This dataset is based on a corpus extracted by McAuley et al., who scraped questions and answers from Amazon. The dataset is described at as well as in the following papers:
Modeling ambiguity, subjectivity, and diverging viewpoints in opinion question answering systems. Mengting Wan, Julian McAuley. International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2016. pdf
Addressing complex and subjective product-related queries with customer reviews. Julian McAuley, Alex Yang. World Wide Web (WWW), 2016. pdf
The script in this directory processes this corpus, filters long and short texts, and creates a conversational dataset.
Below are some statistics of the conversational dataset:
- Input files: 38
- Number of QA dictionaries: 1,569,513
- Number of tuples: 4,035,625
- Number of de-duplicated tuples: 3,689,912
- Train set size: 3,316,905
- Test set size: 373,007
Typical metrics for the Dataflow job:
- Total vCPU time: 0.707 vCPU hr
- Total memory time: 2.653 GB hr
- Total persistent disk time: 176.864 GB hr
- Elapsed time: 17m (4 workers)
- Estimated cost: less than 10 cents
Below are instructions for how to generate the Amazon QA conversational dataset.
First you must download the input data from In total there are 38 .json.gz
files to download. Unzip them all and copy them to your Google cloud storage bucket:
gunzip *
gsutil -m cp -r * gs://${BUCKET?}/amazon_qa/raw/
Note that while the files are named .json
, they are not actually valid
JSON, but rather python dictionaries in string format.
Run the following command to process the raw input data into a conversational dataset:
DATADIR="gs://${BUCKET?}/amazon_qa/$(date +"%Y%m%d")"
python amazon_qa/ \
--file_pattern gs://${BUCKET?}/amazon_qa/raw/* \
--output_dir ${DATADIR} \
--runner DataflowRunner --temp_location ${DATADIR}/temp \
--staging_location ${DATADIR}/staging \
--project ${PROJECT?}
Once the above is running, you can continue to monitor it in the terminal, or quit the process and follow the running job on the dataflow admin page.
Please confirm that the statistics reported on the dataflow job page agree with the statistics reported above, to ensure you have a correct version of the dataset.
The dataset will be saved in the $DATADIR
directory, as sharded train and test sets- gs://your-bucket/amazon_qa/YYYYMMDD/train-*-of-00100.tfrecords
You can then use tools/
to inspect the files. For example:
python tools/ pp ${DATADIR?}/test-00000-of-00010.tfrecords
(It may be faster to copy the tfrecord file locally first.) This will print examples like:
Example 0
can I use this filter in Australian 220V power?
No it is a 110 unit you would have to purchase a 110 converter elseware to use this
Other features:
Example 1
can 11 year olds ride it
this car is too small for 11 year olds, I would prefer age between 4 - 6 for this car.
Other features: