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35 lines (24 loc) · 1.15 KB

File metadata and controls

35 lines (24 loc) · 1.15 KB


(Need update)

  • Make jackknife regions based on the weights of the random points.

    • First sort and cut into pieces in the RA direction.
    • Then for each RA piece, sort and cut into sub-pieces in the DEC direction.
  • Mark the jackknife regions.

    • Bounds in RA and DEC for each region: [RA_min, RA_max, DEC_min, DEC_max].
    • Healpix map may also be used to mark the angular jackknife regions.
  • For now, input random and data file should have four columns: RA, DEC, redshift, weight.

  • Output file have one more columns with jackknife regions label, starting from 0. (New: You can specify with jk0 option.)


  • python --help to see all options.
  • Example

frand=rand_DR14_QSO_S_radec_z.dat # random file
fdata=data_DR14_QSO_S_radec_z.dat # data file

n_jk=20 # number of jackknife regions
n_ra=5 # number of slices in the RA direction

f_bounds=out_jk_bounds.dat # bounds for jk regions

fo_rand=rand_DR14_QSO_S_rdzwj.dat # output random file
fo_data=data_DR14_QSO_S_rdzwj.dat # output data file

python -rand $frand -data $fdata -forand $fo_rand -fodata $fo_data -njr $n_jk -nra $n_ra -fbounds $f_bounds