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Pepijn de Vos edited this page Nov 12, 2024 · 4 revisions

This guide covers the main tools used in the open source FPGA development flow for Gowin FPGAs:

Tool Flow Overview

  1. Yosys - Synthesis

    • Converts your Verilog code into a netlist of basic logic elements
    • Optimizes and maps designs to FPGA primitives
    • Outputs JSON format for place & route
  2. nextpnr-himbaechel - Place & Route

    • Places logic elements on the physical FPGA
    • Routes connections between elements
    • Ensures timing constraints are met
    • Takes JSON from Yosys and outputs placed design
  3. gowin_pack - Bitstream Generation

    • Converts placed & routed design into binary bitstream
    • Handles device-specific configurations
    • Creates final .fs file for programming
  4. openFPGALoader - Programming

    • Programs the bitstream onto the physical FPGA
    • Supports multiple programming interfaces
    • Handles device detection and configuration

Basic Flow Example

# 1. Synthesize Verilog to JSON netlist
yosys -p "read_verilog design.v; synth_gowin -json design.json"

# 2. Place and route the design
nextpnr-himbaechel --json design.json --write placed.json \
                   --device GW1NR-LV9QN88PC6/I5 \
                   --vopt cst=constraints.cst

# 3. Generate bitstream
gowin_pack -d GW1N-9C -o final.fs placed.json

# 4. Program the FPGA
openFPGALoader -b tangnano9k final.fs

Check the individual tool documentation for detailed options and advanced usage.

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