diff --git a/config/Guide-API/Guide-API.cfg b/config/Guide-API/Guide-API.cfg
index 892bd59..aa1ec95 100644
--- a/config/Guide-API/Guide-API.cfg
+++ b/config/Guide-API/Guide-API.cfg
@@ -11,18 +11,8 @@ books {
     # This is a global override for all books. [default: true]
-    ##########################################################################################################
-    # spawn
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
-    # If true, the user will spawn with the book.
-    # This defaults to the value the book owner has set and is overridden by this config.
-    ##########################################################################################################
     spawn {
-        #  [default: true]
-        #  [default: false]
diff --git a/config/popcornsmelting.cfg b/config/popcornsmelting.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b355086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/popcornsmelting.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Configuration file
+general {
+    # How many times a fireproof item must bounce before it will start
+    # bouncing higher. Makes it easier to build autocollecting smelter pits.
+    # -1 disables this behavior. [range: -1 ~ 128, default: 8]
+    I:bouncesToBounceHigher=8
+    # How many times a fireproof item must bounce before it smelts.
+    # Higher values encourage building smelters, lower values encourage
+    # ad-hoc usage with a flint-and-steel. [range: 0 ~ 128, default: 2]
+    I:bouncesToSmelt=2
+    # What percentage of smelted items should be destroyed by the process
+    #  [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.0]
+    S:chanceToDestroyItem=0.25
+    # How dropped fireproof items should behave on fire.
+    # Possible values: smelt, bounce, burn [default: smelt]
+    S:fireBehavior=smelt
+    # What kinds of items should be made fireproof.
+    # Possible values: all, all_but_fuels, smeltable_only [default: smeltable_only]
+    S:fireproof=smeltable_only
+    # If true, all furnace recipes will be valid popcorn smelting recipes.
+    # If false, there will be no popcorn smelting recipes. You will have
+    # to add some, e.g. with CraftTweaker.
+    # 
+    # When true, popcorn smelting specific recipes can still be added, and
+    # they will take precedence over normal smelting recipes.
+    # 
+    # Calling removeAll on the smelting registry from CraftTweaker will
+    # implicitly set this config setting to false for that session. [default: true]
+    B:inheritFurnaceRecipes=true
+    # How dropped fireproof items should behave on lava.
+    # Possible values: smelt, bounce, burn [default: smelt]
+    S:lavaBehavior=smelt