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File metadata and controls

271 lines (242 loc) · 12.5 KB

Theory: File hierarchies

To structure the data you store on a disk, files can be organized into directories. A parent directory can include other directories, that is, subdirectories, which results in a hierarchy of files. For example, consider the filesystem hierarchy in Linux: the root directory / includes all other files and directories, even if they are stored on different physical devices.

  • 디렉토리에 대해서 알려주는듯.

Files and Directories

A file is a named data area on a storage medium used as the basic object of interaction with data in operating systems.

A directory is an entity in a file system that simplifies the organization of files. A typical file system contains a large number of files, and directories help organize it by grouping them together.

Kotlin offers a number of methods to operate with directories and files. You may, for example, use the library.

Let's consider the most popular of these methods:

  • File.isDirectory checks if the File is a directory.
  • File.isFile checks if the File is a file.
  • File.exists() checks if the file exists.
  • File.resolve(String) returns a file named String in a directory.
  • File.resolve(File) returns a file File in a directory.
  • File.createNewFile() creates a new file.
  • File.mkdirs() creates a directory.

Here's an example:

val outDir = File("outDir")
println(outDir.exists())    // false
println(outDir.exists())    // true
println(outDir.isDirectory) // true

val file = outDir.resolve("newFile.txt") // outDir/newFile.txt
println(file.exists())      // false
println(file.exists())      // true
println(file.isFile)        // true 
  • 파일은 운영체제에서 다루는 가장 기본 단위
  • 디렉토리는 파일 조직을 다루기 위한 것
  • 자바에서는 파일과 관련된 다양한 메소드를 지원해준다.
    • isDirectory() 는 디렉토리인지 확인해주는 메소드
    • isFile 은 파일인지 확인해주는 메소드
    • exists() 는 파일이 존재하는지 확인해주는 메소드
    • resolve(path) 는 디렉토리에서 파일을 가지고 오는 메소드
    • createNewFile() 은 파일을 마드는 메소드
    • mkdirs() 는 디렉토리를 만드는 메소드

Methods for Iterating through file hierarchies

You can iterate through file hierarchy with the methods:

  • File.getParentFile() returns an instance of representing the parent directory of a file or null if this file does not have a parent (which means it is the root).
  • File.getParent() returns a string representation of the parent directory of a file or null if this file does not have a parent.
  • File.listFiles() returns an array of files located in a given directory or null if this instance is not a directory.
  • File.list() returns an array of files and directories in the directory defined by this abstract pathname. provides special methods that allow you to iterate through the entire file hierarchy. Let's look at three basic methods:

  • File.walk(direction): FileTreeWalk provides the directories and files we can visit in this directory; we need to specify how exactly we will iterate (up or down the hierarchy structure);
  • File.walkBottomUp(): FileTreeWalk provides the directories and files we can visit in this directory. It uses depth-first search, and directories are visited after all their files;
  • File.walkTopDown(): FileTreeWalk provides the directories and files we can visit in this directory. We use a depth-first search, and the directories are visited before all their files.

The FileTreeWalk class is used to iterate through a given file system. It allows you to iterate through all files within a given directory. The iterator method returns an iterator traversing the files. You may iterate over this structure or convert it to a list with the toList() function.

In the following section, we'll find out how to apply these methods when dealing with a simple hierarchy.

  • 에서는 계층을 순회하기 위한 메소드를 지원해준다.
    • File.getParentFile() 메소드를 통해서 parent 디렉토리를 File 객체로 리턴해준다. (루트부터 아래로 내려온다고 생각하면 됨.)
    • File.getParent() 메소드를 통해서 parent 디렉토리를 String 형태로 리턴해준다.
    • File.listFiles() 메소드를 통해서 주어진 디렉토리에 있능 모든 File 을 어레이 형식으록 가지고온다. 없으면 null
    • File.list() 메소드를 통해서 주어진 디렉토리에 있는 모든 File 과 Directory 를 가지고온다.
  • 에서는 파일 순회를 위해서 추가적인 메소드를 제공해준다.
    • File.walk(direction) 는 File 순회를 위핸 FileTreeWalk 를 제공해주며 File 과 Directory 를 순회할 수 있게 해준다. 여기에는 인자로 방향을 줘야한다.
    • File.walkBottomUp() 과 File.walkTopDown() 은 파일 순회를 위해 FileTreeWalk 를 제공해주는데 방향까지 제공해주는 것.
    • FileTreeWalk 에서 toList() 함수로 리스트 형식으로 변환도 가능하다.
    • 예는 아래에서 보자.

A hierarchy example

Let's consider a file hierarchy with the root directory named Files. It contains two subdirectories: CompletedProjects and Music. They also have subdirectories: the HelloWorld directory contains two files related to the project, the JCalculator directory contains only one file, and theSoundtracks directory is empty.

Take a look at the illustration of this hierarchy below:

In the following paragraphs, we will use this file hierarchy in examples that illustrate methods of working with the file system.

Getting directory contents and directory's/file's parent

listFiles() prints the contents (files and directories) of a chosen directory.

val helloWorld = File("/Files/CompletedProjects/HelloWorld")
val helloWorldFilesNames = helloWorld.listFiles().map{} // [Doc.pdf, Reviews.txt]

val reviews = File("/Files/CompletedProjects/HelloWorld/Reviews.txt")
val reviewsFiles = reviews.listFiles() // null

val soundtracks = File("/Files/Music/SoundTracks")
val soundtracksFiles = soundtracks.listFiles() // []

The reviewsFiles is null because reviews is not a directory at all and cannot include other files or subdirectories. Meanwhile, sountracks is a directory without files, so the result will be an empty array.

TheFile.parentFile method returns a file's or directory's parent as File.

val files = File("/Files")
print(files.parent) // the result is "/"
print( // the result is ""

val reviews = File("/Files/CompletedProjects/HelloWorld/Reviews.txt")
print(reviews.parent) // the result is "/Files/CompletedProjects/HelloWorld"
print( // the result is "HelloWorld"

val root = File("/")
print(root.parent) // the result is "null"
print( // throws java.lang.NullPointerException

As you can see, if a directory is the root of a file hierarchy, you will get null. Be careful to not get exceptions!

  • listFiles() 를 통해서 파일을 가져올 수 있다.
  • 주의할 건 파일에서 listFiles() 를 하는 경우에는 null 이 리턴될 것이고 디렉토리에서 listFiles() 를 해야 파일 리스트가 나올 것이다.
  • 생각해보면 당연함.
  • File.parent 를 호출하면 parent Directory 가 리턴된다.
  • 루트 디렉토리의 name 을 보면 "" 이다.
  • 루트 디렉토리에서 parent 를 가면 null 이 나온다.

Iterating in both directions

We have already mentioned the File.walk(direction) method for iterating through file hierarchy. The attribute direction describes the way in which we can traverse our file hierarchy; it can take two values: FileWalkDirection.BOTTOM_UP and FileWalkDirection.TOP_DOWN.

val files: File = File("/Files")
println("TOP_DOWN: ")
files.walk(FileWalkDirection.TOP_DOWN).forEach { println(it) }

println("BOTTOM_UP: ")
files.walk(FileWalkDirection.BOTTOM_UP).forEach { println(it) }

The results of this program will be the following:


You can get the same result with the following methods:

  • File.walkBottomUp() (analogous to File.walk(FileWalkDirection.BOTTOM_UP));
  • File.walkTopDown() (analogous to File.walk(FileWalkDirection.TOP_DOWN)).

Thus, these three methods allow us to recursively traverse the entire file structure.

  • File.walk(FileWalkDirection.TOP_DOWN) 은 File.walkTopDown() 과 같고 DFS 형식으로 서치한다.
    • 이 경우 parent 디렉토리를 먼저 주고 그 안에 파일을 순회하는 방식이다.
  • File.walk(FileWalkDirection.BOTTOM_UP) 은 File.walkBottomUp() 과 같고 이것도 DFS 형식으로 서치한다.
    • 이 경우는 파일을 먼저 순회하고 마지막으로 해당 파일이 있는 parent 디렉토리를 순회하는 식으로 진행된다.

Working with hierarchies

Let's suppose we have an instance of named completedProjects, which corresponds to the CompletedProjects directory. Let's now get both of its subdirectories containing project data.

val completedProjects: File = File("/Files/CompletedProjects")

val projects = completedProjects.walk()
projects.maxDepth(1) // HelloWorld and JCalculator

The particular order of files in the array is not guaranteed. To find the HelloWorld project, we will iterate through the file tree:

val helloWorldProject: File = projects.first { == "HelloWorld" }

Another way to get the directory HelloWorld is to use the File.listFiles() method:

val helloWorldProject: File = completedProjects.listFiles().first { == "HelloWorld" }

We assume that it is not null just to simplify our code for education purposes. Still, it is better to check because the actual hierarchy may be changed.

Now let's try to go to the directory Soundtracks from the Reviews.txt file.

To do this, we will use a special method parentFile(), which returns the parent of the current directory as File.

val reviews = File("/Files/CompletedProjects/HelloWorld/Reviews.txt")
var parent = reviews.parentFile
while ( != "Files")
parent = parent.parentFile

val soundTracks: File = parent.walkTopDown().first { == "SoundTracks" }
  • FileWalkTree 에서 maxDepth() 를 설정해서 얼만큼의 깊이까지만 순회할 것인지 결정하는게 가능하다.
  • FileWalkTree.walk() 를 하면 순회하는 파일 리스트가 나오는데 같은 디렉토리에서 나오는 파일의 순서는 딱히 알 수 없다. 그러므로 찾고자 하는 파일이 있다면 stream() 에서 first() operation 을 이용하자.

File copying

If you need to copy a file, you may use function copyTo():

val fileIn = File("newFile.txt")
val fileOut = File("copyNewFile")

Note, that if you need to overwrite the file, you need to add a parameter overwrite:

val fileIn = File("newFile.txt")
val fileOut = File("copyNewFile")
fileIn.copyTo(fileOut, overwrite = true)

If you need to copy recursively the whole directory, you may use function copyRecursively():

val fileIn = File("outDir")
val fileOut = File("newDir")

Note that if you need to overwrite folders and files, you also need to add a parameter overwrite:

val fileIn = File("outDir")
val fileOut = File("newDir")
fileIn.copyRecursively(fileOut, overwrite = true)
  • File 을 복사하려면 copyTo() 메소드를 쓰면 된다. 그리고 overwrite 옵션을 줄 수 있다.
  • 파일 디렉토리의 모든 내용을 복사하려면 fileIn.copyRecursively() 메소드를 호출하면 된다. 이것도 overwrite 옵션을 줄 수 있다.