:        Building Ai Engine graph(s) towards libadf.a and compiling hls/rtl kernels to *.xo
  9.  full_impl:       Linking all kernels and AIE in the thin platform and fully implement it
  8.  ps_apps:         Building all XRT-based PS applications
 10.  package:         Packaging all necessary boot/run files

Build-flow Dependencies

The following diagram explains the build-flow dependencies.


  • The diagram should be read from right to left.
  • The diagram is for illustration only. The actual build-flow is more sequential.

Build & Prerequisites

In the [project-root] you can start the full build with make all or make all_targets after taking following prerequisites into account:

  • Before starting the build, please correctly setup the 2024.1 version of Vivado, Vitis and Petalinux/Yocto
    • If the tools are not setup correctly the build will stop with an ERROR message telling you what is not correctly setup!
      • Note: The Yocto Tool setup is not verified!
      • Note: The Petalinux Tool and Version check is skipped when targetting Yocto!
  • Everything is in the GitHub repository; no extra files are needed.
    • Although some are downloaded from GitHub; but that is handled by the Makefiles.
    • Exception: For building petalinux OFFLINE, you will need to download and extract some tar.gz files. This is explained in more detail below.
    • Exception: For building with Yocto-build, you will need to install Yocto. This is explained in more detail below.
  • All dependencies in every Makefile are setup in such a way that if you need to rebuild after a certain modification; then it ONLY rebuilds what is needed to be rebuild.
    • Example: After already done a full build before, modify [project-root]/vitis/ip/vadd_s/src/vadd_s.cpp. Then, if you run make all from the [project-root], it will ONLY rerun the v++ --compile (for the vadd_s), the v++ --link, and the v++ --package.
    • This is to showcase that NO full rebuild is required after every (small) modification once you builded before the platform and did not modify the platform.
    • Recommendation is to start make all or make all_targets always from the [project-root], but of course you can run make all in every sub-module if for example you want to check if a sub-module is building correctly.
    • Note: You could remove the ${GRAPH_O} dependency for the v++ --link step in the [project-root]/vitis/Makefile; but ONLY when you FIX your AIE I/O ports in Vitis/Vivado and do NOT do modifications anymore on the AIE I/O port definitions!
  • [project-root]/Makefile main make options:
    • make all to build everything for the specified TARGET.
    • make clean to clean everything for the specified TARGET.
    • make clean_vitis to clean everything (ip, ps_apps, vitis) after the (fixed) platform for the specified TARGET.
    • make all_targets to build everything for ALL TARGETS.
    • make ultraclean to clean everything for ALL TARGETS.
    • make ultraclean_vitis to clean everything (ip, ps_apps, vitis) after the (fixed) platform for ALL TARGETS.
  • [project-root]/Makefile export options to be changed if needed:
      • export BOARD_NAME := vck190 for targetting a VCK190 board (default).
      • export BOARD_NAME := vek280 for targetting a VEK280 board.
      • export BOARD_NAME := vek280_es1 for targetting a VEK280_ES1 board.
    • TARGET:
      • export TARGET := hw for targetting a board (default).
      • export TARGET := hw_emu for targetting hardware emulation (change if needed).
      • The build flow supports both TARGETs in the same [project-root]; if you need both results at once, you can do make all_targets from the [project-root]!
      • Some generated directories are depending on the TARGET selection and are further shown as [dir]_${TARGET}.
      • export XPFM_PRE_BUILDS := false for building xpfm (default).
      • export XPFM_PRE_BUILDS := true for using the xpfm pre-builds.
        • Be sure that the environment PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS is set and pointing to the internal_platforms of the used version.
          • This should be set by sourcing Vivado and/or Vitis
        • Note: export TARGET := hw_emu is NOT supported and will error out.
      • export LINUX_PRE_BUILDS := false for building linux (default).
      • export LINUX_PRE_BUILDS := true for using the linux pre-builds.
        • To be updated! Download the xilinx-versal-common-v2024.1_xxx.tar.gz from the Xilinx® Website and...
          • Extract it
          • cd xilinx-versal-common-v2024.1
          • xilinx-versal-common-v2024.1 $ ./
            • Enter target directory for Petalinux tools (default: /opt/petalinux/2024.1)
          • Make sure sourcing Vivado and/or Vitis first!
          • xilinx-versal-common-v2024.1 $ unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH
          • xilinx-versal-common-v2024.1 $ source environment-setup-cortexa72-cortexa53-xilinx-linux
          • Note: The latter 3 items must be executed each time you start in a new terminal or when changing versions!
      • Note: Following LINUX_X_Y exports are ignored and do not need setup when export LINUX_PRE_BUILDS := true.
      • Note: If export XPFM_PRE_BUILDS := false then a device-tree will be generated from the generated xsa. It could be - depending on the generated base platform (xsa) - that changes are needed in the [project-root]/linux/dtg/src/system-user.dtsi for a successfull build/boot.
    • ILA_EN:
      • export ILA_EN := 0 for disabling the ILA (default).
      • export ILA_EN := 1 for enabling the ILA (change if needed).
      • Note: When building vitis with export TARGET := hw_emu ILA_EN will be forced to ILA_EN = 0 (ILA Disabled) in the [project-root]/vitis/Makefile. There is NO issue to first build everything with export TARGET := hw and export ILA_EN := 1 and afterwards ONLY rebuild vitis with export TARGET := hw_emu! NO need for a full rebuild in that respect!
      • More information on how to setup and use the ILA can be found in the Notes
      • export SW_BUILD_TOOL := petalinux to use Petalinux as linux build tool (default).
      • export SW_BUILD_TOOL := yocto to use Yocto as linux build tool (change if needed).
      • ONLY required to setup when export SW_BUILD_TOOL := yocto.
      • Defaults to export LINUX_YOCTO_ROOT := ${HOME}/bin so please change to your local Yocto install directory.
      • More information on how to install/setup and build Yocto can be found here.
      • Defaults to export LINUX_TMP_DIR := /tmp/${USER}/${REQUIRED_VERSION}/${SW_BUILD_TOOL}
        • Defaults to /tmp/${USER}/2024.1/petalinux when export SW_BUILD_TOOL := petalinux.
        • Defaults to /tmp/${USER}/2024.1/yocto when export SW_BUILD_TOOL := yocto.
      • So if you want to place it somewhere else; please replace it with your required location.
      • Be aware that LINUX_TMP_DIR may NOT be located on an NFS mounted drive!
      • If your [project-root] is NOT on an NFS mounted drive; you can easily add it in your project with for example export LINUX_TMP_DIR := $(shell pwd)/linux/tmp
      • ONLY supported for export SW_BUILD_TOOL := petalinux!
      • export LINUX_BUILD_SOURCES := network for using online network build-sources (default).
      • export LINUX_BUILD_SOURCES := local for using offline LOCALLY STORED build-sources (change if needed).
      • Note: First petalinux sysroot build needs online build-sources! But it is handled by the Makefiles.
      • ONLY used when export SW_BUILD_TOOL := petalinux and export LINUX_BUILD_SOURCES := local!
      • Defaults to export LINUX_LOCAL_DOWNLOADS_DIR := /tmp/plnx-workspace/downloads.
      • Change to the directory where you extracted the downloads_2024.1.tar.gz.
      • This can be shared amoungst different users.
      • ONLY used when export SW_BUILD_TOOL := petalinux and export LINUX_BUILD_SOURCES := local!
      • Defaults to export LINUX_LOCAL_SSTATE_DIR := /tmp/plnx-workspace/sstate_aarch64_2024.1/aarch64.
      • Change to the WRITABLE directory where you extracted the sstate_aarch64_2024.1.tar.gz.
      • This can be shared amoungst different users.
      • export LINUX_ETH_CONFIG := DHCP for Ethernet DHCP Configuration (default).
      • export LINUX_ETH_CONFIG := STATIC for Ethernet Static Configuration (change if needed).
        • Please setup your required Ethernet Static Configuration in [project-root]/linux/src/recipes-bsp/init-ifupdown/interfaces.
      • Note: When you like to have Ethernet connectivity (ssh/scp/...) during hardware emulation export TARGET := hw_emu:
        • The recommendation is to use export LINUX_ETH_CONFIG := DHCP.
        • Please read "Networking in QEMU" carefully.
  • End result:
    • export TARGET := hw:
      • [project-root]/package_linux_hw/sd_card/* can be used to copy to a FAT-32 SD-card (partition)
        • Note: This cannot be used when export LINUX_PRE_BUILDS := true (due to only ext4 rootfs available)
      • [project-root]/package_linux_hw/sd_card.img can be used to be put on an SD-card with a Windows tool like Win32 Disk Imager
    • export TARGET := hw_emu:
      • [project-root]/package_linux_hw_emu/ can be used to launch the hardware emulation.

Custom Thin Base Platform

The GENERATED Custom Thin Base Platform BD:

It exposes 5 clocks that can be used in the [project-root]/vitis/src/system.cfg:

#id=0 -> clk_out1_o1 -> 500.00MHz

#id=1 -> clk_out1_o2 -> 250.00MHz

#id=2 -> clk_out1_o3 -> 125.00MHz

#id=3 -> clk_out1_o4 -> 62.50MHz

#id=4 -> clk_out2 -> 333.33MHz

Vitis will nicely add and change all required ip and connections depending on the added kernels and their needed clocks/resets onto this GENERATED Custom Thin Base Platform.

More In-Depth

The following explains the different sub-build steps. Click on each item for more detailed information.
Each step is sequential (in the order listed - by the [project-root]/Makefile):

make version_check
  • Checks if the Vivado, Petalinux (Only when export SW_BUILD_TOOL := petalinux) and Vitis tools are setup and if the versions are 2024.1.
make vivado_platform

[project-root]/vivado Directory/file structure:

Directory/file Description
Makefile The vivado platform Makefile
vck190/* The vivado platform sources for the VCK190
vek280/* The vivado platform sources for the VEK280
vek280_es1/* The vivado platform sources for the VEK280_ES1
  • export XPFM_PRE_BUILDS := false
    • Builds the output file needed for Petalinux/Yocto and Vitis software platform creation -> [project-root]/vivado/build/xsa_platform/${BOARD_NAME}_thin.xsa.
    • After this step you could open the platform blockdesign in Vivado for review:
      • [project-root]/vivado/build/${BOARD_NAME}_thin_vivado $ vivado ${BOARD_NAME}_thin.xpr
  • export XPFM_PRE_BUILDS := true
    • Setup the project to use the pre-build xsa
make vitis_platform

[project-root]/vitis/platform Directory/file structure:

Directory/file Description
Makefile The vitis platform Makefile
src/* The vitis platform sources
  • export XPFM_PRE_BUILDS := false
    • Builds the platform needed for ip and Vitis -> [project-root]/vitis/platform/build/${BOARD_NAME}_thin/export/${BOARD_NAME}_thin/${BOARD_NAME}_thin.xpfm
    • Builds the software platform needed for Vitis -> [project-root]/vitis/platform/build/${BOARD_NAME}_thin/export/${BOARD_NAME}_thin/sw/*
  • export XPFM_PRE_BUILDS := true
    • Setup the project to use the xpfm pre-builds
make linux

[project-root]/linux/src Directory/file structure:

Directory/file Description
recipes-bsp/device-tree/* Linux-recipe and files needed for some device-tree changes needed for VCK190/VEK280(+es1)
recipes-bsp/init-ifupdown/* Linux-recipe and configuration file that needs to be setup for builds with export LINUX_ETH_CONFIG := STATIC
recipes-core/base-files/* Linux-recipe needed to automount mmcblk0p1 for builds with export SW_BUILD_TOOL := yocto
boot_custom.bif Bif file with <placeholders> needed to have the Vitis packager generating a correct BOOT.BIN

[project-root]/linux/petalinux Directory/file structure:

Directory/file Description
Makefile The Petalinux Makefile
src/config A script used to exchange/add Petalinux configuration items

[project-root]/linux/yocto Directory/file structure:

Directory/file Description
Makefile The Yocto Makefile
src/conf/auto.conf Yocto Build Configuration File
  • export LINUX_PRE_BUILDS := false
    • Builds all required linux (Petalinux or Yocto) images which end up in [project-root]/linux/${BOARD_NAME}-versal/images/linux.
    • It also builds a sysroot which ends up in [project-root]/linux/sysroot; needed for [project-root]/ps_apps/linux builds.
  • export LINUX_PRE_BUILDS := true
    • Sets up the project to use the Linux pre-builds
make dtg

[project-root]/linux/dtg Directory/file structure:

Directory/file Description
Makefile The device-tree generator Makefile
src/build_dts.tcl XSCT-tcl-script used to build the device-tree out of a generated xsa
src/system-user.dtsi Additional device-tree settings
  • Only used when export XPFM_PRE_BUILDS := false and export LINUX_PRE_BUILDS := true
    • Builds the device-tree out of the generated xsa
make bif
  • Some necessary Copying of linux image-files to the software platform for a correct Vitis packaging
make vitis_ip

[project-root]/vitis/ip Directory/file structure:

Directory/file Description
Makefile The ip generic Makefile; it automatically searches for sub-projects to build
aie/* aie "datamover" kernel Makefile and sources
counter/* free-running RTL "counter" kernel Makefile and sources that feeds the aie "datamover" kernel
subtractor/* Managed RTL "subtractor" kernel Makefile and sources that measures the delay between the counter-input and the aie-output
vadd_mm/* XRT-controlled HLS vadd memory mapped kernel Makefile and sources
vadd_s/* XRT-controlled HLS vadd streaming kernel Makefile and sources
mm2s_vadd_s/* XRT-controlled HLS memory-to-streaming kernel used with vadd_s Makefile and sources
s2mm_vadd_s/* XRT-controlled HLS streaming-to-memory kernel used with vadd_s Makefile and sources
  • Builds the output files needed for Vitis linker -> [project-root]/vitis/ip/aie/libadf.a and [project-root]/vitis/ip/xo_hw/*.xo
  • Kernel structure/flow:
    • vadd_mm is a memory mapped kernel
    • mm2s_vadd_s -> vadd_s -> s2mm_vadd_s
    • counter -> aie "datamover" -> subtractor
make full_impl

[project-root]/vitis Directory/file structure:

Directory/file Description
Makefile The Vitis generic Makefile for linker and packager
src/system.cfg Vitis Linker Configuration: kernel-connections, clocks and memory-ports
src/ila_0_bd.cfg ILA Vitis connection needed for Vitis linker when export ILA_EN := 1
src/ila_0_def.tcl ILA Vitis tcl needed for Vitis linker when export ILA_EN := 1
  • Runs the Vitis packager
  • After this step you could open the full blockdesign (platform extended with all kernels) in Vivado for review:
  • [project-root]/vitis/build_${TARGET}/_x/link/vivado/vpl/prj $ vivado prj.xpr
  • Vitis will connect the memory-ports of the vadd_mm kernel to DDR4 as specified in the [project-root]/vitis/src/system.cfg
  • Vitis will connect the memory-ports of the mm2s_vadd_s, vadd_s and s2mm_vadd_s kernels to LPDDR4 as specified in the [project-root]/vitis/src/system.cfg
make ps_apps

[project-root]/ps_apps/linux Directory/file structure:

Directory/file Description
Makefile The ps_apps generic Makefile; it automatically searches for sub-projects to build
aie_dly_test/* PS XRT Application - using the native XRT API - Makefile and sources that measures the delay between counter-input and aie-output
vadd_mm_cpp/* PS XRT Application - using the native XRT API - Makefile and sources that checks out the vadd_mm kernel
vadd_mm_ocl/* PS XRT Application - using the opencl XRT API - Makefile and sources that checks out the vadd_mm kernel
vadd_s/* PS XRT Application - using the native XRT API - Makefile and sources that checks out the mm2s_vadd_s -> vadd_s -> s2mm_vadd_s kernels
  • Builds the output files needed for vitis packager -> [project-root]/ps_apps/linux/exe/*.exe
make package

[project-root]/vitis Directory/file structure:

Directory/file Description
Makefile The Vitis generic Makefile for linker and packager
  • Runs the Vitis packager
  • The output of the Vitis packager ends up in [project-root]/package_linux_${TARGET}


Running on a board

  1. Prerequisite: Build was executed with export TARGET := hw
  2. Copy over the [project-root]/package_linux_hw/sd_card/* to an SD-card (Note: Only when export LINUX_PRE_BUILDS := false), or put the [project-root]/package_linux_hw/sd_card.img on an SD-card.
  3. Put the SD-card in the board's Versal SD-card slot (board's top SD-card slot closest to the bracket).
  4. Connect the included USB-cable between the board (Middle bottom of the bracket) and a computer:
    • Usually you will see 3 serial ports in your device manager:
      • One for the ZU04 system controller device.
      • Two for Versal; however only one of the Versal serial ports are in use.
      • To see the serial ports, the board does not need to be powered-ON, the physical USB connection should be enough!
    • Connect to the serial port(s) by using a terminal emulator like Putty (Windows) with the following settings:
      • 115200 baud
      • 8 data bits
      • 1 stop bit
      • Parity none
      • Flow control XON/XOFF
    • Maybe for the first time open all 3 serial ports to see which one is the correct Versal serial port where you can follow the Versal-boot and interact later on.
  5. Power-UP:
    • It will first boot-up up the ZU04, next it will start the Versal boot.
    • Only one of the Versal serial ports will give you the Linux login prompt after booting.
  6. Continue to "Execution & Results".

Running Hardware Emulation

  1. Prerequisite: Build was executed with export TARGET := hw_emu
  2. Execute [project-root]/package_linux_hw_emu/# ./
  3. The hardware emulation will start and boot-up the whole system and should give you the Linux login prompt.
    • This can take some time!
  4. Continue to "Execution & Results".

Execution & Results

You will need to login with user petalinux and setup a new password (it is then also the sudo password):

  • Note: It could be that if you used the export LINUX_PRE_BUILDS := true that you get more messages displayed.
vck190-versal login: petalinux
You are required to change your password immediately (administrator enforced).
New password: 
Retype new password: 
vck190-versal:~$ sudo su

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

    #1) Respect the privacy of others.
    #2) Think before you type.
    #3) With great power comes great responsibility.

vck190-versal:/home/petalinux# cd /run/media/BOOT-mmcblk0p1/

Execute the following after you went though the previous explained login-step so you reached the /run/media/BOOT-mmcblk0p1 directory:

  • In the logging below you find all results/responses that you should get after every Linux command line input you should give.
vck190-versal:/run/media/BOOT-mmcblk0p1# ./vadd_mm_cpp.exe a.xclbin 
PASSED:  auto my_device = xrt::device(0)
XAIEFAL: INFO: Resource group Avail is created.
XAIEFAL: INFO: Resource group Static is created.
XAIEFAL: INFO: Resource group Generic is created.
PASSED:  auto xclbin_uuid = my_device.load_xclbin(a.xclbin)
PASSED:  auto my_vadd = xrt::kernel(my_device, xclbin_uuid, "vadd_mm:{vadd_mm_1}")
PASSED:  auto my_vadd_i/oX = xrt::bo(my_device, VADD_BYTE_SIZE, XCL_BO_FLAGS_NONE, my_vadd.group_id(X) (=1))
PASSED:  auto my_vadd_i/oX_mapped = = my_vadd_i/<unsigned int*>()
PASSED:  auto my_vadd_run = my_vadd(my_vadd_input0, my_vadd_input1, my_vadd_output, VADD_BYTE_SIZE)

INFO:    Waiting kernel to end...


PASSED:  ./vadd_mm_cpp.exe

vck190-versal:/run/media/BOOT-mmcblk0p1# ./vadd_mm_ocl.exe a.xclbin 
Loading: 'a.xclbin'
XAIEFAL: INFO: Resource group Avail is created.
XAIEFAL: INFO: Resource group Static is created.
XAIEFAL: INFO: Resource group Generic is created.

PASSED:  ./vadd_mm_ocl.exe

vck190-versal:/run/media/BOOT-mmcblk0p1# ./vadd_s.exe a.xclbin 
INFO:    samples = 256
INFO:    bsize   = 512
PASSED:  auto my_device = xrt::device(0)
XAIEFAL: INFO: Resource group Avail is created.
XAIEFAL: INFO: Resource group Static is created.
XAIEFAL: INFO: Resource group Generic is created.
PASSED:  auto xclbin_uuid = my_device.load_xclbin(a.xclbin)
PASSED:  auto in_0 = xrt::kernel(my_device, xclbin_uuid, "mm2s_vadd_s:{mm2s_vadd_s_1}")
PASSED:  auto in_1 = xrt::kernel(my_device, xclbin_uuid, "mm2s_vadd_s:{mm2s_vadd_s_2}")
PASSED:  auto in_01_bo = xrt::bo(my_device, bsize, XCL_BO_FLAGS_NONE, in_01.group_id(0) (=2))
PASSED:  auto in_01_bo_mapped = =<TYPE_DATA*>()
PASSED:  auto in_01_run = in_01(in_01_bo, nullptr, 256)
PASSED:  auto out = xrt::kernel(my_device, xclbin_uuid, "s2mm_vadd_s:{s2mm_vadd_s_1}")
PASSED:  auto out_bo = xrt::bo(my_device, bsize, XCL_BO_FLAGS_NONE, out.group_id(0) (=2))
PASSED:  auto out_bo_mapped =<TYPE_DATA*>()
PASSED:  auto out_run = out(out_bo, nullptr, 256)
PASSED:  dut = xrt::kernel(my_device, xclbin_uuid, "vadd_s:{vadd_s_1}")
PASSED:  dut_run = dut(256, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)

INFO:    Waiting for kernels to end...

PASSED:  in_0_run.wait()
PASSED:  in_1_run.wait()
PASSED:  dut_run.wait()
PASSED:  out_run.wait()

PASSED:  ./vadd_s.exe

vck190-versal:/run/media/BOOT-mmcblk0p1# ./aie_dly_test.exe a.xclbin 
Initializing ADF API...
PASSED:  auto my_device = xrt::device(0)
XAIEFAL: INFO: Resource group Avail is created.
XAIEFAL: INFO: Resource group Static is created.
XAIEFAL: INFO: Resource group Generic is created.
PASSED:  auto xclbin_uuid = my_device.load_xclbin(a.xclbin)
PASSED:  auto my_rtl_ip = xrt::ip(my_device, xclbin_uuid, "subtractor:{subtractor_0}")
PASSED:  auto my_graph  = xrt::graph(my_device, xclbin_uuid, "mygraph_top")
PASSED:  my_graph.reset()
Poll subtractor register
  Value Reg0:  1d2
  Value Reg1:  15e
  Value Reg2:  157
  Value Reg3:  2e
Poll subtractor register
  Value Reg0:  1d2
  Value Reg1:  182
  Value Reg2:  179
  Value Reg3:  2e
Poll subtractor register
  Value Reg0:  1d2
  Value Reg1:  18a
  Value Reg2:  179
  Value Reg3:  2e
Poll subtractor register
  Value Reg0:  220
  Value Reg1:  192
  Value Reg2:  179
  Value Reg3:  2e
Poll subtractor register
  Value Reg0:  1d2
  Value Reg1:  192
  Value Reg2:  181
  Value Reg3:  2e
Poll subtractor register
  Value Reg0:  1e8
  Value Reg1:  18a
  Value Reg2:  179
  Value Reg3:  2e
Poll subtractor register
  Value Reg0:  220
  Value Reg1:  192
  Value Reg2:  179
  Value Reg3:  2e
Poll subtractor register
  Value Reg0:  1da
  Value Reg1:  192
  Value Reg2:  181
  Value Reg3:  2e
Poll subtractor register
  Value Reg0:  220
  Value Reg1:  18a
  Value Reg2:  17b
  Value Reg3:  2e
Poll subtractor register
  Value Reg0:  1d2
  Value Reg1:  18a
  Value Reg2:  179
  Value Reg3:  2e
Poll subtractor register
  Value Reg0:  220
  Value Reg1:  192
  Value Reg2:  179
  Value Reg3:  2e
Poll subtractor register
  Value Reg0:  1d2
  Value Reg1:  192
  Value Reg2:  179
  Value Reg3:  2e
Poll subtractor register
  Value Reg0:  202
  Value Reg1:  18a
  Value Reg2:  181
  Value Reg3:  2e
Poll subtractor register
  Value Reg0:  1d2
  Value Reg1:  18a
  Value Reg2:  179
  Value Reg3:  2e
Poll subtractor register
  Value Reg0:  204
  Value Reg1:  18a
  Value Reg2:  179
  Value Reg3:  2e
Poll subtractor register
  Value Reg0:  1d2
  Value Reg1:  18a
  Value Reg2:  179
  Value Reg3:  2e
Poll subtractor register
  Value Reg0:  206
  Value Reg1:  192
  Value Reg2:  179
  Value Reg3:  2e
Poll subtractor register
  Value Reg0:  1d2
  Value Reg1:  192
  Value Reg2:  179
  Value Reg3:  2e
Poll subtractor register
  Value Reg0:  208
  Value Reg1:  18e
  Value Reg2:  181
  Value Reg3:  2e
Poll subtractor register
  Value Reg0:  1d2
  Value Reg1:  18a
  Value Reg2:  17b
  Value Reg3:  2e
PASSED:  my_graph.end()

PASSED:  ./aie_dly_test.exe



  • Simulation is NOT part and NOT demonstrated in this Tutorial!
  • xsa: CIPS settings are added manually; configured in the bd-files.
  • The example design is fully FAT-32
    • if you like to use ext4 rootfs instead:
      • linux (Petalinux and Yocto) already generates it.
      • You will need to copy it to the Vitis platform in the [project-root]/Makefile in the bif section.
      • The v++ -package command line in [project-root]/vitis/Makefile will need adaptations to be able to use ext4 rootfs instead of FAT-32.
  • export ILA_EN := 1
    • The ILA core connectivity is set up during v++ linking process loading the cfg file [project-root]/vitis/src/ila_0_bd.cfg and further configuration of ILA properties is managed in tcl file [project-root]/vitis/src/ila_0_def.tcl.
    • Using the configuration file [project-root]/vitis/src/ila_0_bd.cfg allows the designer to mark AXI port for debug nets to and from the AIE engine for analysis.
    • AFTER completing the vitis linking process execute the following:
      • [project-root]/vitis/build_hw/_x/link/vivado/vpl/prj $ vivado prj.xpr
      • Vivado: Open Implemented Design
      • Vivado: Tcl Console: write_debug_probes probe_0.ltx
      • Vivado: Close
      • [project-root]/vitis $ make update_ila
    • A quick use case would be to validate the values of subtractor registers. After the probing file is loaded and the ILA is armed, rerunning ./aie_dly_test.exe a.xclbin will trigger the ILA capturing the signal values that should match those in the console.
  • root password is the one you have setup when using ssh/scp/... towards the board export TARGET := hw or hardware emulation export TARGET := hw_emu.

Design Considerations

Note: The MUSTs in below explanations are due to how the generic Makefiles are setup, and is NOT an AMD tools requirement!

  • [project-root]/ps_apps/linux: PS applications can easily be added by adding a sub-project for each in [project-root]/ps_apps/linux.
    • Vitis will automatically package them and they will end up in [project-root]/package_linux_${TARGET}.
    • The [PS Application].exe (extension MUST be .exe) MUST end up in the [project-root]/ps_apps/exe dir.
  • [project-root]/vitis/ip: Kernels can be added by just adding a sub-project in [project-root]/vitis/ip.
    • You will need to update the [project-root]/vitis/src/system.cfg file to setup the correct connections/clocks.
    • A [kernel].xo file MUST end up in the [project-root]/vitis/ip/xo_hw dir
    • An extra aie graph MUST be added in the [project-root]/vitis/ip/aie dir, the [project-root]/vitis/ip/aie/Makefile will need adaptations.


The following documents provide supplemental information for this tutorial.

Contains sections on how to develop AI Engine graphs, how to use the AI Engine compiler, AI Engine simulation, and performance analysis.

The following are links to the XRT information used by this tutorial:

The following are links to Vitis related information referenced in this tutorial:

Revision History

Click on each item below to see the detailed Revision History:

April 2024
  • Upgrading to 2024.1
September 2023
  • Upgrading to 2023.2
  • Integrating VEK280/VEK280_es1 option
May 2023
  • AI Engine:
    • Replaced kernels and graphs to use AIE API and C++ Object Oriented Style with templates
  • HLS:
    • Replaced qdma_axis type with ap_axis type
February 2023
  • general:
    • Changing dir structure for the upcoming baremetal ps_apps and vitis export flow
December 2022
  • general:
    • Adding the option to use the xpfm and/or linux pre-builds
June 2022
  • general:
    • Updated tutoral to 2022.2
April 2022
  • platform/hw:
    • Added lpddr4 to the base platform
  • general:
    • Updated tutoral to 2022.1
March 2022
  • platform/hw:
    • Removed some ip and connections to end-up with the bare minimum base platform needed
      • Vitis nicely adds and changes IP and connections as required
    • Exposed 1 extra clock via BUFG (clk_out2) next to the 4 exisiting clocks via MBUFGCE (clk_out1_o1-4)
      • id=0 -> clk_out1_o1 -> 500MHz
      • id=1 -> clk_out1_o2 -> 250MHz
      • id=2 -> clk_out1_o3 -> 125MHz
      • id=3 -> clk_out1_o4 -> 62.5MHz
      • id=4 -> clk_out2 -> 333MHz
  • linux:
    • Added Yocto as alternative Linux build tool option with:
      • [project-root]/Makefile - export LINUX_BUILD_TOOL := yocto
      • [project-root]/Makefile - export LINUX_YOCTO_ROOT := ${HOME}/bin
      • Added [project-root]/linux/yocto
    • Petalinux and/or Yocto TMP_DIR is now set and can be changed with export LINUX_TMP_DIR := /tmp/linux/${LINUX_BUILD_TOOL}
    • Moved [project-root]/petalinux to [project-root]/linux/petalinux
    • Moved [project-root]/petalinux/src/boot_custom.bif to [project-root]/linux/src/boot_custom.bif
    • Moved [project-root]/petalinux/src/device-tree to [project-root]/linux/src/recipes-bsp/device-tree
    • Moved [project-root]/petalinux/init-ifupdown to [project-root]/linux/src/recipes-bsp/init-ifupdown
    • Linux build for export LINUX_BUILD_TOOL := petalinux ends up in [project-root]/linux/${BOARD_NAME}-versal
    • Linux build for export LINUX_BUILD_TOOL := yocto ends up in [project-root]/linux/${BOARD_NAME}-versal and [project-root]/linux/${BOARD_NAME}-versal-meta
    • Sysroot build for export LINUX_BUILD_TOOL := petalinux and export LINUX_BUILD_TOOL := yocto ends up in [project-root]/linux/sysroot
    • Updated [project-root]/linux/src/device-tree/files/system-user.dtsi for proper Ethernet PHY configuration
    • Added support for offline petalinux-build (Excluding sysroot build!) with:
      • export LINUX_BUILD_SOURCES := local
      • export LINUX_LOCAL_DOWNLOADS_DIR := /tmp/plnx-workspace/downloads
      • export LINUX_LOCAL_SSTATE_DIR := /tmp/plnx-workspace/sstate_aarch64_2022.1/aarch64
  • platform/sw
    • Updated [project-root]/platform/sw/src/qemu/lnx/qemu_args.txt for adding Ethernet connectivity support (ssh/scp/...) for hardware emulation export TARGET := hw_emu
    • Removed linux generated images dependencies; since NOT required
  • bif:
    • Added [project-root]/linux/${BOARD_NAME}-versal/images/linux/Image and [project-root]/linux/${BOARD_NAME}-versal/images/linux/rootfs.cpio.gz.u-boot copy to the software platform to keep proper naming when export LINUX_BUILD_TOOL := yocto
    • Added some dependencies so its only executed when needed
  • ip:
    • Added vadd streaming kernels: mm2s_vadd_s -> vadd_s -> s2mm_vadd_s
    • Renamed vadd to vadd_mm (vadd memory mapped kernel)
    • Removed dependency on ${TARGET}; since NOT required
  • ps_apps:
    • Added vadd_s to check the vadd_s streaming kernels
    • Renamed vadd_cpp to vadd_mm_cpp to check the vadd memory mapped kernel
    • Renamed vadd_ocl to vadd_mm_ocl to check the vadd memory mapped kernel
    • Using explicit "kernel:{kernel_id}" for kernel selection
    • Streamline print out messages
    • Added dependencies on ${SYSROOT} and on ALL source files from ./src/*
  • vitis:
    • counter and subtractor kernels running @ 500MHz (id=0 -> clk_out1_o1)
    • vadd_mm (vadd memory mapped kernel) running @ 250MHz (id=1 -> clk_out1_o2)
    • mm2s_vadd_s -> vadd_s -> s2mm_vadd_s (vadd_s streaming kernels) running @ 333MHz (id=4 -> clk_out2)
    • Disable ILA when building vitis with export TARGET := hw_emu
    • Added ${SYSTEM_CFG} as dependency for the Vitis Linker
    • Added ${GRAPH_O} as dependency for the vitis linker, since you need to perform extra steps to be able to remove this dependency
    • Added ${LINUX_IMAGE} and ${LINUX_ROOTFS} as dependencies for the vitis packager; and those are now taken from the software platform
  • general:
    • Improved dependencies in almost all Makefiles to ONLY rebuild what is needed to be rebuild after a modification
    • Added following [project-root]/Makefile commands:
      • make clean_vitis to clean everything (ip, ps_apps, vitis) after the (fixed) platform for the specified TARGET.
      • make all_targets to build everything for ALL TARGETS.
      • make ultraclean to clean everything for ALL TARGETS.
      • make ultraclean_vitis to clean everything (ip, ps_apps, vitis) after the (fixed) platform for ALL TARGETS.
    • [project-root]/ updated with all new features
      • make all to build everything for the specified TARGET.
      • make clean to clean everything for the specified TARGET.
February 2022
  • petalinux:
    • Added the option LINUX_ETH_CONFIG to setup static Ethernet Configuration
  • ip:
    • Bugfix for the v++ linker to fail in TARGET=hw_emu when other HLS-kernels (like mm2s) are added later on to the design
  • general:
    • Adding the option to build for TARGET=hw_emu
October 2021
  • petalinux:
    • Improved petalinux version check
  • ip/aie:
    • Optimized AI Engine Datamovers
  • general:
    • Added more clarifications in the
September 2021 - Initial Release

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