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Vitis™ In-Depth Tutorials

DSP Design on AI Engine Technology with GUI and Makefile Flows

Version: Vitis 2024.1

  • Target board: VCK190
  • Last update: 06 Sep. 2024

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Project Setup

3.0 Decimation FIR Filter DSP Design

4.0 Using the Thin Platform




1 Introduction

Developing a DSP algorithm with the AI Engine technology is only one part of the design flow and not necessarily the most complicated one. At the end of the day, the DSP kernels implemented into the AI Engine array have to be connected with the Programmable Logic (PL) datamover kernels and with the ARM A72 CPU host Programmable Subsystem (PS): the PL kernels require AMD Vitis™ HLS as design flow, the PS application requires C/C++ programming with either XRT or OpenCL APIs to manage the kernels at runtime execution on the target board within the PetaLinux OS.

Building a system from scratch like this is not trivial and it is better to have a good starting point that could be adapted with few changes, a sort of "system design template" or "toolbox" to use some improper terminology.

This tutorial explains how to design a DSP algorithm and implement it into the AI Engine domain of the AMD Versal™ device, using the production VCK190 target board and the AMD Vitis 2024.1 Unified software platform design tools.

The DSP algorithm is a decimation FIR filter taken from the Vitis 2024.1 DSP Libraries (for AI Engine).

You will build a system running on the VCK190 board having:

  • A DSP kernel implemented on AI Engine domain (the decimation FIR filter)
  • Two PL datamover kernels, designed with HLS
  • Software application for the ARM host processor using the XRT APIs
  • An SD card with PetaLinux OS for booting

As you use this document, it is assumed that you have named this tutorial repository 02-AIE_DSP_with_Makefile_and_GUI and placed it in a certain working directory ${WRK_DIR}. For example, in this case: export WRK_DIR=/media/danieleb/DATA/2024.1/Vitis-Tutorials/Developer_Contributed.

The organization of the folders tree of this tutorial is illustrated here (with emphasis on the folder related to AI Engine; otherwise, the tree would explode):

    ├── Vitis_Libraries
    │   ├── dsp
    │   │   ├── docs
    │   │   ├── ext
    │   │   ├── L1
    │   │   └── L2
    │   │       ├── benchmarks
    │   │       ├── examples
    │   │       ├── include
    │   │       ├── meta
    │   │       └── tests/aie
    │   │
    ├── Vitis-Tutorials
    │   ├── AI_Engine_Development
    │   │   ├── Design_Tutorials
    │   │   ├── Feature_Tutorials
    │   │   └── Introduction
    │   ├── Developer_Contributed                   # the ${WRK_DIR}
    │   │   └── 01-Versal_Custom_Thin_Platform_Extensible_System
    │   │   └── 03-HLS_Code_Optimization    
    │   │   └── 02-AIE_DSP_with_Makefile_and_GUI    # this tutorial
    │   │   |   └── files                           # current directory

2 Project Setup

2.1 Warnings

  1. Everything shown in this project used an Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop with related Vitis 2024.1 release.

  2. It is recommended to write the SD card that boots the VCK190 board with the Windows OS utility called Win32 Disk Imager 1.0.

  3. Some figures are screenshots related to the earlier release of Vitis and there might be a few differences, although minimal, with the current one.

  4. It is recommended that you set correctly the environment before running any script, as described in details in the next subsection 2.3.6. The * scripts contain a template to be customized for your needs.

  5. The must always be launched only after all the variables of previous script have been set at least once, and only from the files folder, which has to be your current directory.

  6. Read the entire document carefully before launching any script or Makefile.

2.2 Dos-to-Unix Conversion

In case you get some unexpected errors during the execution of the scripts, once pre-process all the*.sh, *.cpp, *.h files with the dos2unix utility. In that case, run the following commands from your Ubuntu host PC:

#sudo apt-get install dos2unix
cd <WRK_DIR> #your working directory
cd 02-AIE_DSP_with_Makefile_and_GUI/files
source scripts/

2.3 Environment Setup

2.3.1 Archives Download

You need the following archives from either AMD/Xilinx Download or GitHub websites, in particular:

At the end, you should have the following files:


First, install the basic version of Vitis 2024.1 via the installer Xilinx_Unified_2024.1_*_Lin64.bin. Then add the update Xilinx_Vivado_Vitis_Update_2024.1*.tar.gz. Everything is placed in the folder /tools/Xilinx/.

2.3.2 Sudo or not Sudo?

You might need sudo privilege to install tools on these folders, primarily /tools and /opt, unless you change the ownership and group of folders accordingly.

If you created the /tools directory as a super-user (or root, or with sudo), whatever you want to write or install there can only be done by the root super-user. This is a basic Linux OS behavior. However, you can change the group and owner so that you can do what you like as a normal user, the way you do it in your $HOME directory.

So, if you run the following commands (and you need sudo):

sudo su
mkdir /tools
mkdir /opt
# -R stays for recursively on each subfolder
chown  -R you_user_name  /tools
chgrp  -R you_user_name  /tools
chown  -R you_user_name  /opt
chgrp  -R you_user_name  /opt

Then you can install the above tools and archives without sudo privilege, just as a normal user.

As a last cross-check, if you installed the tools as a normal user, you should see the hidden folder .Xilinx inside your $HOME directory. If you installed them as a super-user, you should see the hidden folder .Xilinx inside your /root directory.

In case of installation done with the sudo privilege, there seems to be only a small issue with one line in the script

su - $user -c "touch $logFile; chmod 777 $logFile"

The touch and chmod commands can not be executed because the logfile is located below the /root directory and the shell was switched to a normal user without root privileges. This means that the script assumes that the installation was done without root privileges. That line in the script could be replaced by the following commands:

sudo touch $logFile
sudo chmod 777 $logFile

In conclusion, either the installation had root privileges (sudo) and the needs to be changed, or the installation was done as a normal user.

2.3.3 Install Versal Common

You have to install this archive xilinx-versal-common-v2024.1_*.tar.gz in the folder /opt/xilinx/common/ folder (which has to be into an ext4 file system, not on an NTFS one).

Then, you have to execute the following commands as a normal user, according to what is discussed in the previous subsection:

cd /opt/xilinx/common/xilinx-versal-common-v2024.1/
chmod 777 ./ # if needed
./ -p -y -d .

Check if you need to decompress the file rootfs.ext4.gz directly. You can then remove the file to save storage space.

2.3.4 Install XRT

The easiest way to download XRT was from the ALVEO site. Select the ALVEO U200 card and then the Ubuntu 22.04 OS to arrive at this link.

Then install the archive via the following command:

sudo apt install --reinstall ./xrt_<version>.deb

To set xrt into your terminal, you need the following command:

source /opt/xilinx/xrt/

which is also in the * scripts.

2.3.5 Install Petalinux

WARNING: You cannot install PetaLinux into an NFS driver; otherwise, the install process ends with a non-predictable error message.

Before installing petalinux, check in the Excel foil 2024.1_PetaLinux_Package_List.xlsx what all packages petalinux requires. Once done, install the missing ones.

#create the destination folder   
sudo mkdir /petalinux_2024.1
#change permissions
$ chmod 777 ~/Downloads/petalinux-v2024.1-*
$ ~/Downloads/petalinux-v2024.1-*  -d /petalinux_2024.1

. . .

INFO: Installing PetaLinux...
INFO: Checking PetaLinux installer integrity...
INFO: Installing PetaLinux to "/petalinux_2024.1/."
INFO: Installing buildtools in /petalinux_2024.1/./components/yocto/buildtools
INFO: Installing buildtools-extended in /petalinux_2024.1/./components/yocto/buildtools_extended
INFO: PetaLinux has been installed to /petalinux_2024.1/.

To set petalinux into your terminal, you need the following command:

source /petalinux_2024.1/

which was also placed in the script *

2.3.6 Set Environmental Variables

The * scripts contain a template to be adapted by the user to set the tools environment for designing an embedded system on the VCK190 target board.

Once done, call the script with the following command:

cd <WRK_DIR>  #your working directory
cd 02-AIE_DSP_with_Makefile_and_GUI/files
# set your environment
source files/scripts/<YOUR_OWN>

3 Decimation FIR Filter DSP Design

In this section, you will build the decimation FIR filter DSP system using the Vitis GUI. The PS application will apply XRT APIs. The OS is PetaLinux.

3.1 GUI-based Flow

Note that the classic Vitis IDE (Eclipse-based) has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release, being it replaced by the new Vitis Unified IDE. If you want to use the classic IDE you have to call it with vitis --classic command as in the following:

cd <WRK_DIR> #your working directory
cd 02-AIE_DSP_with_Makefile_and_GUI/files
# set your environment
#source files/scripts/<YOUR_OWN>
# call the Vitis GUI
cd gui-flow/fir-dsplib_prj
vitis --classic --workspace ./classic_xrt_wrk

Follow the following steps:

  1. Select File -> Application Project -> Next from the GUI and then select the xilinx_vck190_base_202410_1 platform for your project.

  2. Click Next and give a name to your application project and your system project. For example, dsplib_fir_AIE and dsplib_fir_system, respectively.

  3. Select aie_engine as the target processor and click Next twice.

  4. Select an Empty application template and click Finish. Following the above steps, you have created the folder for the AI Engine subsystem.

  5. Select File -> New -> HW Kernel Project -> Next from the GUI and then select the xilinx_vck190_base_202310_1 platform again for your project. Click Next.

  6. Give a name to your PL HW kernel project, for example dsplib_fir_PL. Ensure that you are still using the dsplib_fir_system. Click Finish. With these steps 5 and 6, you have created the folder for the PL subsystem.

  7. Select File -> New -> Application Project -> Next from the GUI and then select the xilinx_vck190_base_202310_1 platform for your project.

  8. Click Next and give dsplib_fir_PS as name to your application project and ensure that you are still using the dsplib_fir_system.

  9. Select cortexA72 as the target processor and click Next. Then select the xrt domain.

  10. Set the path names for the Sysroot, Root FS, Kernel Image of the embedded OS. Then click Next. Here are the environment settings for your reference:

    - /opt/xilinx/common/xilinx-versal-common-v2023.2/sysroots/cortexa72-cortexa53-xilinx-linux  #Sysroot path
    - /opt/xilinx/common/xilinx-versal-common-v2023.2/rootfs.ext4  #Root FS
    - /opt/xilinx/common/xilinx-versal-common-v2023.2/Image        #Kernel Image
  11. Select an Empty application template and click Finish. With steps 7 to 11, you have created the folder for the PS subsystem. Now it is time to import all the source files into the Vitis project (still empty at the moment).

  12. From Vitis GUI, right-click on the dsplib_fir_AIE [aiengine] folder, select Import Sources and take all the source files from files/src/ip/aie/src and put them into dsplib_fir_AIE/src. Copy the entire subfolder files/src/ip/aie/src/graphs into dsplib_fir_AIE/src/. Repeat the step for all the data files from files/src/ip/aie/data to dsplib_fir_AIE/data.

  13. From Vitis GUI, right-click on the dsplib_fir_PL folder, select Import Sources and take all the source files from the two folders files/src/ip/mm2s_aie/src and files/src/ip/s2mm_aie/src and put them into dsplib_fir_PL/src.

  14. From Vitis GUI, right-click on the dsplib_fir_PS [xrt] folder, select Import Sources and take all the source files from files/src/ps_apps/aie_test/src and put them into dsplib_fir_PS/src.

  15. From Vitis GUI, right-click on the dsplib_fir_system_hw_link [pl], select Import Sources and take the files/src/vitis/src/system.cfg file and put it into dsplib_fir_system_hw_link [pl] itself. Now that all the source files have been imported, you should see something like in Figure 3.1-1. Now set up all the settings to finally build the entire project.

  16. Select the dsplib_fir_AIE.prj file and select the Top-Level File file named fir_graph.cpp.

  17. From Vitis GUI, right-click on the dsplib_fir_AIE [aiengine] domain and select C/C++ Build Settings. Make sure to select Configuration [All Configurations]. Add the following directories to the default ones in Input Spec, then click Apply and Close. You should see something like in Figure 3.2-2.

  1. Click on dsplib_fir_system_hw_link.prj file, right-click on binary_container_1, select Edit V++ Options settings, and add --config=../system.cfg as illustrated in Figure 3.2-3.

  2. The system.cfg file for aie_L2dsplib_system_hw_link [pl] domain is set as in the following (see Figure 3.2-4):

  1. Click on the dsplib_fir_PL.prj file. Push the Add the HW functions button and select the mm2s and s2mm functions, as illustrated in Figure 3.2.5.

  2. From Vitis GUI, right-click on the dsplib_fir_PS [xrt] domain and select C/C++ Build Settings. Make sure to select Configuration [All Configurations].

  • As illustrated in Figure 3.2-6, for the GCC host compiler, the other dialect flag has to be set to

Then click Apply and Close.

  • As illustrated in Figure 3.2-7, add the following library search paths (-L flag):
  • and libraries (-l flag):
  • As illustrated in Figure 3.2.8, add the following directories to the default ones in Include, then click Apply and Close.


(Figure 3.2-1) Setting OS paths to compile the host software subsystem.


(Figure 3.2-2) Vitis GUI-based flow: C/C++ Build Settings for the AIE subsystem.


(Figure 3.2-3) Vitis GUI-based flow: assigning the system.cfg file to the binary container.


(Figure 3.2-4) Vitis GUI-based flow: system.cfg configuration file in details.


(Figure 3.2-5) Vitis GUI-based flow: project settings for the kernels of PL subsystem.


(Figure 3.2-6) Vitis GUI-based flow: settings the C++ dialect to compile the host software subsystem.


(Figure 3.2-7) Setting the libraries and related paths to compile the host software subsystem.


(Figure 3.2-8) Setting the include paths to compile the host software subsystem.

3.2 Makefile-based Flow

Alternatively, to the GUI-based flow, use Vitis from command line with the proper makefile by typing the following:

cd <WRK_DIR> #your working directory
cd 02-AIE_DSP_with_Makefile_and_GUI/files
# set your environment
#source files/scripts/<YOUR_OWN>
# launch makefile-based flow
#source ./
cd make-flow
make all

3.3 Test on VCK190 Target Board

Whatever flow you have selected based on either GUI or Makefile, once you have written the generated SD card, you can boot the VCK190 board.

At the prompt on UART terminal digit, insert the petalinux username and choose a password to login, for example, root. You should see the following:

versal-rootfs-common-20231 login: petalinux
versal-rootfs-common-20231:~$ sudo su
versal-rootfs-common-20231:/home/petalinux# mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt                                           
versal-rootfs-common-20231:/home/petalinux# cd /mnt

versal-rootfs-common-20231:/mnt# ls -l
total 33549
-rwxrwx---    1 root     disk       4002464 Jan  1  2015 BOOT.BIN
-rwxrwx---    1 root     disk      22268416 Jan  1  2015 Image
drwxrwx---    2 root     disk           512 Apr 14  2023 System Volume Information
-rwxrwx---    1 root     disk       6840118 Jan  1  2015 binary_container_1.xclbin
-rwxrwx---    1 root     disk          3015 Jan  1  2015 boot.scr
-rwxrwx---    1 root     disk       1238840 Jan  1  2015 dsp_fir.exe

You can now launch the following commands:

sudo su
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt
cd /mnt
./dsplib_fir_PS binary_container_1.xclbin

You should see the following:

versal-rootfs-common-20231:/mnt# ./dsp_fir.exe ./binary_container_1.xclbin
. . .
INFO:    iterations    = 0
INFO:    words SizeIn  = 8192
INFO:    words SizeOut = 4096
INFO:    bytes SizeIn  = 32768
INFO:    bytes SizeOut = 16384
. . .
PASSED:  my_graph.reset()
INFO:    Waiting for kernels to end...
PASSED:  in_0_run.wait()
PASSED:  out_0_run.wait()
INFO:    Veryfing output data vs. golden ones

PASSED:  ./dsp_fir.exe


4 Using the Thin Platform

4.1 Get the Thin Platform

The Versal Custom Thin Platform Extensible System tutorial has the following aspects to be considered:

  • It is always well-maintained and promptly updated along the various Vitis releases.
  • By default, it generates a sd_card.img file with petalinux file system on it and the SD card has only one partition (FAT32).
  • It applies a hierarchy of Makefiles that should enable an "easier" customization of the system to be designed, without touching or modifying the directories structure and the Makefile themselves too.

Few notes to be mentioned besides what is already reported in its related file:

  1. Do not use the sd_card.img file generated in the package_output_hw. On the contrary, format the SD card with a Windows OS utility like SD Card Formatter (5.0.2 developed by Tuxera Inc) in FAT32 format to a size of more than 2GB (at least). Then you can directly copy the files from the package_output_hw/sd_card folder. The reason is that with the sd_card.img file, the VCK190 sometimes does not boot for this particular design.

  2. At the prompt on UART terminal digit, insert the petalinux username and choose a password (for example, root).

4.2 Integrate the FIR Filter in the Thin Platform

As already stated in the previous subsection, the Thin Platform has several advantages, being based on makefile flow, including ease of use, and fast compilation time. In this separate section, you will design the same project of section 3 Decimation FIR Filter DSP Design, that is, a decimation-by-2 FIR filter taken from the Vitis DSP Library for AI Engine. This time, you will implement such a design into the Thin Platform makefile based template as an alternative to using the two flows described in subsection 3.1 (GUI-based flow) and 3.2 (Makefile-based flow).

The script called from within script copies the Thin Platform folder and renames it into thin-plat. It then removes folders (ip/counter, ip/mm2s_vadd_s, ip/s2mm_vadd_s, ip/subtractor) that are not required for this FIR filter design. It then changes other files, as explained in the next section.

cd <WRK_DIR> #your working directory
cd 02-AIE_DSP_with_Makefile_and_GUI/files #current dir
# set your environment
#source files/scripts/<YOUR_OWN>
# source run_all.#
source ./scripts/

4.2.1 What To Change in the Thin Platform

The original Thin Platform has the following subfolders:

├── documentation
├── linux
├── ps_apps
│   └── linux
│       ├── aie_dly_test
│       ├── vadd_mm_cpp
│       ├── vadd_mm_ocl
│       └── vadd_s
├── vitis
│   ├── ip
│   │   ├── aie
│   │   ├── counter
│   │   ├── mm2s_vadd_s
│   │   ├── s2mm_vadd_s
│   │   ├── subtractor
│   │   ├── vadd_mm
│   │   ├── vadd_s
│   ├── src
│   └── xpfm_export
└── vivado

while this project requires the following folders:

├── linux
├── ps_apps
│   └── linux
│       └── aie_test
├── vitis
│   ├── ip
│   │   ├── aie
│   │   ├── mm2s_aie
│   │   ├── s2mm_aie
│   ├── src
│   └── xpfm_export
└── vivado

therefore you should have to do manually the following changes:

  1. Add your AI Engine graph and kernels code into the vitis/ip/aie folder and adapt the related vitis/ip/aie/Makefile to your case.
  2. Add your HLS kernels code into the vitis/ip folder, one HLS kernel in each subfolder, for example, vitis/ip/mm2s_aie and vitis/ip/s2mm_aie. Then check or adapt the related vitis/ip/mm2s_aie/Makefile and vitis/ip/s2mm_aie/Makefile.
  3. Add your PS code into the ps_apps/linux folder. For example, ps_apps/linux/aie_test. Then check or adapt the related ps_apps/linux/aie_test/Makefile.
  4. Adapt the vitis/src/system.cfg configuration file for the Vitis Linker according to your connectivity (in this specific case, it is the same as the original Thin Platform repository, so no changes at all).
  5. Do not modify the vitis/ip/Makefiles because it orchestrates all the Makefiles of the various subfolders. The remaining ones are managed "automatically" by the other Makefiles of the Thin Platform project.

To provide ease, all above steps are already done by the script and the Makefiles are already changed and available in this repository.

Run the following commands:

cd <WRK_DIR> #your working directory
cd 02-AIE_DSP_with_Makefile_and_GUI/files #cur dir
# set your environment
#source files/scripts/<YOUR_OWN>
#prepare the Thin Platform folder
source ./scripts/

Now you can build the SD card with the following commands:

cd <WRK_DIR> #your working directory
cd 02-AIE_DSP_with_Makefile_and_GUI/files
# set your environment
#source files/scripts/<YOUR_OWN>
cd thin-plat
make all TARGET=hw

As already mentioned in the previous subsection, do not use the sd_card.img file generated in the package_output_hw directly. On the contrary, just format the SD card with a Windows OS utility like SD Card Formatter (5.0.2 developed by Tuxera Inc) in FAT32 to a size of more than 2GB (at least) as illustrated in Figure 4.2.1-1. Then you can directly copy the files from the package_output_hw/sd_card folder, as illustrated in Figure 4.2.1-2.


(Figure 4.2.1-1) FAT32 formatting to prepare the sd card for VCK190.


(Figure 4.2.1-2) Copy the files on sd card to boot the VCK190.

4.3 Run on VCK190 Target Board

At the prompt on UART terminal digit, insert the petalinux username and choose a password to login. For example, root. You should see the following:

versal-rootfs-common-20231 login: petalinux
You are required to change your password immediately (administrator enforced).
New password:
Retype new password:

versal-rootfs-common-20231:~$ sudo su

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:
    #1) Respect the privacy of others.
    #2) Think before you type.
    #3) With great power comes great responsibility.

You can now launch the following commands:

sudo su
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt  
cd /mnt
./xrt_host.exe ./*.xclbin

You should see something similar to this:

versal-rootfs-common-20231:/mnt# ./xrt_host.exe ./a.xclbin

INFO:    iterations    = 0
INFO:    words SizeIn  = 8192
INFO:    words SizeOut = 4096
INFO:    bytes SizeIn  = 32768
INFO:    bytes SizeOut = 16384
PASSED:  auto my_device = xrt::device(0)
PASSED:  auto xclbin_uuid = my_device.load_xclbin(./a.xclbin)
PASSED:  auto in_0 = xrt::kernel(my_device, xclbin_uuid, "mm2s:{mm2s_1}")
. . .

PASSED:  my_graph.reset()
INFO:    Waiting for kernels to end...
PASSED:  in_0_run.wait()
PASSED:  out_0_run.wait()
INFO:    Veryfing output data vs. golden ones

PASSED:  ./xrt_host.exe



Contains sections on how to develop AI Engine graphs, how to use the AI Engine compiler and AI Engine simulation, and performance analysis.

Vitis DSP Libraries

Xilinx Runtime (XRT) Architecture

Below are the links to the XRT information used by this tutorial:

Vitis Unified Software Development Platform 2022.1 Documentation

Below are links to Vitis related information referenced in this tutorial:

Vitis Model Composer


GitHub issues will be used for tracking requests and bugs. For questions, go to


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright © 2023 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


© Copyright 2023 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.