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Yangff edited this page Feb 17, 2024 · 22 revisions

About the Linux porting.

This Linux port is experimental and does not support many Windows features such as keyboards, GUIs, Reload mods, Dump headers etc. Make sure you have some Linux basics before you try it, for example you should know that Linux is case sensitive, and that on Linux you should use / instead of \\ in some scripts.

You can download the compiled .so file here

The BPModLoader from the UE4SS 3.0.0 release will not work with this version, please use the older versions of the Mod Loader and BPML_GenericFunctions in the directory.

Download and unzip it to your preferred location , you'll get the .so and .ini files.

Create a Mods directory under this location and add your favorite mods, then open them and if you see Scripts, rename it to scripts. Open these scripts and if it has functions for registering shortcuts such as RegisterKeyBind, delete them. Also, some people use Enabled.txt, rename it to enabled.txt.

For BP mods with .pak, put them in <Game Location>/Pal/Content/Paks/LogicMods

Finally, run it with LD_PRELOAD=/<UE4SS Location>/ /<Game Location>/Pal/Binaries/Linux/PalServer-Linux-Test <Your ARGS>

Sometimes it crashes at the early load and just like UE4SS on windows that is normal because of some racing between the async load and the hooking. If it still crash when the mods start to load .. something may go wrong..

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