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Latest commit

2a26354 · Apr 1, 2020


143 lines (143 loc) · 14 KB

File metadata and controls

143 lines (143 loc) · 14 KB
Name License Use
Apache Arrow Apache Data exchange layer
Apache Calcite Apache SQL parser
Apache Thrift Apache RPC
Bcrypt CC0 Password hashing
Boost Boost Multiple
cpr MIT License verification
crypto++ Boost Signature verification
double-conversion BSD-like Folly
EGL, KHR MIT Rendering Support
Folly Apache Multiple
glbinding MIT OpenGL management
gflags BSD-like Folly
glog BSD-like C++ logging
cpp-jwt MIT Elliptical Curve Digital Signature
libcurl MIT AWS metadata download
libldap varies, OpenLDAP LDAP support; provided by OS (dynamic linked)
libpng libpng Render encoding / transport
linenoise BSD CLI
muparserx BSD Expression string parsing
ncurses X11 CLI/password entry
PicoSHA2 MIT SHA256 Library
rapidjson MIT JSON parsing
SQLite Public Domain Catalog management
TBB Apache-2.0 Threadpool support
TimeGM BSD Date/time support
Xorg MIT OpenGL rendering
zlib zlib PNG support
--- --- ---
glslang BSD BSD-like MIT Rendering support
spirv-tools Apache-2.0 Rendering support
spirv-cross Apache-2.0 Rendering support
--- --- ---
gdal MIT GDAL, Geospatial import
libexpat MIT GDAL, KML import
libkml BSD GDAL, KML import
minizip zlib GDAL, zip support
pcre BSD GDAL, KML import
proj4 MIT GDAL, Geospatial reprojection
shapelib MIT GDAL, Shapefile import
uriparser BSD GDAL, KML import
--- --- ---
generate_cert (Go) BSD HTTPS certificate generator
gorilla/context BSD HTTP session handlers
gorilla/handlers BSD HTTP service handlers
gorilla/securecookie BSD HTTP session handlers
gorilla/sessions BSD HTTP session handlers
pelletier/go-toml MIT Config file parser
Jeffail/gabs MIT JSON Parsing
rs/cors MIT CORS handler
Sirupsen/logrus MIT Go logging
spf13/afero BSD CLI flags handler
spf13/pflag BSD CLI flags handler
spf13/viper MIT Config file management
andrewseidl/viper MIT Config file management
tylerb/graceful MIT Graceful server shutdown and restart
dgrijalva/jwt-go MIT Licensing
--- --- ---
Apache commons-cli Apache CLI flags handler
Apache commons-math3 Apache Math functions
Apache commons-text Apache String parsing functions
slf4j-log4j12 MIT Java logging
Google Gson Apache Java JSON parsing
Xerial sqlite-jdbc Apache Catalog connector/reader
--- --- ---
bitshuffle MIT Compression support
blosc BSD Compression support
fastlz MIT Compression support
lz4 BSD 2-Clause Compression support
snappy BSD Compression support
stdint BSD Compression support
zlib zlib Compression support
zstd BSD Compression support
libarchive BSD Compression support
liblzma Public Domain Compression support
libbz2 BSD Compression support
--- --- ---
librdkafka BSD HA, Kafka support
pycrc MIT HA, Kafka support
queue.h BSD HA, Kafka support
regexp Public domain HA, Kafka support
tinycthread zlib HA, Kafka support
wingetopt BSD HA, Kafka support
--- --- ---
opensaml Apache SAML support
xerces-c Apache SAML support
xml-security-c Apache SAML support
xmltooling Apache SAML support
--- --- ---
beorn7/perks MIT Distributed consensus
coreos/go-semver Apache-2.0 Distributed consensus
coreos/go-systemd Apache-2.0 Distributed consensus
coreos/pkg Apache-2.0 Distributed consensus
dustin/go-humanize MIT Distributed consensus
ghodss/yaml MIT Distributed consensus
gogo/protobuf BSD-3-Clause Distributed consensus
golang/protobuf BSD-3-Clause Distributed consensus
google/btree Apache-2.0 Distributed consensus
google/uuid BSD-3-Clause Distributed consensus
gorilla/websocket BSD-2-Clause Distributed consensus
grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-middleware Apache-2.0 Distributed consensus
grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-prometheus Apache-2.0 Distributed consensus
grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway BSD-3-Clause Distributed consensus
Jeffail/gabs MIT Distributed consensus
jonboulle/clockwork Apache-2.0 Distributed consensus
kr/pretty MIT Distributed consensus
kr/text MIT Distributed consensus
magiconair/properties BSD-2-Clause Distributed consensus
matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions Apache-2.0 Distributed consensus
mitchellh/mapstructure MIT Distributed consensus
pelletier/go-toml MIT Distributed consensus
prometheus/client_golang Apache-2.0 Distributed consensus
prometheus/client_model Apache-2.0 Distributed consensus
prometheus/common Apache-2.0 Distributed consensus
prometheus/procfs Apache-2.0 Distributed consensus
rcrowley/go-metrics BSD-2-Clause Distributed consensus
rs/xhandler MIT Distributed consensus
soheilhy/cmux Apache-2.0 Distributed consensus
spf13/jwalterweatherman MIT Distributed consensus
tmc/grpc-websocket-proxy MIT Distributed consensus
ugorji/go MIT Distributed consensus
xeipuuv/gojsonpointer Apache-2.0 Distributed consensus
xeipuuv/gojsonreference Apache-2.0 Distributed consensus
xeipuuv/gojsonschema Apache-2.0 Distributed consensus
xiang90/probing MIT Distributed consensus
etcd-io/bbolt MIT Distributed consensus
etcd-io/etcd Apache-2.0 Distributed consensus
google/go-genproto Apache-2.0 Distributed consensus
golang/crypto BSD-3-Clause Distributed consensus
golang/net BSD-3-Clause Distributed consensus
golang/sys BSD-3-Clause Distributed consensus
golang/text BSD-3-Clause Distributed consensus
golang/time BSD-3-Clause Distributed consensus
grpc/grpc-go Apache-2.0 Distributed consensus
fsnotify/fsnotify BSD-3-Clause Distributed consensus
go-yaml/yaml Apache-2.0 Distributed consensus
go-yaml/yaml MIT Distributed consensus
uber-go/atomic MIT Distributed consensus
uber-go/multierr MIT Distributed consensus
uber-go/zap MIT Distributed consensus