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Design of Kernel Hardware Interface Layers (HILs)

TRD: 3
Working Group: Kernel
Type: Best Current Practice
Status: Final
Obsoletes: 2
Author: Brad Campbell, Philip Levis, Hudson Ayers


This document describes design rules of hardware interface layers (HILs) in the Tock operating system. HILs are Rust traits that provide a standard interface to a hardware resource, such as a sensor, a flash chip, a cryptographic accelerator, a bus, or a radio. Developers adding new HILs to Tock should read this document and verify they have followed these guidelines.


In Tock, a hardware interface layer (HIL) is a collection of Rust traits and types that provide a standardized API to a hardware resource such as a sensor, flash chip, cryptographic accelerator, bus, or a radio.

Capsules use HILs to implement their functionality. For example, a system call driver capsule that gives processes access to a temperature sensor relies on having a reference to an implementation of the kernel::hil::sensors::TemperatureDriver trait. This allows the system call driver capsule to work on top of any implementation of the TemperatureDriver trait, whether it is a local, on-chip sensor, an analog sensor connected to an ADC, or a digital sensor over a bus.

Capsules use HILs in many different ways. They can be directly accessed by kernel services, such as the in-kernel process console using the UART HIL. They can be exposed to processes with system driver capsules, such as with GPIO. They can be virtualized to allow multiple clients to share a single resource, such as with the virtual timer capsule.

This variety of use cases places a complex set of requirements on how a HIL must behave. For example, Tock expects that every HIL is virtualizable: it is possible to take one instance of the trait and allow multiple clients to use it simultaneously, such that each one thinks it has its own, independent instance of the trait. Because virtualization often means requests can be queued and the Tock kernel has a single stack, all HILs must be nonblocking and so have a callback for completion. This has implications to buffer management and ownership.

This document describes these requirements and describes a set of design rules for HILs. They are:

  1. Don't make synchronous callbacks.
  2. Split-phase operations return a synchronous Result type which includes an error code in its Err value.
  3. For split-phase operations, Ok means a callback will occur while Err with an error code besides BUSY means one won't.
  4. Error results of split-phase operations with a buffer parameter include a reference to passed buffer. This returns the buffer to the caller.
  5. Split-phase operations with a buffer parameter take a mutable reference even if their access is read-only.
  6. Split-phase completion callbacks include a Result parameter whose Err contains an error code; these errors are a superset of the synchronous errors.
  7. Split-phase completion callbacks for an operation with a buffer parameter return the buffer.
  8. Use fine-grained traits that separate out different use cases.
  9. Separate control and datapath operations into separate traits.
  10. Blocking APIs are not general: use them sparingly, if at all.
  11. initialize() methods, when needed, should be in a separate trait and invoked in an instantiating Component.
  12. Traits that can trigger callbacks should have a set_client method.
  13. Use generic lifetimes where possible, except for buffers used in split-phase operations, which should be 'static.

The rest of this document describes each of these rules and their reasoning.

While these are design rules, they are not sacrosanct. There are reasons or edge cases why a particular HIL might need to break one (or more) of them. In such cases, be sure to understand the reasoning behind the rule; if those considerations don't apply in your use case, then it might be acceptable to break it. But it's important to realize the exception is true for all implementations of the HIL, not just yours; a HIL is intended to be a general, reusable API, not a specific implementation.

The key recurring point in these guidelines is that a HIL should encapsulate a wide range of possible implementations and use cases. It might be that the hardware you are using or designing a HIL for has particular properties or behavior. That does not mean all hardware does. For example, a software pseudo-random generator can synchronously return random numbers. However, a hardware-based one typically cannot (without blocking). If you write a blocking random number HIL because you are working with a software one, you are precluding hardware implementations from using your HIL. This means that a developer must decide to use either the blocking HIL (which in some cases can't exist) or the non-blocking one, making software less reusable.

Rule 1: Don't Make Synchronous Callbacks

Consider the following API for requesting 32 bits of randomness:

trait Random {
  fn random(&self) -> Result<(), ErrorCode>;
  fn set_client(&self, client: &'static Client);

trait Client {
  fn random_ready(&self, result: Result<u32, ErrorCode>);

If Random is implemented on top of a hardware random number generator, the random bits might not be ready until an interrupt is issued. E.g., if the implementation generates random numbers by running AES128 in counter mode on a hidden seed[HCG], then generating random bits may require an interrupt.

But AES128 computes 4 32-bit values of randomness. So a smart implementation will compute 128 bits, and call back with 32 of them. The next 3 calls to random can produce data from the remaining data. The simple implementation for this algorithm is to call random_ready inside the call to random if cached results are ready: the values are ready, so issue the callback immediately.

Making the random_ready callback from inside random is a bad idea for two reasons: call loops and client code complexity.

The first issue that arises is it can create call loops. Suppose that the client wants 1024 bits (so 32 words) or randomness. It needs to invoke random 32 times. The standard call pattern is to call random, then in the random_ready callback, store the new random bits and call random again. This repeats 32 times.

If the implementation uses an interrupt every 4 calls, then this call pattern isn't terrible: it would result in 8 stack frames. But suppose that the implementation chooses to generate not 128 bits at a time, but rather 1024 bits (e.g., runs counter mode on 32 words). Then one could have up to 64 stack frames. It might be that the compiler inlines this, but it also might not. Assuming the compiler always does a specific optimization for you is dangerous: there all sorts of edge cases and heuristics, and trying to adjust source code to coax it to do what you want (which can change with each compiler release) is brittle.

The second, and more dangerously, client logic becomes much more complex. For example, consider this client code:

  if self.state.get() == State::Idle {
    let result = random.random();
    match result {
      Ok(()) => self.state.set(State::Waiting),
      Err(e) => self.state.set(State::Error),

fn random_ready(&self, bits: u32, result: Result<(), ErrorCode>) {
  match result {
    Ok(()) => {
      // Use the random bits
    Err(e) => {

The result of starting a split-phase call indicates whether there will be a callback: Ok means there will be a callback, while Err means there will not. If the implementation of Random issues a synchronous callback, then the state variable of the client will be in an incorrect state. Before the call to random returns, the callback executes and sets state to State::Idle. Then, the call to random returns, and sets state to State::Waiting. If the callback checks whether it's in the Waiting state (e.g., to guard against spurious/buggy callbacks), this check will fail. The problem is that the callback occurs before the caller even knows that it will occur.

There are ways to guard against this. The caller can optimistically assume that random will succeed:

  if self.state.get() == State::Idle {
    let result = random.random();
    match result {
      Err(e) => self.state.set(State::Error),
      Ok(()) => {} // Do nothing

fn random_ready(&self, bits: u32, result: Result<(), ErrorCode>) {
  match result {
    Ok(()) => {
      // Use the random bits
    Err(e) => {

After the first match (where random is called), self.state can be in 3 states:

  1. State::Waiting, if the call succeeded but the callback is asynchronous.
  2. State::Error, if the call or callback failed.
  3. State::Idle, if it received a synchronous callback.

This progresses up the call stack. The client that invoked this module might receive a callback invoked from within the random_ready callback.

Expert programmers who are fully prepared for a re-entrant callback might realize this and program accordingly, but most programmers aren't. Some of the Tock developers who have been writing event-driven embedded for code decades have mistakenly handled this case. Having synchronous callbacks makes all code need to be as carefully written as interrupt handling code, since from the caller's standpoint the callback can preempt execution.

Issuing an asynchronous callback requires that the module be invoked again later: it needs to return now, and then after that call stack is popped, invoke the callback. For callbacks that will be triggered by interrupts, this occurs naturally. However, if, such as in the random number generation example, the callback is purely from software, the module needs a way to make itself be invoked later, but as quickly as possible. The standard mechanism to achieve this in Tock is through deferred procedure calls. This mechanism allows a module to tell the Tock scheduler to call again later, from the main scheduling loop. For example, a caching implementation of Random might look like this:

impl Random for CachingRNG {
  fn random(&self) -> Result<(), ErrorCode> {
    if self.busy.get() {
      return Err(ErrorCode::BUSY);

    if self.cached_words.get() > 0 {
      // This tells the scheduler to issue a deferred procedure call,
    } else {

impl<'a> DeferredCallClient for CachingRNG<'a> {
  fn handle_deferred_call(&self) {
    let rbits = self.pop_cached_word();
    self.client.random_ready(rbits, Ok(()));

  // This function must be called during board initialization.
  fn register(&'static self) {

Rule 2: Return Synchronous Errors

Methods that invoke hardware can fail. It could be that the hardware is not configured as expected, it is powered down, or it has been disabled. Generally speaking, every HIL operation should return a Rust Result type, whose Err variant includes an error code. The Tock kernel provides a standard set of error codes, oriented towards system calls, in the kernel::ErrorCode enum.

HILs SHOULD return ErrorCode. Sometimes, however, these error codes don't quite fit the use case and so in those cases a HIL may defines its own error codes. The I2C HIL, for example, defines an i2c::Error enumeration for cases such as address and data negative acknowledgments, which can occur in I2C. In cases when a HIL returns its own error code type, this error code type should also be able to represent all of the errors returned in a callback (see Rule 6 below).

If a method doesn't return a synchronous error, there is no way for a caller to know if the operation succeeded. This is especially problematic for split-phase calls: whether the operation succeeds indicates whether there will be a callback.

Rule 3: Split-phase Result Values Indicate Whether a Callback Will Occur

Suppose you have a split-phase call, such as for a SPI read/write operation:

pub trait SpiMasterClient {
  /// Called when a read/write operation finishes
  fn read_write_done(
    write_buffer: &'static mut [u8],
    read_buffer: Option<&'static mut [u8]>,
    len: usize,
pub trait SpiMaster {
  fn read_write_bytes(
    write_buffer: &'static mut [u8],
    read_buffer: Option<&'static mut [u8]>,
    len: usize,
  ) -> Result<(), ErrorCode>;

One issue that arises is whether a client calling SpiMaster::read_write_bytes should expect a callback invocation of SpiMasterClient::read_write_done. Often, when writing event-driven code, modules are state machines. If the client is waiting for an operation to complete, then it shouldn't call read_write_bytes again. Similarly, if it calls read_write_bytes and the operation doesn't start (so there won't be a callback), then it can try to call read_write_bytes again later.

It's very important to a caller to know whether a callback will be issued. If there will be a callback, then it knows that it will be invoked again: it can use this invocation to dequeue a request, issue its own callbacks, or perform other operations. If there won't be a callback, then it might never be invoked again, and can be in a stuck state.

For this reason, the standard calling convention in Tock is that an Ok result means there will be a callback in response to this call, and an Err result means there will not be a callback in response to this call. Note that it is possible for an Err result to be returned yet there will be a callback in the future. This depends on which ErrorCode is passed. A common calling pattern is for a trait to return ErrorCode::BUSY if there is already an operation pending and a callback will be issued. This error code is unique in this way: the general rule is that Ok means there will be a callback in response to this call, Err with ErrorCode::BUSY means this call did not start a new operation but there will be a callback in response to a prior call, and any other Err means there will not be a callback.

Cancellation calls are a slight variation on this approach. A call to a cancel method (such as uart::Transmit::transmit_abort) also returns a Result type, for which an Ok value means there will be a callback in the future while an Err value means there will not be a callback. In this way the return type reflects the original call. The Ok value of a cancel method, however, needs to distinguish between two cases:

  1. There was an outstanding operation, so there will be a callback, but it was not cancelled.
  2. There was an outstanding operation, so there will be a callback, and it was cancelled.

The Result::Ok type for cancel calls therefore often contains information that signals whether the operation was successfully cancelled.

Rule 4: Return Passed Buffers in Error Results

Consider this method:

// Anti-pattern: caller cannot regain buf on an error
fn send(&self, buf: &'static mut [u8]) -> Result<(), ErrorCode>;

This method is for a split-phase call: there is a corresponding completion callback that passes the buffer back:

fn send_done(&self, buf: &'static mut[u8]);

The send method follows Rule 2: it returns a synchronous error. But suppose that calling it returns an Err(ErrorCode): what happens to the buffer?

Rust's ownership rules mean that the caller can't still hold the reference: it passed the reference to the implementer of send. But since the operation did not succeed, the caller does not expect a callback. Forcing the callee to issue a callback on a failed operation typically forces it to include an alarm or other timer. Following Rule 1 means it can't do so synchronously, so it needs an asynchronous event to invoke the callback from. This leads to every implementer of the HIL requiring an alarm or timer, which use RAM, has more complex logic, and makes initialization more complex.

As a result, in the above interface, if there is an error on send, the buffer is lost. It's passed into the callee, but the callee has no way to pass it back.

If a split-phase operation takes a reference to a buffer as a parameter, it should return a reference to a buffer in the Err case:

fn send(&self, buf: &'static mut [u8]) -> Result<(), (ErrorCode, &'static mut [u8])>;

Before Tock transitioned to using Result, this calling pattern was typically implemented with an Option:

fn send(&self, buf: &'static mut [u8]) -> (ReturnCode, Option<&'static mut [u8]>);

In this approach, when the ReturnCode is SUCCESS, the Option is always supposed to be None; it the ReturnCode has an error value, the Option contains the passed buffer. This invariant, however, cannot be checked. Transitioning to using Result both makes Tock more in line with standard Rust code and enforces the invariant.

Rule 5: Always Pass a Mutable Reference to Buffers

Suppose you are designing a trait to write some text to an LCD screen. The trait takes a buffer of ASCII characters, which it puts on the LCD:

// Anti-pattern: caller is forced to discard mutability
trait LcdTextDisplay {
  // This is an anti-pattern: the `text` buffer should be `mut`, for reasons explained below
  fn display_text(&self, text: &'static [u8]) -> Result<(), ErrorCode>;
  fn set_client(&self, client: &'static Client);

trait Client {
  fn text_displayed(&self, text: &'static [u8], result: Result<(), ErrorCode>);

Because the text display only needs to read the provided text, the reference to the buffer is not mutable.

This is a mistake.

The issue that arises is that because the caller passes the reference to the LCD screen, it loses access to it. Suppose that the caller has a mutable reference to a buffer, which it uses to read in data typed from a user before displaying it on the screen. Or, more generally, it has a mutable reference so it can create new text to display to the screen.

enum State {

struct TypeToText {
  buffer: Option<&'static mut [u8]>,
  uart: &'static dyn uart::Receive<'static>,
  lcd: &'static dyn LcdTextDisplay,
  state: Cell<State>,

impl TypeToText {
  fn display_more(&self) -> Result<(), ErrorCode> {
    if self.state.get() != State::Idle || self.buffer.is_none() {
      return Err(ErrorCode::BUSY);
    let buffer = self.buffer.take();
    let uresult = uart.receive_buffer(buffer, buffer.len());
    match uresult {
      Ok(()) => {
        return Ok(());
      Err(e) => return Err(e),

impl uart::ReceiveClient<'static> for TypeToText {
  fn received_buffer(&self, buf: &'static mut [u8]) {
    self.lcd.display_text(buf); // discards mut

The problem is in this last line. TypeToText needs a mutable reference so it can read into it. But once it passes the reference to LcdTextDisplay, it discards mutability and cannot get it back: text_displayed provides an immutable reference, which then cannot be put back into the buffer field of TypeToText.

For this reason, split phase operations that take references should generally take mutable references, even if they only need read-only access. Because the reference will not be returned back until the callback, the caller cannot rely on the call stack and scoping to retain mutability.

Rule 6: Include a Result in Completion Callbacks That Includes an Error Code in its Err

Any error that can occur synchronously can usually occur asynchronously too. Therefore, callbacks need to indicate that an error occurred and pass that back to the caller. Callbacks therefore should include a Result type, whose Err variant includes an error code. This error code type SHOULD be the same type that is returned synchronously, to simplify error processing and returning errors to userspace when needed.

The common case for this is virtualization, where a capsule turns one instance of a trait into a set of instances that can be used by many clients, each with their own callback. A typical virtualizer queues requests. When a request comes in, if the underlying resource is idle, the virtualizer forwards the request and marks itself busy. If the request on the underlying resource returns an error, the virtualizer returns this error to the client immediately and marks itself idle again.

If the underlying resource is busy, then the virtualizer returns an Ok to the caller and queues the request. Later, when the request is dequeued, the virtualizer invokes the underlying resource. If this operation returns an error, then the virtualizer issues a callback to the client, passing the error. Because virtualizers queue and delay operations, they also delay errors. If a HIL does not pass a Result in its callback, then there is no way for the virtualizer inform the client that the operation failed.

Note that abstractions which can be virtualized concurrently may not need to pass a Result in their callback. Alarm, for example, can be virtualized into many alarms. These alarms, however, are not queued in a way that implies future failure. A call to Alarm::set_alarm cannot fail, so there is no need to return a Result in the callback.

Rule 7: Always Return the Passed Buffer in a Completion Callback

If a client passes a buffer to a module for an operation, it needs to be able to reclaim it when the operation completes. Rust ownership (and the fact that passed references must be mutable, see Rule 5 above) means that the caller must pass the reference to the HIL implementation. The HIL needs to pass it back.

Rule 8: Use Fine-grained Traits That Separate Different Use Cases

Access to a trait gives access to functionality. If several pieces of functionality are coupled into a single trait, then a client that needs access to only some of them gets all of them. HILs should therefore decompose their abstractions into fine-grained traits that separate different use cases. For clients that need multiple pieces of functionality, the HIL can also define composite traits, such that a single reference can provide multiple traits.

Consider, for example, an early version of the Alarm trait:

pub trait Alarm: Time {
  fn now(&self) -> u32;
  fn set_alarm(&self, tics: u32);
  fn get_alarm(&self) -> u32;

This trait coupled two operations: setting an alarm for a callback and being able to get the current time. A module that only needs to be able to get the current time (e.g., for a timestamp) must also be able to set an alarm, which implies RAM/state allocation somewhere.

The modern versions of the traits look like this:

pub trait Time {
  type Frequency: Frequency; // The number of ticks per second
  type Ticks: Ticks; // The width of a time value
  fn now(&self) -> Self::Ticks;

pub trait Alarm<'a>: Time {
  fn set_alarm_client(&'a self, client: &'a dyn AlarmClient);
  fn set_alarm(&self, reference: Self::Ticks, dt: Self::Ticks);
  fn get_alarm(&self) -> Self::Ticks;

  fn disarm(&self) -> ReturnCode;
  fn is_armed(&self) -> bool;
  fn minimum_dt(&self) -> Self::Ticks;

They decouple getting a timestamp (the Time trait) from an alarm that issues callbacks at a particular timestamp (the Alarm trait).

Separating a HIL into fine-grained traits allows Tock to follow the security principle of least privilege. In the case of GPIO, for example, being able to read a pin does not mean a client should be able to reconfigure or write it. Similarly, for a UART, being able to transmit data does not mean that a client should always also be able to read data, or reconfigure the UART parameters.

Rule 9: Separate Control and Datapath Operations into Separate Traits

This rule is a direct corollary for Rule 8, but has some specific considerations that make it a rather hard and fast rule. Rule 8 (separate HILs into fine-grained traits) has a lot of flexibility in design sensibility in terms of what operations can be coupled together. This rule, however, is more precise and strict.

Many abstractions combine data operations and control operations. For example, a SPI bus has data operations for sending and receiving data, but it also has control operations for setting its speed, polarity, and chip select. An ADC has data operations for sampling a pin, but also has control operations for setting the bit width of a sample, the reference voltage, and the sampling clock used. Finally, a radio has data operations to send and receive packets, but also control operations for setting transmit power, frequencies, and local addresses.

HILs should separate these operations: control and data operations should (almost) never be in the same trait. The major reason is security: allowing a capsule to send packets should not also allow it to set the local node address. The second major reason is virtualization. For example, a UART virtualizer that allows multiple concurrent readers cannot allow them to change the speed or UART configuration, as it is shared among all of them. A capsule that can read a GPIO pin should not always be able to reconfigure the pin (what if other capsules need to be able to read it too?).

For example, returning to the UART example, this is an early version of the UART trait (v1.3):

// Anti-pattern: combining data and control operations makes this
// trait unvirtualizable, as multiple clients cannot configure a
// shared UART. It also requires every client to handle both
// receive and transmit callbacks.
pub trait UART {
  fn set_client(&self, client: &'static Client);
  fn configure(&self, params: UARTParameters) -> ReturnCode;
  fn transmit(&self, tx_data: &'static mut [u8], tx_len: usize);
  fn receive(&self, rx_buffer: &'static mut [u8], rx_len: usize);
  fn abort_receive(&self);

It breaks both Rule 8 and Rule 9. It couples reception and transmission (Rule 8). It also couples configuration with data (Rule 9). This HIL was fine when there was only a single user of the UART. However, once the UART was virtualized, configure could not work for virtualized clients. There were two options: have configure always return an error for virtual clients, or write a new trait for virtual clients that did not have configure. Neither is a good solution. The first pushes failures to runtime: a capsule that needs to adjust the configuration of the UART can be connected to a virtual UART and compile fine, but then fails when it tries to call configure. If that occurs rarely, then it might be a long time until the problem is discovered. The second solution (a new trait) breaks the idea of virtualization: a client has to be bound to either a physical UART or a virtual one, and can't be swapped between them even if it never calls configure.

The modern UART HIL looks like this:

pub trait Configure {
  fn configure(&self, params: Parameters) -> ReturnCode;
pub trait Transmit<'a> {
  fn set_transmit_client(&self, client: &'a dyn TransmitClient);
  fn transmit_buffer(
    tx_buffer: &'static mut [u8],
    tx_len: usize,
  ) -> (ReturnCode, Option<&'static mut [u8]>);
  fn transmit_word(&self, word: u32) -> ReturnCode;
  fn transmit_abort(&self) -> ReturnCode;
pub trait Receive<'a> {
  fn set_receive_client(&self, client: &'a dyn ReceiveClient);
  fn receive_buffer(
    rx_buffer: &'static mut [u8],
    rx_len: usize,
  ) -> (ReturnCode, Option<&'static mut [u8]>);
  fn receive_word(&self) -> ReturnCode;
  fn receive_abort(&self) -> ReturnCode;
pub trait Uart<'a>: Configure + Transmit<'a> + Receive<'a> {}
pub trait UartData<'a>: Transmit<'a> + Receive<'a> {}

Rule 10: Avoid Blocking APIs

The Tock kernel is non-blocking: I/O operations are split-phase and have a completion callback. If an operation blocks, it blocks the entire system.

There are cases when operations are synchronous sometimes. The random number generator in Rule 1 is an example. If random bits are cached, then a call to request random bits can sometimes return those bits synchronously. If the random number generator needs to engage the underlying AES engine, then the random bits have to be asynchronous. As Rule 1 goes into, even operations that could be synchronous should have a callback that executes asynchronously.

Having a conditional synchronous operation and an asynchronous backup is a poor solution. While it might seem to make the synchronous cases simpler, a caller still needs to handle the asynchronous ones. The code ends up being more complex and larger/longer, as it is now conditional: a caller has to handle both cases.

The more attractive case is when a particular implementation of a HIL seems like it can always be synchronous, therefore its HIL is synchronous. For example, writes to flash are typically asynchronous: the chip issues an interrupt once the bits are written. However, if the flash chip being written is the same as the one code is fetched from, then the chip may block reads while the write completes. From the perspective of the caller, writing to flash is blocking, as the core stops fetching instructions. A synchronous flash HIL allows implementations to be simpler, straight-line code.

Capsules implemented on a synchronous HIL only work for implementations with synchronous behavior. Such a HIL limits reuse. For example, a storage system built on top of this synchronous API can only work on the same flash bank instructions are stored on: otherwise, the operations will be split-phase.

There are use cases when splitting HILs in this way is worth it. For example, straight-line code can often be shorter and simpler than event-driven systems. By providing a synchronous API for the subset of devices that can support it, one can reduce code size and produce more light-weight implementations. For this reason, the rule is to avoid blocking APIs, not to never implement them. They can and should at times exist, but their uses cases should be narrow and constrained as they are fundamentally not as reusable.

Rule 11: initialize() methods, when needed, should be in a separate trait and invoked in an instantiating Component

Occasionally, HIL implementations need an initialize method to set up state or configure hardware before their first use. When one-time initialization is needed, doing it deterministically at boot is preferable than doing it dynamically on the first operation (e.g., by having a is_initialized field and calling initialize if it is false, then setting it true). Doing at boot has two advantages. First, it is fail-fast: if the HIL cannot initialize, this will be detected immediately at boot instead of potentially non-deterministically on the first operation. Second, it makes operations more deterministic in their execution time, which is useful for precise applications.

Because one-time initializations should only be invoked at boot, they should not be part of standard HIL traits, as those traits are used by clients and services. Instead, they should either be in a separate trait or part of a structure's implementation.

Because forgetting to initialize a module is a common source of errors, modules that require one-time initialization should, if at all possible, put this in an instantiable Component for that module. The Component can handle all of the setup needed for the module, including invoking the call to initialize.

Rule 12: Traits that can trigger callbacks should have a set_client method

If a HIL trait can trigger callbacks it should include a method for setting the client that handles the callbacks. There are two reasons. First, it is generally important to be able to change callbacks at runtime, e.g., in response to requests, virtualization, or other dynamic runtime behavior. Second, a client that can trigger a callback should also be able to control what method the callback invokes. This gives the client flexibility if it needs to change dispatch based on internal state, or perform some form of proxying. It also allows the client to disable callbacks (by passing an implementation of the trait that does nothing).

Rule 13: Use generic lifetimes, except for buffers in split-phase operations, which should be 'static

HIL implementations should use generic lifetimes whenever possible. This has two major advantages. First, it leaves open the possibilty that the kernel might, in the future, support loadable modules which have a finite lifetime. Second, an explicit `static lifetime brings safety and borrow-checker limitations, because mutably accessing `static variables is generally considered unsafe.

If possible, use a single lifetime unless there are compelling reasons or requirements otherwise. The standard lifetime name in Tock code is `a, although code can use other ones if they make sense. In practice today, these `a lifetimes are all bound to `static. However, by not using `static explicitly these HILs can be used with arbitrary lifetimes.

Buffers used in split-phase operations are the one exception to generic lifetimes. In most cases, these buffers will be used by hardware in DMA or other operations. In that way, their lifetime is not bound to program execution (i.e., lifetimes or stack frames) in a simple way. For example, a buffer passed to a DMA engine may be held by the engine indefinitely if it is never started. For this reason, buffers that touch hardware usually must be `static. If their lifetime is not `static, then they must be copied into a static buffer to be used (this is usually what happens when application AppSlice buffers are passed to hardware). To avoid unnecessary copies, HILs should use `static lifetimes for buffers used in split-phase operations.

Author Addresses

Philip Levis
414 Gates Hall
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305

email: Philip Levis <[email protected]>
phone: +1 650 725 9046

Brad Campbell 
Computer Science	
241 Olsson	
P.O. Box 400336
Charlottesville, Virginia 22904 

email: Brad Campbell <[email protected]>