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How to contribute to this project?

Fork it and submit PR!

How the project is organized:

Currently forjj is a GO binary tool.

forjj is divided in 2 pieces:

  • forjj cli: forjj core code. Shortly, forjj manage an infra GIT repository and communicate with several plugins to do the real task. This code is located in this repository

  • forjj plugins: Application drivers for forjj. This code is located in [](forjj-contribs repository)

    Shortly, a plugin is a container started by forjj as a service. The plugin implements a REST API used by Forjj to communicate with. The plugin itself implements all the logic to control/configure and install the application that forjj will use.


forjj is a simple binary that you can download from

It defines following main keywords:

  • create : Create a DevOps Solution with collection of application and repositories under a defined flow. In a single command line, we can start a complete ready to work DevOps solution.
  • update : Update do a change proposal to a running DevOps Solution, by updating it in the infra repository source code.
  • maintain : Read the infra repo and update the infrastructure if needed. Usually this call is made from jenkins or if infra is a new repository.

Those keywords are implemented as well to each plugins in his REST API. But usually, when forjj implements a flow on a repo, it will contact several plugins to implement the DevOps integration. And forjj will use different plugins REST API functions to complete it. I will provide some few example to illustrate this.

To give an example, let's see

How create do his work?

forjj create shortly do the following:

  • create a local infra repository.
  • Call the upstream to ensure the remote to exist.
  • Configure the local upstream with the remote link.
  • Generate source code for each application requested and store them in the infra repo.
  • Generate source code for each Repository requested and store them in the infra repo. Each repo defines a Flow to apply.
  • start maintain to instantiate the generated source, ie application, then repos

How update do his work?

Shortly, the update follow the infra-repo flow to implement any kind of change. Globally it does:

  • create a git branch to store the change
  • re-generate any source code to reflect the new change requested.
  • push to git origin

From this point, The team can change anything to the source code and submit it to the team. As soon as the change gets accepted/integrated by the team, forjj could be used to clean up the branch.

How maintain do his work?

Start working on infra repository.

  • local: New repo are created. The can be created with several predefined files as templates.
  • plugins will compare current infra with the infra repo
  • plugins will install, configure and run any new services. Old services should be simply stopped.
  • Existing services are updated by same plugins according to what the infra has defined. (mainly projects management)