To view the model in Gazebo:
roslaunch navros_pkg urdf_gazebo_view.launch
. Before this launch any of this or your custom environment:-
To launch a custom cafe environment :
roslaunch navros_pkg cafe_custom.launch
To launch empty world :
roslaunch gazebo_ros empty_world.launch
To control the car with keyboard :
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py
To view the model in RVIZ (using joint_state_publisher gui):
roslaunch navros_pkg urdf_rviz_view.launch
To view kinect sensor readings in RVIZ :
cd catkin_ws/src/navros_pkg/rviz
rviz -d kinect.rviz
To get laser scan readings :
roslaunch navros_pkg pctl.launch
To view laser scan readings in RVIZ :
cd catkin_ws/src/navros_pkg/rviz
rviz -d laser.rviz
To read the map (slam_gmapping):
roslaunch navros_pkg gmapping.launch
To view the map being built in RVIZ ( Move the car around an environment to scan it) :
cd catkin_ws/src/navros_pkg/rviz
rviz -d map.rviz
- To save the map built :
cd catkin_ws/src/navros_pkg/maps
rosrun map_server map_saver -f name_of_map
Shutdown the slam_gmapping node. (Number 7)(Press ctrl+c)
To localise the robot (acml):
roslaunch navros_pkg amcl.launch map:='name_of_map'
To perform path planning :
roslaunch navros_pkg move_base.launch
To view position and orientation of robot in RVIZ :
cd catkin_ws/src/navros_pkg/rviz
rviz -d navigate
- Set initial pose (2D pose estimate).
- Move the car via teleop keyboard to get more precise localization of the robot.
- Set goal for the robot in RVIZ (2D Nav goal)
- Green line indicates the path planned.